Rules For Good Member

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Non-TEAM players in TEAM lobbies

It is vital for the safety of our lobbies that non-TEAM players are removed as quickly as
possible. Not only could these players grief TEAM players, but they can and often do
start jobs, races, missions, heists and other such activities - or simply invite other
players to the lobby - which all compromise the state of TEAM lobbies.

TEAM lobbies are public lobbies, and as such require attention from ​all players​ to keep
them safe. The easiest way to check the state of the lobby is to press ​down ​on your
D-pad while playing. This takes next to no time at all, and doesn’t even distract from
your activities. We encourage players to do this even if they are just conducting solo
activities in a TEAM lobby. ​Your vote to kick could make the difference between a
non-TEAM player leaving the lobby or not.

You should follow standard procedure as set out in the #rules-and-etiquette.​ The
bounty element of this is important both for helping identify the player on the map but
also to notify anyone who happens not to have discord open that exact second. Please
look out for bounties being placed, or players being killed. Any such notifications should
be an instant reminder to check the state of the lobby and apply a boot.

Please ensure the player you are voting to kick is not a TEAM player.​ Take a few
seconds to ensure you are kicking the correct player and when in doubt, check
#who-should-i-kick and #session-chat - and don’t forget to notify the lobby in the
relevant #session-chat with the !boot command.

On top of that, try to stop any players that are attacking TEAM members that are trying
to sell product first and foremost. Defending our members and their sales is encouraged
even if you are not in their MC/CEO organisation.

We should all ensure that all 10 CEO/MC slots are claimed (10 total) as soon as
possible.​ This will prevent non-TEAM players from being able to register and start VIP
missions (which ensures they cannot be kicked during their duration). Likewise, ​do not
start such activities in TEAM lobbies while non-TEAM players are present​. Always make
sure there are no non-TEAM players in the lobby before starting such work. These
activities include:
● VIP Work​ (Headhunter, Sightseer, Hostile Takeover).
● Client Jobs​ (Launched from the Terrorbyte).
● Nightclub Popularity Missions​.

Your most powerful weapon is your phone. If you feel that a non-TEAM player has
stayed in a TEAM lobby for too long, your best course of action is to send an SMS to
each TEAM player in the lobby and remind them to vote, as well as who they should be
voting for. ​Your phone will automatically save the message that you just sent to the
previous player, so you do not have to type it out each time.

A lot of the time, non-TEAM players are friends of TEAM players. If you are alerted to
this fact, please ask them to leave. You may have more sway than someone they do not
know asking them.

Try to avoid flying or driving near any non-TEAM players while you are trying to sell or
help others to sell. non-TEAM players will frequently attempt to kill you and destroy your
product if presented with an easy opportunity to do so. Be sure to check the map often
while selling to avoid this from happening.

If a non-TEAM player is already being pacified by TEAM members in capable vehicles

(such as an Avenger, Tank, Jet etc) then please do not interfere unless it is absolutely
necessary. You may end up getting killed - or worse - unwittingly aid the non-TEAM
player if your presence leads to hesitation or being unable to fire without killing both of
you. If you are around non-TEAM players in passive mode, be prepared to act
immediately upon leaving passive mode.

You ​must​ be vigilant of the lobby and discord activity while playing in TEAM

Bannable Offences

Anything listed as a bannable offence is very likely to leave you kicked from TEAM ​at
the very least​, and in most cases banned forever. If we do not feel your response to
killing a TEAM member - even accidentally - was adequate, we will remove you from
TEAM. If you grief TEAM members, you will be kicked and banned.
We also want the reputation of our TEAM members to mean something. If you happen
to load into a lobby similar to our own but with a different crew, do not start attacking
and griefing them. Think of how you would want a non-TEAM player to act in our own
lobbies and do the same. If we receive any evidence about griefing other crews, you will
be kicked from ours.

We will use our own discretion when acting on any incidents, of any severity.

Kickable Offences

Just because these aren’t necessarily instantly bannable rules, we still strongly advise
you abide by kickable offences - and consistent failure to do so will result in being
permanently kicked from TEAM.

Inviting players to a session has been known to open up lobbies to Rockstar

Matchmaking in the past, which is why we only join people via the PS menu. This can
be done by navigating to the specific friend you are joining from, seeing the “currently
playing” section, clicking on GTA V and clicking the “Join” button available from there.
This also bypasses the sometimes gitchy in-game method.

Launching any kind of job, heist, race or mission that requires leaving the lobby into a
private matchmaking lobby are strictly prohibited from TEAM lobbies. You must leave a
TEAM lobby first in order to launch such activities. This is because once complete, all
players that were on the job can end up feeding back into a lobby they were in when
launching the job - including a previously safe TEAM lobby. It also opens up the lobby to
Rockstar Matchmaking.

Using proximity mines can and often does result in TEAM killing. We treat this as
such - even if accidental.​ You should be aware that the Dune FAV vehicle used in
some Bunker sell missions ​does not have a horn to honk with L3 and instead lays a
proximity mine​ that can be triggered by anyone else.

If you accidentally drop a proximity mine with any vehicle or yourself, you should stop
immediately and shoot them. Failing that, you can throw and detonate 5 sticky bombs
(in safe locations) to despawn the mines.
Crew Etiquette

Ensuring your targeting setting is set to Stranger is important for ensuring there is as
little auto-targeting as possible on other TEAM players with missiles or auto-aiming
other weapons. Players cannot differentiate between a hostile radar lock warning tone
and a friendly one, so it is best to refrain from doing so altogether to avoid any
confusion or accidental TEAM killing.

Because TEAM is comprised of multiple crews with the same TEAM tag, not all TEAM
members will appear as crew members on your map. Sending friend requests to all
TEAM members in a session make it significantly easier to distinguish between TEAM
and non-TEAM players on the map as well as ensures you cannot lock on to friendly

Completing CEO/MC Work

There are a few things you can do whether you’re the MC president or a helper in order
to make MC activity run smoothly.

CEO/MC Presidents should:

● Be ready at their first business before sending invites to the organisation.
● Register as a CEO/MC president only while already in your business to minimise
the risk of raids. You should be a president for as little time as possible - which
applies to resupplying and general lobby activity too.
● Use the !sale command in #session-chat to alert others, and list what you have to
● Once members have joined, assign MC roles (for MC business sells), such as
VP and Road Captain. ​Road Captain can be important for their ability to
spawn a Buzzard via the interaction menu​ if there are lower-level players in
the organisation without access to their own, or an Oppressor MKII.
● You should now invite players to your business to start selling. Cargo
Warehouses cannot be invited to, but Terrorbytes parked nearby, can.

Only the President and the Vice-President of the organisation should remain in
the business once invites have been sent out​.​ As the president, you should ensure
all players of the organisation have loaded into your business, and then loaded outside
(where applicable) after leaving - and before triggering the sell. This is to help prevent a
common glitch with duffel bag sell missions. If this glitch happens - and the sale is
undeliverable, simply find a new session and then come back.

The ideal composition for an MC business is 5 members (4 + the president). This

ensures that no matter what type of sell mission, there are enough members for the
president to wait outside the next business both to help prevent raids and to make the
sells run more efficiently. ​If the president is delivering a duffel bag, one of the other
members should wait at the door of the next business where possible to help the raid
prevention​. Sales can be performed with 4 players but it is less efficient.

Once you no longer require a waypoint, set one to the next business so other members
are away and can make their way there if desired. If the sale doesn’t require you, you
should make your way there.

If the sale was performed with 4 players and the president had to deliver a bike, you
should hold off on delivering until the president has done so and made their way to the
next business - again - to help raid prevention.

When selling the final business, the president can also help if required, and the next
player selling next can move onto their first business to ensure efficiency in the selling
cycle if they are in the same MC.

Whether selling or helping - check Discord frequently and respond to mentions in there.
Events may occur that require your attention, such as help moving a stuck van or
assisting in defeating AI - or simply at what stage the selling is at.

If you wish to sell your Nightclub at the end of your selling, please ask other members if
they wish to participate. Nightclub sells can be delivered alone, but in some cases other
members are willing to assist or may just come along for the free money.

Always sell Bunkers as an MC president and not CEO president. Not only are CEO
businesses limited to 4 members, but selling as an MC gives more money to the helpers
at no cost to yourself.
The default setting for Friendly Fire for any organisation is ON. This means that
organisation members could kill one another by mistake, potentially ruining an otherwise
easy sale. Please check the management section of your organisation in the interaction
menu to confirm that Friendly Fire is set to OFF to avoid any accidents before beginning
MC/CEO sales.

Other information:
● Work as hard for everyone else as you would want them to work for you. If you
accidentally destroy any product, send an apology to the CEO or MC president
immediately on Discord and explain how.
● Pay attention to the number of people in the business.
● Let the president know if you need to leave and can’t help with the next sale.
● Help others driving a Post Op van or garbage truck where possible with a heavy
vehicle capable of assisting such as the MOC Cab, Duke O’Death, Nightshark,
Armoured Karuma or Insurgent Custom. Please avoid helping with a Vigilante
where possible as this can become chaotic and render the delivery
● Check the map before going to deliveries for the best route which is not
necessarily the route the GPS gives you.
● Do not take a delivery vehicle off-road unless it is required to complete the
sale or you are extremely confident of the route.​ A carefully sold product is
better than a rushed and destroyed one.

If you get a delivery vehicle stuck, alert the president and the rest of the MC
immediately on Discord - someone may be able to help you. As a last resort you
or another player can try to use the Up-an-atomizer (YEET gun) to help recover a
trapped vehicle. Just be wary that this can cause damage.

Going AFK In-Game

If you would like to go AFK ​please do not do so in a TEAM lobby​. Even if you are
confident that initially you will only be gone for 5 minutes, this often leads to longer.

To build stock passively there are three options. ​We recommend option 1​, which also
allows you to use the $15k resupply glitch - details of which can be found in the pinned
messages of #session-chat.
1. Start a contact mission from a non-TEAM lobby such as ​A Titan of a Job​ or
Blow Up​. After starting it, drive to your apartment (if you’re not already there)
and watch through the security cameras located on your TV. This method has
the added benefit of avoiding property fees, pauses any raid timers that are
accruing as well as ensuring you are not at the mercy of the lobby host but your
own connection.

2. Launch an Invite-only session from the story mode (or Creator screen) and go
AFK via security cameras at any of your businesses or - again - in your
apartment. This method will accrue property fees and can leave the raid timer
running - but does leave you at the mercy of your own connection.

3. Go AFK in random, non-TEAM lobbies. This is not advised due to property fees,
raid timers and being at the mercy of the rest of the lobby. There are many
occurrences of a player going AFK in a random lobby, lagging into their own solo
public lobby, people joining on them and it becoming a TEAM lobby without them
even realising.

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