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A machine gun is mounted on the top of a tower 100 m high.

At what angle should the guun be

inclined to cover a maximum range of firing on the ground below?The muzzle speed of the
bullet is 150 m s−1 , take g=10 ms−2.

answer: θ=43.7∘

Given , muzzle speed of the bullet¿ u=150 ms−1

Here x=100 cot θ

u❑2 ×sin(2 θ)
And R=

Hence, the total horizontal range of firing on the ground is

u ❑2 ×sin(2θ)
y=R+ x= + 100cot θ
For maximum horizontal range of the bullet , =0

2u 2 (cos 2 θ)
⇒ +100 ×(−cosec 2 θ)=0
2u 2 (1−2 si n2 θ) 100
⇒ − 2 =0 ....(1)
g sin θ
Substituting the values of u and g in (1) and rearranging terms,
⇒ 90 sin 4 θ−45 sin2 θ+1=0
or ⇒ sin 2 θ=45 ± ❑√ ¿ ¿ ¿

⇒ sin ❑2 θ1=¿❑ 45+ ❑√ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

⇒ sin❑2 θ2=¿❑ 45−❑√ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

Considering only θ1,
⇒ sin θ1 =0.6904
⇒ θ1 =sin−1 (0.6904)=43.7 ∘

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