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ROLL NO. :- 2019MBA042
JLU ID :- JLU04705

Chapter No. Title Page No.

Declaration from student 4
Acknowledgement 5
I Introduction 6-7
1.1 Company profile (optional)

1.2 Statement of the problem 8

1.3 Need of the study 9
1.4 Objectives of the study 11
II Research Methodology 12-16
2.1 Research design 12-13
2.2 Primary data 14
2.3 Secondary data 15
2.4 Data collection 16

III Strategy development 17-20

3.1 Chosen strategy 17-18
3.2 Plan of Action 18-20
IV Implementation 21-22
4.1 Task allocation within team 21
4.2 Budget 22
4.3 Outcome 22
V Teamwork Evaluation 23-28
Justification for team job
5.1 allocation 25
5.2 Conflicts and resolutions 26
5.3 Internal negotiations done 26
5.4 Motivational strategies 27
Feedback on team work
5.5 (individual sheets) 27
VI Current situation of covid-19 28
VII Pictures of work done 29-30
VIII Letter of requset 31-33


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my

Skil for manager teacher "Dr.Deepa Ayachit" for their able
guidance and support in completing my Project. I would also
like to extend my gratitude to the dean Mr.Nilesh khare sir for
providing me with all the facility that was required.



Swacchta that is cleanliness is the abstract state of being clean and the habit of achieving
and maintaining that state. Cleanliness may imply a moral quality, as indicated by the
aphorism "cleanliness is next to godliness", and may be regarded as contributing to other
ideals such as health and beauty. As observed by Jacob Burckhardt,"cleanliness is
indispensable to our modern notion of social perfection.” In Hinduism, cleanliness is an
important virtue and the Bhagavad Gita describes it as one of the divine qualities which
everyone must practice. The Sanskrit word for cleanliness is 'Śaucam' and interestingly, the
Bhagavad Gita repeats this word in many slokas.

On a practical level, cleanliness is related to hygiene and diseases prevention. When we talk
about hygiene and diseases then it is necessary to add drinking water and sanitation with it.
Without proper sanitation we can‟t keep our surroundings clean and prevent ourselves from
diseases. Around 1989, David Strachan put forth the "hygiene hypothesis" in the British
Medical Journal that environmenta l microbes play a useful role in developing the immune
system; the fewer germs people are exposed to in early childhood, the more likely they
are to experience health problems in childhood and as adults. The valuation of
cleanliness, therefore, has a social and cultural dimension beyond the requirements of
hygiene for practical purposes.

Mahatma Gandhi said “Sanitation is more important than independence”. He made

cleanliness and sanitation an integral part of Gandhian way of living. His dream was total
sanitation for all. He use to emphasize that cleanliness is most important for physical
wellbeing and a healthy environment.

Sanitation and drinking water in India has always been the central issue. However, it
continues to be inadequate despite of the longstanding efforts by the various levels of the
government and communities to improve the coverage. The rural sanitation programme in
India was introduced in 1954 as a part of First Five Year Plan of Government of India. The
1981 census revealed that rural sanitation coverage was only 1%. The government has
begun giving emphasis on rural sanitat ion after declaration of International Decade for
Drinking water and Sanitation during 1981-90. In 2015,

40% population has access to improved sanitation, 63% in urban and 29% in rural area. In
2008, 88% of population in India had access to an improved water source but only 31% had
access to improved sanitation. In rural areas where 72% of India‟s population lives, the
respective share is 84% for water and 21% of sanitation.

In the light of the above, on 2nd October, 2014, Prime Minister of India launched a nationw
ide cleanliness campaign called Swachh Bharat Mission. It is India‟s largest ever cleanliness
drive. The objectives of Swachh Bharat are to reduce or eliminate open defecation through
construction of individual, cluster and community toilets. The concept of SBM is to provide
sanitation facility to every family, including toilet, solid and liquid waste disposal
system, village cleanliness and safe and adequate drinking water. Under the mission,
nearly 10 crore toilets will be constructed by 2019. Since the launch of SBM, nearly 2 crore
toilets (nearly 20% of the target) have been built. In order to accelerate the pace of work
and aspect of behavioral change, it was envisaged that the CBOs/NGOs have to be
associated in the implementation of the mission in the rural area. They are considered for
active involvement in IEC activities including demand generation, capacity build ing
assistance in construction and ensuring sustained use of facilities.

The SBM has made progress since it was launched in 2014. However, to be able to meet
the enormous challenge to making India ODF by 2019, the aspect of behavioral change
and inter personal communication have to be accelerated. As a result of continuous efforts
by the governme nt, CBOs/NGOs and communities, things are moving in the right
direction. During last one and half year many villages have been declared ODF village.

Statment of the problem

Swachh Bharat Mission has created a buzz in the urban areas about the need for sanitation.
But A systemic plan to clean India is not yet in place. It is not still much different from Nirmal
Bharat Abhiyan and the Total Sanitation Campaign of the past. At a broader level, It means
designing sewer systems with the appropriate slope; connecting each house to the sewer
drain; setting up a sewage treatment plant and so on. The reality is that there are towns that
have sewer drains but no treatment plant, and still others where the sewer drains and plant
both exist but the houses have not been connected to the drain. What was difficult was to
build systems to manage the toilets, keep them in working condition on a daily basis and
ensure that the waste, fæcal and other solid, was properly disposed off. Building systems,
however, does not come easy to governments in India. Cities like Gurgaon had no sewer
system till 30 years after it came into existence and which still does not have an adequate
city-wide sewer system, is ample testimony to this cultural disability.

The other problems can be manifold. Firstly , The budgetary spending for the clean India
campaign has been reduced from Rs 4,260 crore in 2014-15 to Rs 2,625 crore in the latest
budget, hoping to meet the funding gap through a Swachh Bharat cess and corporate social
responsibility contributions, and by coaxing states to chip in. This makes the fund flow

Secondly, there is no assessment of the magnitude of the challenge. The only data available
for Swachh Bharat is about the number of toilets built and the money spent. Of the six crore
toilets constructed in the past one year, 1.3 crore are defunct, according to media reports.
Other requirements like sewerage, waste treatment and disposal, and water supply have not
been made available along with toilets.

Thirdly , Concepts of sanitation/cleanliness are deeply rooted in a society‟s cultural values.

Some experts even opine that Indians only bother about ritual purity. However, public health
experts are unanimous that sanitation, or lack of it, is linked to infant mortality, malnutrition,
cognitive development and economic productivity. Three lakh children are lost to diarrhoea
every year. States have yet to realise the importance of sanitation. It is a challenge which
requires a comprehensive and integrated strategy involving state as well as civil soceity

Fourthly , Any formal, structured system requires the ability to plan for the future. This is not a
strength that Indians can boast of. A well-oiled machinery for the implementation of any plan
has to be ensured. It is this ability to design systems and build protocols that is missing in the
Swachh Bharat


We are told from our childhood that “Cleanliness is the best service to the Nation” but I am
sure that most of us have failed to apply it in our life. Cleanliness is what our country needs
badly now. I am very keen to describe why we need “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” and why we
should participate in this movement. Some reasons are given below.

• Open elimination has always been a major problem in India and it is being practiced for
many years continuously. People in rural areas are especially prone to open elimination and
no one can deny the fact that open elimination is a big reason for causing diseases and
sometimes fatal diseases like cholera, diarrhoea, typhoid etc. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan will
help India in becoming open defection free and rural area to be healthy and happy.

• The condition in urban areas in India is not much better than those in the rural areas in
context of cleanliness. Big cities and towns are the main sources of open dumping and
littering. Even, sometimes, the open dumping is done on the roadside or near a public place
like any Park, Shopping Mall, Schools and Collages and others and people passing through
these ways are infected to dangerous viruses and get sick.

• Cleanliness is very important from the point of view to increase to Tourism in India. We all
know that growth in tourism will bring the growth in economy but tourism will be promoted
only if there will be sufficient cleanliness in the nation. No tourist will be plan to visit a country
with littering everywhere and dirty smells all the time. Suppose by chance any visitor visits
India then he will spread the image of a dirty and unhygienic India in the world.

• Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is also necessary to memorise people their duty to keep their
surroundings clean. As a part of society, we remember our rights but don‟t care about duties.
We feel that cleanliness is the duty of some specific Government departments and thus we
wildly spread littering and dumping anywhere assuming it is our birth right.

• Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is also aimed at removing dirty water from our surroundings
because it gives rise to dirty smells and mosquitoes which cause the weakening your health.

• The poor hygiene and sanitation also affect the economic condition of India and makes it
slowly worse every year.

• As per another report/survey, children‟s death rate in India is very high and it invites the
death of minimum 1000 children everyday only because of poor hygiene, lack of cleanliness
and the mass practices of open excretion.

• The extreme need of “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” in India can also be understood by the fact
that the river “Ganga”, which is considered to be the holiest river in India and bathing in which
was considered to make you get rid of many diseases, has now became dirty and now its
water is being the reason for many diseases.

There are a number of many other reasons why we need “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” and
other such movements and campaigns in our country but before going through these points
to understand the need of cleanliness, ask yourselves why we don‟t need cleanliness, do we
have proper cleanliness and hygiene, Is our society clean, do we clean our surroundings
after cleaning our houses. All these questions will help you to identify whether we need a
cleanliness campaign or not.


The main objective behind launching the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is to make India completely
open defecation free by the end of the year 2019. The reduction in the ratio of population
exercising open defecation will help in providing the better environment and health to the

• The land being used for open excretion for many years will now be available for other
productive works like farming, gardening, Industries or other commercial and productive

• Although the people in urban areas are much educated yet they lack the alertness for
cleanliness and proper sanitation. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a good initiative of Government
of India to remind them their duties and keep their localities clean by not littering everywhere
and using dustbins.

• Absence of good hygiene is also caused by the lack of proper knowledge. Poor people
living in camps in urban areas do not possess education and that is why they do not
understand the value of sanitation. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has also focused on making
people aware of the bad effects of poor hygiene and telling them to maintain proper
cleanliness around them for their own safety.

• Cleanliness is not for our personal growth only but it is also for the growth of the nation as
well. Cleaning the national birth rights and public places in India and making them choking
free will grow the tourism in India that will ultimately increase the GDP of the nation and will
help to run the economy smoothly.

“Pick up the broom without being mean; our basic need is proper cleanliness and hygiene”.

Research Methodology
Mahatma Gandhi was a great champion of cleanliness. He was very much concerned about
the dirty roads, streets, temples and specially, harijan bastis of the country.

Recently, a new Government came into power and one of its main concern are to make India
clean. And for the same objective, the Government has launched a scheme in the name of
"Swatch Bharat Abhiyan”.The Clean India Mission was launched by Prime Minister Narendra
Modi on 2nd of October ,2014 with a aim to make India clean .The aim of this mission is to
provide sanitation facilities to every family , including toilets ,solid and liquid waste disposal
systems ,village cleanliness ,and safe and sufficient drinking water..

The Swatch Bharat Mission is a huge movement that if taken forward can bring about a
massive change in the country‟s outlook as well the citizen‟s attitude. Reduction in waste,
minimised littering and pollution will pave way for a healthier and productive state and mind.

This Mission does not expect you to stand with brooms on the road and clean it every day ,
it‟s just that you as an individual have to take care of your surroundings and ensure that no
waste is lying here and there and if is lying then take it and put it in the dustbin .

" DREAMS DON'T WORK UNResearch methodology

a) TOOLS: Qualitative as well as quantitative method of data collection was used. Analysis
was done using

structured Questionnaire method to conclude the paper.

b) Sample Size: 81 respondents

c) Sampling Method: Random Sampling LESS YOU DO "

Research Methodology

Research design use in this study is Exploratory and confirmatory. For exploratory
researcher select the two area of capital city

of Bhopal which is Kolar and Bairagarh. Both are the situated opposite sides of the Bhopal.
Both areas are the major area of

Bhopal. In the exploratory study pictures of wall painting from Kolar and Bairagarh were
collected these paintings were

analyzed the three variables of wall painting is that one of textual analysis, second is visual
analysis and third is semantic

analysis. These were three main point of analysis.

After done the exploratory study researcher did the confirmatory study for confirmation of
exploratory method. For this study

researcher collected the data through the questionnaire and analysis the data.

Sample Stratification

Sample for the exploratory study we select the two area of capital city which is Kolar and
Bairagarh. From this area researcher

collect 80 pictures from both areas. Through the lottery method researcher find 5-5 pictures
from both areas and do the analysis

of the pictures. For confirmatory study researcher prepared a questionnaire and through the
convenient sampling researcher fill

up the 15-15 questionnaire from the residential of Kolar and Bairagarh

Tools of Study

For exploratory study wall paintings picture use as tool of study and analysis the three points
of the pictures and Textual analysis,

visual analysis and semiotics analysis of the picture, for confirmatory researcher used survey
method, researcher collects the data

through the questionnaire.

Statistical Analysis

The method of analysis for pictures are we study three things in the pictures first is semiotics
second is visuals and third is

semantics. After the study of all three things we gave the critical remark for the pictures.
Through the study of these three things

we analysis the picture said and what message are written in the picture and what is the
colour composition used in the picture

which is effective forthe society or not. For confirmatory method we use questionnaire after
collect the data researcher prepare

the code book and fill the data in Statistical package of social science and prepare the
frequency table and graphs through the SPSS.

Respondents perception on the clean drive

Impact of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan on respondent

Initiatives for clean publicplace


Factor Contributes cleanliness drive

Effect of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan to Change the Indian Perception in the eyes of the western

Impact of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan on Respondents


Data collection
As many as 49.62 million more households in India have toilets–rising from 38.7% in 2014 to
69.04% in 2017–and 250,000 of India‟s 649,481 villages have been declared free of open
defecation, but the claims of 150,000 (63%) of these villages have not been verified and
there is no way of knowing if the rest are using the new toilets.

These are the conclusions of an IndiaSpend analysis–of government data–of the Swachh
Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission), which was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra
Modi on October 2, 2014, with the aim to make India free of open defecation by October 2,

The World Bank has termed the scheme‟s implementation as „moderately unsatisfactory‟.
However, a August 2017 survey conducted by an autonomous government body–Swacch
Sarvekshan 2017–found that nine in 10 (91.29%) rural households having access to a toilet
are using it.

More than nine in 10 (91.29%) rural households with access to a toilet use it, said the QCI
survey. The results are similar for urban areas. Of 73 cities that participated in Swachh
Survekshan 2016, 54 cities have improved their score in overall municipal solid waste
management in 2017.

The focus of the Strategy is to move towards a „Swachh Bharat‟ by providing flexibility to
State governments, as sanitation is a State subject, to decide on their implementation policy,
use of funds and mechanisms, taking into account State specific requirements. The
Government of India‟s role is essentially to complement the efforts of the State governments
through the focused programme being given the status of a Mission, recognizing its dire need
for the country.

The key elements of the Strategy include

Augmenting the institutional capacity of districts for undertaking intensive behaviour change
activities at the grassroots level

Strengthening the capacities of implementing agencies to roll out the programme in a time-
bound manner and to measure collective outcomes

Incentivizing the performance of State-level institutions to implement behavioural change

activities in communities.

The Strtegy is to move towards a „Swachh Bharat‟ by making it a massive mass movement
that seeks to engage everyone in the task of cleaning homes, work places, villages, cities
and surroundings, in a collective quest.. The focus is to provide flexibility to State
governments, as sanitation is a State subject, to decide on their implementation policy, use of
funds and mechanisms, taking into account State specific requirements. This is to enable
States to develop an Implementation Framework that can utilise the provisions under the
Mission effectively and maximize the impact of the interventions. The Government of India‟s
role would be to complement the efforts of the State governments through the focused
programme being given the status of a Mission, recognizing its dire need for the country. The
key elements of the Strategyinclude:

Augmenting the institutional capacity of districts for undertaking intensive behaviour change
activities at the grassroots level
Strengthening the capacities of implementing agencies to roll out the programme in a time-
bound manner and to measure collectiveoutcomes
Incentivizing the performance of State- level institutions to implement behavioural change
activities incommunities.

It is suggested that Implementation Framework of each State be prepared with a road

map of activities covering the three important phases necessary for the Programme:

(i) PlanningPhase
(ii) ImplementationPhase
(iii) SustainabilityPhase

Each of these phases will have activities that need to be specifically catered for,
with concrete Plans of Action, which shall need specific preparation and


State Level Planning: A project proposal shall be prepared by the District,

incorporating Gram Panchayat-wise details and scrutinized, and consolidated by
the State Government into a StatePlan.

implementation, financial support and monitoring activities planned in each district,

consolidated for all Gram Panchayats. The State Plan will be shared with the Government
of India (Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin - Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation). This
Plan will include a five-year Project Implementation Plan (PIP) along with five
independent Annual Implementation Plans (AIP). The State Project Implementation Plans
currently prepared by States on a perspective basis shall be revised based on the
baseline data and the revised norms of the SBM(G). The AIP plans shall be approved by
the Ministry each year. An Annual Communication Plan should also be included in the
AIP of all States. On the basis of formative research and consultation rounds, the State
shall develop a tailor-made Communication Strategy, a Communication Plan, and
material, and will train community mobilisers to use these tools. The States will be
allowed to make inter-district changes in allocation of resources to the individual districts
within the overall funding of the State as per the approved Annual Implementation

The Baseline Survey data from 2013, collected and entered by States on the IMIS of
MDWS by 31.1.2015, will be considered as the base for all States whose survey is
complete. For other States, the data entered on completion of the Survey will be taken as
the base data.

District Level Planning: For purposes of effective planning and implementation of

SBM(G), it is proposed that „district„ be considered the base unit of intervention, with the
goal of creating ODF GPs. The District Collectors/Magistrates/CEOs of Zilla Panchayats
are expected to lead the Mission, so as to facilitate district-wide planning of the Mission
and optimum utilization of resources.EachSwachhta Plan (DSP)‟ 1 for the rest of the
Mission period against which monitoring will be done.

The DSP exercise should include establishing the baseline status, scope of work for
making the district ODF, timelines, arrangement for implementation of behavior change
initiatives and construction of toilets. Capacities needed to undertake the task should be
ascertained and reflected. Plan and arrangements for important tasks like demand

generation, choice of technology, construction supervision, geo- tagging of toilets,

conversion of insanitary to sanitary toilets, making defunct toilets functional, verification of
ODF declared villages etc. are to be indicated in the District Swachhta Plan. The plan is
to be prepared in a consultative manner such that ownership is ensured from

Due to Covid-19, we were not able to implement the project physcialally.

Task allocation within team

The team consist of 4 members in that each members is allocated with various task.
members are allocated with there abilitites in certain skills.

Team has been divided with subgroups of two person in a each on the same each
members also have to person there sole duty

Task orientation:

I. Parv and Yash: Onsite physical verification of the work need to be done by certain
officials,daily analysing ceratin requirement needed such as

Understating types of waste more need to be procuored:Solid or liquid.

II. Gopal and Mayank: Gathering information about ceratin ngo‟s and company
performing social dutied in context of swach bharat.

Sending various letters and mails to the municipal co-opration and

Reseaching about the project going in the district area and taking the concern to
particular areas.

We purchased 500 masks of RS. 4/- each and distuributed masks all over the city and
aware the citizen about corona virus (covid-19),we purchased 500 hand gloves of RS. 5
for cleaning worker.

Our total budget of Rs. 4500.

Due to the coronaviruse {Covid-19}, we couldn,t get certain outcomes what we want.

Teamwork Evaluation

1 - never 2 - rarely 3 - sometimes 4 - usually 5 - always

Evaluation by yash sharma

Team member name -------------> parv gopal Mayank

Has the student attended your group meeting? 5 5 5

Has the student notified a teammate if he/she would not 5 4 5

be able to attend a meeting or fulfill a responsibility?

Has the student made a serious effort at assigned work 5 5 4

before the group meetings?
Does the student attempt to make contributions in group 5 5 5
meetings when he/she can?

Does the student cooperate with the group effort? 4 5 5

Evaluation by Parv Jain

Team member name -------------> yash gopal Mayank

Has the student attended your group meeting? 4 5 5

Has the student notified a teammate if he/she would not 5 5 5

be able to attend a meeting or fulfill a responsibility?

Has the student made a serious effort at assigned work 5 5 4

before the group meetings?
Does the student attempt to make contributions in group 5 5 5
meetings when he/she can?

Does the student cooperate with the group effort? 5 4 5


Evaluation by Mayank Jain

PARTICULAR Parv Gopal Yash

Has the member attended your group meeting? 5 5 5

Has the member notified a teammate if he/she would 5 5 5

not be able to attend a meeting or fulfill a

Has the member made a serious effort at assigned 4 4 4

work before the group meetings?
Does the member attempt to make contributions in group 5 5 5
meetings when he/she can?

Does the member cooperate with the group effort? 5 5 5

Evaluation by:- Gopal Chourasiya

PARTICULAR mayank Gopal Yash

Has the member attended your group meeting? 5 5 5

Has the member notified a teammate if he/she 5 4 5

would not be able to attend a meeting or fulfill a

Has the member made a serious effort at assigned 5 5 5

work before the group meetings?
Does the member attempt to make contributions in 5 5 4
group meetings when he/she can?

Does the member cooperate with the group effort? 4 5 5

Justification for team job allocation


Project Management is ensuring that project work unfolds smoothly and that desired results
are achieved on time. Having clearly defined idea of what the finished result of a project
should look like one can help everyone involved in the project to know what they are striving
for. Quantifying and characterizing the tasks helps set realistic deadlines, thus determining
the entire project schedule and timeline. There is a need to provide special attention to the
dependencies among milestones and/or tasks, and which ones can be done in parallel by
different Team member, and which ones need to wait for other milestones/tasks to be
completed. It is advisable to keep the team leaders updated about the work plan, final
timeline, tasks, milestones status update, details of team members, and additional resources
needed if any.

Parv and yash: LOCATION IDEA: Better idea of location and area chosen for the
project work provides better result of outcome when verified regularly so these task is
allocated to the the members who can visit and verify it regularly.

Gopal and Mayank: Technical skills and easy data interpretation are the key skills
required in the project for easy communication and collecting the data so as to ensure those
task these tasks are alloted to those members.

Conflicts and resolutions


 Lack of Coordination.

 Accessibility to resources.

 Roles and responsibilities.

 Time management among team members.

 Lack of co-operation in complex activities like cleaning and maintenance works.

 Using personal ideas in order to achieve common interest.

Internal negotations done

We purchase the mask and hand glove they offer the mask of Rs. 5. but negotiate with them
then we offer the price of Rs.3.5 then lock the deal for Rs. 4.and we purchase glove for Rs. 5.

Motivational strategies

1. Whenever we are in public places like bus stop, bus, footpath of the road etc. , we buy
something to eat. After eating, we are trying to find a dustbin. If there is no dustbin, we keep
that in our bag. As a preparatory activity, we need to have a plastic cover in our bag as a
dustbin. Whenever we find a dustbin, we threw into it. Friends, family and others are
accompanying we will surely notice this and it will make an impact.

2. Whenever we are going for a walk or jogging in the park or ground,we make a habit to pick
at least 2–3 wrappers or bottles thrown on the area and put it in the dustbin. Peoples who
come for jogging noticing this and we got an impact which might prompt them to follow.

3. We Clean our sorroundings. The word spreads that you are very particular about
cleanliness and our subordinates will remember cleanliness whenever they see us and try to

As per us, everyone should set a live example publicly to encourage this programme.
Beacuse most of the people (even who are willing to support it) are not able to help beacuse
of their „Hesitation‟ and their „Social status‟ in the society.

If the Prime Minister of our country can do it publicly without any hesitation then why can't

Feedback on team work

Yes, we doing very good team management, we work like organization we use sclar chain.

 Gopal always quick to notice and ease tensions that might be simmering within the

 Yash displays good leadership skills and has great abilities to influence others

 Mayank is very good in research skills

 Parv and yash: LOCATION IDEA: Better idea of location and area chosen for the project
work provides better result of outcome when verified regularly so these task is allocated
to the the members who can visit and verify it regularly.

 Gopal and Mayank: Technical skills and easy data interpretation are the key skills
required in the project for easy communication and collecting the data so as to ensure
those task these tasks are alloted to those members.

Current situation of corona virus {Covid-19}

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered


-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory

illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with
underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory
disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.

be well informed about the

COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from
infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching
your face.

-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the
nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it‟s important that you also practice
respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow).

or treatments for COVID-19. However, there

are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments. WHO will continue to provide
updated information as soon as clinical findings become available.

Pictures of work done




Letter :-1

Municipal Commissional
Bhopal Municipal Corporation

Date : 27/02/2020

Subject: Request regarding cleaning of Shahpura Area and Lake.

Respected Sir,

Bhopal has been gifted with immense natural beauty. It is nicknamed as „City
of Lakes‟ which not only cater water supply of the city but also support a large number of
flora and fauna. It is the collective duty of all residents of Bhopal and the Bhopal Municipal
Corporation to keep these lakes and surrounding area clean.

But on the other hand, Shahpura Lake and Manisha Market area has been witnessing a
sharp increase of garbage, and plastic material in and around lake which is harmful for the
fine balance of its ecosystem.

From a rank of 106 (in 2015) to consecutive second place ranking in Swachh Bharat in the
last couple of years, the capital city was ranked 19th in the Swachh Survekshan 2019,
Bhopal has crosses multiple milestones in last 5 years in terms of cleanliness but the fact
that our rank slipped from 2nd to 19th in 2019 equally warns us that there are loopholes
which need to be addressed soon.

Sir, as we celebrate 150 years of Mahatma Gandhi‟s birth, I urge you to launch a cleanliness
drive in Bhopal and especially in Shahpura Area so that our city may again upgrade its

I would like to suggest some ideas which may help to make our Bhopal again a cleaner place

• Corporation can train students in the form of internship in collaboration with Indore
Municipal Corporation, which is 1st in Swachh Survekshan for three years.
• Strict adherence to Solid waste management rules, 2016.
• Strict adherence Wetland (conservation and Management Rules, 2017)
• Imposition of fines on whoever violates the instruction.
• Make volunteers from different sections of society to aware other people towards

I as a resident of Bhopal commit myself to support initiative undertaken by corporation in the

interest of the city.

Yours sincerely
Parv Jain
Yash sharma
Gopal Chourasiya
Mayank Jain

Letter :-2
Public Information Officer
Bhopal Municipal

Subject : Application under section 6 of Right to Information Act, 2005.

Date : 09/03/2020


I undersigned request you to provide following under section 6 of Right to

Information Act, 2005.

1. All the steps taken by the Bhopal Municipal Corporation till date regarding disposal of
request dated of the undersigned which was sent to Municipal Commissional, Bhopal
Municipal Corporation, Bhopal bearing subject „Request regarding cleaning of Shahpura
Area and Lake.’

Further without forgoing the generality of information requested in point 1 above, also provide
following :-

2. Are there any proposal pending before Bhopal Municipal Corporation regarding
cleanliness of city.
3. Funds allocated by Bhopal Municipal Corporation for the cleanliness of city.
4. Steps taken by Bhopal Municipal Corporation till to implement Solid waste management
rules, 2016 and Wetland (conservation and Management) Rules, 2017
5. Reasons, (including opinion and details of legal experts/other persons contacted in this
regard) if the disposal of any of the above requested information is denied.
Please provide the requested information in the same manner as requested.

Fee of Rs. 10 in the form of Indian Postal Order is attached along with application as required
under Rule 4 of Right to Information Rules, 2012, Further I am ready to pay any other fees
for Photocopy or post as will be demanded, please inform the me about additional fees via
your official E-Mail.

I prefer to get the above requested information by Speed Post as well as viaE-mail.

Yours sincerely
Parv Jain
Yash sharma
Gopal Chourasiya
Mayank Jain

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