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Turkey Tale

By TobyRedone

Disclaimer: This story has TG, sex, humiliation, stolen bodies, and other stuff
that people should not read. You’ve been forewarned.

Credits: All pictures were taken from free internet sites and are of Erica

I met Sara at the door right on time. She gave me a winning smile and a quick
peck on the lips as she smiled at me and then walked in. She spun and lowered
her coat, which I quickly took and used the opportunity to appraise her curves in
the shiny dress she was wearing. She looked like a million bucks in it, although it
was still modest enough to wear to my family’s thanksgiving dinner. Her shoulder
length brunette hair was simply parted and shimmered in the lights as it framed
her pretty face. Her bright blue eyes had a twinkle in them as she scrunched her
button nose and asked, “What do you think? Will your parents approve?”

“Of course they will. You look great!” I commented back to her, trying to put her
at ease.

This would be the first time my parents met Sara, and I wanted everything to be
perfect. Most of the girls that I had brought home from college to meet my
parents ended poorly, but that had been mostly my fault. I had brought home a
girl I had met in a strip club my freshman year. I thought it was great that I was
willing to look past Destiny’s job, tattoos, and “special piercings” to her large
heart… and her lack of a gag reflex. In retrospect I should have seen that one
failing. Then there was Cindy. I met her in my women’s liberation class and I
should have known that bringing home a bisexual nympho maniac was a bad idea,
but that all came to a head when she inquired about a three way with me and my
mother as we ate dinner. My most recent failure before Sara was Heidi. I had
thought she was safe being a born again Christian, but when her ex-husband
showed up at our doorstep brandishing a shotgun and demanding to see her I
knew that I was in serious danger of never being invited home again. To be fair,
Heidi hadn’t told me she came from the deep South, and had run away to college
to escape her husband, who also happened to be her cousin…

Ugh. Yeah, so when I met Sara she had gone through an intensive screening
process before I invited her home. I had Google’d her, ran her name for aliases,
questioned her friends, gone through her apartment for incriminating evidence,
and even hired a private investigator. When all of that turned up clean, I asked
my mother if I could try just once more for a nice family get together with a
girlfriend. I was ecstatic when she hesitantly agreed and I promised her she
would not be let down.

I motioned for Sara to follow me into the dining room and introduced her to my
family, “Mom, Dad, this is Sara. Sara, this is my Mom Laura, and my Father
Randy. My little brother Bobby is sitting over in the corner. I’m gonna quick put
your coat away and I’ll be back in a moment.”

I knew that everything would go smoothly while I was gone. I allowed myself a
victory smile as I tossed Sara’s long coat on the bed, and rubbed my hands
together as if I were a mad scientist whose plans of world domination were finally
coming to fruition. On my way back to the living room I detoured into the kitchen
and grabbed two sodas from the fridge. I knew Sara liked diet cola, and I liked
regular, but there was none. Only some stupid energy drink that my little brother
seemed to chug every moment of the day. Of course Bobby wasn’t that little. He
had just recently turned nineteen, but the four years of difference between us
meant that he would always be my annoying little brother. I grabbed a can of the
energy drink and figured I’d give it a try. I didn’t want to drink any alcohol.
Everything was going perfect and I didn’t want to spoil it.

I walked back into the living room to find my parents alone in the room. I
frowned and asked, “Where’s Sara?”

“She wanted to powder her nose. Bobby offered to show her where the
bathroom is but never came back,” My father replied while never taking his eyes
off the football game on TV.

“She seems very nice,” My mother said as she go up and headed into the kitchen.
“Oh yeah, she’s perfect. You’ll see.” I promised.

My mother just gave me a worried smile while my father grunted and said, “Can’t
be worse than that one with the long blonde hair.”

I let out a nervous chuckle and decided to go looking for Sara. I walked through
the house and just as I got to the bathroom the door opened and out popped
Sara. Her hair was slightly disheveled and she had a startled look on her face as I
came around the corner.

“Ah, there you are… Have you seen Bobby?” I asked her.

“I’m… I mean… uh… Bobby must have headed downstairs to his room,” She said
with a shrug and a nervous laugh.

“Oh,” I replied and then said, “I didn’t give you the tour yet, how did you know
that Bobby’s room was downstairs?”

“I… uh… he…” Sara stumbled nervously when suddenly we heard my mother call
out from down the hall.

We both headed into the kitchen and saw my mother nervously pacing and so I
asked, “What is it Mom?”

“I’ve forgotten the cranberries. You know how your father likes cranberries. Can
you baste the turkey every ten or fifteen minutes while I run and grab some real
quick? Everything else is done.” She asked.

“Sure Mom. Sara and I can do that. She’s a great cook.” I replied and wrapped
my arms around her shoulders which caused her to give me a sour expression I
did not expect.

“Great, thanks,” And with that my mom had her coat on and was stepping out the

As soon as she was out the door Sara reached over and grabbed the energy drink
out of my hands and popped the top. I looked at her with astonishment as she
flipped her head back and chugged the entire can.
“Sara, I didn’t know you liked…” I started to say until she cut me off with an earth-
shattering belch and then shot me a grin, “Thanks lover-boy. I needed that.”

“Lover-boy?” I questioned her as she leered at the turkey with a shit eating grin.

“That’s what we are, right? Fuck-buddies?” Sara asked as she grabbed the bird
from the tray and brought it over to the table.

“Sara, what’s going on…” I started to question as I watched her swipe the table
cloth off to the side and set the bird on the table before hopping up on it herself.

“What’s going on? Mom asked us to baste the turkey, so I’m going to do that,”
She said with a lecherous grin.

I watched as she again took hold of the bird and held it up and began licking it,
“Think she meant like this?”
I couldn’t even comment back as fear gripped my chest and I felt another family
function slipping away because of how my girlfriend was acting. Was this some
sort of cosmic anomaly? Had I caused serious karmic problems in a former life?
And what the hell had happened to my normally sweet and adorable Sara?

“Think she’ll miss a bite? It tastes so good!” Sara commented as she lowered the
turkey down and gave me a crazed look as she chomped into the family
Thanksgiving turkey.
I dashed to her and ripped the warm turkey out of her hands and returned it to
the table as I hissed out, “Sara, what the fuck is wrong with you!? My mom’s
gonna be pissed!” I looked at the bite mark on the turkey and wondered if there
was any way to fix it… I’d have to carve a chuck off the turkey. I’d just tell my
mom that it fell or something, and I cut off that spot…

“What’s wrong lover-boy? You need to relax. Why don’t you come over here and
fuck me on the table. I’ll even let you put it in my ass,” Sara purred seductively as
she rolled over and grabbed a nearby bread stick and made some motions like the
piece of bread was a dildo fucking her up the anus.
As great as her ass looked, I couldn’t concentrate as I shook my head, “Sara, pull it
together! Was it something I said, or did? Did Cindy put you up to this? Or
Destiny? Whatever it is they’re paying you I’ll triple it!” I begged.

“I guess in a way this sort of is your fault. You see I’ve been the screw up in the
family for so long and so often that when you started to bring home these girls it
took all the pressure off me. Mom and Dad don’t even care that my grades aren’t
good enough to go to college. I like it that way. So when Mom and Dad told me
you were bringing home another girl, I was pretty damn excited,” She replied as
she switched positions on the table and ran one of her dainty hands up her
exposed leg.

Sara’s impressive breasts with their deep cleavage also caught my attention as
she gave me a wicked grin and continued on, “I can see from the blank expression
and your dropped jaw you still don’t know what’s going on, do you? That’s such a
cute look on your face. I’ve got to admit, it’s making my new pussy all hot and
moist just thinking about the looks I’m going to see go across your face as I use
this bitch’s body to embarrass the shit out of you in front of Mom and Dad.”
“B… Bobby?” I asked Sara’s words sunk into my addled brain.

“I knew you weren’t as dumb as you looked,” Sara said excitedly as she sat back
on perfect little ass while tugging her dress up and check out her own body
underneath, “Aren’t these little orange panties the cutest thing ever? From her
memories Sara was planning on some sexing after she played the part of the
perfect girlfriend. Too bad that’s not going to happen anymore… At least the
perfect girlfriend part. The sex could still happen if you play your cards right.”
“No no no! No this can’t be happening!” I called out in desperation.

“Oh but it is. Sara here is going to be the cherry on the top of your long line of
girlfriend failures and make damned certain that Mom and Dad don’t care what
I’m doing for the next year or two.” She cooed out with a sexy smile, and then
spun and lifted the back of her dress exposing her perfect ass as she then added,
“I’ve got to tell you, wearing a thong feels a lot sexier than I thought it would once
you get use to walking around with a constant wedgie. This bitch is stacked man,
how do you keep bringing home all these tens?”
“C’mon Bobby, don’t do this to me.” I pleaded with him, “I need just one good

“Yeah well I need you to fuck up pretty badly now that I found out I’m a body
hopper. I want to be able to disappear for a weekend at a time without Mom and
Dad getting all up in my business about not making curfew. Sorry Bro, but one of
us needs to take a dive here and it’s not me.” Sara said with an evil grin as she
eyed me up.

“But… what about Sara? What about Mom and Dad and their perfect holiday?” I
tried to leverage him.
“Sara here will be just another sorority slut by the time I’m done with her, and
Mom and Dad are totally going to blame you for all of this. You’ve got no cards
left to play brother… But just to show you I’m a gracious winner how about I let
you fuck me in this body and we can baste what’s left of the turkey with our
juices?” Sara questioned me as she lowered herself down onto all fours and
pointed her panty covered love mound at me as she wantonly winked at me.

I shook my head and let out my last plead, “Bobby, I’ll pay you. Whatever it

“Wrong answer!” Sara replied and pulled her thong off to one side of her luscious
pussy and began fingering herself and then rubbing her shiny fingers across the

I hung my head in defeat and left the room just as Sara straddled the turkey and
began rubbing it back and forth on her cunt. I was in the bathroom rubbing water
on my face when I heard my mother return from the store and let out a shriek as
she saw Sara (by now probably naked) molesting the family meal. I heard my
father rocket out of his chair and dash into the kitchen to see what was wrong. I
heard him howl out for ‘my new whore to get the hell off the table and quit
fucking the turkey like an animal.’

I suddenly looked down at a hand held mirror and remembered what Bobby had
told me in the e-mail when he had come out as a body hopper to me. His face
would be their instead of Sara’s in a reflection. I grabbed the mirror and dashed
out of the bathroom. I found Sara still happily bucking back and forth as she
ground her clit against the glistening turkey. Mom stood to one side of the table
with a look of horror on her face while my father looked like he was about to blow
his top.

“Mom, Dad, it’s not Sara doing all this… It’s Bobby! Here, look at her reflection!”
I said as I brandished the mirror like a weapon expecting Sara to recoil like a
vampire from holy water.

Instead she simply stopped fucking the family meal and smiled at me with her
hands on her naked hips as she commented, “Good move bro! I didn’t think you
had it in you.”

Now that Bobby had been exposed I expected to see Mom and Dad turn their
prospective emotions toward him, buy they both started to laugh.

“What the hell?” I asked with wide eyes as I looked around the room.

“Andy, meet Burt and Paul. They’re my bodyhopper mentors. They didn’t have
anywhere to go for thanksgiving so I invited them here. I couldn’t help but play
this prank on you when I found out you were bringing home another girl.” Sara
replied with a mischievous grin.

“So Mom and Dad…” I mumbled.

“Won’t remember any of this. They’ll just remember a perfect thanksgiving

dinner with their two perfect sons,” She finished my sentence.

“You’re a dirty fucker,” I replied back as I took in the situation.

“That may be, but we need to talk,” Sara replied as she pinched her nipples, “I
think I’m gonna be riding back to college with you and hooking my friends up with
a couple of my sorority sisters.”

The End

Or is it?

Depends on the responses…

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