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Nontraditional Healthcare Practices



Nontraditional Healthcare Practices

Nontraditional health care practices are becoming common in several global cultures

today. By definition, nontraditional health care practices depict the reverse of conventional

health care practices that were rampant in ancient cultures. For that reason, nontraditional

practices refer to the alternative health care performances and beliefs, which establish the root

cause of illness rather than focusing on symptoms alone. In addition, treatment of diseases

involves utilizing highly technical manual therapy procedures that are void of manipulations.

Most world cultures are known to exploit nontraditional health care practices in treating patients,

such as the Chinese Acupuncture, the American Complimentary and Alternative Medicine

(CAM), and the Indian Ayurvedic medicine.

Nontraditional Health Care Practices in Different Cultures

Nontraditional health care practices are progressively becoming the techniques of

supporting individuals’ healthcare in different cultures (Oleson, 2014). In China, acupuncture is

the most common form of nontraditional health care that is used to relief patients from various

ailments. As a form of alternative medicine, acupuncture exploits the patient’s natural systems,

energies, and balances to support healing from the inside. In addition, the technique utilizes non-

invasive healing therapy that encourages person’s relaxation and liberation of stress. In most

cases, acupuncture specialists initiate conversation with the patient to find out more about their

medical condition, and determine the expectations of therapy through pinpointing the regions

where ailments or blockages have occurred (Oleson, 2014). Acupuncture utilizes Qi or the

balance of life energy and influences its flow in the body using painless needles. Consequently, it

is possible to focus on releasing the blockages through energy that flows through the meridian


Among the Americans, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) has replaced

the conventional methods used in Native American culture (Health Trust, 2015). Traditionally,

Americans focused on family and spiritual beliefs to assess the state of health in patients and

bring the body to harmony with nature. Any alteration in the physiological state of an individual

resulted in an imbalance between the patient and supernatural forces. CAM has emerged from

the use of willow tree’s bark extract, acetylsalicylic acid, or the modern day Aspirin as a pain

remedy (Health Trust, 2015). Nevertheless, the practice exploits various practices and expertise

from chiropractors, massage therapists, and other nontraditional health care practitioners to treat


It is notable that CAM combines both conventional and alternative medicine practices

despite being a nontraditional health care practice in America. In addition, CAM practices

continually change depending on the rate of approval by the contemporary medical agencies

(Health Trust, 2015). In the American culture, CAM practices are incorporated into the larger

medical community after testing safe and effective for human therapy. Most Americans adopt

these therapies after finding facts from medical journals and articles or hearing the news from

friends and relatives. Some of the most commonly used CAM practices include dietary

supplements, chiropractic manipulation, and massage therapies, mind-body practices such as

yoga, homeopathy, and naturopathy.

Among the Indians, Ayurvedic medicine is a popular nontraditional practice although the

skills used dates back 3,000 years ago (Joshi et al., 2017). As an alternative medicine, Ayurveda

combines universal interconnectedness, body’s composition, and life forces to initiate biologic

calmness in the body. Using these concepts, the physicians recommend individualized treatments

including the use of proprietary ingredients, exercise, diets, and lifestyle prescriptions. It is

important to note that the Indian government has funded various medical institutions to intensify

Ayurvedic medicine development through laboratory research and clinical supportive programs

(Joshi et al., 2017). Even though controlled laboratory trials are underway, different stakeholders

have commended the application of dietary supplements to ensure safety and effectiveness

among the patient users.

Effect of Nontraditional Healthcare Practices on Wellness and Prevention in

Different Cultures

Today, millions of patients seek acupuncture health care practices in various regions of

the world, not only in the Chinese culture. Nevertheless, the practice is rampant in China where

individuals have four different groups of worship including Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism,

and ancestor worship (Oleson, 2014). Acupuncture has played a significant role in managing

various non-health conditions including dementia, depression, alcoholism, genetic diseases, such

as Thalassemia, and diabetes mellitus. Due to the stimulating and self-healing nature,

acupuncture has succeeded in managing several symptoms of disease. Furthermore, acupuncture

programs have extended in other nations including Canada where they have received

accreditation and recognition among the locals. More importantly, several therapists can provide

physical evidence and effective documentation of this nontraditional beneficial treatment.

As noted earlier, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) has dominated in the

American culture in terms of health care delivery. With full endorsement from the U.S

Department of HHS (Purohit et al., 2015), the government has perceived the need of improving

the quality of health care beyond quantitative measures. As a result, non-traditional health care

delivery models including CAM have been receiving alternative payments to promote treatment.

Through support from the U.S healthcare system, CAM has succeeded in taking health services

to the community by reducing hospital readmissions, saving several lives, and advancing the

wellbeing of individual citizens.

In conjunction with the Affordable Care Act (ACA), CAM and other population health

strategies have transformed clinical models and strategies available to the American citizens

(Kelner, & Wellman, 2014). As a result, the practice has provided independent alternative means

of managing illnesses and supporting population through physician leadership. Like the other

two nontraditional healthcare practices, Ayurveda has promoted the wellness of the general

public through special diets, massage, and balancing integrative health care practices that have

few side effects (Joshi et al., 2017). The practice has promoted good body health through

controlling basic body functions, mind, blood flow, breathing, and heart function.

Nontraditional Healthcare Options in my Locality

In my area, the most popular nontraditional health care practices are acupressure and

chiropractic. With acupressure, practitioners employ their hands and feet to apply pressure on

designated regions of body’s meridians. On the other hand, chiropractic specialists focus on

illnesses that affect the nervous and musculoskeletal systems in the neck, head, back, arms, and

legs. Within an area of 120,000 km2, two medical centers providing acupuncture and chiropractic

services hold an approximated 200 patients per week. Therefore, the number surpasses

individuals who use conventional medical practices popular with Native Americans.

The increased use of nontraditional practices may be attributed to several aspects

unavailable to traditional and prescription drug therapies. First, nontraditional health care

practices are safe from side effects associated with other healing practices. Second, the methods

are based on holistic approaches that have a record of venerable successful practices. Third,

involved therapists are required to obtain certification and license from recognized medical

bodies to practice these therapies. As a result, people consider them reliable and due to

recognition from these government approval agencies.

In brief, nontraditional medical practices, such as acupuncture, Ayurveda, and CAM are

being practiced in contemporary cultures. It is notable that these practices utilize holistic

approaches in combating disease conditions among the population. The growing number of

individuals using nontraditional health care practices can be attributed to safety, reliability, and

holistic nature to treat disease conditions. Nevertheless, it is suitable that approved medical

regulation agencies assess continual aptness of these treatments to gauge their viability.


Health Trust. (2015, June 5). Nontraditional Healthcare Delivery | AdvantageTrust |

HealthTrust. Retrieved from


Joshi, K. S., Nesari, T. M., Dedge, A. P., Dhumal, V. R., Shengule, S. A., Gadgil, M. S., ... &

Valiathan, M. V. S. (2017). Dosha phenotype specific Ayurveda intervention ameliorates

asthma symptoms through cytokine modulations: Results of whole system clinical trial.

Journal of ethnopharmacology, 197, 110-117.

Kelner, M., & Wellman, B. (2014). Complementary and alternative medicine: challenge and

change. Routledge.

Oleson, T. (2014). Auriculotherapy manual: Chinese and Western systems of ear acupuncture.

Elsevier Health Sciences.

Purohit, M. P., Zafonte, R. D., Sherman, L. M., Davis, R. B., Giwerc, M. Y., Shenton, M. E., &

Yeh, G. Y. (2015). Neuropsychiatric symptoms and expenditure on complementary and

alternative medicine. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 76(7), e870.

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