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Porticus Application Form

The aim of this application form is to build a common understanding between the
applicant organisation and Porticus about the project for which funding is being
requested. To get a clear insight into the nature of the request, please focus for each question
on what is most relevant. Before completing this application form, please discuss it with the
appropriate Porticus staff.

Please note that:

» Where possible, this application form should be completed in English. Should you wish to
prepare this application form in the local language of the Porticus office, please consult the
appropriate Porticus staff.
» The form provides guidance on the number of words per section.
» Please write the application in 3rd person


Application1 title: Inter-American Symposium of

Theology North and South on the
occasion of the Twentieth Anniversary
of the Apostolic Exhortation “Ecclesia
in America”
Proposed start date:
Proposed end date: € 35.000
Amount requested: 35.000
Geographical area covered (e.g. city, province, PUC-Rio
country, region): Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Legal name of organisation: Faculdades Católicas

Name of organisation (if different from legal):
Legal form of organisation:
Official address: Rua Marquês de São
Vicente, 225 – Gávea – Rio de Janeiro
Postal address (if different from the official address):
Country: Brazil
Telephone number: + 55 21 3527-1965
Email address of organisation:
The grant title should be self-explanatory
Website of organisation:

Primary contact person: Josafa Carlos de Siqueira

Salutation: Dr. Bingemer
Contact person’s email address:
Contact person’s mobile number: + 55 21 3527-1120
Grant lead/coordinator (if different from contact person): Maria Clara Lucchetti
Salutation: Dr. Bingemer
Grant lead’s email address:
Grant lead’s mobile number: + 55 21 99963-0739


GRANT SUMMARY (Guidance: 300 words)

Please summarise the goal of the project, the main intervention or activities, and the
main beneficiary group.

“In Santo Domingo, when I first proposed a Special Assembly of the Synod, I remarked that
‘on the threshold of the third Christian millennium and at a time when many walls and
ideological barriers have fallen, the Church feels absolutely duty-bound to bring into still
deeper spiritual union the peoples who compose this great continent and also, prompted by
the religious mission which is proper to the Church, to stir among these peoples a spirit of
solidarity.’ I asked that the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops reflect on America as a
single entity, by reason of all that is common to the peoples of the continent, including their
shared Christian identity and their genuine attempt to strengthen the bonds of solidarity and
communion between the different forms of the continent's rich cultural heritage. The decision
to speak of “America” in the singular was an attempt to express not only the unity which in
some way already exists, but also to point to that closer bond which the peoples of the
continent seek and which the Church wishes to foster as part of her own mission, as she works
to promote the communion of all in the Lord.”

Saint John Paul II

Apostolic Exhortation, Ecclesia in America, §5.

For the occasion of the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the apostolic
exhortation Ecclesia in America, the Chair Carlo Maria Martini of the Pontifical Catholic
University of Rio de Janeiro together with the Department of Theology of the Notre Dame
University and in collaboration with the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, United States—
want to organize a symposium where theologians of North and South America could discuss
shared concerns, consider joint points of consensus and formulate/plans an investigatory
projects for the near future.

As the apostolic exhortation says, in the paragraph cited above, there are elements
“common to the peoples of the continent, including their shared Christian identity and their
genuine attempt to strengthen the bonds of solidarity and communion between the different
forms of the continent's rich cultural heritage.”

With this initiative we wish to take the pulse, as it were, of reflection on God in
America, and try to unify energies around an even greater dialogue and deeper communion
within our continent. Our objective is that, as the text of the exhortation says, the option of
speaking of “America” in the singular expresses not only the unity existing under certain
aspects, but also the closer bond to which the people of the Continent aspire and that the
Church wishes to foster within the field of its own mission, aimed at promoting the
communion of all in the Lord.


Please describe the overall goal that this grant aims to achieve.

The general goal of the conference is to enable a dialogue among theologians from North and
South on the basis of the questions raised in “Ecclesia in America” and to discover new points of
view and issues that were not addressed in 1999 like the themes of the pontificate of Pope Francis
as they relate to this intercontinental dialogue.
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(a) Please describe the target population. Please include estimates of the size of the target
population and explain how you arrived at these estimates. [Guidance: 300 words]

 The Faculty of Theology has 200 students, but the audience will include approximately 200
more from the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro; should be also present professors of the Faculty
of Theology and from other departments of the University.
 The general public will be invited by means of publicity disseminated through the local media.
 Experts and consultants from the Latin American Church, including lay leadership, who
support interdisciplinary efforts and are seeking to open up new spaces for pastoral renewal
and public theology.

OUTPUTS – Deliverables
Please summarise the key results (deliverables) of the grant. Please be specific and also include
estimated dates of completion.

Goals Activities Length Dates
To convene the First call to related 3 months 03/10/2019–
presentation of institutions. Publication of 06/10/2019
papers the basic instructions.
Receive and evaluate Reception. Evaluation of 2 months 06/10/2019 – Please
2. add
the quality and titles, resumes, and 08/10/2019
academic relevance completed works. any
of the proposals.
3. Finalize the Contact with invited 5 months 01/15/2019 –
participation of the professors 06/15/2019
speakers (lecturers/panelists),
agreement of basic
(flights, hotels,
4. Finance General Fundraising 6 months 04/15/2019 –
Activity 10/16/2019
5. Spread the word in  Online publication in 7 months 03/01/2019 –
academic and academic and cultural 10/16/2019
cultural media media
 Publication in related
graphic media
6. Spread the word in  Contracting of 2 months 08/01/2019 -
mass media advertising spaces in 10/16/2019
the media
 Management of
notices in newspapers
about the invited
7. Execution of the  Execution of the 1 week 10/15/2019 -
meeting meeting in itself 10/21/2019
 Reception of
international guests.
8. Publish the An edition of the lectures 3 months 11/30/2018 -
proceedings of the and communications, with 02/28/2020
meeting introduction and prologue.
9. Present the Presentation of the 1 month TBD
proceedings to the published proceedings
academic resulting from the meeting
10. Send the proceedings Communication with the 2 months 03/20/2019 -
to institutions and contributors 05/20/2019
professors involved
11. Evaluate the Meeting of the organizing 1 month 11/26/2019 -
execution of the committee 12/26/2019
additional comments or remarks that you believe are important for assessing your request. [Guidance:
300 words]

This project is urgent and timely because the efforts for this dialogue up to the present have
focused only on the exchange between bishops and have not entered into the space of
interdisciplinary exchange and public dissemination.


Please insert the amounts below in one of the following five currencies: Euros / GP/ USD / CHF /

(a) Total project budget (clearly indicate currency):

€ 34,363.83

(b) Funding requested from Porticus, if relevant broken down by activity (clearly indicate
currency). A detailed grant budget may be submitted in an Excel file as an appendix.
€ 35,000.00

(c) Co-financing: How much is committed, and from whom? (clearly indicate currency)
Note: if co-financing has not yet been secured, please indicate so in the risk section above.
No co-financing has not yet been secured. A grant request in the amount of $35,000
(US dollars) has been directed to the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops

(d) Exchange rate: if the local currency is not the Euro / GBP/ USD / CHF / CAD, please
indicate the name of the local currency used and the exchange rate applied (including date and
Local currency: 1 Euro equal to 4.41 Brazilian Real


Porticus holds a safeguarding policy that requires all partners to comply with rules and
guidance, please see the attached partner guidelines for more details.

Summary Partner
Safeguarding Guidelines.pdf

As part of this policy we ask you to complete the questions below and provide supporting

1. Does your organisation work with children or vulnerable adults (i.e. people with disabilities,
socially marginalised groups, etc.)?
2. Does your organisation have a safeguarding policy?
3. If yes, does your policy include:
a. Staff recruitment measures (for example, checks on criminal records and references)?
b. Staff awareness measures (for example, staff communication and training)?
c. Measures that enable your staff, volunteers, beneficiaries or others to report any
safeguarding concerns?
4. Please provide the name, position and contact details of the person responsible for
your safeguarding practices.
Community vice-chancellor: Prof. Augusto Luiz Duarte Lopes Sampaio

If available, please add the relevant safeguarding documents, including the date of the
last and next policy update, as separate attachments.

Please attach the following documents to your application (only ticked items). Your Porticus contact
person might ask for additional information.

 Detailed grant budget in Excel (you can use the attached budget appendix) and timeline. If
you opt to use a different budget template, please ensure that there is sufficient costing detail,
broken down by activity, in addition to cross-cutting costs such as overheads.

Bu d g e t t e m p la t e -
a n n e x t o t h e Po rt icu s Ap p lica t io n fo rm _2 0 1 8 .xls x
 A copy of the legal registration of your organisation and copy of certificate non-profit
status if applicable
 Annual narrative and financial (income and expenses) report for the previous financial year, if
 A copy of your organisation’s protection/safeguarding policy.
 Strategic plan, if available.
 Overview of the senior management and board of directors or trustees and their name.
 Organisation chart, if available.
 Tax identification number

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