Ethical Issues in Developing A Class or Collective Case

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Ethical issues in developing a

class or collective case
Common questions in the early stages of class cases
and the applicable ethical rules
BY WILLIAM C. JHAVERI-WEEKS to you. In addition, if a person is contact- on that exception to engage in conduct
ing you for legal advice after receiving a otherwise prohibited by the rule would
letter from you, the contents of the con- seem to be taking a risk.
When we were starting out as plain- versation are likely privileged, even if the To be permissible, written solicita-
tiffs’ attorneys working on class and col- call does not lead to representation. (See tions (including letters, emails, and state-
lective action employment cases in Cal. Evid. Code, §§ 951, 954. ments on Websites or social media) must
private practice, we felt the need for a The California Rule of Professional comply with the requirements set forth in
primer on the ethical rules that were likely Conduct (“CRPC”) dealing with advertis- rule 1-400. The rule contains a general
to come into play. Here are a few common ing and solicitation is rule 1-400. Under prohibition on false, deceptive, or mis-
questions facing plaintiffs’ lawyers in the this Rule, “any message or offer made by leading statements. It also requires that a
early stages of class cases, and what the or on behalf of a member concerning the copy of any communication be retained
ethical rules have to say about them. availability for professional employment for two years (presumably to enable the
of a member or a law firm directed to any Bar to verify compliance). The rule incor-
Contacting potential class former, present, or prospective client” is porates a long list of “standards” govern-
defined as a “communication.” The rules ing the contents of written solicitations.
My firm is investigating a potential define a subset of communications as “so- Before sending any written communica-
wage and hour case. Can I call potential licitations,” which consist of communica- tion to a prospective client, an attorney
class members and ask if they want to tions “[c]oncerning the availability for should re-read rule 1-400 and its stan-
join? Email them? Send a letter? professional employment of a member [of dards. Among other things, communica-
In broad strokes, attorneys are free to the Bar] or a law firm in which a signifi- tions that are “transmitted by mail or
solicit potential clients in writing, pro- cant motive is pecuniary gain” and which equivalent means” must “bear the word
vided that the solicitations comply with are “(a) delivered in person or by tele- ‘Advertisement,’ ‘Newsletter’ or words of
certain requirements, but attorneys are phone, or (b) directed by any means to a similar import in 12 point print on the
not permitted to solicit by telephone or person known to the sender to be repre- first page,” and if the communication is
in person. One purpose of prohibiting sented by counsel in a matter which is a transmitted in an envelope, the same
telephone solicitations is, as the ABA subject of the communication.” Solicita- word(s) must appear on the envelope.
Model Rules put it, to address the con- tions – i.e., advertisements communicated The standards forbid giving “guarantees,
cern that a person “who may already feel in person or by telephone – “shall not be warranties, or predictions regarding the
overwhelmed by the circumstances giving made by or on behalf of a member,” un- result of the representation,” conveying
rise to the need for legal services [] may less the attorney has a “family or prior any “testimonials” about the attorney
find it difficult fully to evaluate all avail- professional relationship” with the (unless accompanied by a specific dis-
able alternatives with reasoned judgment prospective client, or the solicitation is claimer), and stating or implying “no fee
and appropriate self-interest in the face to a “former or present client in the dis- without recovery” absent an express dis-
of the lawyer’s presence and insistence charge of a member’s or law firm’s pro- closure of whether the client will be liable
upon being retained immediately.” This fessional duties.” (CRPC 1-400.) The rule for costs.
concern is largely absent if the potential also notes that solicitations are permitted Whenever an attorney makes a writ-
client has received a letter, had an oppor- to the extent that they are protected by ten statement about his or her law prac-
tunity to consider his or her options, and the U.S. or California Constitutions, but tice, he or she should consider whether
then affirmatively made a telephone call an attorney in private practice who relies the advertising rules apply. For an

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instructive discussion of whether certain rule 7.3 cmt. 2] contact solicit profes- Can I call potential class
Facebook posts constitute “communica- sional employment when a significant members with questions?
tions” subject to the advertising rule, see motive for the lawyer’s doing so is the Can I call potential class members or
Cal. Bar Formal Opin. 2012-186 (con- lawyer’s pecuniary gain,” unless the per- opt-in plaintiffs to ask them questions
cluding, for example, that a Facebook son contacted is a lawyer or has a family, about the case? Lawyers have a duty to
post stating “Another great victory in close personal, or prior professional rela- represent their clients competently and
court today!” is not a communication, tionship with the lawyer. Similar to the zealously, and contacting potential wit-
but the addition of the phrase “Who California Rule, Model Rule 7.3(c) states: nesses to investigate and develop a
wants to be next?” would bring the post “Every written, recorded or electronic case is often necessary to fulfill that
within the advertising rules). communication from a lawyer soliciting duty.
professional employment from anyone In many cases, witnesses are not po-
Geography and the rules
known to be in need of legal services in a tential clients, so it will be clear that an
Does the answer change depending particular matter shall include the words, investigatory communication to them
on where the potential clients are located? ‘Advertising Material,’ on the outside of does not “concern[] the availability [of
Yes. If you plan to contact potential the envelope, if any, and at the beginning the attorney] for professional employ-
plaintiffs in another state, as is often nec- and ending of any recorded or electronic ment.” However, when the potential wit-
essary in large class or collective actions, communication….” The comment to rule nesses are also potential plaintiffs in the
the ethical rules of the state where the re- 7.3 explains that “[a] solicitation is a tar- case, caution is warranted to avoid the
cipient is located will likely apply. This is geted communication initiated by the possibility of engaging in solicitation. For
in addition to the California Rules, which lawyer that is directed to a specific person example, in a collective action under the
govern California lawyers’ activities “in and that offers to provide, or can reason- FLSA, an attorney who has just filed a
and outside this state, except as members ably be understood as offering to provide, case and is preparing a motion for “con-
lawfully practicing outside this state may legal services. In contrast, a lawyer’s com- ditional certification” may be more likely
be specifically required by a jurisdiction munication typically does not constitute a to succeed if a number of other employees
in which they are practicing to follow solicitation if it is directed to the general opt into the case. (See, e.g., Harris v. Vec-
Rules of Professional Conduct different public…, or if it is in response to a request tor Mkt’g Corp. (N.D. Cal. 2010) 716 F.
from these rules.” (See CRPC Rule for information or is automatically gener- Supp. 2d 835.) Therefore, if an attorney
1-100(D)(1).) Note: the State Bar’s Rules ated in response to Internet searches.” calls potential class members in an effort
Commission has proposed a revision It is important to review the ethics to identify supportive witnesses and ob-
to this rule which, if adopted, states con- rules of each state to which you plan to tain declarations, the attorney may wish
duct connected to a pending matter before send a solicitation letter. Certain states to guard against a suggestion that he or
a tribunal would be governed by the rules impose unusual burdens. For example, she solicited the potential class member
where the tribunal is located, while other the New York Rules require that when an during the call. Attorneys should also
conduct will be governed either by the out-of-state attorney sends a solicitation note that once a Court takes steps to ex-
rules where the conduct occurred or where to someone in New York, “[a] copy of ercise control over the FLSA notice
the conduct had its predominant effect. the solicitation shall at the time of its dis- process under 29 U.S.C. § 216(b), the
(See semination be filed with the attorney Court may look unfavorably on certain
Committees/RulesCommission2014/ disciplinary committee of the judicial further communications with potential
ProposedRules.aspx. Even under the pro- department where the solicitation is tar- opt-in class members during the opt-in
posed new rule, a lawyer may be subject geted.” (N.Y. Rule of Prof. Conduct.) process.
to the disciplinary authority of both Cali- Other states include surprising require- One option that some plaintiffs’
fornia and another jurisdiction for the ments, with a few states making it quite firms use when there is a potential for un-
same conduct. (Ibid.).) difficult to send solicitations. (See, e.g., ethical solicitation in the context of out-
The solicitation rules of other states Texas Discipl. Rule of Prof. Conduct 7.07 reach to potential class members is to
have significant differences from Califor- (requiring attorney to send copy of writ- create a script that will be used for any
nia’s. Many states have adopted varia- ten solicitation to the Advertising Review telephone contacts. Doing this enables
tions of the ABA Model Rule governing Committee of the Texas Bar, along with a the attorney to plan his or her (and his or
advertising and solicitation. Model Rule “completed lawyer advertising and solici- her subordinates’) statements in advance
7.3(a) states that a “lawyer shall not by in- tation communication application form” to ensure that they are accurate and ethi-
person, live telephone or real-time elec- and a check or money order payable to cally compliant, and also to demonstrate
tronic [i.e., live chatting, not email – see the State Bar of Texas).) after the fact, should the need arise, that

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the communications were proper. (See, attorney-client privilege, and extends to Yes. As limited-scope representation
e.g., Piper v. RGIS Inventory Specialists, Inc., “virtually everything the lawyer knows has become more prevalent in recent
2007 WL 1690887 (N.D. Cal. June 11, about the client’s matter regardless of the years, the State Bar’s Committee on Pro-
2007) (evaluating such a script and con- source of the information.” (Elijah W. v. fessional Responsibility and Conduct has
cluding based upon it that plaintiffs’ coun- Super. Court (2013) 216 Cal.App.4th 140, sought to shed light on ethical issues re-
sel did not act improperly). A script can 151); see also State Bar Ethics Op. 2003- lating to it. See An Ethics Primer on Limited
include the answer that the lawyer will give 161. An attorney can inform a client Scope Representation (2004) (available on
if the potential witness expresses an inter- or potential client about these rules, al- State Bar’s Website). A “limited scope”
est in opting into the case – for example, though an attorney should be careful not agreement may refer to investigating or
the lawyer might state that the present call to mislead a potential client about negotiating on the client’s behalf without
is for investigative purposes only, but if the whether certain information provided to agreeing to file a lawsuit; it may refer to
potential witness is interested in opting the attorney might ultimately be discover- performing only a particular task within
into the case, he or she is free to call back able. an existing case; and it may refer to filing
at another time to discuss the possibility of Plaintiffs’ class-action attorneys are a suit advancing specified claims without
joining the case, or the attorney may offer often separately representing, and receiv- filing or investigating other potential
to send something to the potential witness ing confidential information from, a claims. Several ethical (and other) rules
in writing, at which point the attorney can number of different clients in a single come into play when ensuring that your
assess whether the written communication case. Without the client’s consent, the limited scope representation is proper.
needs to comply with the solicitation rules. rules indicate that such confidential in- First, as a statutory requirement, most
(See, e.g., Rose v. State Bar (1989) 49 formation may not be disclosed to other representation agreements in California
Cal.3d 646, 659 (finding that an attorney clients. To ensure that attorneys can must be in writing. (See Bus. & Prof. Code,
who directly contacts individuals for legiti- freely discuss the facts of a case with their § 6147 (contingency fee agreements) and §
mate investigative reasons is not barred various clients, attorneys sometimes in- 6148 (non-contingency fee agreements).)
from representing those individuals if re- clude a provision in their representation Second, when an attorney is agreeing
quested to do so, but “it is misconduct to agreements in which the client agrees to to perform only limited tasks, it is impor-
directly solicit such employment” (citing permit the sharing of confidential infor- tant to describe in the representation
additional cases).) mation with other clients of the firm in agreement the services that he or she is –
Interesting questions can arise con- the same case, with any exceptions to that and is not – agreeing to perform. In part,
cerning whether particular communica- general permission to be stated in writing this is important because an attorney has
tions have as a “significant motive” the by the client. an ethical duty to perform competently
attorney’s “pecuniary gain” such that they When a potential client contacts an under CRPC 3-110, so the parameters of
are solicitations under rule 1-400. Such attorney about the possibility of represen- what the attorney is agreeing to do must
motives are presumably lacking in the tation or to seek legal advice but does not be precisely stated. In addition, the attor-
context of non-profit legal work. In addi- ultimately become a client, the attorney ney owes a legal duty of care to the client,
tion, there is little guidance about when should be careful to consider the ethical which may be violated if the attorney fails
communications that are otherwise for- rules before disclosing any information adequately to describe the limited nature
bidden by the Rule are nonetheless pro- learned from the client, or sharing the of the representation and to advise the
tected by the California and U.S. fact that the potential client contacted the client to guard against certain risks aris-
Constitutions. (See, e.g., Shapero v. Ky. Bar attorney. Thus, in a collective action, if a ing from that limitation.
Assoc. (1988) 486 U.S. 466. Such ques- potential class member calls and provides For example, in Nichols v. Keller
tions are beyond the scope of this article. information that would be useful to the (1993) 15 Cal.App.4th 1672, 1686-87, a
case, the attorney may need to consider former client with a limited representa-
whether to seek the potential class mem- tion agreement sued his worker’s com-
What can or should I tell such employ- ber’s informed consent before using the pensation attorney for malpractice,
ees about whether the things they tell me information. claiming that the attorney should have
will be kept confidential? informed him of the possibility of seeking
Ethics and limited representation
Lawyers have an ethical duty not to civil damages from a third-party general
reveal confidential client information contractor with potential liability. The
without informed consent. (See CRPC Are there any ethical issues to be Court held that the attorney could be
3-100.) The same applies to potential aware of when using a limited representa- found liable because the limited repre-
clients. (See State Bar Ethics Op. 2003- tion agreement (e.g., for investigation sentation agreement failed to advise
161.) “This duty is broader than the only)? the client that (i) there might be other

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remedies which the attorney would not see CRPC 1-650; see also General Civil themselves whether the employee with
investigate, and (ii) other counsel should Limited Scope Representation – Risk whom they wish to speak is a current or
be consulted. The Court further stated Management Materials, available at http:// former employee. If the latter, the em-
that “even when a retention is expressly ployee is not deemed to be represented
limited, the attorney may still have a duty Risk_Management_Materials_Civil.pdf. by the organization’s attorneys. (See
to alert the client to legal problems which It is important to establish procedures to United States v. Sierra Pac. Indus. (E.D. Cal.
are reasonably apparent, even though make sure you are ethically representing 2011) 857 F.Supp. 2d 975, 981.) Federal
they fall outside the scope of the reten- clients when using a limited scope repre- courts have explained that a general ra-
tion.” The Court explained that attorneys sentation model. tionale behind the current / former dis-
have greater legal knowledge than lay tinction is that statements by former
clients, and thus may have a duty to ad- Speaking to defendants’ employees are not generally considered
vise of certain apparent potentially ad- managers corporate admissions under the Federal
verse consequences of the limited In developing the case, can I speak Rules of Evidence. (See, e.g., Bryant v.
representation. (Id. at 1684-86; see also to managers (current or former) at the Yorktowne Cabinetry, Inc. (W.D. Va. 2008)
Janik v. Rudy, Exelrod & Zieff (July 22, Company to identify potential 538 F.Supp. 2d 948, 955.)
2004) 119 Cal.App.4th 930, as modified on witnesses? If a potential witness is a current em-
denial of reh’g (attorneys have a duty of An important rule to keep in mind ployee, an attorney deciding whether con-
care to consider and assert, as appropri- when communicating with managers is tact with the employee is permissible
ate, all related class claims arising from CRPC 2-100, which restricts attorney under rule 2-100 will have to determine
the facts at issue). For additional discus- communications with “represented par- whether the employee falls within one of
sion of limited representation agree- ties.” For purposes of the rule, a “party” the restricted categories quoted above.
ments, see Los Angeles Bar Association includes: (The afore-mentioned proposed revisions
Formal Opinion 502 (Nov. 4, 1999). (1) An officer, director, or managing to rule 2-100 would also define “managing
Third, just as in full scope represen- agent of a corporation or association, agent” as someone with “substantial dis-
tation, an attorney seeking to withdraw and a partner or managing agent of a cretionary authority over decisions that
from a limited scope representation partnership; or determine organizational policy.”) Inter-
should determine what steps may be nec- (2) An association member or an em- estingly, under the current rule, the out-
essary to comply with California Rule of ployee of an association, corporation, or come of that determination may differ
Professional Conduct 3-700. That rule re- partnership, if the subject of the com- depending on whether the case is pending
quires withdrawing attorneys to take: munication is any act or omission of in state or federal court, due to differences
…reasonable steps to avoid reasonably such person in connection with the mat- between state and federal evidence rules.
foreseeable prejudice to the rights of ter which may be binding upon or im- For example, in a California state
the client, including giving due notice puted to the organization for purposes case, a court held that an attorney did not
to the client, allowing time for employ- of civil or criminal liability or whose violate rule 2-100 when contacting the
ment of other counsel, complying with statement may constitute an admission defendant’s manager, because the man-
rule 3-700(D) [i.e., returning client pa- on the part of the organization. ager’s statements would not constitute
pers and unearned fees], and comply- (Cal. Rule of Prof. Conduct 2-100(b).) admissions on behalf of the defendant
ing with all applicable laws and rules. Critically, the foregoing portion of under California evidence rules. Snider v.
(Cal. Rule of Prof. Conduct 3-700 (A)(2).) the rule applies only to current employees, Superior Court (2003) 113 Cal.App.4th
The steps an attorney must take will likely not former, as the commentary to the rule 1187, 1193.) The Court held that rule 2-
depend on the specific circumstances and explicitly states. (A proposed revision to 100 applied only to high-ranking com-
the nature of representation agreement. the rule, if adopted, would make this dis- pany agents with actual authority to
The duties of loyalty (CRPC 3-310, tinction part of the language of the rule speak for the company.
Flatt v. Super. Ct. (1994) 9 Cal.4th 275, itself. (See http:// A subsequent California federal case,
282), and confidentiality (CRPC 3-100) Committees/RulesCommission2014/ however, distinguished Snider, noting that
also attach to limited scope representa- ProposedRules.aspx.) The ABA Model because the Federal Rules of Evidence
tion, requiring attorneys to ensure that Rules likewise provide that communica- make even lower-level managers’ state-
such representations do not create a con- tions with former employees do not ments party admissions, communications
flict of interest or otherwise violate the constitute communications with a repre- with such employees were impermissible.
rules. Note: for limited representations in sented organization. (See Model Rule 4.2 (Sierra Pac. Indus., 857 F. Supp. 2d at
the context of legal services programs, cmt. 7.) Thus, attorneys should first ask 981.)

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Thus, attorneys should consider rule William C. Jhaveri- ment issues, including dis-
2-100 carefully before communicating Weeks is a partner and crimination and wage-and-
with current Company managers, and Megan E. Ryan is an asso- hour violations, as well as
when relying on case law, should be sensi- ciate at Goldstein, Bor- disability rights and con-
tive to the difference between state and gen, Dardarian & Ho, a sumer protection.
federal evidence rules. But whether one is civil rights and workers’
in federal or state court, former employ- rights class action firm in
ees do not count as “represented Jhaveri-Weeks Oakland, California. Their Ryan
parties” under the rule. practice focuses on employ-

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Copyright © 2016 by the author.

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