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Mohamed Ali

Country data &

It occupies the greater part of South Asia. Its capital is New Delhi, built in
the 20th century just south of the historic hub of Old Delhi to serve as
India’s administrative center. Its government is a constitutional republic that
represents a highly diverse population consisting of thousands of ethnic groups
and likely hundreds of languages. India is the second-most populous
country, after China.

France, country of northwestern Europe. It is Europe’s most important
agricultural producer and one of the world’s leading industrial powers.

It is the fifth-largest country in the world, exceeded in size only by Russia, Canada, China,
and the United States. Brazil is the fifth most populous country on Earth and accounts for
one-third of Latin America’s population.

By far the world’s largest country, it covers nearly twice the territory of Canada, the second
largest. The inhabitants of Russia are quite diverse. Most are ethnic Russians, but there also
are more than 120 other ethnic groups present, speaking many languages and following
disparate religious and cultural traditions.


Type of legal system

India has a common law legal system whose infrastructure bears the influence
of British colonial rule. The constitution is based on the Government
of India Act 1935 passed by British Parliament. The Indian constitution
lays out a federal Union of 28 States, 6 union territories and 1 national
capital territory.

The French legal system is based entirely on written civil law. The system of
administrative law was laid down by Napoleon and is appropriately
called the code Napoléon (Napoleonic code). The code governs all branches
of French law and includes the code civil, the code fiscal and the code pénal.


Brazil's judiciary is a multifaceted system that operates on the state and

federal levels, much like the U.S. judicial system. Primarily based on the civil law tradition, it
divides cases into several different jurisdictions, including labor, electoral, military,
constitutional and non-constitutional.

During the Soviet period, Russian law was considered to be socialist law. Since the fall of the
Soviet Union that is no longer the case, and most scholars have classified the Russian legal
system as a civil law system.

Contract Laws
Law of contracts in India defines Contract as an agreement enforceable by law which offers
personal rights, and imposes personal obligations, which the law protects and enforces

against the parties to the agreement. The general law of contract is based on
the conception, which the parties have, by an agreement, created legal rights
and obligations, which are purely personal in their nature and are only
enforceable by action against the party in default.

he contract: “An agreement of wills between two or more persons intended to
create, modify, transmit or extinguish obligations”. This modern definition of
contract differs from the more traditional, obligation to give, to do or not to
do; it is more like the Common Law “meeting of the minds”.

In Brazil, contract law has variations from the United States. It is based on the
Brazilian Civil Code and may even take Consumers' Code into account,
which protects the a product's end user. Operating under a civil code instead
of common law code means that there are specific requirements and
regulations written out for practically every type of contract available,
including lease agreements, business relations, insurance contracts and
patents or copyright law.

Russian contract law is based on market economy principles of respect for civil rights and
liberties of individuals and legal entities, equality of parties, freedom of contracts, and
inviolability of property. In Russia, contract law falls under Russian civil law.

Intellectual property rights

Intellectual Property Rights are legal rights governing the use of creations of the human
mind. Patents, designs and trademarks are considered as industrial property. As per
International Convention for the protection of industrial property has as its object patents,
utility models, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks, trade names, indications of
source or appellations or origin and the repression of unfair competition when copyrights,
Geographical indicators, layout Designs and confidential information were included to
industrial property, they all become intellectual property.


According to the Intellectual Property Code, any original work derived in
any form can be subject to copyright protection. The work that can be
protected includes:
- literary and artistic creations,
- industrial designs,
- inventions that can be patented,
- audiovisual works,
- computer works,
- software or database,
- paintings and sculptures,
- photographic work.

Copyright protection is granted for texts of literary, scientific or artistic works,
musical compositions, audiovisual works, drawings, paintings, and
photographic works. It is regulated mainly by Federal Law No. 9.610/98 (the
“Copyright Law”).

he laws on intellectual property protection in Russia are comprised in
the Civil Code of the Russian Federation that was enabled in 2008, after a
series of modifications throughout the years. It includes the Copyright
Law that was separated until that moment. Russia has laws governing:

- copyright protection,
- trademark and service mark protection,
- company’s intellectual assets protection,
- computer programs and database protection,
- protection of topologies of integrated circuits.

Product Safty and liability

A manufacturer/seller may be held liable if the good/product poses a threat to the health or
safety of the consumer. Under tort law, the remedy may be sought from the manufacturer as
he/she owes a duty of care to the consumer. However, this is not a remedy ordinarily pursued
in India in independent civil actions.

The main areas of law relating to product liability in France are contract law,
tort law and the rules on strict liability for defective products. Strict liability
for defective products derives from Directive 85/374/EEC on liability for
defective products implemented into French law.

Product liability litigation is quite common in Brazil, which makes it
crucial for suppliers to understand the legal framework and case law as a way
to avoid potential liability.

In Russia, rather than having a single product liability statute, the relevant rules
are scattered among a variety of different laws. The Civil Code and the
Consumer Protection Law contain a number of provisions by which
manufacturers may incur liability for loss or damage suffered by the
consumers of their products, regardless of whether a direct contractual
relationship exists.



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