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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

2006, 45, 7475-7481 7475

High-Throughput Fire Testing for Intumescent Coatings

M. Jimenez, S. Duquesne, and S. Bourbigot*
Laboratoire des Procédés d’Elaboration de ReVêtements Fonctionnels (PERF), LSPES UMR 8008, Ecole
Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille, BP90108, F-59652 VilleneuVe d’Ascq, France

A new small-scale fire test is described in this paper. The goal was to design a high-throughput test permitting
the optimization of intumescent mastic coatings formulated to protect steel in the case of hydrocarbon fire.
This type of coating, applied on steel plates, beams, or columns, is usually evaluated in large industrial furnaces.
Such experiments are expensive and time-consuming. The development of a small-scale laboratory test using
an external heat flux is investigated. Temperature as a function of time is recorded on the back of the coated
steel panel. It is shown that temperature profiles are very well correlated with those measured in industrial
furnaces. This low-cost and fast test is very repeatable, and it allows rapid screening of a large number of
different coating formulations. The test also shows good correlation with the results obtained in cellulosic
fire testing.

1. Introduction as petrochemical complexes and offshore platforms, with a

typical rating of 2 h. This hydrocarbon test curve is also used
The protection of metallic materials against fire has become to simulate jet fire scenarios in which leaking high-pressure
an important issue in the construction industry. Indeed, preven- hydrocarbon gases ignite to produce intense, erosive jet flames
tion of the structural collapse of the building is paramount to that can reach speeds of 150 m/s. A standard jet fire test,
ensure the safe evacuation of people from the building, and is denominated OTI 95 634, has been developed jointly by the
a prime requirement of building regulations1 in many countries. U.K. Health and Safety Executive and the Norwegian Petroleum
Steel usually begins to lose its structural properties above 500 Directorate for use predominantly on offshore installations.7 The
°C. Intumescent coatings are designed to perform under severe test impinges the high-speed stream of ignited propane fuel onto
conditions and to maintain the steel integrity for between 1 and a substrate coated with the product.8 The propane is delivered
3 h in some cases when the temperature of the surroundings is at a rate of 0.3-20 kg/s, depending on the test site setup, and
in excess of 1100 °C.2-4 Upon heating, foamed cellular charred can consume 1 ton of fuel/min.
layers are formed on the surface, which protect the underlying
material from the action of the heat and/or flame. The industrial test taken as reference in this paper is test
UL1709, and the intumescent formulations used in this study
Different types of fire curves, corresponding to different
standards, can be used during industrial tests, the main ones are thick-film intumescent systems, designed to provide protec-
being cellulosic and hydrocarbon fire test curves,5,6 as shown tion of steel in both hydrocarbon and jet fires. Intumescent thick
in Figure 1. films are usually based on epoxy, vinyl, or other elastomeric
resins and contain ingredients providing intumescence upon
The cellulosic fire test curve (ASTM E-119) intends to
heating. They are available as solvent-free systems, permitting
simulate the rate of temperature increase that can be observed
the application of up to 8-10 mm thick coating.9-12 They are
in a residential or commercial building fire where the main
hard and durable, and some of them can provide excellent
sources of combustion fuel are cellulosic in nature, such as
protection from corrosion.13,14 They exhibit very high adhesion
wood, paper, furniture, and common building materials. The
to the substrate and resistance to impact, abrasion, and vibration
fire curve is characterized by a relatively slow temperature rise
damage. High tensile and compressive strengths can be obtained,
to around 927 °C after 60 min. But although this fire curve is
and weather resistance is excellent.
still used, it is noteworthy that the burning rates for certain
materials, e.g., petrol gas and fuels, etc., are much larger than These intumescent coatings are high-value products for
the rate at which, for instance, timber would burn. As such, industries, and the competition in developing new products is
there was a need for an alternative exposure for the purpose of high. But the development of new intumescent coatings depends
carrying out tests on structures and materials used within the on many parameters: the intumescence concept15-18 requires a
petrochemical industry, and thus the hydrocarbon curve was balance between the fire properties and the level of additives
developed. in the material. The formulation of the coating has first to be
The hydrocarbon test curve (UL1709) intends to simulate or optimized in terms of physical and chemical properties (char
to be indicative of the rapid temperature rise measured when a strength, expansion, and viscosity, etc.) in order to form an
hydrocarbon fuel such as oil or natural gas burns: the temper- effective protective char.19 This latter should limit both the heat
ature rises rapidly to 1000 °C within 4 min until reaching transfer from the heat source to the substrate and the mass
temperature between 1100 or 1200 °C. transfer from the substrate to the heat source, resulting in
This hydrocarbon fire test curve, developed by the Mobil Oil conservation of the underlying material. The formulations are
Co. in the early 1970s and adopted by a number of organizations, then evaluated in an industrial furnace using UL1709,20 in order
is now a well-accepted reference in high-risk environments such to compare their ability to protect the steel substrate from fire.
In a typical fire test, steel substrates coated with intumescent
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: + 33 (0)3 coating are tested. Thermocouples are attached to the isolated
20 43 48 88. Fax: +33 (0)3 20 43 65 84. E-mail: serge.bourbigot@ back of the plate, and the evolution of temperature is plotted against time (Figure 2).
10.1021/ie0608410 CCC: $33.50 © 2006 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 09/28/2006
7476 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 45, No. 22, 2006

Figure 1. Main standard fire test curves.

This temperature is known as the “failure temperature”. The

corresponding time is called the “time of failure”. The most
efficient coatings are the ones having the longest time of failure.
These furnace tests are however very expensive, and panel
preparation is time-consuming; moreover only a few panels can
be tested in 1 day. This is why small-scale and high-throughput
tests should be developed to allow rapid screening of formula-
tions21 and accelerate the research on new and more efficient
intumescent formulations. The test we have developed in our
laboratory tries to evaluate very rapidly the heat barrier effect
Figure 2. Example of time/temperature curve registered.
of intumescent coating when exposed to a heat flux.
Tests have been carried out on different intumescent epoxy-
The key parameter of this test is when the nonheated side of based thick-film coatings: results and correlations are presented
the steel plate reaches 400 °C: the critical temperature of the and commented on in the first parts of this paper. The last part
steel is an essential parameter; this parameter is defined as the of the paper discusses results also measured on cellulosic
temperature at which only 60% of the original strength remains, intumescent coatings as test materials.
the point at which failure is imminent under full design loads.
It is important to take into account the load of the structure: if
2. Experimental Apparatus and Methods
the steel member is part of the main structure, it follows that
the load also needs to be considered when determining the 2.1. Industrial Fire Test. Industrial furnace tests have been
protection requirements. For regular reinforcing steel, the critical carried out in a 1.5 m3 furnace (Figure 3) according to UL1709.
temperature is 538 °C, while for prestressing steel bars, which The coatings are applied on a steel plate (thickness, 3.5 mm)
are made of high-carbon, cold-drawn steel instead of low-carbon, and cured for 1 week at room temperature. Thermocouples are
hot-rolled steel, the critical temperature is significantly lower attached to the back of the coated plates. Five thermocouples
at 427 °C. It is the reason 500 °C has been selected as a standard are used on each plate, so that an average temperature can be
for normally loaded structural components, while 400 °C has obtained. The burning conditions try to fit as much as possible
been selected as a standard for heavily loaded structural the ramp of temperature of a hydrocarbon fire (about 200 °C/
components such as, for example, offshore platforms. min). Figure 4 shows the difference between the experimental

Figure 3. Industrial furnace.

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 45, No. 22, 2006 7477

Figure 4. Comparison between standard and experimental hydrocarbon curves.

Figure 5. Four steel plates coated, before and after the test.

and the standard hydrocarbon curve. The main difference occurs Medtherm Corp. (Huntsville, Alabama), resistant to 800 °C and
during the first minutes of heating: the increase of temperature having a constant emissivity of 0.92, is applied on the nonheated
is much more rapid during the test compared to the standard. side of the steel plates. The constant emissivity of the backside
This is not a problem, as the aim is to test the coatings under of the plate allows accurate measurement of the surface
the most severe conditions possible. temperature of the plate using an infrared pyrometer. The
As four plates are tested at the same time, the plates are infrared pyrometer is positioned at a constant distance from the
isolated using glass wool. The plates are mounted vertically in steel plate, and the beam is pointed on the center of the plate.
the furnace and burnt (Figure 5) until the thermocouples attached It detects the temperature on the nonheated face of the steel
to the back of the plates reach a temperature higher than 400 plate and registers the time/temperature curve on a computer.
°C (the failure temperature). This time however no failure temperature is considered, as the
Time/temperature curves are recorded, which characterize the heating temperature does not reach 1200 °C as in the large
heat protective effect of the different coatings in a hydrocarbon furnace. This test is used mostly by comparing temperature
fire. obtained after 20 min for one formulation to the test is shown
2.2. Small-Scale Test. Some small-scale tests such as the in Figure 6.
cone calorimeter test,22 limiting oxygen index (LOI),23 and This small-scale test is very stable and repeatable. The
flammability tests (UL94)24 already exist and are widely used reference curve is the time/temperature curve obtained for the
to evaluate different parameters of intumescent formulations, virgin steel plate black-coated on its nonheated face.
for example, the heat release rate, the ignition time, and the The whole system is placed into a box in order to avoid the
gases released, etc. By developing the current small-scale test, effect of the fume cupboard: the aim is to reduce the convective
the aim was to evaluate the efficiency of the intumescent coating and chimney effects.
in terms of heat transfer. As in the large furnace test, the aim is 2.3. Materials. Different intumescent formulations have been
to obtain time/ temperature profiles measured on the back of studied using both tests, to compare the results obtained. Because
the coated steel plate. all the formulations are provided by an industrial partner, the
The heat source is a heat radiator provided by Saint Gobain identity of the components will not be given in this paper. Three
(France). The steel plates used are squares of 5 × 5 cm2 and 5 different types of formulations have been tested: the first type
mm thick; the steel is exactly the same as the one used in the comprised three basic intumescent epoxy-based formulations
industrial test. About 1 mm of the intumescent coating is applied (IF1, IF2, and IF3), which are compared to a reference
on the surface of the steel plate. A black coating, provided by commercial intumescent mastic (IF4). The second series of tests
7478 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 45, No. 22, 2006

tested in a large furnace using the cellulosic fire curve. The

purpose was to validate our test in different conditions.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Reproducibility Tests. Reproducibility tests were carried
out on the uncoated steel plate and on the steel plate coated
with 1 mm of the commercial reference IF4. The experiments
were performed on different days, and as it can be seen in Figure
7, the experimental reproducibility is very good in all cases
throughout the entire test.
3.2. First Series of Tests on “Basic” Formulations. Heat
radiator tests were first carried out on different formulations
(IF1, IF2, IF3, and IF4), and the results are compared with those
obtained in furnace tests. The formulations IF1, IF2, and IF3
are constituted by the main intumescent compounds of the
formulation IF4. The time/temperature curves obtained both at
the industrial furnace tests and with the heat radiator test are
Figure 6. Presentation of the small-scale test. shown in Figure 8a,b, respectively.
The time/temperature curves carried out in the industrial
furnace are shown up to 400 °C (failure temperature). The
parameter taken into account is the time of failure, namely, the
time when temperature reaches 400 °C. The materials exhibit
very different behavior: the most efficient coating is IF4 (time
of failure of about 40 min), while the worst one is IF1 (time of
failure of 10 min).
During the heat radiator test, there is an important increase
of temperature at the beginning of the test (from 0 to 350 s) in
all cases, but after 450 s the temperature remains quite steady.
If the temperatures reached at the end of the experiment are
compared, the best performance is obtained when the temper-
ature increases slowly during initial heating (t < 350 s) and
when the lowest temperature is reached at the end of the test (t
> 450 s). According to those observations, the curves can be
well-distinguished. The best formulation is still IF4 with a
temperature of about 320 °C reached at 1200 s, and the worst
Figure 7. Repeatability test on a virgin plate and on a virgin plate coated
one is still IF1, which reaches about 400 °C at 1200 s.
with IF4. The ranking of results obtained after 1200 s in the heat
radiator test and at 400 °C in the furnace tests are then
were carried out on three intumescent epoxy-based mastics (IF5, summarized in Table 1.
IF6, and IF7), also compared to the commercial formulation The rank orders between the heat radiator test and the
(IF4). The final tests were carried out on three unknown industrial furnace agree well each other. So the heat radiator
cellulosic coatings (IFA, IFB, and IFC), which have also been test appears to be a very interesting tool to carry out an initial

Figure 8. (a) Industrial furnace and (b) heat radiator tests on five intumescent formulations.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 45, No. 22, 2006 7479

Table 1. Ranking of Results Obtained for Tests on Intumescent only 380 °C, whereas it reached 450 °C when the plate was
Formulations (1 w Best Result) mounted horizontally. The second observation is that the
heat radiator test industrial furnace test coatings swell less than in the first test and do not ignite. Those
IF1 4 4 comments explain then why this particular experimental setup
IF2 3 3 does not permit discrimination of the formulations. It is not our
IF3 2 2 goal here to compare further the two setups. Our initial aim
IF4 1 1 was to test the mechanical resistance of the char on plates and
see if formulations IF1 and IF2 fell off from the plate, as it
assessment of whether a coating might perform well in a
could be observed during furnace testing. However, the tem-
hydrocarbon fire. Another interesting facet of the heat radiator
peratures should be too low here: the char, which does not swell
test is that it is possible to look at the texture of the resulting
a lot, does not fall off the plate.
formed char to estimate its mechanical resistance. It is a major
advantage since an intumescent coating should also resist Considering that the curves are not very distinguishable and
external stresses and some prediction of the behavior on the that the char remains on the steel plate, the horizontal plate
large scale might be done. Another observation we made during system will be considered in the following part.
the industrial furnace test is that the formulations IF1 and IF2 3.3. Second Series of Tests Carried out on Intumescent
fell off the steel plate during the test. For this reason it was Mastics. A second series of tests was carried out on four
decided to set up the same test with the coated plate mounted different intumescent mastics: IF4 (reference formulation), IF5,
vertically (Figure 9). IF6, and IF7. Curves obtained in the industrial furnace and heat
radiator test are presented in Figure 11a,b, respectively.
The best formulation in the furnace evaluated up to 30 min
is IF5, and the worst formulation is IF7. After 30 min, the time/
temperature curve of the formulation IF5 crosses over the curve
of the formulation IF4, and at the end of the test, IF4 is still the
most efficient formulation.
Considering the results of the small-scale test, the best
performing formulation up to 13 min is IF5 and the worst is
IF7. Interestingly the same crossover of curves between IF5
and IF4 is subsequently observed: after 13 min the formulation
IF4 shows the best performance.
This crossover can be the consequence of different phenom-
ena: this can be due to changes in the structure of the char
(cracks, change of viscosity, bubbles, and mechanical strength
of the char) which modify the heat transfer between the
Figure 9. Small-scale test with the steel plate put vertically. intumesced coating and the plate. Or some components inside
the coating, such as fibers, might provide an additional insulating
The same coating formulations were tested with this experi- effect after a certain time of heating accumulating at the surface.
mental setup (Figure 10). The ranking of results obtained after 1200 s with heat radiator
and at 400 °C in the furnace test are summarized in Table 2.
As above, the heat radiator and the industrial furnace tests
agree very well each other. It is noteworthy that the temperature/
time curves exhibit a similar behavior including the crossover.
According to those results, we may conclude that the heat
radiator test can be used to effectively rank the efficiency of
intumescent mastics.
However, there are not only intumescent epoxy mastics in
the fire protection coating market: two main kinds of coatings
exist, the thick-film intumescent coatings (mastic) and thin-film
intumescents (cellulosic coatings). The next part of the paper
will examine whether the heat radiator test can also be used to
evaluate cellulosic intumescent coatings.
3.4. Third Series of Tests Carried out on Cellulosic
Coatings. Thin intumescent films are used for protection from
cellulosic type fires. They are generally available as solvent-
or water-based systems and applied by spray or brush-roller in
Figure 10. Tests carried out with plates mounted vertically. thin-film coats up to 3 mm thick. They typically use thermo-
plastic acrylic based resin systems, and they intumesce quickly
As above, the temperature/time curves show that IF1 is the when exposed to a cellulosic type fire environment. Protection
least effective formulation. Nevertheless it is difficult to for 1 h can be achieved with 1-3 mm thick coatings. Thin
determine which one of the three other formulations is the best intumescent films are often referred to as “fire retardant paints”
one, as they reach the same temperature after 1200 s. rather than “fireproofing” materials due to their lower fire
First experimental observations show that there are more heat resistance compared to thick intumescent films. Many of them
losses on sides due to convective phenomena than when the are unsuitable for exterior use unless a topcoat is applied over
plates are mounted horizontally: the heat radiator is still at the them, and the test ratings are limited to cellulosic fires only.
same distance from the plate, but the uncoated steel plate reaches Advantages of these products include that they are available in
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Figure 11. (a) Industrial furnace and (b) heat radiator tests on four intumescent mastics.

Figure 12. (a) Heat radiator and (b) furnace tests on three intumescent cellulosic coatings.

Table 2. Ranking of Results Obtained for Intumescent Mastics (1 w Table 3. Ranking of Results Obtained for Intumescent Cellulosic
Best Result) Coatings (1 w Best Result)
heat radiator test industrial furnace test heat radiator test industrial furnace test
IF4 1 1 IFA 1 1
IF5 2 2 IFB 3 3
IF6 3 3 IFC 2 2
IF7 4 4
difference between IFB and IFC is less clear; at the end of the
wide range of colors and they are inexpensive and relatively test IFC reaches a slightly lower temperature than IFB, but at
easy to apply. They are mostly used inside buildings. the start of the test (up to 3 min) IFC provides the better
Testing of cellulosic coatings is different from testing performance
intumescent mastics: the hydrocarbon fire curve is replaced by The furnace test shows distinct curves, the most efficient
the standard cellulosic fire curve (Figure 1). During this test, formulation being IFA and the least efficient being IFB.
coatings can be applied on steel plates, or also on columns and The rankings of results obtained at 1200 s with the heat
beams, which are put inside the furnace, and the standard radiator and at 500 °C in the furnace tests are presented in Table
cellulosic fire is applied to them. As these coating are not 3.
designed to be applied on heavily loaded components, 500 °C As above, correlation between the two tests is excellent, with
is taken as the failure temperature, with the corresponding time the same ranking of coating performance obtained.
of failure.
Three commercial cellulosic coatings (IFA, IFB, and IFC)
4. Conclusion
are evaluated using the heat radiator and furnace tests. The
curves obtained for both tests are presented in Figure 12a,b). A reliable high-throughput test has been developed in the
This was a “blind test”, as nothing was known about the laboratory in order to evaluate the heat barrier effect of different
composition of the coatings tested. intumescent formulations. This is a small-size, rapid, and low-
The heat radiator test gives three distinct curves: the coating cost test, easy to use, showing great repeatability and allowing
IFA shows much better efficiency than the other coatings. The rapid screening of thick- and thin-film intumescent formulations.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 45, No. 22, 2006 7481

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