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AP Chem Big Ideas 2 and 3 Worksheets

1. Rank the six solutions below in order of increasing molarity. Pay attention to volume,
and some have equal concentration. Molarity=Moles/Volume

2. As per Diagram below which one will have the highest boiling point
A. Ne
B. Kr
C. Rn
D. Xe

Q3. Intermolecular Bands include bonds between two molecules. Find how many bonds
are there in Water as depicted by arrow.
4. CH2Cl2 is Polar whereas CCl4 is non polar. Which one will soluble in Water?


b. Al 2 S3 + 6 H2 O ---> 2Al(OH) 3 + 3 H2 S

15.00 g a lu min um s ulfid e an d 10.00 g wa te r re a c t

a) Id e n tify th e Limitin g Re a c ta n t

What is the maximum mass of H2S which can be formed from these reagents?

c. How much reactant will be left after reaction?


b. Is this endothermic or exothermic reaction? Justify your answer.



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