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CHAPTER 4 FIXTURES, FAUCETS AND FIXTURE FITTINGS SECTION 401 GENERAL 401.1 Scope. This chapter shall govern the materials, design ‘and installation of plumbing fixtures, faucets and fixture fit- tings in accordance with the type of occupancy, and shall pro- vvide for the minimum number of fixtures for various types of occupancies. 401.2 Prohibited fixtures and connections. Water closets having a concealed trap seal or an unventilated space or having walls that are not thoroughly washed at each dischargein accor- dance with ASME A112.19.2 shall be prohibited. Any water ‘closet that permits siphonage of the contents of the bowl back. into the tank stall be prohibited. Trough urinals shall be pro- hibited. 401.3 Water conservation, The maximum water flow rates and flush volume for plumbing fixtures and fixture fintings shall comply with Section 604.4. SECTION 402 FIXTURE MATERIALS 402.1 Quality of fixtures. Plumbing fixtures shall be constructed of approved materials, with smooth, impervious, surfaces, fre from defects and concealed fouling surfaces, and shall conform to standards cited in this code. All porcelain ‘enameled surfaces on plumbing fixtures shall be acid resistant. 402.2 Materials for specialty fixtures, Materials forspecialty fixtures not otherwise covered in this code shall be of stainless steel, soapstone, chemical stoneware or plastic, orshall be lined. with lead, copper-base alloy, nickel-copper alloy, corrosion- resistant steel or other material especially suited to the applica- tion for which the fixture is intended, 402.3 Sheet copper. Sheet copper for general applications shall conform to ASTM B 152 and shall not weigh less than 12 ounces per square foot (3.7 kg/m?). 402.4 Sheet lead. Sheet lead for pans shall not weigh less than 4 pounds per square foot (19.5 kg/m?) coated with an asphalt paint or other approved coating SECTION 403 MINIMUM PLUMBING FACILITIES 403.1 Minimum number of fixtures. Plumbing fixtures shall be provided for the type of occupancy and in the minimum ‘number shown in Table 403.1. Typesof occupancies notshown in Table 403.1 shall be considered individually by the code off- cial The number of occupants shall be determined by the Inrer- nationat Building Code. Occupancy classification shall be determined in accordance with the International Building Code. TABLE 109-1 INIMUM NUNBER OF PLUMBING FACILITIES* SaSemmns {ten Sections Ait and SONY a "WATER CLOSETS 7 DDANKING kena 0s, FOUNTAINS sariruss: | (eee Senton occurancy Wale | Fomaie| tavaronies | ShOWERS a0.) omens Righiclibs Tperdd | Tper4 | _lper 75 = Tper 300) V service sink Resiaranis Tper?5 | 1per75 | —tper 200 = Tper 500 | —Teenvice sink Aa [Theaters halls; maseums, te. | 7 per 125] I per6> | 1 per 200 = Tper500__[__I service sink S$ [Coliseums, arenas (less than § [Cetiscams ar 1per75 | tperdo | 1 per 150 = 1 per 1,000 | 1 service sink E | Coliseums, arenas (3,000 seats_| 1 per 120 | i per 60 ‘Male = 1 per 1,000 T service sink M | or greater) | per 200 B Female L per 150 Circe Tp 180 | Tper73 | i'per200 = Tper,000_| 1 service snk Stadiums (ese than 3.000 cn ain 1 per 160 | 1 perso | 1 per 150 - 1 per 1,000 | 1 service sink ‘Stadiums (3,000 seats or T per 150 | 1 per 75. Male _ “] Tper 1,000 1 service sink treater) 1 per 200 Female per 180 (Continued) £2000 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE® ‘TABLE 403.1 - 403.2 FIXTURES, FAUCETS AND FIXTURE FITTINGS TABLE 403.1—continued MINMUM NUMBER OF PLUMBING FACILITIES (seo Sections 403°2 and 403.) WATERCLOSETS 7 DRINKING Bite, soe FOUNTAINS |__sectondéva saretuss! | (eee Section occupancy Wao | Ferae| wavarones | SowERS ‘a ormens_ Business (see Sections 403.3, uses (see Sec 1 yer 50 1 per 80 = T per 100 | 1 service sink Baveational per 50 = per 100 | _Tsenviee snk [Factory and indusral per 100] (eee Section iti) | 1 per 400 |b service sink Passenger terminals and I 7 i transportation facilities | per 750 _ 1 per 1,000 a 1 [Residential eae Ter Thee Tper oo | Teenie sak N | Hospitals, ambulatory nursing @ ; T service sink pe X | espa: abl 1 per room 1 pers 1 per 100 ies T [Day nurseries, sanitarioms, 1 | Prat nas ome 1 por 1S 1 per 15, 1 per 15° 1 per 100} 1 service sink patients, ete ! & F Binptoyees, other an lyeras aes = chon] 1 [_ residential care’ per Pe _ ter a 9 | Rae er anew aa alpen = 1 per 500 ee A [Pr Tperectt | _Upereall Tperis T per 100 | 1 servie snk L [Asylums, reformatories, etc.® U per 15, 1 per 15) “T per 15 [1 per 100, Vservice sink ‘Mercantile (see Sections 4082 7 Sey 1 per 500 1 per 750 = Tper 1000 | 1 service sink Hotes, mos Tremnicon | gt, | Tecan | — Tsevee sik p [totes Ta 10 Ter 10 Tpere | Tye 100] tservice snk r Tite snk por f dvelling units 1 | sfuttiple family paveinng unt | per e+ dwell _ 1 automatic clothes 1p | Multiple family ¥ per dwelling unit | Gyening unit | | Per dwelling unit ‘washer conncetion E er 20 dwelling N AE ‘nits T [Dormitories tps 10 Tper 10 Tper® T per 100 Tservice sink 1 Tkichen sink per A a diweling unit One- and two-family dwellings | 1 per dwelling unit z | per dwelling unit _ J automatic clothes ‘dwelling unit washer connection pordselling unit! ‘Storage see Sections 403.2 and = : ne ela rage 1 per 100) per 100 | Gee Section 411) | 1perto00 | 1 service sink 1 The ixures shownare basedon one fiture being the min ‘The numberof occupants shall he determined By the fntemtional Buiing Code, bs. Fists locted in adjaceat buildings under the ownetship or control of the Chueh shall be made avaitale daring periods the church is occupied © Tei 4. single-occupant tile room with one water clovet and one Lavatory sei provided with direct access from each patient room a with provisions fi «For day nuneries, 4 masiinum of ene bathtub shal be required 1 Forattached one- and two-faily dwellings, one automatic clothes washer connection sal be equired pe 4031.1 Unisex toilet and bath fixtures. Fixtures located 1 Talis for employees shal be separate from facilities for inmates or patent ot mors than fo odacentpationt rooms shall Be pected where such rom is ie, within unisex toilet and bathing rooms complying with Sec- 1 tion 404 are permitted to be included in determining the minimum required number of fixtures for assembly and mercantile occupancies. 403.2 Separate facilities. Where plumbing fixtures are required, separate facilities shali be provided for cach sex. sal Exception: juin equired forthe number of persons indicated or any Traction ofthe number of persons indicated 20 dwelling unis Sept actions hs regina rp ities Separate employee facilites shall not be required in oceupancies in which 15 or fess people are employed. Sepurate facilities shall not be required in structures or tenant spaces with total occupant load, including both cmployees and customers, of 15 oF less. 2000 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE® FIXTURES, FAUCETS AND FIXTURE FITTINGS 403.3 Number of occupants of each sex. The required water closets, lavatories, and showers or bathtubs shall be distributed ‘equally between the sexes based on the percentage of each sex anticipated in the occupant load. The occupant load shall be composed of 50 percent of each sex, unless statistical data approved by the code official indicate adifferent distribution of the sexes. 403.4 Location of employee toilet facilities in occupancies other than assembly or mercantile. Accessto toilet facilities in occupancies other than mercantile and assembly ‘occupancies shall be from within theemployees’ regular work- D ing arca. Employce facilities shall be either separate facilities I or combined employee and public customer Facilities Exception: Facilities that are required for employees in stor- ‘age structures or kiosks, and are located in adjacent struc- tures under the same ownership, lease or control, shall be a ‘maximum travel distance of 500 feet (152 m) from the em- ployces’ regular working area, 403.4.1 Travel distance. The required toilet facilities in oc ccupancies other than assembly or mercantite shall be located ‘not more than one story above or below the employee’sregu- Jar working area and the path of travel to such facilities shall not exceed a distance of 500 feet (152m). Exception: The location and maximum travel distances to required employce toilet tacilities in factory and indus. tial occupancies are permitted to exceed that required in Section 403.4.1, provided the location and maximum travel distance ate approved by the code official 4035 Location of employee toilet facilities in mercantile and assembly occupancies. Employees shall be provided with toilet facilities in building and tenant spaces utilized as restau rants, nightclubs, places of publie assembly and mereoatile oc cupancies. The employees’ facilities shall be either separate facilities or combined employce and public customer facilities. The required toilet facilities shall be located not more than one story above or below the employee’s regular work area and the path of travel to such facilities, in other than covered malls. shall not exceed a distance of 500 fect (152 m). The path of travel to required facilities in covered malls shall not exceed a distance of 300 feet (91 440 mm), Exception: Employee toilet facilities shall not berequiredin nant spaces where the travel distance from the main entrance of the tenant space to a central foilet area does not exceed 300 eet(91 440 min) and such central tlt acs are located not more than one story above or below the tenant, space. 403.6 Public facilities. Customers, patrons and visitors shall be provided with public toilet facilities in structures and tenant spaces intended for public utilization. Public toilet facilities shall be located not more than one story above or below the space required to be provided with public toilet facilities and the path of travel to such facilities shall notexceed adistanceof 500 feet (152 m). 403.6.1 Covered malls. In covered mall buildings, the path, of travel to required toilet facilities shall not exceed a dis- lance of 300 feet (91 440 mm), The required facilities shall — Fe = = 2000 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE* ASS = Re be based on total square footage, and facilities shalt be installed in each individual store or ina central toilet area lo- cated in accordance with this section, The maximum travel distance to the central toilet facilities in covered mall build- ‘ngs stall be measured from the mainentrance of any store ot tenant space. 403.6.2 Pay facilities. Required facilities shall be free of charge and designated by legible signs for each sex. Where pay facilitesare installed, such facilities shall be in excess of the required minimum facilities SECTION 404 ACCESSIBLE PLUMBING FACILITIES 404.1 Where required. Toilet rooms and bathing facilities containing fixtures for occupants of a structure that is required to be accessible by the International Building Code shall have at least one fixture or element of each type accessible in accor- dance with this section and ICC/ANSI A117.1. Where water ‘closet compartmentsare provided inatoiletroom or bathing fa- cility, a wheelchair-accessible compartment shall be provided in accordance with ICC/ANSI A117. 1. Where six or more wa- tercloset comparimentsare provided ina toilet room or bathing facility, at least one ambulatory-accessible compartment stall, be provided in accordance with ICC/ANSIA117.1, inaddition to the wheelchair-accessible compartment, At least 50 percent ‘of drinking fountains, but not less than one, provided on every floor shall be accessible. Accessible routes to plumbing fix- tures shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Internationat Building Code. Where required by the International Building Code, fixtures and clear floor space requirementsin Type A dwelling units and ‘Type B dwelling units in residential occupancies shall comply with (CC/ANSI A171 Exceptions: 1. A private toilet room or bathing facility intended for utilization by a single occupant shall be permitted to be adaptable. 2. This section shall not apply to dwelling units, guest- rooms and patient toifet rooms that are not required by the International Building Code to be accessible or adaptable. 404.1.1 Unisex toilet and bathing rooms. In assembly and ‘mercantile occupancies, unisex toilet and bathing rooms shall be provided in aecordance with Section 404.2. 404.2 Unisex toilet and bathing rooms. In assembly and mer- cantile occupancies, an accessible unisex toilet room shall be provided where an aggregate of six or more male or female ‘water closets are required. In buildings of mixed occupancy, only those water closets required for he assembly or mercan tile occupancy shall be used to determine the unisex toilet room requirement. Inrecreational facilities where separate-sex bath ing rooms are provided, an accessible unisex bathing room shall be provided Exception: Where each separate sex bathing room has only ‘one shower or bathtub fixture, a unisex bathing room is not required. 25

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