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So yesterday I did a test with paper airplane recorded the results.

Here they are:

Number of tests A B C
1 5.14m 5.26m 4.15m
2 5.92m 4.51m 3.52m
3 6.02m 4.46m 6.5m

I use the measuring app on my phone and flew the airplanes down the hallway. I got all the
designs from

A, the basic airplane

This airplane was relatively easy to make and flew across the hall pretty smoothly. I don’t have
a lot to say but unlike the other planes, it didn’t bump into the walls as much.
B, the steath

I was kind of disappointed in this plane, I had high hopes for it since the website said it was
made for distance. I had trouble flying it far and making it stay up in the air. When I tossed it in
the air it tumbles down, but when I think it’s going to stay in the air for longer it suddenly drops
down. After the three tries, I tried to fly it again and kept flopping but I found out if I throw it
more gently the plane flies a little bit smooth. To be fair it wasn’t that hard to make even though
it had more steps than the other planes. Maybe I made it wrong but I tried to follow the
instructions very carefully.
C, the bumble
In the website, they said it would last in the air longer. It did, but it was hard to fly and like B, it
kept tumbling down. I would not recommend you to make it because the flying is not consistent
but it’s not hard to make if you want to try it.

In conclusion, C when the farthest but A is better because it had less problems flying.

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