Urea Transporters - 1

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J. Membrane Biol.

212, 133–138 (2006)

DOI: 10.1007/s00232-006-0872-x

The Erythrocyte Urea Transporter UT-B

Serena M. Bagnasco
Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 20187, USA
Accepted: 14 June 2006 transporters have now been identifiedin
mammals and other organisms, where they
serve different purposes (reviewed in
Bagnasco, 2005). In the mammalian kidney,
Abstract. During the past decade significant
high concentrations of urea in the inner
progress has been made in our
medulla contribute to the cortico-medullary
understanding of the role played by urea
osmotic gradient required for proper
transporters in the production of
concentration of urine. Main-
concentrated urine by the kidney. Urea
transporters have been cloned and
characterized in a wide range of species.
The genomic organization of the two major
families of mammalian urea transporters, Correspondence to: S.M. Bagnasco; email: sbagnas1@jhmi.edu
UT-A and UT-B, has been defined, taining high levels of urea in the
providing new insight into the mechanisms medullary interstitium depends on the
that regulate their expression and function in balance between urea excretion and
physiological and pathological conditions. reabsorption in the renal tubular
Beside the kidney, the presence of urea segments, and on minimizing escape of
transporters has been documented in a urea from the medulla through the
variety of tissues, where their role is not ascending vasa recta. This would not be
fully known. Recently, mice with targeted possible if urea transfer across cells was
deletion of the major urea transporters have solely determined by passive diffusion
been generated, which have shown variable during the fast transit in the lumen of
impairment of urine concentrating ability, tubules and vasa recta. Earlier studies on
and have helped to clarify the physiological water and urea transport in red blood cells
contribution of individual transporters to showed that urea permeability across the
this process. This review focuses on the erythrocyte was considerably higher (1.2 ·
erythrocyte urea transporter UT-B. 10)3 cm/s) compared to lipid bilayers (4 ·
10)6 cm/s), that thiourea and other urea
Key words: Urea Transport — Kidney — analogues competed with urea for
Erythrocyte — Vasa recta — Colon — transport, and could be inhibited by
Urine concentration phloretin and mercurial compounds,
which did not affect water permeability
(Brahm, 1983; Mayrand and Levitt,
Introduction 1983). These findings pointed to the
presence of a specific urea transporter that
Urea is a small, water-soluble, organic could mediate rapid transfer of urea
molecule with a low permeability through across the erythrocyte membrane. Based
lipid bilayers, which enables it to slowly on these observations, a physiological role
cross cell membranes by passive diffusion. for urea facilitated diffusion was proposed
The existence of specific urea transporters is by Macey and Yousef, who suggested that
now well established, and several urea rapid transport of urea in erythrocytes
134 S. M. Bagnasco: The UT-B Transporter
would preserve their viability in the face transporters, Sands et al. estimated a high
of shifting extracellular osmolarity while turnover rate of UT-B on the erythrocyte
passing through the medullary vasa recta, membrane, and suggested that this
and could limit dissipation of the osmotic transporter may behave like a channel in
gradient in the renal medulla, by reducing physiological conditions (Sands et al.,
the amount of urea carried by erythrocytes 1997).
from the blood exiting the renal medulla There is no experimental evidence so
into the systemic circulation (Macey & far for short-term regulation of the UT-B
Yousef, 1988). transport activity in response to specific
signaling pathways. Highstringency
search for regulatory motifs in the UT-B
Structure-Function Relationship polypeptide (http://scansite.mit.edu)
shows the presence of a consensus site for
The urea transporter expressed in human tyrosine phosphorylation by FGR kinase
erythrocytes, HUT11, was first cloned by in the human protein (Protein ID:
Olives et al. in 1994 from a human bone AAX20112, Y282) and in the mouse
marrow cells library (GenBank ID protein (Protein
L36121) (Olives et al., 1994). Following a ID: AAL47138, Y277), but not in rat UT-
proposal for a systematic nomenclature of B (Protein ID: NP 062219). The FGR
urea transporters by Sands et al. (Sands, kinase is a member of the SRC kinase
Timmer & Gunn, 1997), the erythrocyte family, highly expressed in bone marrow
transporter is now usually referred to as and spleen
UT-B urea transporter. Based on (http://genecards.weitzman.ac). With less
sequencing of the genomic DNA of stringent criteria, the UT-B peptide shows
numerous blood donors, the L36121 potential consensus sites for Abl kinase
cDNA, which encodes a predicted 391- (human, mouse, and rat), PKC kinase (rat
aminoacid peptide, was later found to and mouse), and ATM kinase in human
represent a mutated form of the true UT-B. It is not clear whether the activity
transporter (GenBank ID Y19039), which of the UT-B transporter might be affected
encodes a 389-aminoacid peptide by signals mediated by any of these
(Sidoux-Walter et al., 1999). The presence kinases in physiological conditions.
of two UT-B transcripts of 4.4 and 2 kb The predicted molecular weight of
has been detected by Northern analysis in the UT-B peptide is 42.5 kDa, with a
human tissue, and their difference in size single extracellular glycosylation site
is thought to derive from use of (Asn–211). In in-vitro translation assay
alternative polyadenylation sites (Lucien the human UT-B cDNA gives rise to a 36
et al., 1998). Although cDNA sequences kDa protein, which, in the presence of
of different length have been cloned for microsomes, appears as a 40 kDa band
the human UT-B transporter, they appear (Olives et al., 1995). In human
to encode a single protein. The amino- erythrocyte membranes, the UT-B protein
acid sequence of the erythrocyte shows a molecular size range of 45–65
transporter shows more than 60% identity kDa, which decreases to about 32–36 kDa
with the UT-A2 urea transporter, but the after treatment with N-glycosidase F,
UT-B peptide has a distinctive ‘‘ALE’’ consistent with its physiological
motif that has not been found in other expression as a glycoprotein (Timmer et
urea transporters. According to the al., 1999; Inoue et al., 2004). Lucien et al.
hydrophilicity profiles, the UT-B and UT- used site-directed mutagenesis to delete
A2 proteins show similar topology, with the N-glycosylation site of human UT-B,
ten trans-membrane domains, intracellular and showed that, when expressed in
amino- and carboxy-terminals, and an Xenopus oocytes, lack of glycosylation in
extracellular loop bearing a consensus site the mutant protein did not affect uptake of
for N-glycosylation (Olives et al., 1994). urea, compared to wild-type UT-B
The number of copies of UT-B has (Lucien et al., 2002). This observation
been estimated to be 14,000 per red blood indicates that glycosylation of UT-B may
cell (Masouredis et al., 1980). In a not be essential for its activity as urea
comprehensive review on urea transporter. In the same study, deletion of
the first 59 amino-acids from the N- impairment of urinary concentrating ability
terminus, and combined mutation of Cys- was found in patients with a JK(a-b-) blood
25 and Cys-30 prevented membrane type with otherwise normal renal function
localization and urea uptake in oocytes, determined by 24 hour creatinine clearance
suggesting that these may be important (Sands et al., 1992), indicating that absence
domains for membrane targeting (Lucien of the erythrocyte urea transporter results in
et al., 2002). These findings have not been limited renal urea recycling and decrease in
tested in other models of heterologous maximal concentrating ability.
expression. The cloning of the Slc14A1 gene,
UTB transporter protein corresponds to which encodes the UT-B urea
the Kidd erythrocyte antigen (Olives et al., transporter/Kidd blood group protein,
1995), of which two alleles are known: allowed Lucien et al. to clarify the
Jk(a)/Jk(b). The Jk(a)/ Jk(b) polymorphism molecular basis for the Jknull phenotype
was found to be caused by a transition (Lucien et al., 1998). The Kidd/UT-B gene
(G838A), resulting in an Asp280 to Asn280 includes 11 exons, spanning about 30 kb of
amino acid substitution, which does not genomic DNA on chromosome 18
result in different rates of urea uptake for the (Olives et al., 1995; Lucien et al., 1998),
JK(a) and JK(b) protein, and does not affect where it is found adjacent to the larger
their membrane localization when expressed Slc14A2 gene, which encodes multiple UT-
in oocytes (Lucien et al., 2002). The UT-B A transporter isoforms (Bagnasco et al.,
protein in human erythrocytes also carries 2001; Bagnasco, 2003). The translated DNA
the blood ABO antigens (Lucien et al., sequence from exon 4 to exon 11 was found
2002). to be mutated in two Jknull individuals, one
Rare individuals lacking the Kidd a and lacking exon 6 and the other lacking exon 7,
b antigens [JK(a-b-) or JKnull] have been both resulting in a truncated protein,
identified, whose erythocytes show slower incapable of mediating urea transport when
lysis in 2 M urea compared with those of expressed in oocytes (Lucien et al., 1998).
JK-positive individuals, and were found to
have significant reduction of urea
permeability (Fro¨ hlich et al., 1991). Regulation of the UT-B/Kidd Urea
However, the permeability of JKnull Transporter Expression
erythrocytes to water was unaltered,
indicating that the Kidd/UT-B protein The long-term regulation of urea transporter
mediates urea transport but not water expression has been mostly studied in the
transport in erythrocytes under kidney. UT-B is expressedinthenon-
physiological conditions. Such conclusion is fenestratedendothelialcellsofthe
supported by analysis of urea and water descendingvasarecta(Timmeretal.,2001),wit
transport in oocytes expressing variable hasubcellular distribution in both apical and
amounts of the UT-B protein, which showed basolateral membranes (Lim et al., 2005).
that, with expression levels comparable to Kim et al. identified expression of the UT-B
those estimated for the human erythrocyte protein in rat glomeruli, which we have also
membrane, the UT-B protein does not noticed in human kidney (Bagnasco,
confer water permeability (Sidoux-Walter et unpublishedobservation).Inmousekidney,Jun
al., 1999). The major pathway for transport getal. reported immunolocalization of the
of water in erythrocytes is through the water UT-B protein in the proximal tubule (Jung et
channel Aquaporin-1 (AQP1), and the red al., 2003). The UT-B
blood cells of individuals lacking the Colton proteinisdetectedintheendothelialcellsofdesc
blood antigen that carries AQP1 shrink at a ending vasa recta of rat fetuses, before
slower rate in hypertonic solution, when appearance of any other urea transporter,
and increases after birth (Kim et al., 2001).
S. M. Bagnasco: The UT-B Transporter 135
compared to erythrocytes from control and
Jknull individuals, which have normal While increased tonicity in the medulla,
expression of AQP1 (Sidoux-Walter et al., driven by activity of the NKCC2 transporter,
1999). In addition to defective urea is likely to stimulate the tonicity-responsive
transport in red blood cells, relatively mild transcription of the UT-A transporter gene in
136 S. M. Bagnasco: The UT-B Transporter
the post-natal kidney (Nakayama et al., noted in water-loaded rats (Lim et al.,
2000), the factors involved in the 2005). Rats treated with furosemide for 6
developmentalregulationofUT- days exhibited decreased abundance of
Bexpressionhavenot been elucidated. UT-B in inner medulla (Trinh-Trang-Tan
Presence of the UT-B/Kidd mRNA and et al., 2002). In the same study, a six-day
protein has also been documented in other infusion of the V2 vasopressin receptor
tissues beside the kidney, listed in Table 1. agonist [Deamino-Cys1,D-Arg8]
Although several studies have examined vasopressin (dDAVP) resulted in
changes in the abundance of UT-B in the significant decrease in the abundance of
kidney and in some extra-renal sites in UT-B protein in rat inner medulla (Trinh-
different conditions, the involvement of Trang-Tan et al., 2002). It is not clear if
transcriptional and post-transcriptional shorter-term administration of furosemide
regulatory mechanisms of UT-B expression and dDAVP would produce similar
have not been investigated to the same effects.
extent as for the UT-A transporter, and Protein intake and urea load appear to
remains undefined. affect abundance of the UT-B protein,
The effect of changes in hydration on suggesting that expression of urea
the expression of UT-B has not been clearly transporters might be regulated to save
established. urea and recycle nitrogen with low-
Table 1. UT-B urea transporter/Kidd blood group protein diet or malnutrition, or to
expression in mammalian extra-renal tissues eliminate excess urea generated by
protein catabolism. The presence of urea
Tissue Species Reference transporters in the intestine could play a
Brain Rat role in modulating the transfer of urea
Couriaud, Ripoche & Rousselet, 1996
from the blood to the intestinal lumen and
Tsukaguchi et al., 1997
Berger, Tsukaguchi & Hediger,its degradation by intestinal bacterial flora
Hu et al., 2000 into CO2 and NH3, which could reenter the
Timmer et al., 2001 systemic circulation and salvage urea
Trinh-Trang-Tan et al., 2003 nitrogen. We showed that a low-protein
Lucien et al., 2005
diet regimen for 12 days is associated
Testis Rat Tsukaguchi et al., 1997
with significant increase of the UT-B
Timmer et al., 2001
Fenton et al., 2002 protein in the outer medulla of rat
Spleen Rat Promeneur et al., 1996 kidneys, whereas a high-protein diet
Tsukaguchi et al., 1997 produces the opposite effect (Inoue et al.,
Intestine Rat Timmer et al., 2001 2005). In rat colon, we noticed a decrease
Human Inoue et al., 2004 in UT-B expression with low-protein diet
Ovine Marini et al., 2004 (Inoue et al., 2005). With reduced protein
Rat Inoue et al., 2005 intake, upregulated expression of UT-B in
Rat Lucien et al., 2005 the outer medulla would likely increase
Bovine Stewart et al., 2005 urea recycling and conserve urea, and, if
Spector et al., 2004
we assume that urea is transferred from
Ureter and bladder Rat
Rat Lucien et al., 2005
the blood into the intestinal tract, down-
Water deprivation for two days did not
regulation of intestinal UT-B would limit
affect UT-B protein abundance in rat renal
loss of urea and also contribute to urea
medulla, and in rat brain (Trinh-Trang-
and nitrogen conservation. In the ureter
Tan et al., 2003), and UT-B was
and in the bladder, no significant changes
unchanged in rat bladder after two days of
in UT-B expression were found with low
water deprivation, and water load
and high protein regimen (Spector et al.,
(Spector et al., 2004). However, in a
2004). In rat fed 20% urea, the urea
recent study, increased intensity of UT-B
concentration is increased in outer and
endothelial staining of rat descending
inner medulla, and two studies have
vasa recta was observed after three days
shown up-regulation of UT-B expression
of water deprivation, and was associated
in the outer medulla (Inoue et al., 2005;
with increased expression of UT-A3 and
Kim et al., 2005). Kim et al. speculated
decreased expression of UT-A1 in the
that increase in UT-B and UT-A2 protein
IMCD tubules of water-deprived rats,
abundance observed in urea-fed rats may
whereas less intense UT-B staining was
be induced with high medullary 2005). Studies in mice lacking UT-B
interstitial concentration of urea, and suggest that its major contribution is to
promote increased urea recycling. promote urea recycling into the vascular
However, such possibility does not fit compartment of the inner medulla (Yang
with the observation of reduced UT-B & Bankir, 2005). The UT-B -/- mice have
expression in the medulla of rats fed high- elevated plasma urea and decreased urea
protein diet (Inoue et al., 2005), a excretion, and are markedly unable to
condition also associated with high adapt to high urea loads such as during
medullary concentration of urea (Fenton high protein intake (Bankir, Chen & Yang,
et al., 2005). Thus, the regulatory 2004). Interestingly, the UT-B -/- mice
mechanisms involved in such conditions show upregulation of the UT-A2 urea
are still unclear and may include possible transporter (Klein et al., 2004), which
tissue-specific factors. may be an adaptive mechanism to sustain
Significant reduction in brain UT-B urea recycling in the outer medulla. It is
expression has been reported in rats after not known if JKnull individuals, who
sub-total nephrectomy to induce uremia display reduced ability to concentrate
(Hu et al., 2000), associated with urine (Sands et al., 1992), are less able to
increased expression of AQP4 and AQP9 tolerate high urea/protein loads or
(TrinhTrang-Tan, Cartron & Bankir, pharmacological treatments that may
2005), which might be a factor in the depress urea transporter expression, and it
development of neurological symptoms is not clear if lack of the UT-B/Kidd
attributed to brain swelling during dialysis protein is associated with upregulation of
disequilibrium syndrome, a complication the UT-A transporter in humans. Similar
of acute hemodialytic treatment. The to UT-B knock-out mice, mice with
presence of UT-B in human brain has not combined deficit of UT-A1 and UT-A3
been demonstrated. transporters in the IMCD renal tubule are
Potassium depletion has been also unable to adapt to increased protein
recently found to result in significant and urea loads (Fenton et al., 2005).
decrease in the expression of the UT-A Recently, mice lacking the UT-A2
and UT-B transporters in mice, and in transporter have also been described,
changes of the intracellular distribution of which maintain their ability to concentrate
UT-B, which shifts from the predominant urine in normal conditions and after
membrane localization seen in controls, to dehydration; their urine osmolality is
the cytoplasm in potassium-depleted lower than in wild-type mice only when
animals (Jung et al., 2003). Such variation dehydration is combined with low-protein
in the intracellular localization of UT-B diet and limited supply of urea (Uchida et
has not been reported previously, and it is al., 2005). The UT-A2-/- mice show a
not known if it occurs in other conditions. mild increase in UT-B expression
Other animal studies have shown compared to wildtype mice, probably
decrease in the expression of UT-B and representing an adaptive response.
UT-A transporters with aging (Combet et Overall, the UT-A2-/- mice show the
al., 2003; Trinh-Trang-Tan et al., 2003), mildest alteration in renal function among
after long-term treatment with the UT knock-out mouse models
calcineurin inhibitor cyclosporine (Lim et characterized so far, which suggests that
al., 2004), with lithium administration the UT-B transporter may contribute more
(Klein et al., 2002), and during ureteral significantly than UT-A2 to recycling of
obstruction (Li et al., 2004). Recently, urea in the outer medulla, and to the
mice with selective deletion of individual whole urine concentration process.
UT-A and UT-B urea transporters have Further investigations of mice with
been generated, all showing a variable selective deficits of the UT-B urea
degree of decreased urea excretion and transporter may help clarify its regulation
impairment in their ability to concentrate and its significance in the kidney and in
urine, supporting an important extra-renal tissues under pathologic
physiological role for these transporters conditions.
for normal renal function (Yang et al.,
2002; Fenton et al., 2004; Uchida et al.,
138 S. M. Bagnasco: The UT-B Transporter
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