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FlexSim 2017 License Server Migration Guide

Returning, resetting, and reinstalling your license server

Rev. 20170202

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
1. Return all FlexSim licenses .................................................................................................................... 2
2. Uninstall lmadmin ................................................................................................................................. 3
3. Remove lmtools .................................................................................................................................... 4
Stop the vendor daemon ...................................................................................................................... 5
Remove the service ............................................................................................................................... 6
Remove associated files ........................................................................................................................ 6
4. Remove the licensing service ................................................................................................................ 7
5. Upgrade your FlexSim licenses ............................................................................................................. 8
6. Reinstall your license server ................................................................................................................. 8
FlexSim 2017 License Server Migration Guide


FlexSim uses FlexNet Publisher by Flexera Software for license management. Flexera is a 3rd party vendor
not affiliated with FlexSim Software Products, Inc.

This document will help you upgrade FlexSim license servers that were originally installed prior to
January 2017 to host licenses for FlexSim 2017 or later.

FlexSim 2017 and later versions require updated installations of the license manager software, the
flexsim vendor daemon, and the licensing service. The simplest way to upgrade all of these components
is to remove all aspects of FlexSim licensing from your license server, then perform a fresh installation.

This document guides you through this process. The instructions below make reference to the following

• Upgrading your FlexSim License Server, included in the download at

LicenseServer\FlexSimLicenseServer_Upgrade.pdf, or online at
• Hosting FlexSim Using lmtools, included in the download at
LicenseServer\License Manager\lmtools\FlexSimLicenseServer_lmtools.pdf, or online at
• FlexSim License Server Installation, included in the download at
LicenseServer\FlexSimLicenseServer_Installation.pdf, or online at

1. Return all FlexSim licenses

The first step in migrating your license server for use with FlexSim 2017 and newer is to return all
FlexSim licenses.

To return your FlexSim licenses from your license server, please refer to the section Return your licenses,
in the document Upgrading your FlexSim License Server, included in the download at
LicenseServer\FlexSimLicenseServer_Upgrade.pdf, or online at

FlexSim 2017 License Server Migration Guide

2. Uninstall lmadmin

If your licenses are hosted with lmtools instead of lmadmin, please skip to Remove lmtools below.

Uninstall lmadmin from Windows’ Control Panel, where it will be listed as FlexNet Publisher License
Server Manager.

This will launch the application

Uninstall FlexNet Publisher License
Server Manager.

Click Next.

FlexSim 2017 License Server Migration Guide

Specify whether you want to save your

log and xml files. You probably don’t
need to, but it’s up to you.

Click Next.

Select the Yes checkbox, indicating you

wish to stop and remove the lmadmin

Click Uninstall.

lmadmin will be stopped, removed as a service, and uninstalled from your computer.

With lmadmin uninstalled, please skip to Remove the licensing service, below.

3. Remove lmtools

If you hosted your FlexSim licenses using lmtools, we will remove all the files associated with FlexSim’s
lmtools setup. Skip to the next step, Remove the licensing service, if you are not using lmtools.

This document assumes that lmtools was configured according to the document Hosting FlexSim Using
lmtools, included in the download at LicenseServer\License
Manager\lmtools\FlexSimLicenseServer_lmtools.pdf, or online at

Those instructions reference a “FlexSim_License” folder that contains all FlexSim+lmtools related files.

FlexSim 2017 License Server Migration Guide

Stop the vendor daemon

1. Within your “FlexSim_License” folder, right-click lmtools.exe and
select Run as administrator. You may need to accept a permissions

2. Go to the Start/Stop/Reread tab.

3. Choose the FlexNet License service for your FlexSim licenses. The name of the service could be
“FlexSim_License”, but it is user-configurable and could have a different name.
4. Check the box to Force Server Shutdown.
5. Click the Stop Server button.
6. Keep lmtools open – we’ll use it next to remove the service.

FlexSim 2017 License Server Migration Guide

Remove the service

1. Go to the Config Services tab.
2. At the Service Name dropdown, select your “FlexSim_License” service. The name of the service is
user-configurable and could have a different name.
3. Click the Remove Service button.

4. Click Yes to confirm removal of the license service.

5. Close lmtools.

Remove associated files

Delete all the files within your “FlexSim_License” folder. Remember that “FlexSim_License” was the
suggested folder name in the instructions Hosting FlexSim Using lmtools. Your license server may have
been configured differently.

You should remove all 8 files shown in this screenshot.

You can leave the actual folder alone and reuse it when reinstalling your
license server.

FlexSim 2017 License Server Migration Guide

4. Remove the licensing service

1. Press  + R to open a Run dialogue. Type services.msc and hit Enter.

2. Find the following services listed:
a. FlexNet Licensing Service
b. FlexNet Licensing Service 64 (you may not have this service installed)
3. For each of the FlexNet License Service items listed, do the following:
a. Double-click the service name to open its Properties window.

b. Press the Stop button.

c. Press OK to close the Properties window.
4. Open an elevated command prompt:
a. Press  to open Windows start menu
b. Type cmd
c. Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter
d. You may need to accept a permissions prompt
5. In the elevated command prompt, we’ll use the “sc delete” command for each of the services
you found in step 2 above. You may not have the 64-bit service.

6. These services should now be scheduled for removal. Close the elevated command prompt.

FlexSim 2017 License Server Migration Guide

7. Right-click in the Services view and select Refresh.

8. Once the services no longer appear in the Services view, you can proceed. If the services remain
listed up to several minutes after you removed them, it may be necessary to reboot your server.
After rebooting, check the Services view again to make sure that the licensing services have
been fully removed.

5. Upgrade your FlexSim licenses

At this point all aspects of hosting FlexSim licensing should have been removed from your license server.
The final step before starting a new installation for your license server is to upgrade your licenses for use
with FlexSim 2017 or newer.

To upgrade your FlexSim licenses, please refer to the section Upgrade your licenses, in the document
Upgrading your FlexSim License Server, included in the download at
LicenseServer\FlexSimLicenseServer_Upgrade.pdf, or online at

6. Reinstall your license server

You are now ready to reinstall your FlexSim licensing with the latest license manager, vendor daemon,
and licensing service.

To reinstall your FlexSim license server, carefully read and follow all instructions in the document
FlexSim License Server Installation, included in the download at
LicenseServer\FlexSimLicenseServer_Installation.pdf, or online at

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