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Ecological ethics is the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral relationship of human

beings to the environment and its non-human contents. In simple words, Ecological ethics asks
human beings to establish a correct view of nature, learn to respect, imitate, protect nature and
get along amicably and peacefully with nature. It believes that humans are a part of society as
well as other living creatures, which includes plants and animals. These elements are a very
important part of the world and are considered to be a functional part of human life. The topical
agenda of ecological ethics is molded by contemporary environmental problems. The primary
concerns are climate change, multiple forms of pollution, human population growth and many
other environmental issues. The biggest subject in contemporary ecological ethics has to be
climate change and how to act ethically to prevent the dire consequences this will have for all
life on the planet, not just human life. The importance of ecological ethics is limitless.

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