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Po Til English BERNARD HARTLEY & PETER VINEY DESTINATIONS nba RD aha GLISH BERNARD HARTLEY & PETER VINEY DESTINATIONS WORKBOOK B UNITS 41-80 Oxford University Press PO Oxford University Press Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP Oxford New York Toronto Madrid Delhi Bombay Calcutta Madras Karachi Kuala Lumpur Singapore Hong Kong Tokyo Nairobi Dar es Salaam Cape Town Melbourne Auckland and associated companies in Berlin Ibadan ‘OXFORD and OXFORD ENGLISH are trade marks ck Orford University Press ISBN 0 19 432237 8 (workbook A) ISBN 0 19 432238 6 (workbook B) ISBN 0 19 432241 6 (student's edition) ISBN 0 19 432042 4 (teacher's edition) ISBN 0 19 432243 2 (set of 3 cassettes) © Bernard Hartley and Peter Viney 1982 First published 1982 Eleventh impression 1993 All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored Ina retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording. ‘orotherwise, without the prior permission of Oxford University Press. ‘This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of ‘rade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding oF cover other than that in which itis published and ‘without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. lustrations by: award McLachlan The publishers would ike to thank the {ollowing for permasion to reproduce copyright material: The Countryside Commission for the leaflet, Follow the Cosntry Code’: the Automobile Association for the extract from ‘AA Town Plans’ (2nd edition); the Daily Mail, London for the article, ‘Piranha bites a baby's hand’; Agence France Press far the article, ‘Woman of 98 hit cabbie with her ‘walking stick’; Random House, Inc. for the extract from Truman Capote: ‘Music for Chameleons’; British Airways for the leaflet, "Bermuda’ ‘The publishers would lke to thank the flowing for permission to reproduce photographs: Camera Press, Fox Phatos Ltd, Frank Spooner Pictures, Keystone Press ‘Agency, Rex Features, Syndication International Printed in Hong Kong To the teacher Workbook B of Streamline English Destinations consists of forty units. Each unit relates directly to the equivalent unit in Streamline English Destinations Units 41-80. The Workbook is an optional element of the course, designed to provide language summaries and additional written exercises. It may be used in the following ways: 1 In more extensive courses as additional classroom material, providing extra oral practice and written reinforcement and consolidation of the basic core materia] in the student's edition. 2 As material for homework in more intensive situations. The Workbook should only be used after full oral practice of the corresponding unit in the student's edition. The language summaries provide material for revision. A workbook is also available for units 1-40 of the student's edition, under the title Workbook A. Bernard Hartley Peter Viney Unit 41 Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Read these instructions for making a traditional English cup Read the recipe for Shepherd's Pie. Write out a recipe trom Of tea, and number them 1-6 in the correct order. {Our region or county in the same way. ‘SHEPHERD'S PIE \For 4 people) Ingredients 5009 potatoes cooking lo fat salt and pepper ‘teaspoon mixed herbs "tablespoon mike 500g minced beet or lam 15g butter 200m beet stock ‘onion, chopped Cook the potatoes in boiling salted water for 20 frinutes. Drain. Mash with the mik, butter and salt and pepoer Heat the ol or fat ina saucepan and fy the Sich gently until Saltened (6 minutes). Stir in the ‘minced meat and allow it to brown. AG herbs, stock fand salt and pepper. Put mixture in an ovenproal dish Spread the potato on top. Bake in an oven pre-heated 10 180°C for 30 minutes. Remove. Place under @ hot nil unt the top i crisp and brown. Exercise 3 Exercise 4 ‘Mako a list of twenty items (not food or drink) which you —-—»-You have been offered a four course meal. You can have ‘might find in a kitchen, anything you want. Write out the menu you would choose. 1 sermons WD vom Tet course. 2 12 3 13 2nd course .. 4 4 5 ice 3rd course 6 1 7. 17. 4th course 8 18 9 Oe Exercise 5 i ‘Ask a friend these questions, and write down hisiher answers. | 4 What time do you usually have ‘3 Do you ever have snacks between meals? ' A breakfast? B lunch? 4 Is there anything that you really cannot eat or drink? © your evening meal? 2 Which is your biggest meal of the day? ‘5 What's your favourite food? Exercise 6 Make a list of everything that you ate and drank yesterday. Compare your list with a friend's list Unit 42 Language summary I wish I | was there. Twish 1 | Tcould (do it) woasn't here. “d (done it). ‘was working there. had wasn't working here. hadn't Thad @ car. ‘worked there. didn't have | didn't work here. V didn’t have (to do it). Exercise 1 Gary is 19. He's ust read about Rick Faber in the ewspaper. This is Rick Faber. I wish I was Rick Faber: Write more sentences. 1 He's a milionaire. 2 He's boon to 80 countries. 3. He lives in Switzerland. ‘4 He's got houses in London and New York '5 He can run five miles. 6 He's getting married to Jaqui Wal. Read the article about Rick Faber again. Write five ‘sentences for Gary, beginning‘! wish .. 1 rock star 2 19 milion selling LPs 3 sing and dance for three hours 4 sixcars 5 a Ferrari Exercise 3 Gary asked three people this question: ‘Do you wish you were « millionaire?” One said, “Yes, I do’. Another said, ‘No, I don't’. The third said, ‘Iam a millionaire!” Look at Exercises 1 and 2, Write six questions, and give true answers. Exercise 4 Rick Faber was interviewed by BBC Radio for the ‘Rock Review’ programme recently. These are some of the things he said: 1 ‘Vd like to be 19 againt 2 ‘Ihave to travel all the time. | don't like {3 ‘I get bored singing the same songs all the time” 44 ‘im getting married to Jaqui. She's very beautiful, but she bores me.” 5 ‘Vm sorry that | can't lve in England, but taxes are too high for me. 6 ‘Vm fed up with living abroad.” 7 8 'm tired of being a rock star” “Ym fed up with having lots of money.” Exercise 5 What do you give to a ‘man who has everything? Millionaire rock-star Rick Faber celebrated his 38th birthday last week. Rick, who sings with The Tumbling Dice’ rock group, has been one of the worla’s most popular rock artists for nearly 20 years. During that tim he's been to more than 80 different countries and has ‘made 19 milion-seling LF records, Fick lives in Switzerland, Dut also maintains houses im London and New York. He can stil sing and dance tthe group's 3 Je show. and by ccan'run § mi breakfast everyday! Next ‘month he's getting married to top American model Jago! Wall: She must have thought for a long ti about his birthday pre ‘Afterall he owns 6 cars, fand usually drives @ Ferrari. Her present was certainly different. She (gave him a pair of pet Feopards! 9 ‘Thate running — but | have to keep fit for the stage shows 10 I don’t ike having six cars. I'd like to travel on an ordinary London bus, but I'm too famous.” 114. "When | was 19, | could have got a job in a bank, ‘married the gil next door, and bought a nice litle house. I'm sorry | didn't. | think | would have been happier. Look at the things Rick said, He wishes he was 19 again He wishes he didn’t have to travel Now write eleven sentences with ‘wish’ like the examples. Look at the Language summary. Write down eight things that you wish, Unit 43 Language summary a = _ _ Twi they | had doe it. I'm sorry it happened. | hadn't Tregret | it doing it. If Pd done this, that would have happened. Exercise 1 Look atthe list of school subjects. Think about the previous ‘school year or when you were at school. Put ticks in the boxes next tothe subjects you studied. Exercise 2 Look at these examples. wish J hadn't studied Latin. cor I'm glad I studied Latin. or I wish I'd studied Latin. or I'm glad I didn’t study Latin. Write true sentences about the subjects in the is. Exercise 3 Look at these four sentences. A L wish hadn't studied Latin because it was boring. and Ul never have to use it. B I'm glad I studied Latin because it has helped me to study other languages. © L wish Wd studied Latin, It would have been useful for university entrance. D I'm glad I didn’t study Latin. I think it uid have been a waste of time. Look atthe sentences you wrote in Exercise 2. Choose six, write them out again, adding reasons. Exercise 4 | bought a calculator. it didn't work. wish hadn't bought it Continue. 1t My friends went to London. | didn't go. 2 failed the examination. 3 I was very rude to her yesterday. 4 I never played games at school. '5 Thad to wear a uniform to school. 6 | chose the wrong job. My only regret is SCHOOL SUBJECTS Typing (Greek Shorthand [A 2nd foreign language Cookery ‘Computer studies Woodwork Sociology. Metalwork Biology “Household electrics (Chemistry Needlework Political studies Latin Exercise 5 ' bought a calculator. It didn't work. Look at Exercise 4. Write six sentences, with‘ regret (doing) ..." or‘ regret nat (doing) ...” regret buying it Rxercise 6 “Think about the last year. Write three sentences with ‘| rogret doing ...", three with 'I don't regret doing ...", and three with ‘I'm sorry I did... Exercise 7 Vim vary red today. I wish I wasn’t \ went to bed late last night. I wish I hadn't. Respond tothe folowing sentences in the same way. 4 didnt set the alarm. 2 It didn't g0 oft | arrived tate. 4 Now, | can't concentrate on my work. 5 lee! terrible! @ 1 don't understand anything, 7 tm bored. Unit 44 Exercise 1 Read the three letters, and complete the chart. [Name | chitghood | childhood Present ombtion nobblee, | _occupaion | tion _ | “nabhiee | conspation | T annabet | Chambers | Howard |_ Skinner | sam Cieveland BL | They ens tac every sma ebld wants | come in with their mums and das, tobcan engine driver Tsuppose that | tying on football boots. They get so mish have been truvin ine days of” | exctea-T ean remember doing the Steam trains, but is pretty difficult to | same thing. I've lost interest» fet excited about an electric train, Football nowadays. prefer messing Personally, f always wanted to be 2 around in my workshop. I've bull 8 pilot. used to spend hours at the hice litle workshop in the garage. I focal airport with my brother, writing | make children's toys. You know down the plane revistraions. knew | WOoden ones really wish I could do everything there was to know about} il Sere living... utbtime, Still, pechaps Last month we asked our readers t0 | planes! When twas twelve began to | ORe day I'll be able to. tell us about thelrambitions and | fealize thatthe tick glases I hod 19 dreams. Lots of you wrote in! Here | wear would make that ambition Howard Skinner are three of your letters impossible, 1s always a shock when YoU first realize that wishes don't Always come ruc! It's funny. 1 really can't stand fying now. Loften have to travel in my job.. I'm a fashion buyer, 141 suppose I've got fed up with Ning Annabel | I'm stills collector, but now it's Chambers | chine ordaments, not plane Tegistrations. 1 think I've become something of an expert on 19th When Iwas about seven, a trav cireys came 0 our town and I stil remember what a strong impression it made on me.I loved athe characters {saw and T had dreamt of running away to join them. I seriously considered all the possibilities; lion mer, elephant boy, acrobat, trapeze artist but inthe century English china. 1 iy toe | Gel aecsad a terest ‘write @ book about it | think: ee eae u ‘amen spacing log bourse ay x ould be ay bigs ambition tther resting table puting on P makeup to cre aclown's fate and Annabel Chambers ‘then pulling faces in front of the mirror. Unfortunatly Unser an sma fon Howard the us Tell choo at aidh Skiner {penticrhip abd now work a amech- Iwasa kid 1Just had one ant ina lrge garage -1 suppose thats r eam, sed fo imagine nyse ‘it ofa eiteus sometimes! Take my fanning out onto thefietd at Wembley | Syn sate one gr nsnng be acts be Stadium, a footallunger my arm.” } Sy gin oss At wecksnds 1 0g the captain ofthe Engiand team T'S | Tyse'amevemunee Tosend owe spend hours kicking 8 ball against the | gn hours just siting by a river ora lake, wall. used to collect autographs too. | just Patching ney eat Ion just watching my float. I don’t realy Vo hang sround before a match and | ‘mingut dort catch anytbing, dough Z try and get the players 10 sign a 2¢ a big thrill fT dol As soon as I could Drogramme when they got out of their | ‘Wall, my father used to take me with him, in Gave Programmes! That another is ites eed tata eB Cctand | thing My oodroom was (lla dusty | Mage me 0d and} suppose ta’ football programmes. I used to swop them with other kids at school. T work ina shoe shop now Al! the hice kids Tim Cleveland Exercise 2 ‘Write a paragraph about your childhood hobbies and ambitions, and your hobbies and ambitions now. Unit 45 Language summary He | isthe one | who | does | i He's | the one, Isaw | him She that did She's her. u ‘which ws__| + tt That that They're | the ones. T saw them Those | are tle ones | who | do They're | which | dia He's | the one I saw, | that She's | I's They're (Te ones se Lord Street is a small side-street in Watermouth. Look atthe six shops. ‘One of them satis canfectionery and tobacco. ‘One of them sells antiques. ‘One of them repairs shoes, ‘One of them does photo-copying. (One of them does dry cleaning. One of them sells children’s clothes. Exercise 1 ‘Bygones’ must be the one that sells antiques. Wiite tive more sentences. Antique shop/Copy-shop/Tobacconist's/Cobbler's/Dry Cleaner's/Children’s Boutique A shop which sells children’s clothes is a Children’s Boutique. Write five more sentences Exercise 3 ‘Look at these statements by the people who run (own or manage) the shops. Donald Swain ‘I visit all the auctions, and | advertise in the local paper. I's @ hobby as well as a job.” ‘William Smart ‘We bought the shop when I retired. | ike working with my wife, and is nice to meet so many people. {don't smoke myself, which is strange, | suppose.” Antonia Porter "ve got three children, and it was 50

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