S06.S6-Resolver Ejercicios Ingles

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Unit 3: Free time

I.- Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Simple Present. Watch the
punctuation and form sentences or questions.

EXAMPLE: ______she ______ books? (to read)

ANSWER: Does she read books?

1. They play hockey at school. (to play)

2. She does not write e-mails. (not/to write)
3. Do you speak English? (to speak)
4. My parents do not like fish. (not/to like)
5. Does Anne have any hobbies? (to have)
6. Andy's brother Works in an office. (to work)
7. Do Jim and Joe wáter the flowers every week? (to water)
8. Yvonne's mother does not ride motorbike. (not/to ride)
9. Does Elisabeth drink cola? (to drink)

II.- Exercise on Questions with Interrogatives

Ask for the bold part of the sentence.
1. Julia likes pop-music. – WHAT DOES JULIA LIKE?
2. Maria comes from Spain. – where does María come
3. They play in the garden. – where do they play?
4. Rick rides his bike. - who rides his bike?
5. I go to the cinema on Saturdays. -when do you go to the
6. We go to Mallorca because it is warm there.-why do yuo
go to Mallorca?

7. Joe repairs his bike.- what does joe repair?

8. Robin drives his car carefully.-how does robin drive his
9. Peter runs with his dog every day. –when does peter

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