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Dangerously Inarticulate
by David Wiggins
It's a crime with war criminals
It's a war with no victory
A fight with two losers but no winners
Two eyes for two eyes and too blind to see
And all the zeros play zero sum games
But it's no game at all with no rules
And all the lions we wished were so tame
Lay down to eat all the sheep and the fools
You're so dangerously inarticulate
You got into a bad predicament
And you can't get out if now
Oh you can't talk you're way out of it now
No you can't fight your way out of it now
Where did we find the unlucky boy
Who gets to be king of this all?
Men armed in confusion, with no vision
Many are summoned and many will fall
And now our women are killing their girls
Dead and wounded pile high on both sides
And the violence is spread round the world
And innocents suffer the dark rising tide
It's a terrible loss but no one shows any gain
It's a death but no one was saved
A mission impossible that's really impossible
No treasure to be worth what's paid
No pleasure to be worth the pain
And now the preachers don't know what to pray
When the truth isn't clear from the lies
And the dumb macho things that you say
Are as misunderstood as the tears that were cried
And when the big one hit Big Easy
And the poor were left to drown in the slime
The king was resting and still digesting
And the games he was watching took plenty of time
And now the fingers are pointing all round
There's no hands left to bury the dead
And the pumps are all clogged with the drowned
But everyone would rather watch crying instead
I know that it isn't unusual
to be so confused and delusional
When you're a man in you're position
When you're a man in you're condition
On the road to perdition
Making all you're bad decisions
I wanna know could any more go wrong?
And the war goes on and on and on
And the war goes on and on and on
Making torture in the prisons
Making Moslems hate the Christians
Dropping bombs with great precision
And black mercenary minions
Kill for cash some poor civilians
And such fine young volunteers
Trying so hard for years and years
Are sent home crushed between the ears
As you reward your profiteers
And exploit our drummed up fears
Where did they find this puppet off-string
Who believes that God sent him to kill?
In the name the nation
He seeks a salvation
With a bold bad idea and the strength of His Will
Now you’re cowering under your bed
Cause you fear everything that was lied?
And so the W man got us instead
Cause when you weren't looking he stole our strength and our pride

Iraq once was the Garden of Eden
Iraq could be the Garden of Eden
We could plant flowers in the sand
And raise a cool and moist blanket
To heal the poor land
Iraq could be the Garden of Eden
Lords of Ignorance
The tippy top potentates
Reprehensible reprobates
Smile as they kill
Pay no tax on their will
Just declare and declare
Their inherited rights
For the undeclared war
That someone else fights
So what ?
Some babies cry
So what.
Some babies die
So what
Some babies cry
So what.
Some babies die
So what does it matter that they make some dough
From the rape of a world that they don't even know
In the name of a book that they never have read
And a faith that the poor would be better off dead
So what does it matter that they get their power
From the deal of the day
And the fear of the hour
And the sweat of their brow
And the blood of their kids
And the sacrifice made
That the rich never did
The dogs in the street
Fight for bones with no meat
While the cool cats just buy
The well-advertised lie
This mess
So mass-delusional
We're in collusion, all
Defenders of the faith
Are but attackers in disguise
The black-frocked preacher sayith
True believers kill bad guys
You will know them by their color
And the hatred in their eyes
You will know them by their color
and the hatred in their eyes.

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