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2016 International Conference on Computer & Communication Engineering


Waheeb Salim Abdulrab 1, Md Rafiqul Islam 1, Mohamed Hadi Habaebi 1 and Musse Mohamud Ahmed1
Departmental of Electrical and Computer Engineering in International Islamic University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, , ,,

Abstract—Multiple Input Multiple Output (2x2MIMO) algorithm and encoding. The concept of MIMO
patch antenna for multiband applications has been technology was first studied by the pioneer Foschini in
proposed in this paper. The proposed design has reduced
the mutual coupling and enhance the bandwidth and
1998[1]. MIMO is also called multiple antenna
efficiency. The proposed 2x2 MIMO patch antenna is systems[2]. However the antenna is the interface of the
simulated using Computer Simulation Technology (CST) MIMO wireless communication systems to the channel
. The isolation ,bandwidth and efficiency are enhanced which is the most sensitive part for the spatial degree
by using groups of rings around the stepped cut at four
corner and mid slot separation on the radiating path of of freedom[2]. In traditional antenna design for
the antenna. The bandwidth 1.4 GHz to 2.5 GHz, and communication system a single antenna at the
3GHz to 5.5 GHz are achieved. The rings used in this transmitter and another at the receiver is employed .
design are essential for having more new resonant
When the signal is travelling from transmitter to
frequencies. A novel concept of mid space separation on
the patch is used to improve the isolation. Coupling receive through various paths it will be affected by
coefficients of the simulated proposed antenna is found noise and multipath effects . In modern antenna design
lower than -10dB for all the desired frequencies(1.5GHZ, multiple input multiple output are employed so that
1.8GHz, 2.4GHz, 3.5GHz,5.2GHz and 5.5 GHz. 9.99 dB
Diversity gain of the proposed 2x2 MIMO antenna system the multipath effects is taken as advantage to transmit
is also achieved higher. Envelope correlation coefficient multiple data stream[1].Designing MIMO antennas
(ECC) is less than 0.007 at the desired frequency bands . have their own challenges such as mutual coupling
This results implies that the proposed antenna system is
because of electromagnetic interaction between
suitable for MIMO applications. Radiation efficiencies
are achieved above 70% for all desired frequencies . antenna elements . MIMO mutual coupling affects on
Hence the final design of 2x2 MIMO patch antenna can the efficiency of the antenna . Many techniques have
be used for GSM(1.5GHz), LTE (1.8GHz),WiFi (2.4GHz), been used to reduce the mutual coupling which
and WiMax (3.5GHz, 5.2 GHz and 5.5 GHz) applications.
explained in the next part . Small spacing between
Keywords -Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO), antenna elements is one of the major issues of
Envelope correlation coefficient ( ECC),Single Input Single designing MIMO antennas. Besides that, Correlation
Output(SISO) , Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna between the antennas leads to reduction of the channel
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) antenna is a
multiple transmitters and multiple receivers which have Mutual coupling is the special parameter in MIMO
antenna systems which refers to the electromagnetic
been employed due to the demand on services with
interactions between the radiators of an antenna array.
high data rate. MIMO is the key technology for the When the transmit antenna element transmits some
future wireless communication system which is used energy to the other elements, simultaneously a receive
by many broad band applications. In traditional Single antenna elements transfer a portion of the to the nearby
Input Single Output (SISO) antenna , low data rate, elements. When the mutual coupling is reduced, the
capacity and multipath propagation were the major array of the antenna should be good[3].
problems encountered, MIMO is one of the potential
For a long time many papers have been focusing on
technology which can bring high speed data rate for the area of correlation coefficient in order to reduce the
both uplink and downlink channel, mitigate the mutual coupling of the MIMO system . Many efforts
multipath fading, as well as increase the capacity has been done to reduce a mutual coupling between
without assigning more bandwidth. These multiple two nearby antennas . As well known that
input multiple output have to be with proper detection Improvement of mutual coupling will affect on return

978-1-5090-2427-8/16 $31.00 © 2016 IEEE 13

DOI 10.1109/ICCCE.2016.17
loss[4]. From these techniques which have been used because of enhanced reflection coefficient and
to reduce Mutual coupling are, proposing a coupling coefficient as well as it is easy to find a
miniaturization structure to achieve high port isolation separation between antenna elements such as a mid slot
between two antennas[5]. As an alternative solution to separation on the patch of the symmetrical antenna
achieve compactness in MIMO systems, the use of which cannot be done by using the structure of
pattern diversity, multimode diversity, and polarization Unsymmetrical antenna .
diversity techniques[6]. Two /2 Slots have been used
for Low Mutual Coupling Between Monopole The return loss of the desired frequencies (5.2GHz and
Antennas[7].Slotted-Complementary Split-Ring 5.5 GHz) are not covered as shown in fig.2. Mutual
Resonators[8]. Using a Simple Microstrip U-Section coupling at the frequencies (1.5GHz,1.8GHz, 2.4 GHz)
Between Planar Antennas. using two folded shorting are greater then -10dB. However the structure shown in
strips between MIMO antennas [9]. And adding fig. 1 needs some modifications in order to enhance the
parasitic elements in MIMO antenna system [10]. reflection coefficients and mutual coupling of the

The structure shown in fig.1 has been used for Single

Input Single output (SISO) using port number one
only[11] and has been proved with enhanced gain and
bandwidth. The Multi band structure used in [11] has
been used for MIMO antenna as shown in fig. 1. The
material used in the substrate is FR-4 with relative
permittivity r=4.3 ,thickness h=1.6mm, loss tangent
0.025, length Ls=90mm and width Ws=142mm. and
mid slot separation on the patch Wd=10mm which is
the width of the mid slot. The length of the Mid slot Ld
=90 mm,Partial ground are presented in the top and
bottom of the back view of the dielectric substrate.
Radiation elements and partial ground both are made
Figure 2: Simulated return loss and Coupling coefficients of the
by copper material with a thickness t=0.035 and Symmetrical2x2MIMO antenna system
electrical conductivity = 5.96e^7 s/m . The both
partial grounds have a length LG=90mm and width WG B. 2x2 MIMO Antenna With Rings
= 18mm. In order to achieve 50 output impedance
matching with the SMA connector, the transmission Fig.3 shows 2x2 MIMO structure with parasitic
line feed with a length and width of LF=20mm and elements only without mid-slot on the patch . Four
WF=3mm respectively is used. group of rings on FR-4 substrate ,each group of rings
contains two rings with inner and outer radius ,Rin=
3mm, Rout=5 mm respectively. This structure has been
design to show the effect of parasitic elements on
reflection coefficient and coupling. As long as the rings
approach to the stepped corner of the patch ,the effect
in term of reflection and coupling is high.

(a) (b)
Figure 1:Structure of simulated design of Symmetrical 2x2MIMO
RMPA. (a) Front view. (b) Back view.
A. 2x2 MIMO Antenna

Fig. 1 shows the photographs of simulated design of

2x2 MIMO Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna
(a) (b)
(RMPA) without any modification . Partial grounds are
presented in order to enhance the reflection coefficient Figure 3: Structure of simulated design of 2x2MIMO RMPA with
of the proposed antenna. The location of the ports has rings . (a) Front view. (b) Back view.
been chosen to be a symmetrical (port 1 and port 3)
rather than unsymmetrical ports(port 1 and port2 )

WiMAX application at frequencies 5.2GHz and
5.5GHz are obtained as a new resonant frequencies
due to parasitic elements added to the structure as
shown in fig. 4. Besides that mutual coupling is
changed as well . By using parasitic elements the
bandwidth is enhanced but mutual coupling needs
more reduction which will be explained in the next

Figure 6: Simulated return loss and Coupling coefficients of the

2x2MIMO antenna system with mid slot.

D Mid slot Parameter Sweep of 2x2MIMO Antenna

With Rings

Figure 4: The simulated results of reflection coefficients and Fig. 9 shows the geometric details of top and back
coupling coefficients of the 2x2 MIMO antenna system with rings. view of the proposed 2x2 MIMO antenna system.
Some dimensions has been chosen such as (D= 0.2mm,
C. Proposed With Mid Slot For Mutual Coupling D=5mm,D=10mm and D= 16 mm) in order to show
Reduction the variation of reflection coefficient and coupling
coefficient. As long as the width of the mid slot is
New ideas has been proposed on the structure for bigger, more resonant frequencies disappear.
mutual coupling reduction. Mid slot on the patch has
been designed with a parameter of D. Also rings have
been proposed in previous section to obtain new
resonant frequencies. Fig. 5 shows the Photographs of
the simulated design of 2x2 MIMO RMPA with Mid

Figure 7: The simulated results of reflection coefficients of the

optimized 2x2 MIMO antenna system.
The best mutual coupling is at the dimension D=
16mm as shown in fig. 8 ,but at D=16 there is a loss of
(a) (b) desired frequencies needed in our design. However the
Figure 5: Structure of simulated design of 2x2 MIMO RMPA with
mid slot at the D= 10mm width and 90mm length has
Mid slot . (a) Front view. (b) Back view.
been chosen for the proposed antenna in fig. 9, because
it cover the whole desired frequencies such as
Fig. 6 shows a reduction in mutual coupling at the
(1.5GHZ, 1.8GHz, 2.4GHz, 3.5GHz,5.2GHz and 5.5
desired frequencies. The return loss at WiMAX
GHz). It can be seen from fig. 8 that as long as the
application (5.2GHz and 5.5GHz ) is not covered by
separation between the antennas is bigger the isolation
the antenna design mentioned in fig. 5. The bandwidth
is getting better.
covered by this design is from 1.5GHz to 2.5GHz and
from 3.1GHz to 4.4 GHz. In order to have more
enhancement in bandwidth, the ideas of Mid slot on
the patch and rings will be presented at the same
antenna structure which will be presented in next part.

Table 1:Simulated return lose of 2x2 MIMO proposed antenna
Freq. S11 dB S12 dB S21 dB S22 dB
(Hz) Simulated Simulated Simulated Simulated
1.5 -11.7 -11 -11 -10.2
1.8 -24.2 -12 -11.6 -14.8
2.4 -11.5 -11.7 -11.2 -19.2
3.5 -15.9 -17.9 -17.6 -31.8
5.2 -19.4 -14.3 -13.8 -18.2
5.5 -11.6 -15.6 -15.2 -14.6
The Voltage Standing Wave Ration (VSWR) of the
desired frequency is under the acceptable rang .
Figure 8: The simulated results of coupling coefficients of the 1<VSWR<2 at both ports of the proposed antenna as
optimized 2x2MIMO antenna system. shown in fig. 11.Fig. 12 shows the radiation
efficiencies of the proposed 2x2MIMO antenna . It can
III PROPOSED 2X2MIMO ANTENNA be seen that the radiation efficiencies at all desired
frequencies are above 70%.
The final design of the proposed antenna contains of
both Mid slot separation with D=10 and a parasitic
elements as shown in fig 9.. The antenna simulation
shows an improvements in both reflection coefficient
and mutual coupling as shown in fig. 10. GSM
(1.5GHz),LTE(1.8GHz), Wifi(2.4) and WiMAX
(3.5GHz, 5.2GHz, 5.5GHz) have been covered as
shown in fig. 10. The bandwidth from 1.4 GHz to 2.5
GHz, and from 3GHz to 5.5 GHz is covered. Mutual
coupling has been reduced to below -10 dB for the
desired frequencies.

Figure 11 : Simulated VSWR over frequency of the proposed

2x2MIMO antenna

(a) (b)
Figure 9: Structure of Proposed 2x2 MIMO antenna system (a) Top
view (b) back view

Figure 12:Simulated radiation efficiency of the proposed antenna

Fig. 13 shows the Simulated Envelop Correlation

Coefficient(ECC) of the proposed 2x2 MIMO antenna.
It can be seen that the ECC is less than 0.007 at the
desired frequency bands . However , improved return
loss of the antenna leads to an improvement of
Figure 10: Simulated return loss of the 2x2 MIMO proposed antenna Envelop Correlation Coefficient. This results implies
that the proposed antenna system is suitable for MIMO

Table 2: Simulated radiation E-plane and H-plane patterns of 2X2
MIMO proposed antenna
Frequency Far field



Figure 13: Simulated Envelop Correlation Coefficient of the

proposed 2x2MIMO antenna
1.8 GHz
Performance of the diversity is one of the essential
parameter in MIMO antenna. Fig. 14 shows the (b)
Simulated Diversity gain of the proposed 2x2 MIMO
antenna system. 9.99 dB is achieved at the desired
frequency bands.



Figure14:Simulated Diversity gain of the proposed2X2 MIMO

The results obtained by the designed antenna can cover (d)

more resonant frequencies than the reference antenna
[12] as well as the mutual coupling reduced better than
the reference antenna. Coupling coefficients for the 5.2GHz
simulated proposed antenna is below -10dB.The
applications covered by this design are GSM(1.5GHz),
LTE(1.8GHz ), WiFi(2.4GHz ) WiMAX
(3.5GHz,5.2GHz and 5.5 GHz) applications whereas,
WiFi and LTE is the only applications covered by the
reference antenna. Bandwidth from 1.4 GHz to 2.5
GHz, and from 3GHz to 5.5 GHz is achieved in the
design antenna while, 2.3GHz to 2.9GHz is covered by 5.5GHz
the reference antenna.ECC in the design antenna is less
than 0.007, whereas in the reference antenna is Less
than 0.15 except 3.5 GHz ,5.2GHz ,5.5 GHz not obtain. (f)

Table 2 shows the simulated polar radiation pattern in

the x-z (H-plane ) and y-z(E-plane) at the desired IV. CONCLUSION
frequencies such as 1.5Ghz, 1.8GHz ,2.4GHz ,3.5GHz,
5.2GHz and 5.5 GHz. It can be seen that low Multiband 2x2 MIMO microstrip patch antenna with
frequencies have an omni directional pattern whereas rings and mid-slot is proposed in order to reduce the
at high frequency such as in 5.5 GHz the radiation mutual coupling, and enhance the bandwidth and
pattern is Quasi- omni directional. efficiency. A new concept of Mid slot between the
two ports is used to reduce the mutual coupling
whereas, Four groups of rings around stepped cut at

four corners have been presented to obtain more
resonant frequencies for enhancing the bandwidth and
efficiency. The proposed antenna has been simulated
and compared with reference antenna . The diversity
gain of 9.98 dB and 0.007 ECC are achieved
respectively. Radiation efficiencies of 70% and above
are achieved for all desired frequencies . Finally the
proposed antenna can be used for GSM (1.5GHz),
LTE (1.8GHz),WiFi (2.4GHz), and WiMax (3.5GHz,
5.2 GHz and 5.5 GHz) applications.

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