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Persistent workspaces and methods.

Here, one size does not fit it all. Some task requires more collaboration than others.
Communicating with colleagues across the world is needed in some cases.

Creating your office to assist the needs of different types of work draws your employees back to

Your employees will be happier and more productive when you provide what they need. Some
benefits are;

 Providing the right environment for the success of employees

 Improving retention and performance through meeting individual employee needs
 Blending home and work to strengthen and nurture passion and performance in a New
Work team

Diversity and inclusion programs.

Tasks will always change in every job. Adapting to this means the need for the fresh talent of all
ages, cultures, and gender. A diverse workplace builds your talent pool and ability to adapt to
change while promoting the sense of community essential to New Work.

Some Benefits of diversity include;

 Better and faster decisions from diverse teams

 Increased preparation for the needs of a changing workforce
 Effective collaboration between various perspectives to achieve different results for
changing problems

How To Implement New Work

Ultimately, putting an employee-centered workplace as your purpose helps you choose the
right steps. There are, however, some essential first steps to help you create a workplace that
puts employees at the center, increase engagement, and drives talent and retention.

Provide open communication and feedback channels

Digital tools allow you to get anonymous feedback and create a space for real conversations.
Managers can see what their team needs and give employees a say in their company through
this feedback.

Use Technology to empower employees.

You should put into consideration the use of automation and technology in your company. You
decide whom technology will ultimately serve. Start planning for how new technologies will
impact the workplace and make sure that employees who are affected by these changes have
the opportunity to progress into new roles and find new passions.

Create a space for continuous learning and growth.

There are several options, ranging from online training to workshops. What happens when you
give your employee a chance and the time to learn new skills? They will become more
productive, motivated, and even harness adaptability to handle challenges in the future!

Create remote working and flexible hour Structures.

Workplaces are shifting from decentralization, planning, and decision making, are now
distributed or delegated away from a central or authoritative position. Combining and
integrating all forms of work into your workflow is a proper implementation of a flexible
working structure. It also gives your full-timers the flexibility they need to blend work into their

Promote collaboration and partnership on task.

Allowing employees to take on responsibilities from other departments and learn from other
colleagues develops trust and growth. It also helps your team with many skills for new and
ever-changing tasks. Thus, encouraging collaboration is very good for employees as it helps
them grow and builds trust amongst themselves.

Relate to the community.

People always like to give back something good, like make a positive contribution. Adding social
goals into your company's' mission helps give employees purpose and helps them connect to
your company and cause.

Re-Create salaries and benefits.

Of course, Money is essential. But, it loses its influence on the happiness of your employees.
You should consider other needs of employees, like student loans, transportation, learning, and
flexibility, to enable more personal compensation.

Finally, the way of thinking about leadership has to change. The task of a manager is no longer
simply to delegate tasks to control them afterward. He should act like a coach and mentor.
Modern leadership consists of self-organized teams, which are empowered and supported by

Case Study - Joana Breidenbach

Watch how Joana Breidenbach, founder of, brought New
Work into her organization and its effect.

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