Belief Statment

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Mission: Through active listening, engagement, data driven goals and collaboration

within the entire community and stakeholders, students will can be empowered life-long learners.

By fostering our teachings, students will become responsible, productive and actively engaged

citizens within their global communities.

In African and African American cultures there is a common theme that goes, “it takes a

village to raise a child”. Raising children goes beyond the home and community support is a

necessity when meeting the needs of a child. As a school counselor I will utilize this theme when

counseling children. School buildings play a humongous role in connecting the community with

the families by providing not only an education, but a wide range of resources to help meet the

children and family needs. School counselors hold a role in the community because they work

within the schools to provide emotional, social, and a variety of other supports to not only the

students but the families and staff members. Counselors can have an ever lasting effect in student

achievement. For school counselors it is very important to be more than a listening ear. I will

collaborate with staff and local stakeholders to create a safe learning environment that promote

achievement. By implementing the American School Counselor Association’s ethical standards,

school counselors can create a compressive counseling program promoting student

development. I will utilize and analyze data to create goals to close achievement and

opportunities gaps in the school system.

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