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April 16, 2020

To Whom It May Concern,

Amari Blanton has been an Instructional Assistant at John Muir Elementary for the last three years and a counseling
intern the past year. As John Muir’s Assistant Principal, I have acted as Amari’s direct evaluator during this time.

As an instructional assistant, Amari has provided 1:1 service for two students including supporting academic work
within the classroom, communication with families, escorting and assisting with drop off and pick up and assisting
with daily toileting.

During the 2019-2020 school year, Amari participated in his counseling internship at John Muir Elementary under
the mentorship of school counselor, Susan Shorr. Amari has been a quick study, showing initiative and natural
aptitude for the counselor role creating meaningful relationships with both students and staff members. He is a
member of our Tier 2 team meeting weekly to discuss status of students and their progress with Tier 2 supports.
Amari has been central to the success of two Tier 2 programs; the Guided Recess program (small group alternate
recess providing SEL teaching and practice opportunities) and Lunch Bunch (small group alternative lunch to
provide SEL teaching and practice opportunities) by giving them more structure, and popularity among students
increasing their success.

Amari provides student support within classrooms as needed and daily check in with students on his caseload. He is
positive and supportive to students both academically and socially/emotionally.

Mr. Blanton is receptive to feedback and always willing to assist others. He happily joins forces with other staff
members for special programs or initiatives that benefit students such as our NAAPID, and Diaspora Night events,
volunteering to help set up, clean up, get supplies and monitor stations. Amari visited classrooms to teach social and
emotional Flip Your Lid lessons. During Covid-19 school closure, Amari provided support to families by dropping
off groceries and helping to distribute supplies.

I wholeheartedly support and recommend Amari for an elementary or middle school counseling position with your
organization and am happy to answer any questions you may have. He will be sorely missed at John Muir. I can be
reached at (206) 992-2525 or


Romana McManus
Assistant Principal
John Muir Elementary
Seattle School District

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