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1. What days do you get up early?

2. What time do you get up?

3. What time do you have breakfast, lunch and dinner?

4.what do you do in your free time?

5. What do you do in this quarentine?


1.what do you plan to do after quarantine?

Well, I think to do some proyects, I wan to continue my engineer studies, for that, I need to
prepare all paper and requirements to be admitted, then I must be ready for english language
exam, and the meeting with engineering faculty.

2. What do you think will happen to the country's economy?

I am not a economy’s professional, but in that aspect, we could to have bad days, defeat the virus
is the fisrt action to do, then we must work very hard for repair economy’s country.

3. what days do you go to the supermarket?

I actually don’t go to the supermarker, I am doing quarantine at home,

4. What do you think of the prices of home products?

If you ask me about prices on this quarantine, I think that, they are very tall, expensive, many
peoples use the products for speculate prices

5.What is the price of an egg in Ciénaga de Oro?

It is five hundred pesos, its very expensive.

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