Read The Article and Answer Questions 17 - 24.: Part 3 - Reading Comprehension (Short Answers)

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Read the article and answer Questions 17 – 24.

Reading has many benefits. Amongst other things, it leads to self-

discovery. For example, when you read self-help books, we will be able to
recognize our shortcomings and learn steps to improve ourselves and
become a better person.

Reading also increases our knowledge and exposes us to various

subjects. The knowledge we gain from reading helps us shape our
worldview. We can also participate in discussions with our peers if we are

Apart from that, reading increases our verbal intelligence. It helps us

to express ourselves clearly. We will be able to find the right words to say
exactly what we mean. It is also a confidence booster because we are less
likely to give the wrong information to other people.

Finally, reading sharpens the mind. It helps strengthen our memory

and improves our ability to retain information.

Question 21 – 30
Answer the questions below.
Choose no more than five words and /or a number from the article for each answer.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

21. According to the article, what leads to self-discovery?

( 1 mark )

22. Reading helps us become a better person by enabling us to _______________________

and learn ways to improve ourselves.
( 1 mark )

23. Reading also shapes our worldview by ________________________________________

( 1 mark )

24. Reading increases our verbal intelligence by enabling us _________________________

to say what we mean.
( 1 mark )

25. In addition to that, reading is also _________________________ because we then have

the knowledge to avoid giving people the wrong information.
( 1 mark )

26. Reading helps to strengthen our memory and enhances our ability to store information. In
other words, reading _________________________.
( 1 mark )

Questions 27 and 30.

Complete the table below with a word or phrase from the article.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Meaning Word / Phrase

27. weaknesses

28. well-informed

29. spoken, not written

30. to store
( 4 marks )
Questions 31 – 40
Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A – L) to fit each gap
(31-40). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use. For each question, mark the
correct answer (A – L) on your answer sheet.


The Malays are the largest ethnic group in Malaysia. 31 . With the
indigenous, or Orang Asli people, they form a group called Bumiputera, which translates as
‘sons’ or ‘princes of the soil’. The Malays loved the earth, and were mostly farmers. 32

The Chinese were traders in Malaya for centuries and then settled in large numbers
during the nineteenth century here. 33 . When they first arrived however, the
Chinese were involved in the most grueling jobs like tin mining. 34

35 . Most came from South India, fleeing a poor economy. On arriving in

Malaya, many worked as labourers, or rubber tapper in rubber estates. Today, ten percent of
Malaysians are Indians. 36

The oldest inhabitants of Malaysia are its tribal people. 37 . In Peninsular

Malaysia, these people are known generally as the Orang Asli, or ‘Original People’. They are
given special status and there is an organization that monitors and cares for their
development. 38

Another group of tribal people who account for four percent of the population comes
from East Malaysia. 39 , who were once warriors living in longhouses. In Sabah,
40 Although they are now involved in different types of work, in the past, most of
them were farmers and fishermen.
( 10 marks )
A. Today they form about thirty percent of the population.

B. But today, you will find many Malays in the cities.

C. They account for two percent of the total population.

D. Their cuisine and colourful garments are visible throughout the land.

E. They make up over half of the country’s population.

F. Some of the Malaysian population are from Brunei and Singapore.

G. The Indians had been visiting Malaya for over 200 years but did not settle down here until
the nineteenth century.

H. most of the tribal people are Kadazans.

I. In Sarawak, the dominant tribal group is the Dayaks,

J. The Bajau and the Bugis are also considered tribal people of Malaysia.

K. Today, the Chinese are regarded as Malaysia’s businessmen, having succeeded in many
different industries.

L. Most of them are farmers and hunters and they often move from place to place.

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