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Name  : Krisna Dwi

Birth of Place and Date : Bima, 04 Juni 1996
Religion  : Islam
Address :Babarsari Street,
Number 16/8A
Tambak Bayan,
Caturtunggal, Depok,
Sleman, D.I.Y.
Phone Number  : 081357840672

Linkedln: Krisna Dwi


2002 - 2008 : SD Negeri 2 Kota Bima

2008 - 2011 : SMP Negeri 2 Kota Bima
2011 - 2014 : SMA Negeri 1 Kota Bima
2014 – present : Undergraduate Student – Major in Geological
Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional
Yogyakarta - Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta

Course, Workshop, Fieldtrip, and Training

2019 – Fieldtrip “Volcano and Mineralization Process Context, Godean
Mineralzation Case Study”, MGEI Student Chapter ITNY
2019 – Workshop “Exploration Characteristic of Porphyry Cu-Au and Epithermal
System”, MGEI Student Chapter, ITNY
2019 – On The Field Workshop and Fieldtrip “Hydrotermal Characteristics of
Gupit Hill, Salaman, Magelang, Central java.
2019 – Workshop “Spectral Analysis as a Key to Mineral Exploration in Lithocap
Environment”, SEG Student Chapter, UGM
2018 – Software Training “High Sulphidation Exploration to Production and
Micromine Software Learning”, SEG Student Chapter, UGM
2018 – Workshop “Geothermal Geochemistry to Optimize Decisions in
Geothermal Exploration”, HMTG FT UGM, UGM
2018 – Workshop “The A-Z Petroleum Geologist”, Indonesian Society of
Petroleum Geologist.
2018 – Pertamina Berbagi Pengetahuan denga Universitas dalam Rangka
Ketahanan Energi Nasional, PERTAMINA-UPN
2018 – Hulu MIGAS Goes to Campus, SKK MIGAS-UGM
2015 – Pekan Ilmiah Tahunan (PIT) Persatuan Mahasiswa Geologi Indonesia
(PERHIMAGI), Medan, Sumatera Utara

Organizational Experience

1. 2011 – Staff of Junior High School 2 Bima Town Student Council

2. 2013 – Head of Human Rights and Democracy Division, Senior High School
1 Bima Town Student Council
3. 2014 – Member of Geological Student Department Association "BUMI",
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta.
4. 2014 – Member of Indonesian Geology Student Union
5. 2014 – Member of English Study Club (ESC), Student Activity Unit, Sekolah
Tinggi Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta.
6. 2015 – Head of English Study Club (ESC), Student Activity Unit, Sekolah
Tinggi Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta.
7. 2016 – Advisory Council of English Study Club (ESC), Student Activity
Unit, Sekolah Tinggi Nasional Yogyakarta.
8. 2016 – Chairman of The Committee “Gladi Bumi” (Introduction and
Education for the Geology Field and Geological Student Department
Association “BUMI” STTNAS)
9. 2017 – Head of Student Parliament, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional
10. 2017 – Person in Charge of Student General Election, Sekolah Tinggi
Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta.
11. 2017 – Supervisor Coordinator of Student Orientation, Sekolah Tinggi
Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta.
12. 2017 – Person in Charge of Financial Audit Team for Student Organization,
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta.
13. 2017 – Supervisor of Student Orientation in Mining Major, Sekolah Tinggi
Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta.
14. 2018 – Person in Charge of The 8th Student Congress, Sekolah Tinggi
Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta.
15. 2019 – Head of Course and Workshop Division, MGEI Student Chapter
Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta.

Achievment and Awards

2nd Winner Gold Exploration Competition, Olimpiade Geologi Indonesia,

Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung, 2018.

Academic Experience

2015 :Assistant Lecturer Coordinator of Analitycal Chemistry, Analytical

Laboratory, (Dra. Srining Peni, M.Sc.)
Assisteant Lecturer of Paleontology, Startigraphy-Paleontology
Laboratory, (DR. Hita Pandita, S.T., M.T.)
2017 :Assistant Lecturer Coordinator of Analitycal Chemistry, Analytical
Laboratory, (Dra. Srining Peni, M.Sc.)
Assisteant Lecturer of Paleontology, Startigraphy-Paleontology
Laboratory, (DR. Hita Pandita, S.T., M.T.)
2019 : Assistant Lecturer Coordinator of Analitycal Chemistry, Analytical
Laboratory, (Dra. Srining Peni, M.Sc.)
Field Experience

09 Februari 2016 – 18 Februari 2016 : Kuliah Lapangan 1 di Kecamatan

Kalibawang dan Sekitarnya, Kabupaten Kulonprogo, D.I. Yogyakarta.

28 Juli 2017 – 12 Agustus 2017 : Kuliah Lapangan 2 di Kecamatan Bayat dan

Sekitarnya, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah.

15 Desember 2017 : Audiensi Legislatif di DPRD Kota Yogyakarta.

16 Desember 2017 : Narasumber Seminar Legislatif STTNAS Yogyakarta, Tema

‘Peran Mahasiswa Teknik di Dunia Legislatif sebagai Agen Perubahan yang
Berani, Kritis, dan Berintegritas.

Work Experience
Internship Program (Exploration Department)
PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara, Elang Site, Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara Barat
19 Maret – 19 April 2018

Keahlian Komputer

Microsoft Office (MS. Word, MS. Excel, MS. PowerPoint), Corel Draw, dan

Hormat saya,
Krisna Dwi

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