Growth Plan 2020

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State oF WASHINGTON PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR was TANDARDS BOARD Was! gton State educator Professional Growth Plan (PGP) template for educator preparation program completion Eten First name: Amari Last name: Putney-Blanton Preparation program: City Univeristy of Seattle, Professional School Counseling For information regarding Washington state educator certification, please consult the OSPI Certification Office website at hito:/viww.i12.wa.usicerification/, email cert, or call (360) 725-6400. Cue ees 1. Self-assessment. Use a self-assessment to identify an area of focus that will lead to your professional growth. You might choose to use one of the self-assessments based on the certificate standards for your role: https:/www_pesb.wa, goviworkforce-developmentideveloping-current- educators/pgp/pgp-forms-and-support-materials/. You might also choose to use another self- assessment. Identify the self-assessment and area of focus you selected: Setf-assement: Washington State Professional Educators Standards Board: Needs Assement Worksheet: School Counselor = Research and grow knowledge in state and local wide school crisis response policies K-12. = Build a ist of contacts to network and provide families with a broad range of essential resources. 2. Standards. The area of focus for your professional growth goal needs to align to the certificate standards. You may fd the oartfcat standards for your ole here standards-and:benchmarks Note the standard you have selected for your area of focus for professional growth. - _SC5.ED. Crisis preparedness > Participates on teams to address school-wide needs and prepare for disasters or crises. + SC5EA. > Builds collaborative relationships with school, family, and community staeholders to foster a Positive school learning environment. 3. Professional growth goal(s). What is your goal for this professional growth plan? Describe how this goal relates to your self-assessment and focus area identified in question one. ‘As a first year school counselor creating a learning environment where students can effectively regulate their emotions is vital to student achievernent. it will be of the uptmost importance to provide nesscary resources for families as they have been struck by unfortunate circumstances such as, COVID-19. Goals related to needs assement standard 5.C: Counseling theories and techniques > Criteria 1: Builds effective partnerships across stakeholder groups and K-12 systems to support student development and facilitate transitions. > Criteria §: Collaborates and consults with staff and community partners to coordinate services for students who need intensive support services to be successful in school. Professional Growth Plan template for program completion, revised 2019.07.02 Professional Educator Standards Board | wi pesh wa gov State oF WASHINGTON PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR YB TANDARDS BOARD 4, Intended outcomes. What will you and/or your students be able to do as a result of your professional growth that you andlor they are not able to do now? By establishing an environment where students can regulate their emotions, students will be able to foster, maintain and promote healthy expression of self and peer support. Students will be able to communicate with staff and peers to advocate and express their emotions. Geo eee ea 5. Activities. Describe the specific growth activities you will engage in to obtain the identified new leaming. How will these activities positively impact student learning? Plan and carry out virtual/in-class social emotional lessons in group form to equip students with skills to regulate emotions. Along with advocating and expressing themselves in a logical manner. Collaborate with local stakeholders to host inclusive family nights such as, multi-cultural night or African dispora night. Hosting these events will promote and create a positive school climate, 6. Proposed evidence. Describe the evidence you plan to collect to support your goals. Evidence may include areas beyond test scores such as attendance rates, discipline referrals, programs implemented, student work, videos of lessons, and other student or adult data, Pre- and post surveys, school climate survey, and referral rates will be utilized to track for small groups for whole class lessons to track personal growth in skills, knowledge, attendance, school climate. Mtr, [AAV Candidate signdture ‘Amari Putney-Blanton Print name 5/28/2020 Date Program signature Click here to enter text. Print name lick drop down to ent Dato Professional Growth Plan template for program completion, revised 2019.07.02 Professional Educator Standards Board | wi pesh wa gov

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