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Frame Setting

Forcing Frames On Hotties

by Tyler Durden
Force girls into the frame that you *need* her to be in, in order to sarge her.

EVERYONE wants to be perceived as GENUINE. When girls put up FRONTS, call them out on
their ungenuine bullshit behaviour to put them in line.

Jeans store girl:

PUA: "are we in talk mode, or sales mode?"
HB: "well, sorta both.."
PUA: (stick out tongue) "pffffffft!!"
HB: no no no.. go on, go on, I'm in talk mode..
PUA: ok (spin handshake to return her into state)

Shooter girl:
HB: would you like a shooter?
PUA: hmm... I'm not sure that we'd get along..
HB: what?? why?????
PUA: We're too similar..
HB: why???
PUA: I can't tell you.. We haven't known eachother for long enough..
HB: hahahhaah..
PUA: get this (routine)
HB: hey cool.. so would you like something to drink?
PUA: (make funny face, continue with NEXT routine, utterly IGNORING her question.. use high-
5s, hugs, "I love you", or anything OTHER than the answer to her question)
HB: hahaha, ok SERIOUSLY do you want a shooter..
PUA: are you in shooter girl mode or in genuine mode?
HB: well I'm working..
PUA: pfffft! (backturn)
HB: no no no.. I'm listening, keep going..
PUA: (run sarge as usual)
PUA: talking talking... run A-crowd routine, validate her as part of your a-crowd..
HB: cool.. so what do you want tonight sir?
PUA: hold up.. are we still chatting or are you in waitress mode?
HB: well I am waitressing..
PUA: uh oh.. I'm not sure if you're still A-crowd with us anymore..
HB: no no no, I'm just talking.. keep going..
PUA: high-5.. Ok, get this........

Girl with bitchshield at a night venue (club/bar/etc)

HB: x-ignorant comment
PUA: "are you in bar mode or daytime mode?"
HB: what???
PUA: I think that you treat people differently at the bar than during the daytime.. I'm just trying
to talk to you, and I don't think that you're like this (hand gesture <-/ -> to motion to your
conversation) during the day.. This isn't genuine.. I don't think its you.. (for serious bitch shields
you can add: "this is second class behaviour")
HB: yeah but all these lame desperate guys try to hit on me in lame ways..
PUA: my intuition about you is that you respect yourself enough to come only to a place where the
people are worth talking to.. just chill.. be genuine.. I can totally see that you have x-quality going
for you.. I think that you're probably x-compliment.. (spin-handshake to re-initiate her state, so it
doesn't go too downhill state-wise).

Stripper (Mystery always does this shit):

HB: where are you from?
PUA: (NOT answering her question) these are 'mark' questions, for customers.. this isn't you..
HB: what?
PUA: actually you'd better run along and make some money or your boss might get mad..
HB: I have no boss.. I work when I want..
PUA: oh, so you're saying that you have the freewill to exert your own power of choice and talk to
who you want.. I like that, that's powerful..
(then IGNORE all 'mark' questions NO MATTER WHAT, and pump her with routines..
NOTHING situational whatsoever, because as a stripper she has heard it ALL NIGHT.. just
intrigue her and neg neg neg)

Point here is, hot girls will use whatever situation that they're in, in order to put up shields. Call
them up on their bullshit behaviour to convey to them its ungenuine, and that you only talk to
genuine people. Then proceed to sarge as usual, once her situational shield is broken down.


> Point here is, hot girls will use whatever situation that they're in, in order
> to put up shields. Call them up on their bullshit behaviour to convey to them
> its ungenuine, and that you only talk to genuine people. Then proceed to sarge
> as usual, once her situational shield is broken down.
> -TD

Just to stress the point, you're saying that bitch shields in night
venues are to be disarmed with call on bullshit (the script you
provided) instead of negs. This is clever as it both challenges her and
attempts to initiate rapport (bypassing C&F attraction apparently -
what's this, Juggler?).
Your script basically translates to "stop being a bitch will you"; what
if she resists and does not acknowledge she's acting like a bitch?
Instead of saying
"yeah but all these lame desperate guys try to hit on me in lame ways.."
she might say
"what are you talking about; why should I be talking to you?"

Now you know she is a bitch for real, not just spotting a bitch shield.
So what next, "are you always like that or just with people cooler than


Random Hottie Who Wants Drinks:

HB: Will you buy me a drink?

ME: I love want to buy me a drink?!?
HB: No. No. NO. I want you to buy me a drink?
ME: Hey, this is not an ATM Machine, you got to put some lovin in if you want to get some lovin
HB: Uhmmm. Ok.
ME: Are you always like this or just with people cooler than you...cuz this...[slowly take out
sunglasses][put sunglasses on your head]...the fuckin...A-Crowd (sp).
HB: Hahahaha.
ME: I don't know if I can hang with you.
HB: What?!?
ME: We're too similar...[qualify her then switch to rapport]

To add to your shopping clerk/jeans store girl:

HB: May I help you?

ME: Of course, I am the manager of the store...and today there are 50% off on all the jeans with
red labels.
HB: Hahahaa. You're not the manager.
ME: I was just kidding...ahhahahaa...DORK!
HB: Hahahaha. What's your name?

Camera Girls:

HB: Will you take a picture?

ME: Sure. [take picture of myself]
HB: Hey?!? No. Take a picture of us.
ME: Ok. [take of picture of the girls with me]
HB: Haahahaha. about taking a picture of just us girls, ok?!?
ME: That'll be 20 dollars...
HB: What?
ME:'s not everyday that you get to take pics of a celeb...who knows...maybe you'll post
them on the internet and make a profit off of my sexy body...and I want to cash in too.
HB: No...they won't be on the internet.
ME: Ok...let's see sexy [take girls pics] [take pics of the girls]...whoa whoa
whoa...that one sucked...let's see fun and playful [take pics]...yeah...that's the spirit girls.
HB: Hahahaha.
ME: Hey you?
HB: Me?
ME: Yes. You! Get over here. [take picture of you and her] fuckin rock...high five [high


I don't like the idea of framing a chicks response to me as bullshit, so your technique doesn't work
for me.

If that's how you view and accept the world around you, and you find it easy to maneuver with
that mind-set, then it should work for YOU, however, offering it as advice to OTHERS, who may
or MAY NOT have the same mind-set, sets the stage for incongruence in OTHERS who use it.

You said "EVERYONE wants to be perceived as GENUINE", which should be true, however, if for
example as I said in my opening "I don't like the idea of framing a chicks response to me as
bullshit", then working with YOUR MIND-SET or map would cause me to come across as

Doesn't that make sense?

As someone once said "Use What Works For YOU".

I should add that just because a chick tries to avoid your advances, it doesn't mean it's bullshit or
In genuine. She may very well have a legitimate reason for not stopping her world and talking to
you, after all she's a waitress, it's a busy bar, she needs her job.
Accusing her of being a bad person may put her on a guilt trip, but doesn't go a long way towards
establishing or maintaining rapport with her. She may stop and talk to you for a while, but I'm
willing to bet that she'll blow you off as soon as a real PUA comes along.
Just my Opinion, any flames, emotional responses, or any other retort you may have is welcomed
with open arms.
Keep it real. :)

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