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# ra PRODUCT STANDARD HE 07001 S HEAT EXCHANGER ENGINEERING PAGE 1 OF 9 a stones com rence | aE HE 07001 = i INSTRUCTIONS z FOR TUBE EXPANSION IN CONDENSER COPY RIGHT AND CONFIDENTIAL NAME: SIGN & DATE Blo 7 EIS] 9 DRAWN IMAL KUMAR jie ©] SLE TAXE [ixsnvasraval Yas “te [WORKED vivexkuman | Xk—eca8T 8], 2[TSx_[nenann | RBA ai | CHECKED mewn | Nate bmes a ey DEPTT| NAME SIGN & DATE|SUPERVISED | vx Saxena hexane — 4 G Slee APPROVED A Hl z|= ASAT wean oF wxes Eqy EISh PREPARED ‘S508 DATE Sle HXE(FES), 2/S ie HARDWAR, wore PRODUCT STANDARD HE 07001 libel HEAT EXCHANGER ENGINEERING PAGE 2 OF 9 SIGN DATE 4.0 SCOPE ‘SOnERaEDES ‘These instructions are issued for guiding tube expansion process at site for Con- densers. 2.0 INTRODUCTION Condenser being a huge equipment itis dispatched to site in a number of assem- blies/sub-assemblies and various loose parts. It is built al site before the stage of tubing comes. Proper expansion of tubes in condenser is very important as im- proper expansion may result in tube to tube plate joint failure leading to water leakage into steam space. Apart from interruption in power generation, these leaks contaminate the condensate which may lead to damage to other equipments re- quiring expensive repair. 3.0 EXPANDED JOINT Tube expansion into the tube plate is @ process in which the tube is expanded mechanically to provide metal to metal contact with the hole surface. In this proc- ess, outer surface of the tube first touches with the inner surface of {ube hole and on further expansion, ductile material of tube flows into the cavities of the tube hole surface undergoing plastic deformation thereby providing leak tight joint. Normally roller expanders are used for above purpose. In this type of expansion, taper man- drel is inserted between three high finish rollers. With the rotation of mandrel by torque controlled motor, all rollers rotate. While feeding the mandrel inwards, di- ameter over rollers increases which expands the tube, making the leak proof joint. COPY RIGHT AND CONFIDENTIAL 1 on this docu Expanded tube to tube plate joint obtained with above process is a pressure tight joint with strength and stabilly. This type of tube to tube piate joint is most popular in Heat Exchangers. z z 4.0 CLEANING OF TUBE HOLE SURFACES IN MAIN TUBE PLATES AND TUBE ENDS : All contact surfaces in the expanding operation should be clean. No foreign mate- ‘ial is allowed to be entrapped between the tube and tube hole mating surfaces, as ry it will result into a poor joint, which may ultimately lead to leakage. Foreign mate- aia rial will fil in the cavities of holes in which tube material would have flown. Remove =| a all rust, dust, scale, oil, dirt, protective coating and other foreign matter from tube Zkin| plate holes and inside and outside surfaces of tube ends. =| EIS ake) 5 |S [REWRO-or workeo ay | vivek Kuwan | Wem 2 | |23,05.2002 CHECKED BY: PM KLAHOTI | RoE i PRODUCT STANDARD FE 07001 aff HEAT EXCHANGER ENGINEERING PAGE 3 OF 9 Foreign matter on the inside of tube will end to become embedded into tube wall and may cause flaking and galling of rollers and mandrel. Cleaning of tube hole may be done by the application of suitable light oil or solvent like carbon tetrachloride etc. If required round steel brushes may also be used. Tube ends can be cleaned by using Tough cloth and itnecessary very fine emery paper may also be used, avoiding scratches ‘over the tube surface. EH 3H AL FE Very glossy finish of the tube hole surface is not desirable, as it produces poor inter- locking of material during tube expansion, thus resutting into a weak joint, On the other hand very rough surface finish and excessively oversized hole is equally harmful, as ‘excess material flow during expansion will set severe stresses in the tube ends due to ‘excessive cold working. Normally recommended oversize of hole over tube diameter is 0.2 to 0.6 mm and ‘surface finish of holes between 6.3 to 12.5 microns. Before insertion of tubes, hole should be inspected forits finish after cleaning. Holes should not have longitudinal or spiral-through tool marks. Such marks should be made smooth before tube insertion. ‘TUBE INSERTION : The tubes duly fitted with tapered guide are inserted through various intermediate ‘support plates while positioning the same between the two main tube plates. De- ending upon the number of supports and tube length, requisite no. of persons should bbe employed between different compartments to guide the tubes in right holes with proper care to avoid scratches on the tubes. Burrs, if any, should be cleaned from Support plate holes before tube insertion. TORQUE/CURRENT SETTING : Before starting actual expansion, torque should be set to achieve required tube wall thinning. Normally tube thinning is kept between 6% to 11% for non-ferrous and 5% to 10% for ferrous tubes. Calculation procedure of tube thinning is shown in the enclosed. ‘Annexure:t, COPY RIGHT AND CONFIDENTIAL ‘pe information on this Gucitent Le the peoperty of Hharat Hey Electrical Linited, mice not bo wed directly or Sndliracty sn any wey deteinental to the Satara of the mpery Select 10 holes at random in each of the zones in the tube nest representing various roughness and hole sizes. Use 3-pin point micrometer for measurement of hole size and note the same in logsheet (Annexure-I. Measure corresponding tube O.D. and record average value for reference. Site Erection Expert's own experience may also be kept in view while zone selection is done. IGN & DATE P6098 [s]710 REV. NO. o1| WORKED BY = 7.052002 [bxecxeD By Vo [iventory No fe rors PRODUCT STANDARD HE 07001 Od ied HEAT EXCHANGER ENGINEERING PAGE 4 OF 9 COPY RIGHT AND CONFIDENTIAL ‘the infomation on this document is the property of Eharat vem Wleccricele Limited. must nt be ten directly ce Sniractly in anyway detrimental to te intavest of the capery jor cay 3) tipped micrometer and note the same in logsheet. Calculate theoretical intemal dia of 72 | Measure thickness of corresponding tube directly by using spherical tipped or pointed tube after expansion as per Annexure-I. 7.3 Set the torque based on experience. 7.4 Insert the tubes in 2 holes, with their dimensions duly recorded. Expand the inlet end, keeping 1.5 mm protrusion, 7.5. |Measure intemal diameter of the tube after expansion using $-pin point micrometer. 7.6 Compare above expanded diameter with theoretical diameter calculated at 7.2 above. 7.7 (8) \fexpanded intemal diameter is more than the theoretical, this would mean that the tube is over expanded. Lower the setting of torque/current and repeat above ‘exercise with two fresh holes and tubes. (b) If expanded intemal diameter is less than the theoretical, this would mean that the tube is under-expanded. Increase the setting of torque/current and repeat above ‘exercise with two fresh holes and tubes. 7.8. Finally setthe controller to the torque/current where actual expanded internal diam- eter is achieved within the theoretical range of expansion. 7.9 Re-expand the tubes where under expansion has taken place. 8.0 SEQUENCE OF A 8.1 Expand about 6 rows, vertical and horizontal at center to avoid distortion of tube plate. ‘Subsequently proceed as recommended by BHEL Erection Experts. 8.2 Complete the entire tube expansion with right torque/current setting and if necessary with selective torque/current setting for selective holes. FORE EXPA! : 9.1 At few places, measure distance between outer faces of tube plates and keep the record of the same in logsheets. 9.2 Measure the tube length and see that margin is about 10mm. No tubes should be used having margin less then 3mm over the dimension measured at 9.1 above. REV. NO. 01 WORKED BY: | Y MOHAN Yi P- 6098 fanramone to. afin & oats 705 2002 feteoxeo ey: [wxuanorr | Rete SIGN & DATE an | PRODUCT STANDARD HE 07001 HEAT EXCHANGER ENGINEERING PAGE 6 OF 9 SURERSECES 9.3. Slacken the set screw on the thrust collar of the exoander and adjust it, by moving the callar body along the screwed bady, to sut the length of expansion as per the drawing. Lock the collar in the set position by tightening the set screw at required COPY RIGHT AND CONFIDENTIAL jon onths doctmentis the property of Bharat Heavy Elect ioals Limited nr way The inform positon. 9.4. Inlet tube end should be expanded first and then outlet end should be expanded. While expanding inlet end, collar washer should be used to prevent axial move- ment of tube beyond tube plate on water box side (See fig. of Annexure-Il) How- ever, while expanding outlet end, colar washer should not be used so as to allow axial movement of tube beyond tube plate towards waler box end (See fig.2 of Annexure-IIl) IF necessary, two different tube expanders may be used o meat this requirement 9.5 After expansion, inlet end should be bell mouthed by light blow of hammer, using beliing tool. Bell mouthing is not recommended for Stainless steel & Titanium tubes. 9.6 Protrusicn of tube at outlet end between 1mm to 10mm is acceptable. Excess length should de cut after expansion. 8.7. Suitable oil or glycerine may be used for lubrication of roler. 10.0 DO'S 10.1 Cool and clean the expander ina mixture of soap solution and glycerine at regular interval. It is better to use two expanders so that one can be cooled and cleaned \when the other expanderis in service 10.2 Inspect the rollers, mandrel and expander cage at regular interval for wear! soratones/ burrs, 40.3 Check torque/current setting whenever rollers and mandrel are changed. 10.4 Measure roling length of tube at regular interval to ensure that expansion length is as per drawing IGN & DATE 11.0 DON'TS 11.4 Donot use expander with over flowing coclant/lubricant. This will overflow into the gap between tube and tute hole in lower rows and create fim there causing weak jpint in these lower rows, Cooiant/ lubsicant shoud be just suficient to prevent INVENTORY No. IP. 228 | o(2l9> overheating of expander. REV. NO. of WORKED BY: | VIVEK KUMAR we [23.08%2002) CHECKED BY: [MK LAHOTT | Dhaba ‘16M & BATE 7 PRODUCT STANDARD ofa HEAT EXCHANGER ENGINEERING HE 07001 PAGE 6 OF 9 z i i a i j ‘ho infomation on this cooarmt ia the property of tharat Heavy Slectricals Lindtad, Temst not be wed directly or indlaectly in ite way Getinental tothe intarast of the GOR Slop 11.2 Never expand the tube beyond tube plate face. 11.3 Never use worn-out rollers/mandrevcage. This will dig on tube material 11.4 Never change only rollers or mandrel. Complete set of rollers and mandrel should be changed. 11.5 Do not expand the tube at any end if tube is suspected to fall short on either tube plate face. Enclosures: Annexure-t, II & II NOTE: BHEL Erection Experts may adopt suitable processes and guide lines as per their ‘own experience keeping in view their standard norms, wherever necessary. REV. NO. 01 WORKED BY : Y MOHAN P6098 23.05.2002 HECKED BY [MK LAHOTT PRODUCT STANDARD HE 07001 HEAT EXCHANGER ENGINEERING PAGE 7 OF 9 UGK & DATE. PANSION AN! LEGEND HOLE DIAMETER ‘TUBE OUTSIDE DIAMETER THEORETICAL TUBE. INTERNAL DIAMETER, AFTER EXPANSION ‘TUBE EXPANSION DEPTH ‘TUBE PLATE THICKNESS. ‘TUBE THICKNESS BEFORE EXPANSION ‘TUBE THICKNESS AFTER EXPANSION PERCENTAGE THINNING THINNING AFTER EXPANSION, & = Dec 2 E = (ttt) x100% 2h=D=O x 100% Bt THEREFORE, 3 4 i fl Bd Bs 3 a b2 ‘| 8 l ; ; 4 i © = D~ 100-8 x24 100) EXAMPLE BRASS TUBE OF DIA 25.4 x 1.00 25.46 MM ‘comer feel 850% ‘he into NAL Di GN & DATE, = 2566 - 10085 x 2x1 100 = 25.66 - 183 = 2383 MM ae REV. NO. 01 WORKED BY : 23.05.2002 (CHECKED BY a P8098 oz Ton aaLyoionisy sony “TWIRION BL NOMS AUYA AY ONIN 3BNL 3O¥INSONAA ALIWAO ONY WO 570M ESBNVOIA "GO Jan NOSONMINTSLOL Ie GRouWIo WON Ose SaOL Sev sohavad evant ‘ONIN 39nL a30NARNODAH JO NWA ZOVEEAY ONIST SHOU 3H AVNONLLS INSEAD /AMEUOL WLM (CHECKED BY :| MKLAHOTI leauon 239) (vaio 339) resteoutzoonre-o |S (uu Norvancs ‘aly gal 30 * uy (uy wa wneaiNi 3 outa cosetise | maxon ainaaen ‘arenes Syousaosa | wn wenaunsvan | “so lnaraunsvan PRODUCT STANDARD HEAT EXCHANGER ENGINEERING (ON oNIMVuO ann — ~ Losroud ONITTO# Hos $3N7VA 3NOUOL ONLLLIS ONY NOISNYAXS ONITTON 40 NOLLWNINYSI3G : 133HS 001 Tis wa J aT wh Ol aan hn hn Kaa we MeUE Ta 5] CLS ‘PEST aTeoTSST soy Sep Jo Naa ay SF RENTED AR OS UNIMON SL, l od aes AIWLINGGTANOD ANY GHOT 4400 awa 9 wor 7 PRODUCT STANDARD HE 07001 i HEAT EXCHANGER ENGINEERING PAGES OF 9 SIGN & OATE -ANNEXURE —IIT TUBE EXPANDER 3 EXPANSION AT INLET END PANSION AT OUTLET END TUBE PLATE TUBE PLATE. 4 Ly ee ~ ° No © REV.NO-O1 worKeD BY: | vivex KUMAR | oft IX. 23-08. 200 [cieckeD ay: [MK LAHOT! | Mateos a SM —— FIG2 linventony No.[pIGN & DATE

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