BS 2594 1975

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BS 25941975 ? a Specification for : a 7 | 5 Carbon steel welded | horizontal cylindrical” 7 storage tanks . | i | | | 4 Gr7 British Standards Institution i BS 2594 :1975 Contents Page Co-operating organizations Inside front cover Foreword 2 ‘Specification 1. Scope” 2 References 3. Information to be supplied by the purchaser 4. Working conditions 5. ‘Standard tank sizes 6. Forms of construction 7, Materials 8, Design 9. Shop fabrication 10. Tank testing LL, Calibration. 12, Inspection 13, Marking 14, Preparation for despatch Tables 1A, Dimensions and capacities of horizontal underground and above-ground storage tanks with dished and flanged ends 4 Foreword ‘This British Standard, which was fist published in 1965 under the joint authority of the Mechanical Engineering Industry Standards Committee and the Petroleum Equipment Industry Standards Committee, is intended to provide for tanks of sdequate safety ‘and reasonable economy, in a range of sizes to suit the requirements of user industries forthe static storage of petroleum and other chemical products vented to atmosphere. Tanks intended for the storage of liquids corrosive to mild steel should be suitably protected. When tanks are required for the storage of liquids outside the temperature range ~10°C to + 150°C, the materials and methods of fabrication should receive special consideration In this revision, dimensions are based on chosen smetric capacities. Dished and flanged ends of only four sizes are used, which are convenient for the _manufecture of compartmented tanks; these ae based con metric outside diameters. Imperial dimensions for dished ends are retained for current production pparposes, but as and witen existing tooling requires renewal it should be replaced to suit the metric sizes specified inthis standard. Page 1B. Dimensions and capacities of horizontal ‘underground and above-ground storage tanks ting exiting imperil aed and aged 5 2A, Dshed and flanged end coniguation (netic) 6 2B. Dished and flanged end configuration (existing imperial sizes) 6 3. Dimensions for manholes 2 4. Dimensions for eradle supports 4 Flours ished and flanged end configuration 6 2. Genel dimensions 9 3. Types of shell construction 10 4. Method of welding ends to shell n 5. Method of attaching internal partitions to shell Wn 6. Method of welding lapped circumferential seams un 7. Manhole details 2 8. Lifting lugs B 9. Saddle supports “4 Due to the current low demand, unflanged ends ‘and flanged ends butt-welded to the shell are not ineluded in this revision. However, if justified by demands from industry, consideration will be given to the reinstatement of either or both of these forms of construction at a future dat. Dimensions for lifting ugs ate included and certa of the requirements dealing with welding and testing hhave been revised. Manhole details re given and manholes are shown positioned near one end of the tank, with the advantages that: (@) itis easy to avoid a joint weld through the manhole; (b) some degree of production standardization ‘can be achieved; (©) tank manlid connections can be grouped at fone end, which can be particularly useful in multi tank installations. ‘The above-ground tanks specified in this standard ‘comply with the performance requirements for Type ‘Atanks in BS 799. Certification, Attention is drawn to the certification facilities deseribed on the inside back cover of this standard. Od BS 2594 :1975 British Standard Specification for Carbon steel welded horizontal cylindrical storage tanks aan Ree ee acer eeceeeee EeeeeEe ECL ceeeen eee CeCe 1. Scope ‘This British Standard specifies requirements for the sign and construction of carbon steel fusion welded horizontal cylindrical storage tanks with dished and flanged ends for the storage of liquids within the temperature range of 10 °C to + 150°C. The standard includes both above-ground tanks with saddle supports and underground tanks, Details of the range of dished and flanged ends ‘upon which the range of standard diameter tank sizes has been based are given in tables 2A and 2B. ‘The overall lengths given in tables 1A and 1B relate to tanks with butt-welded circumferential seams. ‘Tanks wholly fabricated at the manufacturer's works may be constructed using either of the types of ‘construction ifustrated in figure 2, provided the ‘overall lengths specified are maintained. NOTE 1. The aboveground storage tanks specified inthis Standard are not intended for mobile applications. [NOTE 2 Except where otherwice stated the requirements ‘ecified apply to both aboveground and underground tanks 2. References The titles of the British Standards referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover. 3. Information to be supplied by the purchaser ‘The following information, as appropriate, shall be supplied by the purchaser with his enquiry (@) The diameter and length or the nominal capeity ofthe tank, {(b) The shel and end plate thickness required, NOTE, Attention is awn to regulation concerning the storage of flammable igus. Petroleum spit must be stored in tanks complying withthe requements of leensing athositon (© The diameter, number and postion of any extra manholes required (see 8.3.2). (@ The material to be used for the manhole and ‘other gaskets (see (©) Whether the tank is to be wholly fabricated at the manufacturer's works or (o be supplied ‘plate small’, For tanks supplied ‘plate small’, the ‘purchaser shall indicate the shell plating arrange- ‘ment required (see 6.2), (0) Whether any treatment is required for the removal of mill scale (Gee 7.1.2). 4) Dimensioned drawings giving details ofthe type, class and position of any fittings or mountings. 4h) Whether welding procedure drawings are required (see 9.4.2). (Whether the test to be carried out shall be particularly hydraulic or pneumatic (ee 10.1.1). 71 bare 10" Nyon = 10° 4p 3 (). Whether atest cortificate is required (se 10.3), (G) Whether the capacity of the tank is tobe calibrated (ee clause 11) (The protection required on internal and extemal surfaces (se 14.0. ‘Whether the tank hes to be specially packed or ‘marked for transit (ee 14.2). (2) For above-ground tanks, the relative density of the liquid tobe stored (©) For aboveground tanks, whether or not integral saddle supports ace (o be supplied. 4, Working conditions ‘Tanks complying with this standard shall be suitable for a maximum internal working pressure up to and including 0.40 bar*, measured at the top of the tank, and 2 maximum internal vacuum of 10 mbar. Tanks shall not be used at pressures or vacua higher than these values, NOTE. The plate thickneses specified inthis standard are based om aliquid contents relative density of unity (wate). ‘Special consideration should be given ifthe relative density ofthe liquid tobe stored is significantly greater. 5. Standard tank sizes 5.1 Standard tank sizes shall conform to the ‘dimensions given in table 1A or 1B, The corresponding dished ends and compartment plates shall conform to the dimensions given in table 2A or 2B as appropriate. 5.2 The ullages ofthe tanks given in tables 1A and 1B telate to tanks constructed with all butt-welded shells ‘overlapping the dished ends. Depending on the type i f shell plate arrangoment used and the plate sizes : ble, there will necessarily be small variations in ‘overall nominal capacities. 6. Forms of construction 6.1 The minimum thickness of dished end and compartment plates and shell plates shall be a given intables 1A of 1B. 6.2 Two different methods of shel pate arrangement are permitted as follows: (2) shell pated circumferentally; all seams with butt welds; (b) shell plated cizcumferentally; lapped circum ferential seams with butt welds for the Tongitudinal seams (by prior agreement with the purchaser only) ‘The method of welding lapped circumferential seams i illustrated in figure 6. 6.3 Permissible forms of shell construction are illustrated in figure 3. 6.4 The method of welding dished and Manged ends to the shell and a method of welding compartment plates to the shell are illustrated in figure 4 and figure 5, vow ve nua pounds mn 0 5 5 we toe Aa peoNp 94208 TEESE: aN aN ASUPNT PAE PAL 6 08 39 oe] Oe woe e086] 06 08 59 06 9907 910% 0008} 08 08 s9 os | 9907 9807. o00L} OL 08 s9 os ort oro 00009) 09 os| 9 08 910% 910% oooss| “$5 o8 9 o8 9Oe 9107 cooos| 0s os 9 os 90% 90 cosh} st oe $9 08 910% 90, 0900r} OF o8 $9 08 9H0z 9007 ose) se 08 9 os 907 9W0 oooor| of 08 s9 08 9r07 sH0 00st Sz s9 59 so ovr get ooose| St 9 so s9 get owe coor) 0% so 59 9 862 640 0002] 0% 59 59 s9 86. 3640 ooost} st s9 s9 s9 86. 3640 oo 01} oF so 59 59 ye ¥e0 ose | St 39 s9 s9 WE ¥9e0 wos | os wo) wm | our sont | tt senm| ett oy *) sm | eee pane | pono | 7 : ¢ zane] com | "Stoge | pen ~ “ym| sind ; “amduog| “pea | _Cona) ad wet wpm] wdep (comiy 909 | sorte onze | ‘fuer vosuny| SPT ‘Apedes (Cape or 999 SUL aun | mush memo| wefan | Tous | aHWON BS 2594:1975 spue paSuey pue paysip ypu syuer obes0xs punoas-oroge pue punouBsepun Jeuozti0l| 19 sanrsedeo pue suorsuowuig “WL 1921 (ae! 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BS 2594:1975 os] 89] 06) So 9s] e851] oorsi] 0 6| 0006] 06 os so 06 so 4 t6T FT 0 eT 06 000 08 | 0s og} 59} oa] 9 go] terzt) cost] 0 6| ©0001 os} 9} os] so get] zee) cozor] 0 6| —can09| 08 os] 9) os so gor} 686 | 086 | «0 6| ~—onss| ss os] 9} os] 9 ssc) 2668 | oors | 0 6| ons] os os} so} og] so gsc] 2608 | ose | 0 6| mst] se os] 9} os} so set] zee | 0099 | 0 6| © om00| oF os} 9) os] s3/ se] toro) ome | 0.6) most] st os s9 og $9 960 ws S 000s | 06) onoc} of 08 9 os] $9 sez) toy | core | 0.6) ommsz|_— se s9 s9 89 89 6€% BULS | oes. 08) ooosz} sz so} 9) 9] s9 ez] soe | ooze | 0 8| © oam0e} ov so} 9] 9] so ssi; 9169 | oop | 9.8) noo] oz, s9] 9] 9] s9 ssi] ozs | ose | 9:9) ons] st so $9] 9 s9 881 OLS E oor € 99 000 OF ol s9| 9] sa] 9 sel] gers | cos | 9 | ose | su $9} 9) 89] ss sei] 99€ | cove | «9 | © ows | os wu} wu wut] us sew vu | wu! oy son] ar * * one sy | a Bt ¥ a reveal | panos some “arom | "pen -yredwog (cons) are nous spua| —indap ¢amnty 299 | sorowenp m3 JO. pe pda piu] prey Aypedes: (Oe wep mR, samen | mura | amen | season] “Tous won spue pabuey pur pousip jeveduu Susie BulzJn sue} eBe103s punoi8-onoge pue punoublepun jeiuozZ}40Y Jo sanjoedeo pue sUOISUBWG “BL 2IqeL, BS 2594 :1975 Tangent_tine All dimensions are in millimetres igure 1. Dished and flanged end configuration Table 2A. Dished and flanged end ‘configuration (metric) Inside [Crown | Knuckle [Outaide [capacity dameter| dius |radiae [depth lof end oftank fofend _|(natched portion) pr fr iw mum {mm fmm [mm |m> —flitres 1500 |2000 |so [1st [o.t82 | 182 2000 |2700 |s0 230 [0.399 | 399 2500/3500 [so 270 [0.732 | 732 27s0_|3500_|so__ [319 _|1.023_ [1023 Table 2B, Dished and flanged configuration (existing imperial sizes) Tale [Crown [Knuckle [Outside [capaciey radius | depth Jorend [fend |Oaiced portion) ft in fin [mm |? 76 |m |138 fotz6 |ia6 in litres 6 6 j106 |i |188 Jo.s34 [334 0 0 120 [1% [239 Joo Je19 12.0 |v _|296__|o.959_|9s9 7. Plates for shell and ends ‘7.AcK Tanks shall be constructed of carbon stee! plates complying with the requirements of BS 4360 : 1972 grade 40A for underground tanks and grade 43A for above-ground tanks, or from such equivalent steel as. ‘may be agreod between the purchaser and the manufacturer, particularly for low temperature conditions. 7.4.2 Where specified by the purchaser the plates for the shell and ends shall be pickled or blast cleaned or otherwise treated for the removal ofthe mall scale. NOTE. Attention is drawn to BS 4232. 7.2 Tank fittings 7.21 Pate material used for fabricating tank fitings, Including cradle wrapper plates, if welded (o the tank ‘hall be in aceordance with 7.1.1 or from an equivalent ‘and compatible material 4.22 Al piping used shall comply with the require- rents of BS 1387 or BS 3601 or as may be otherwise specified by the purchaser. 7.3 Structural bolts. Any bolts used in connection with the tank, e.g. for manhole lid or mounting attachments, shall comply with the requirements of BS4190. 8 Design 8.1 Dimensions. The tanks shall be constructed to dimensions selected from table 1 or 1B. 8.2 Tolerances 8.211 Tolerance on shell diameter. The diameter at ‘any point on the length of the tank shell sali be calculated from an external circumferential measure ment and the tolerance shall not exceed £ 0.25 % of the specified diameter. , 8.22 Tolerance on circularity. The tolerance on circularity at any point on the length of the shel, te. the difference between maximum and minimum internal shell diameter, shall not exceed 1 Sof the nominal diameter, due allowance being made where necessary for outside lapped plates. 8.23 Tolerance on overall length L (see figure 2 and table 1A oF 1B), The overall length of the tank shall not differ by more than 0.5 % of the nominal overall, length given in table 1A or 1B. 823 Design of tank 8.3.1 Shell plate arrangement, When the shell lengil is produced from more than one single plate the longitudinal seams shall break joint at intermediate circumferential seams, It is recommended that whenever possible a longitudinal seam should not be situated in the lower third of a tank or on the top centresline. y 83.2 Manhole 83.2.1. Unless otherwise specified, the manitole czntrelin shall be positioned 450 mm from one end of the shell and shall be fabricated in accordance with table 3 and figure 7 NOTE, The we of 46D mi nse lamer manholes i recommended on take upto ailing 2000 mm inside Aiamete:On tanks ovr 2000 mm diameter and on fake ee pertonnel veto weer protective clothing fore, {he we of 600 mm inside diameter manholes cecormente. 83.2.2 Bolt holes shal be dled off the tank longitudinal axis, Bolts or studs, nuts and washers shall be provided. 83.23 The height ofthe neck from the tank shell to the top face ofthe flange shall be not less than 75 mm. 83.24 When manhole frames ate formed a pressings from one single plate, the thickness at any point after pressing shall be not less than that of the tank shell plate. 8.3.2. In cases where manhole necks protrude inside the tank a vent shal be provided on each side ofthe neck, on the longitudinal axis, to prevent ai locks. 83.26 A full-face manhole gasket shal be provided ina matrices between the purchaser ad the 84 Lifting lugs. Lifting lugs shall be provided in secordance with figure 8. These are to be used only for lifting empty tanks ‘8.5 Manlid connections for underground tanks. The following connections shall be fitted to the menlide of underground storage tanks only. (@) An R,4 screwed combined dip and fill socket (ouble tdpered) complying with the requirements ‘of BS 1387 and BS 21. (@) A50mum diameter flanged suction pipe. (6) An R.2 serewed vent socket complying with the requirements of BS 1387 and BS 21 86 Aboveground tanks: special requirements 86.1 Sade supports. Where supplied, sde supports shall be constructed and located generally in accord- ance with figure 9 and table 4, 86.2 Drain point. A drain socket, stewed R.2 complying with the requirements of BS 1387 and BS 21, shall be fitted at the lowest point in the tank and ground flush with the inside of the shel plate, 86.3 Filling point (other than manhole). A filing socket, srewed R,3 compiying with the requirements ‘of BS 1387 and BS 21, shall be fited tothe highest point inthe tank shell 864 Vent and dip point. A vent socket, sereved R,3 complying with the requirements of BS 1387 aid BS 21, shall be fited, preferably to the centre of the manhole id. Where a dip point is required, the vent connection may be used by inserting a suitable pipe T-piece complete with dip cap so thatthe tank vents through the side of the Tpitce. NOTE. Attention s dawn tothe appendix desing with

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