Rak 555 Professional Practice in Architecture 1 SEMESTER 2 - 2019/2020 Assignment 2

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SEMESTER 2 – 2019/2020
Lecturer: Profesor Madya Ar. Dr. Sharifah Fairuz Syed Fadzil
Student Matrics No.: P-RM0085/19 Date: 16th April 2020

New building designs to By 2050, our world may be facing the issues that we have foreseen today such as
be or look like rapid urbanisation, rise of mega-cities and mega-regions, drastic growth of
population. To tackle the issues, sustainability and personalisation would be the
key elements and the trend for Industry 5.0. [7]
Buildings will be evolved from being passive structures into adaptive and
responsive ‘organisms’.[6] They function as part of the urban ecosystem that
resilient to the climate, more environmentally conscious and efficient resource
management, and engaging with the users within.
In the case of rising sea level and flooding incident due to global warming
[2] and lack of buildable land in the future, experts have foreseen that self-
sufficient building atop water or maybe floating cities. It is called ‘Oceanix City’,
an archipelago home to 10,000 citizens on water, which are expected to affect
90% of the world’s coastal cities by 2050. [10]
In my opinion, I agree with the point about the evolution of buildings that
they will be functioning as a living organism in its own right. Each of every building
is integrated with artificial intelligence, virtually functioning as a synthetic and
highly sensitive nervous system.
Architecture education It is essential for architecture syllabus to embrace the transformation and explore
to transform into the innovation to keep up with the industry. [1] [13] Innovation and active
learning are the future trend for architecture education. [8] 3D printing, artificial
intelligence and generative design would be essential subjects to be taught in
future architecture education. [12] To be in line with the future needs,
architecture may not be taught as a whole but more diverse with several
specialised subjects combine together. [5]
Architectural practice to Inevitably, architecture practice needs to deal with the growing economy and
sustain and survive also the evolving of information technology.
In future, the practitioners will serve as a facilitator of processes that involve
design expertise. [9] By that time, artificial intelligence will come into the practice
to alter and offer several design options through series of algorithms or visual
scripting techniques that written by the architect. [3]
The services provided and design focus will change too to suit the future
trend and needs, which moving beyond physical environmental sustainability and
focusing more on human and societal wellbeing. [9] The role of architects could
also be diversified into many fields of specialisation. [4] This has highlighted the
need for architects to navigate changes in the profession, by improving their
financial resources and embrace the need for commercial approach. [5]
From my point of view, the future is definitely exciting when it comes to building designs by seeing how
buildings can be more dynamic and humanised instead of just acting as a shelter. However, based on the
research, architecture practice seems to be a fading career due to AI and advanced software that could
substitute the work of an architect. The role as an architect becoming more disperse that one has to diversify
his skills and specialise in other related fields in order to struggle to survive while competing with the AI.
Talking about future architecture education, without doubt that students will be taught about AI and
generative design or writing algorithms and design scripts. But, traditional skills such as design and sketching
will gradually be forgotten as all the design processes will be done through digital and AI during that time. To
conclude, Industrial Revolution benefits the construction industry, but it may pose a threat to certain careers
by replacing the tasks with technology.

[1] Becerik-Gerber, B., Gerber, D. J., & Ku, K. (2011). The pace of technological innovation in architecture,
engineering, and construction education: Integrating recent trends into the curricula. Electronic
Journal of Information Technology in Construction

[2] Cramer, N. (2017, October). The Climate Is Changing. So Must Architecture. The Journal of The
American Institute of Architects. Retrieved from

[3] Cudzik, J & Radziszewski, K. (2018). Artificial Intelligence Aided Architectural Design. AI for Design and
Built Environment, Volume 1, 78, 81-84.

[4] Davis, D. (2020, February 17). What ‘The Future of The Professions’ Reveals About the Future of
Architecture. Retrieved from https://www.danieldavis.com/future-of-the-professions/

[5] Glands, A. S. (2019, February 26). What Future Lies Ahead For Architects In The UK? | Macdonald And
Company Recruitment. Retrieved from https://www.macdonaldandcompany.com/blog/2019-2/what-

[6] Hargrave, J. (2013, January). It’s Alive! Can You Imagine the Urban Building of the Future? ARUP
Foresight & Innovation. 12. 4-10. Retrieved from

[7] Rada, M. (2015, December 1). INDUSTRY 5.0 - from virtual to physical. Retrieved from

[8] Khalifa, F.Al. (2017). Autonomy in architectural education: A Bahraini perspective. International
Journal of Architectural Research. 11. 24-33. Doi: 10.26687/archnet-ijar.v11i2.1248

[9] Luebkeman, C. (2015). 2050: Designing Our Tomorrow. John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from

[10] Parsons, J. (2019, April 9). Floating city of the future could be the way to survive climate change.
Metro. Retrieved from https://metro.co.uk

[11] Sambiasi, S. (2019, October 30). 7 Architectural Considerations that are Shaping Future Cities.
Retrieved from https://www.archdaily.com/927262/7-architectural-considerations-that-are-shaping-

[12] TMD STUDIO LTD. (2020, February 1). Emerging Trends That Will Shape the Future of Architecture.
Retrieved from https://medium.com/studiotmd/emerging-trends-that-will-shape-the-future-of-

[13] Zairul, M. (2018). The future of architectural education in Malaysia: Introducing a new theory of
Studiogogy through S.O.L.E module. PAM International Education Conference 2018, (November), 3-4

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