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Part 2: Making the Daily Change

Pre-Natal| Post-Partum| Heal Diastasis Recti| Fitness Enthusiast| Balance Pelvic Floor

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend

By: Hannah Bower


Part two of The Functional Core guide consist of a structured four-week, day-to-day exercise calendar of
how you should introduce and utilize the core activation techniques you previously learned. You will
repeat week four for as long as you feel necessary until you have developed the confidence in yourself to
continue integrating the techniques into more core exercises and gym workouts. These calendars are
separated based on whether you are pre-natal, less than 10 weeks post-partum, healing diastasis recti, or if
you are a fitness enthusiast/more than 10 weeks post-partum with no diastasis recti. There is also a section
that will give you information and tools to help you balance your pelvic floor.
It does not matter where you are in your fitness journey, we learn at different speeds, have
different responsibilities, and have different time commitments. Please proceed at your own pace and do
what makes sense to you when applying these new techniques to your life. If you have a solid
understanding of the techniques and have a solid connection to your core unit with great activation, then
by all means progress faster. Feel free to modify and tailor the calendar to your specific needs for your
situation as this is just my recommended path of incorporating the core activation techniques. There is no
right or wrong way to apply diaphragmatic breathing and deep core activations into your daily life.
Capitalize on the positions or specific exercises that you feel are easier. Remember, your goal is to restore
core functionality starting with breathing and then by strengthening your TVA while preventing damage
to your linea alba. Anytime you cone or experience discomfort, please modify or change your exercise
until you can do it properly without coning or discomfort. Find what fits and works for you!

The following acronyms will be used in the calendars:

1. Diaphragmatic Breathing: DB
2. Deep Core Activation: DCA
3. Belly Pump: BP
4. Active Core Breath: ACB
5. Abdominal Wrap: AW

You will use the Core Exercise Appendix for repetitions and sets of certain exercises if the calendar does
not specify otherwise. Refer to the videos on my website for proper demonstrations of the exercises.

Table of Contents

Prelude ...........................................................................................................................................................2
Pre-Natal .......................................................................................................................................................5
Week 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Week 2 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Week 3 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Week 4 and On ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Questions and Answers .......................................................................................................................................... 8
What Should I Avoid While Pregnant? ................................................................................................................................ 8
Can I do “Abs” During my Pregnancy? ................................................................................................................................ 9
What Workouts can I do that are Safe? ................................................................................................................................ 9
I am not an Active Person, is it ok if I Just do The Bloom Method Techniques? ............................................................... 10
I Cannot See a Pelvic Floor Therapist, What Should I do? ................................................................................................ 10
Will Belly Pumping Harm my Baby? ................................................................................................................................. 11
Are there any Supplements I can take while Pregnant? ...................................................................................................... 11
Less than 10 weeks Post-Partum ................................................................................................................12
Week 1 ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Week 2 ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Week 3 ................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Week 4 and On ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Questions and Answers ........................................................................................................................................ 15
How Will I Feel During the First Few Weeks after Birth? ................................................................................................. 15
Can I use a Post-Birth Belly Binder/Wrap/Brace?.............................................................................................................. 16
How Should I Progress Through the Core Activation Techniques? ................................................................................... 17
When Can I go back to Exercising Normally? ................................................................................................................... 17
Are there any Supplements I can Take to Help Close my Gap? ......................................................................................... 17
Healing Diastasis Recti ...............................................................................................................................18
Week 1 ................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Week 2 ................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Week 3 ................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Week 4 and On ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Questions and Answers ........................................................................................................................................ 23
How do you Determine the Severity of Diastasis Recti? .................................................................................................... 23
Can you have Functional Diastasis Recit? .......................................................................................................................... 23
What do I do if my Separation does not close with Proper TVA activation? ..................................................................... 23
Are there any Supplements I can take to help close my gap? ............................................................................................. 23
How do these Core Activation Techniques Heal Diastasis Recti?...................................................................................... 24
Fitness Enthusiast and 10+ Weeks Post-Partum with no Diastasis Recti ................................................25
Week 1 ................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Week 2 ................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Week 3 ................................................................................................................................................................... 28

Week 4 and On ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
Questions and Answers ........................................................................................................................................ 29
How can I Tell if I Have a Weakening in my Linea Alba?................................................................................................. 29
Are there any Supplements I can take to help Strengthen my Linea Alba/Connective Tissue? ......................................... 30
The Videos just show the Pregnant Demonstrations, do they Still Apply to Me? .............................................................. 30
Can I Advance Quicker Through the Calendar? ................................................................................................................. 30
Do I Need to Belly Pump during my Workouts/Exercises? ............................................................................................... 31
Balancing the Pelvic Floor .........................................................................................................................32
Hypertonic Pelvic Floor ....................................................................................................................................... 32
Hypotonic Pelvic Floor ......................................................................................................................................... 32
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................................33

Chapter 1

Congratulations on your pregnancy! I am happy that you chose this guide to help you learn how to
safely exercise and protect your core during your journey of growing of your LO. In this chapter, you will
learn how to control intra-abdominal pressure in all aspects of your life while having a safe and healthy
pregnancy for you and your baby. Regardless of what trimester you are in, the process for protecting your
linea alba from damage is the same. This chapter will teach you how to incorporate core activation
techniques into your life, as well as go over pregnancy do’s and don’ts during working out, questions you
may have pertaining to the information in this guide, and simple reassurance tips encompassing all of the
information you are learning throughout your pregnancy journey. By the end of the four weeks, you will
have a strong foundation of core activations and a strong connection to your core unit. This will set you
up for a beautiful recovery after birth.

Week 1
During the first week you will focus on learning how to incorporate proper breathing with deep core
activations beginning with laying down. You will progress through the week from kneeling, sitting, and
standing, to walking. Go through part one of The Functional Core guide throughout this first week
rereading and watching content on the website to truly soak in the information. This will help clarify any
confusion and will help you understand and apply the concepts. Anytime you think about your core or
breathing during this week, practice. Let the awareness remind you of your posture and feel what your
body and core are doing. We want to start really hammering down on awareness. Be in tune with your
body and daily functions that require proper activation. You want to ease into these techniques slowly to
avoid confusion and frustration. In the calendar, the primary core activation technique is denoted “A” and
the secondary technique is “B.” Both will be accomplished during that day during either separate times or
back to back.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend


10 min after work 10 min after work 15 min after work Incorporate throughout Go for a 30 min walk Go for a 30 min walk
10 min before bed 10 min before bed your work day and integrating DB integrating DB
Kneeling/sitting anytime you are driving
Laying down Laying down
*Incorporate at stop
lights when driving
Reps: 3x 10 Reps: 3x 10 Mindful practice of 10 min practice 20 min practice
daily functions
Laying down Kneeling Laying down On Knees
*Apply to sneezing,
coughing, laughing, *Feel & practice pelvic *Hold the activations
*Incorporate DCA after *Incorporate DCA after picking up heavier floor longer than normal
the 10 min of DB the 10 min of DB objects, getting out of lengthening/contracting
bed utilizing cues taught in
Part 1 *Review or write down
when you applied DCA
throughout day

Week 2
During the second week, you are increasing the time you are doing diaphragmatic breathing. If you feel
confident, you can start Belly Pumps earlier in the week than listed or continue being mindful of your
pelvic floor.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend


30 min before bed 30 min before bed Set alarm every 3 hrs to Set alarm every 3 hrs to Go for a 30 min walk Go for a 30 min walk
remind yourself to DB remind yourself to DB integrating DB integrating DB
Any position Any position

*30 min of DB a day

can be split up through
work day or all in 1
session this week.


Reps: 4x 10 Reps: 2x 1 min of 10-15 min practice 10-15 min practice 10-30 min
Laying down Kneeling Kneeling Sitting on ball/chair
*Hold last rep for as *Feel & practice pelvic *Feel & practice pelvic
long as you can *Each exhale is a DCA floor floor
lengthening/contracting lengthening/contracting
**Hold last rep for as utilizing cues taught in utilizing cues taught in
long as you can. Part 1 Part 1

Week 3
During the third week you will focus on belly pumps, active core breath, abdominal wraps, and deep core
activations with the goal of maintaining awareness of your core unit. Based on how your body is
responding, dedicate at least 5-10 minutes focusing on belly pumps. During these belly pumps, choose the
amount of breaths you do in each set (for every exhale and inhale you have deliberate activation of your
core and lengthening of your pelvic floor for however many breaths you want or until your TVA is too
tired to properly activate). Whenever you stop your belly pump, rest using diaphragmatic breathing
between reps and continue for the 5-10 minutes. The belly pump can be integrated within your breathing
whenever, wherever. Pay attention to what you feel and the difference between the belly pump and a
diaphragmatic breath. As you get more awareness, you will be able to feel your pelvic floor and TVA
naturally activate in a diaphragmatic breath. Shoot for at least two minutes of continuous belly pumping
by the end of the week within your sets. When doing deep core activations with active core breaths,
perform as many deep core activations as you can before fatigue, take a few diaphragmatic breaths for
rest, and continue deep core activations for the rest of the minute.
*Reminder: if there are no reps and sets listed in this calendar please refer to the Core Exercise Appendix
where there will be specific reps and sets for each exercise.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend

A BP: BP: BP: DCA: DCA: Refer to Core

10 min 10 min 15 min Exercise: Exercise: Exercise:
Table Top Hold Table Top Hold Marching
Laying down Sitting on ball/chair Sitting on ball/chair Reps: 5x 1 min Reps: 5x 15 sec
Sliding Glute bridge
Pelvic floor awareness *Can be broken up to *Do as many DCAs as Marching
is important this week 3x a day for 5 min you can, rest doing DB Reps: 3x 15 each leg Dead Bug Pulse
on all BP. for 3 breaths, then
Exercise: begin again until 1 min
Glute Bridges is up
Reps: 3x 15
B DCA: DCA: BP and DB: AW: AW:
5-10 min Reps: 3x 5 Finish with 2 minutes 10 min Exercise:
of each Table Top Hold
Laying down *Apply DCA to your Laying down Reps: 5x
last rep of the glute
bridge at the top. *Focus on feeling
lower, middle & upper
TVA knit together

Week 4 and On
You should now have more awareness of your core unit (TVA and pelvic floor) and how to activate it
properly. Please continue practicing the core activation techniques by incorporating them into specific
core exercises and in your own workouts. If you do not feel as confident moving on to week 4, you can
continue week 3 until you are comfortable moving on! Remember, if you see any doming please modify
or stop doing the exercise. Find another core exercise that does not cause doming or that has better
activation. Some exercises will be better for you than others. The goal is to strengthen and prevent
damage. Reps and sets for different core exercises are listed in the Core Exercise Appendix.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend

A DB, DCA, ACB, BP, AW: BP: DB, DCA, ACB, BP, Repeat yesterday or BP:
AW: Exercise: Exercise: AW: pick your favorite Exercise:
1-2 minutes of each Choose 3 core Mini Circuit – 1-2 minutes of each techniques and Mini Circuit –
technique back to back exercises w/ 3x AW 10x Squats technique back to back integrate with your 10x Squats
within each exercise 10x Bicep curls favorite core exercises 10x Bicep curls
Exercise: 10x Overhead press Exercise: 10x Lunges
Choose 3 new exercises Repeat 5x Choose 3 new exercises *15 minutes of core 10x Shoulder taps
from the Appendix – be from Appendix exercises or techniques Repeat 3x
aware of your core.

B DB and DCA are BP: *Apply techniques to

applied throughout day 3 min your own workout.
and daily functions Take it slow and have
Laying down awareness.

After completion of week 4, you should now have a better scope and understanding of what you like and
what works for you. Whichever way you choose to incorporate these techniques into your daily life is left
up to you mama! You only have one rule to follow: anytime you see doming/coning, stop the exercise and
modify. If modification still causes uncontrolled intra-abdominal pressure, then remove the exercise all
together and choose another. Some days you may be able to control the pressure while other days you
may not and that is okay! Just remember, pushing yourself at the cost of coning to stay in shape and
“strong” will cause more damage. There are so many other ways to stay strong and healthy while
protecting your body. Train smart and train confidently.

Questions and Answers

What Should I Avoid While Pregnant?

While you are pregnant, you need to modify daily functions and/or remove any exercise that makes you
cone/dome. Some common things that cause doming include abdominal and core work, siting up and
reclining into bed or couches, pull-ups, overhead exercises, heavy lifting, pulling movements, and
sneezing/coughing/laughing. Every mama may be different in what may cause doming, so watching
yourself in the mirror is a great way to see what your abdomen is doing during an exercise. Having
awareness of those daily functions that cause extra intra-abdominal pressure (sneeze or cough) and
modifying how you react by bracing with a deep core activation is extremely important. Remembering to
brace when you sneeze, cough, laugh, pick up groceries or kids, as well as getting in and out of bed every
hour of the night to go to the bathroom is where you will prevent most of the damage that could be done
to your linea alba.
As you get further into your pregnancy your ab separation will naturally increase making you
more susceptible to intra-abdominal pressure. It is especially important to be mindful and watch your core

like a hawk to protect the linea alba from pressure or coning so the integrity of the tissue is protected as
much as possible. Your focus should be on diaphragmatic breathing as well as utilizing all The Bloom
Method techniques, taught in part 1, in all trimesters. Do not be alarmed if deep core activations become
harder as your pregnancy progresses and do not feel like you are getting weaker or you have damage. This
is normal.
You will want to avoid jumping at/around 20 weeks or when you really start showing to avoid
placing extra stress on your pelvic floor. You will be thankful after your pregnancy to not constantly
“leak” because you modified and gave your body some grace (I modified squat jumps by doing squats to
toe raises with quickness). The pressure of the baby and the shift of your pelvic organs already places an
immense amount of strain on your pelvic floor. Any exercise that feels uncomfortable, places discomfort
on your round ligaments, or involves max effort or straining should be avoided. The intensity of your
workout needs to be modified because you have more of the hormone called relaxin in your body which
causes your ligaments to become more mobile. Working mobility is wonderful during pregnancy but do
not push or overdue your stretching. You may feel more flexible because of the relaxin, but pushing your
body to be more flexible during this time can actual strain your ligaments rather than stretching them like
we intend. Utilizing heavy weights during this time can also strain these muscles and cause injury. I
cannot express to you enough to modify exercises and daily functions during this beautiful journey if
modification is needed. I could sit up in bed all the way to 33 weeks; however, I was stubborn and should
have modified sooner by rolling over. This was because core activation was getting harder and I was not
cognitive of activating my core every time I got out of bed to urinate. Do not be me. Modifications are
okay and ultimately these modifications are what provide protection and better healing!

Can I do “Abs” During my Pregnancy?

During the first trimester you are okay to do conventional “abs” until you start showing. Abdominal
movements target the rectus abdominis and typically involve crunching or bending of the spine. If you see
coning or experience round ligament pain (pain in your lower abdomen) you need to stop that exercise.
Instead, focus more on the core work provided in this guide as that is going to benefit you far more than
doing “abs.” Any uncontrolled intra-abdominal pressure during your “abs” sessions can cause separation
and damage to the linea alba at a faster rate. Doing “abs” will not make your recovery easier or keep your
belly smaller. Focusing on your inner core unit (TVA and pelvic floor) is what will help you have a
stronger recovery.
During the second and third trimester, strictly focus on the techniques in this guide and do the core
work provided here. If you dome/cone in the core work, that is okay. Simply modify that specific core
exercise and do the core exercises you can do safely and properly throughout the rest your pregnancy. If
all you do is the four core activation techniques laying on your back or kneeling that is perfectly fine! The
core work that you are still accomplishing will benefit you immensely. During the last 8 weeks of my
pregnancy, I focused mainly on belly pumps with a few deep core activations within those pumps. Doing
belly pumps during your workouts will become more critical as labor approaches. Keeping your TVA and
pelvic floor strong is crucial and belly pumps are a phenomenal way to kill two birds with one stone.

What Workouts can I do that are Safe?

A good rule of thumb that I followed was “what you did pre-pregnancy you can do during pregnancy with
approval from your doctor and a little less intensity.” As long as the workouts do not risk injury to your
baby or you then typically those workouts are safe to do while pregnant. In saying that, have a strict focus
of watching your core and making sure you do not have unregulated intra-abdominal pressure. If you see
coning during some exercises in your workout then this may eliminate a lot of what you do, but that is
okay! Remember, coning can happen anywhere, not just during core work or “abs.” Be cognizant of your
abdomen and modify or remove exercises from your workout regimen if necessary.

Now that you are pregnant, you will want to lower the intensity of everything you are doing. Your
approach to working out needs to completely shift as your goal is to stay healthy and active, not to lose
weight or have muscle gains. Lower your weight lifting sessions to 50-65% maximum effort. Even though
you can still lift safely, and it may not feel hard, lifting heavier puts more stress on your ligaments which
are already going through substantial changes due to relaxin. Take caution in your lifts as you may feel
more mobile, but again, this is actually your ligaments responding to relaxin which places you in a
susceptible state for injury. Lifting heavy or stretching in abundance will loosen the ligaments if pushed
too far and can create instability during pregnancy and damage after pregnancy that will take more time to
heal. There is no need to push yourself to your limits during pregnancy. This does not mean you should
not challenge yourself and get in a great workout, but it definitely means dialing down the intensity a
notch. Use your intuition. If the exercise makes you feel like you should not be doing it, simply do not do
the exercise.
Do not pick up any form of advanced lifting if you did not do it previous to pregnancy. Body
weight or light weight exercises, yoga, and swimming are great alternatives if you are looking for changes
in your routine while pregnant. I would avoid biking as it can cause your pelvic floor to tense. If you
loved bicycling or horseback riding ect., just make sure you take extra time to do more pelvic floor
lengthening activities before and after your sessions. If you can protect your linea alba and strengthen
your TVA as much as possible during pregnancy your recovery is going to be that much easier. Your
body will respond faster and heal quicker if you are diligent and patient during your pregnancy, even if it
may seem like you are taking a few steps back. Just remember that you can get after it once baby is here
and your body is ready. Once that happens, you can shift your goals back to weight loss, strength gains,

I am not an Active Person, is it ok if I Just do The Bloom Method Techniques?

Absolutely! By just incorporating diaphragmatic breathing and having core awareness during your
pregnancy, you are going to benefit immensely. Deep core activations, belly pumps, active core breaths,
and abdominal wraps are staple techniques that establish a strong foundation. Once these techniques are
mastered they will integrate naturally into your daily life and ultimately create true core functionality.

I Cannot See a Pelvic Floor Therapist, What Should I do?

Seeing a pelvic floor therapist is extremely beneficial in order to accurately know the tone of your
pelvic floor and feeling how to lengthen and contract your pelvic floor. If you cannot see one, there are
other specialist you can seek so you can get the hands-on treatment you need. These include a STREAM
practitioner or a Sexological body worker. Your pelvic floor is such an intricate foundation to your health
and well-being that investing in a pelvic floor therapist or body worker will be worth it, especially if you
are already experiencing pain, discomfort, prolapse, or incontinence. If these options do not work out, I
recommend going through the pelvic floor section of part 1 of this guide as well as the pelvic floor section
of this guide. By doing the belly pump correctly, you will be strengthening your pelvic floor because of
the eccentric lengthening and contracting of those muscles. This alone can provide relief and healing to so
many individuals but may not be enough for others. Many often think they have a weak pelvic floor if
they experience discomfort, bowel and pelvic incontinence, or painful sex; but many women experience
discomfort simply because their pelvic floor is too tight or has built up scar tissue from birth.
Gymnasts, horseback riders, yogis, ballet dancers or extreme athletes will tend to have a tighter
floor and should focus on lengthening. A weakened pelvic floor or prolapse (which has its own levels of
severity) will feel like you have something falling out of your vaginal canal. Focusing on contracting
properly with a balance of lengthening for strengthening is crucial in those individuals. The only way to
truly be sure of the tone of your pelvic floor is to be evaluated. This will give you a clear road to take for
setting yourself up for a successful pregnancy and post-partum healing and recovery.

Will Belly Pumping Harm my Baby?
Absolutely not! Belly pumping will not harm your baby as your baby is completely safe in your uterus.
Think of the belly pump as a hug. You can only activate your core as tight as your uterus and baby allow.
This is why core activation gets harder towards the end of pregnancy. When you reach around 33 weeks
you will want to start doing what is called eccentric lengthening and holding during your breathing. This
means that when you inhale and exhale you will be lengthening your pelvic floor muscles the entire time.
Why? Because when you give birth, being able to keep your pelvic floor muscles relaxed as baby is
coming out will substantially help the process, and can prevent tearing, as your muscles are not fighting
against the pressure of baby. I suggest spending five minutes a day doing this right before bed.

Are there any Supplements I can take while Pregnant?

Besides prenatal essentials, collagen was the only supplement my Doctor approved during my pregnancy
and I highly suggest supplementing with collagen supplements (with approval from your Doctor first).
Collagen is the amino acid makeup of the tissue within our bodies. It simply is a protein with so many
added health benefits as it not only allows for strong joints, muscles, and connective tissue but it also
causes for healthier hair, skin, and nails as well as digestive improvement with bloating, muscle recovery,
sleep benefits, and athletic performance. I suggest using Vital Proteins as it is the only collagen brand I
trust in regard to quality ingredients while also having ethical practices. Choosing what type collagen
supplement to buy from Vital Proteins will just depend on what you like and/or the added benefits you
may want. My favorites while pregnant include:
1. Regular collagen peptides: Click Here
a. I would stay away from the flavored collagen if you are pregnant as they have hyaluronic
acid in a few of them and there are no studies showing the effects on baby. Just not worth
2. Bone broth
a. Chicken: Click Here
b. Beef: Click Here
3. Coffee Creamer
a. Vanilla: Click Here
b. Coconut: Click Here
c. Ginger Bread: Click Here
4. Beef Gelatin (can make gummy bears): Click Here

Chapter 2
Less than 10 weeks Post-Partum

Congratulations on the birth of your child! I truly hope you had an amazing pregnancy and birth.
This chapter of the guide will help heal and reconnect you with your core unit as well as teach you how to
close your diastasis right after you have given birth. The calendar of exercises will integrate the core
activation techniques slowly. Once you grasp the techniques and begin restoring your core, you will take
the reins and continue your post-partum journey with confidence and empowerment. You are more than
welcome to move faster or slower through the calendar depending on your healing process, your
confidence in your techniques, and adjusting to your new precious baby. Please do not rush back into
action. Take the time to connect with your baby and heal. Take great caution in proceeding through the
calendar after baby is born and only begin the exercises when you feel ready, have approval from your
Doctor/Midwife, and/or have no pain or discomfort when breathing or attempting the techniques.
You should be able to start diaphragmatic breathing, gentle belly pumps, and abdominal wraps as
early as one day post-partum after a vaginal delivery and seven to ten days post-partum after a Caesarean
section with approval of your Doctor or Midwife. Typically, doing breathing and gentle activations
should not be a problem with your Doctor or Midwife but it is always important to get the green light
after birth. Your core unit just went through an intense marathon and doing gentle activations early after
birth will help reconnect your mind to your body and bring blood flow back to your core. You can think
of it as walking after a race to get the lactic acid out of your muscles to help with the recovery process. It
is extremely important to take the techniques slow as pushing yourself can possibly set you back and
injure your core.
Just by doing diaphragmatic breathing properly will immensely benefit you the first couple weeks
of your post-partum journey even if you do not do anything else. When you begin deep core activations,
begin with extremely gentle activations. If there is any pain or discomfort, stop and try the next day. If
gentle activations feel okay, you can begin doing them the next few days slowly working your way to
stronger engagements. From there you can incorporate the deep core activations fully during week 3.
Take everything slow and, more importantly, listening to your body. In the calendar, the primary core
activation technique is denoted “A” and the secondary technique is “B.” Both will be accomplished
during that day, either separate or back to back.

Week 1
The first week back into exercising is all about breathing, recovering, connecting to your body
again, and listening to your body. You just went through an intense process and your body needs time to
adjust. Your best friend is going to be your breathing. As you get into the groove, feel free to do more
diaphragmatic breathing as you please. The calendar is just my recommended path!

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend


10 min before bed 10 min before bed 20 min before bed Any time you are Anytime you are aware Anytime you are aware
10 min when LO is 10 min when LO is 10 min when LO is breastfeeding/bottle of your breathing of your breathing
asleep asleep asleep feeding.

Laying down Laying down Laying down & sitting Any position Any position Any position

B Go through part 1 a few DCA DCA DCA DCA DCA

times throughout this Gently activate before Gently activate before Anytime you are aware Anytime you are aware Reps: 10x 2
week reading, watching you place brace on you place brace on of your breathing, do 2- of your breathing, do 2- *Within your
content & soaking in 3x gentle reps w/ a 3 gentle reps w/ a diaphragmatic
the information subtle “ssssss” sound subtle “ssssss” sound breathing throughout
day – set alarm

Week 2
The second week is all about bringing special attention to your core. When you feel ready, you can begin
to apply deep core activations with a little stronger “ssssss” to help further reconnect to your core. Begin
engaging your pelvic floor during any daily functions that requires core activation (sitting up, sneezing,
coughing, ect.) along with your deep core activation repetitions throughout day.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend


Anytime you are aware Anytime you are aware Anytime you are aware Anytime you are aware Anytime you are aware Anytime you are aware
of your breathing of your breathing of your breathing of your breathing of your breathing of your breathing

Any position Any position Any position Sitting, standing, laying Sitting, standing, laying Sitting, standing, laying
down down down


When aware of your When aware of your When aware of your Reps: 10x 3 Reps: 10x 5 Reps: 10x 5
breathing, do 3 reps breathing do 3x gentle breathing do 3x gentle
gently w/subtle “ssssss” DCA reps w/ subtle DCA reps w/ subtle *Within your *Within your *Within your
sound “ssssss” sound “ssssss” sound diaphragmatic diaphragmatic diaphragmatic
breathing throughout breathing throughout breathing throughout
* Focus on lifting day - set alarm day - set alarm day - set alarm
pelvic floor this week
anytime it comes to
mind: 10-15 second

Week 3
Slow and steady wins the race. During the third week, you will continue to focus on recovering and
bringing core awareness to your body through belly pumps; however, you will adjust your belly pumps
slightly. When you do diaphragmatic breathing, on the inhale, you will very gently lengthen your pelvic
floor. If that lengthening feels unstable, let your pelvic floor lengthen naturally with your breath. It is
imperative that you listen to your body and do not rush back into exercise and core work too soon. Your
body needs to heal. We can help the process of healing by being smart and mindful of our core unit as we
do not want to overdo the core work. Any time you feel discomfort, resort back to diaphragmatic
breathing. Work back into deep core activations and belly pumps the next day. Once you can do your
deep core activations with more intensity you are free to try abdominal wraps. During this week you
should feel like your pelvic floor has more strength and is not as tender. Your deep core activations
should feel more connected and stronger. Refer to the Core Exercise Appendix for exercises that do not
denote sets and repetitions.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend


30 min anytime Reps: 3x 5 min anytime Exercise: Reps: 3x 10 Exercise: Reps: 3x 5 (Gentle)
Glute Bridge Dead Pulses
Laying down Sitting Laying down Any position except
Sliding Glute Bridge kneeling.
*Pelvic floor awareness
all this week! *Take as many breaks
between sets as needed.
Reps: 4x 10 Reps: 4x 10 Exercise: After BP do a 1x gentle Finish with 2 minutes
Table Top AW of DB activation
Laying down Laying down
Sliding Glute Bridge
*With 50-80% *Hold last rep for as
activation on all DCA long as you can
this week

**Hold last rep for as

long as you can

Week 4 and On
During week 4, your body is gradually starting the process towards getting back functionality, mind-
muscle connection and strength prior to birth. Remember to apply deep core activations to all daily
functions. You can start adding in more intense deep core activations this week. If you handled intense
deep core activations well, you can incorporate abdominal wraps into your core exercises, especially
where you feel weak. Take it slow! If you feel discomfort or see coning, take it back a few notches. Your
body is just letting you know it’s not quite ready. Refer to the Core Exercise Appendix for exercises that
do not denote sets and repetitions.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend

A BP: DCA: DCA: DCA: BP: Pick your favorite

Reps: 3x 5 min Exercise: Exercise: Exercise: Exercise: techniques and
Dead Bug Pulses Sliding Glute Bridge Marching Flower Petal integrate with your
Sitting, Glute Bridge or favorite core exercises.
Flower Petal Glute Bridge- Elevated Table Top Marching Stability Ball Pushes (can try a new one)

*With 80-100% *Total of 15 min of

activation core work

*DB and DCA are BP: BP: AW: AW:

B applied throughout day Finish off with 3 Finish off with 3 Exercise: Reps: 1x 5 min
and daily functions minutes of BP- either minutes of BP- either Dead Bug
sitting, flower petal or sitting, flower petal or Laying Down
glute bridge glute bridge
*Focusing in on the
area of greatest

After completion of week 4, you should now have a better scope and understanding of what you like and
what works for you. You can now follow the healing diastasis calendar starting with week 3. Whichever
way you choose to incorporate these techniques into your daily life is left up to you mama! You only have
one rule to follow: anytime you see doming/coning, stop the exercise and modify. If modification still
causes uncontrolled intra-abdominal pressure, then remove the exercise all together. Some days you may
be able to control the pressure while other days you may not and that is okay! Just remember, pushing
yourself at the cost of coning to get back faster will cause more damage. Have patience with yourself and
let your body heal on its own time. In the long run, it will allow you to get further in your health journey.
Let’s train smart and confidently.

Questions and Answers

How Will I Feel During the First Few Weeks after Birth?
Vaginal Birth
If you had a vaginal birth, your pelvic floor and core are going to feel extremely weak. You may
even feel like you cannot activate your pelvic floor. Sneezing, coughing, and laughing may be painful and
you may feel like everything is going to fly out. This is all normal. Try to activate your pelvic floor as
much as possible, even if it feels like you are not doing anything and cross your legs if you can. Crossing
your legs and activating your pelvic floor as best as you can, will provide extra support as these muscles
are weak and injured at the moment. Even if you tore or had an episiotomy, you can gently activate your
pelvic floor with caution, just listen to your body. Your lower back may also feel like it is disconnected

from your body, do not panic. This is just a part of your core and body adjusting back to normal. Your
core unit is extremely weak and not feeling stabilized is normal.
Doing light pelvic floor activations with diaphragmatic breaths around day four post-partum can
help you feel like you are regaining feeling and control in your pelvic floor. Once you enter the end of
week 2 or feel like you have some more awareness of your TVA and pelvic floor, you can begin doing
longer and more intense sessions of deep core activations, abdominal wraps, and belly pumps. I encourage
you to engage your pelvic floor for as long as you can and work up to 10 to 15 second activations up to 20
times a day. You are on your own schedule with how you feel and how connected you are with your core
unit, so if this happens as early as day 3 or during week four that is okay. As long as you are listening to
your body and doing something to connect to your core each day.

Caesarean Section
If you had a Caesarean section, you can begin diaphragmatic breathing right away. You will need
to wait seven to ten days before any core activations as the incision site needs healing and activating those
muscles too soon can negatively affect your healing time. Your core will feel incredibly tender and weak.
Once you do start core activations, if you feel any pain during, stop and try again another day. Just doing
diaphragmatic breathing is going to do wonders for your recovery. Sneezing, coughing, and laughing will
put pressure on the incision site and this may be the only time you will want to activate your core slightly
to help keep intra-abdominal pressure minimal.

The first 6 weeks following birth it is extremely important to listen to your body, take it slow, and be
aware of your core while taking care of your little one. You want to give your core as much aid as
possible in healing. This means avoid coning, bracing when sneezing, and being mindful of daily
activities like breast/bottle feeding and sitting up and adjusting baby as these activities need to have
activation to support your core.

Can I use a Post-Birth Belly Binder/Wrap/Brace?

Yes! I do recommend purchasing a post-birth belly binder, whether you had a vaginal delivery or a
caesarean section. You will be able to begin wearing it immediately after birth to help give your core
some support the following weeks while also encouraging your separation to close. I purchased the
Shrinkx Belly Post-Partum wrap by Upspring as well as the charcoal spandex. You should where it for
four to six hours during your most active times of the day. I suggest wearing the brace during the first two
days of breast/bottle feeding when you are in the hospital/birth center/home. This is when you will need
the most support (especially if you are tired and unable to be as aware of your core as you should). You
can also wear the brace when cleaning the house, going on a walk, cooking, or even grocery shopping.
Wearing the binder can also help bring awareness during these times to activate your core and it will
promote better posture.
Before putting on the brace, you should do a deep core activation to help engage your core with
the support provided. Do not overuse the brace! You do not want to become reliant and dependent on the
brace as it can actually weaken your core further and set you back. Do not use the brace when you are
sleeping or nursing (after the initial two days) or wear it for longer than six hours. Nursing with the brace
on the first few days is suggested, but after those initial days, you should drift away from using it during
feeding times. You want your muscles supporting your baby, not the brace. You can also wear the brace
the first couple of weeks while you are doing your rehabilitative core exercises for extra support. During
this time, we are gently trying to stimulate our inner core unit. You should also do some gentle deep core
activations without the brace as well.

How Should I Progress Through the Core Activation Techniques?
The slow integration of the techniques along with diaphragmatic breathing into your daily life is setting
you up for a great recovery! As you feel stronger and recovering nicely, you will want to incorporate
more intensity by adding deep core activations and belly pumps. When you have solid core activation,
you can begin adding in core exercises like marching and laying down glute bridge slides. At this point,
whatever core exercises you find to work the best, continue to do those. It is the slow process of regaining
function and proper activation with proper breathing (strong exhale) into your core that will help close
your separation. There is no set time frame for when you should be able add intensity and do certain core
exercises. As long as you are being proactive daily in your breathing and doing the exercises you feel a
connection most with your body, you will heal and progress on your own time.

When Can I go back to Exercising Normally?

Do not do any exercises that cause doming or discomfort during this period. Take your time in getting
back into the exercise portion of your life, even if you are approved earlier than six weeks. Does this
mean you should not exercise? No! This just means you should modify a lot until your core unit is ready
to take on those exercises. I suggest taking off the full six weeks to let your body heal from the inside out.
Even if you feel normal a few weeks after birth, there is still a lot of internal healing that is happening that
you cannot feel. Enjoy the time with your precious baby as they do not stay little forever. Soak in those
moments you cannot get back as the gym will always be there. It may be very tempting to get after it right
away when you receive the clear after six weeks. When you do get back into the gym/your normal routine
pre-pregnancy, it is crucial to not damage or further the separation you have worked hard to close. Being
mindful during this time is super important as your excitement to get after it may allow you to easily
overdue it and forget about your core awareness.

Are there any Supplements I can Take to Help Close my Gap?

I highly suggest supplementing with collagen supplements (with approval from your Doctor first if you
are breastfeeding, but typically is not a problem since it naturally occurs in your body). Collagen is the
amino acid makeup of the tissue within our bodies. It simply is a protein with so many added health
benefits as it not only allows for strong joints, muscles, and connective tissue but it also causes for
healthier hair, skin, and nails as well as digestive improvement with bloating, muscle recovery, sleep
benefits, and athletic performance. I suggest using Vital Proteins as it is the only collagen brand I trust in
regard to quality ingredients while also having ethical practices. It is safe to use any of their products
during post-partum and your decision of what type of collagen to buy will just depends on what flavors
you like or the added benefits you may want:
1. Regular collagen peptides: Click Here
2. Bone broth
a. Chicken: Click Here
b. Beef: Click Here
3. Coffee Creamer
a. Vanilla: Click Here
b. Coconut: Click Here
c. Ginger Bread: Click Here
4. Beef Gelatin (can make gummy bears): Click Here

Chapter 3
Healing Diastasis Recti

Diastasis recti can happen to any person at any age but is most commonly diagnosed during pregnancy
and post-partum as a small abdominal separation during pregnancy naturally occurs. If you are less than
10 weeks post-partum, give yourself some more time to heal before diagnosing yourself with diastasis. If
you are more than 10 weeks post-partum and your separation has not closed, then you have diastasis recti.
If you do have diastasis, do not panic! Be prepared to take a step back for a small amount of time so that
you can progress further in the long run. If you still want to continue your gym sessions make sure to start
applying the belly pump into your lifts when you feel ready. The same concepts and outline of integrating
the core activation techniques that are applied during pregnancy will apply when healing diastasis recti.
You are more prone to intra-abdominal pressure because of your separation but you will need to be extra
mindful of utilizing proper technique, progressing when ready, and avoid coning because your linea alba
has some damage. Your integration of techniques will have more emphasis on abdominal wraps and deep
core activations on the segments of your linea alba where your separation is at its greatest in order to help
heal and close your gap. By the end of the four weeks, you should see improvement in your separation
(smaller width and depth) as well as have a stronger foundation of your core unit. Have realistic
expectations and understand that healing can take time. As long as you are progressing, feeling stronger
and staying consistent, you have no need to stress and no need to doubt your body’s abilities to heal.

Week 1
During the first week you will focus on learning how to incorporate proper breathing with deep core
activations while laying down. You will progress through the week from kneeling, sitting, standing, to
walking; however, if your diastasis is severe, avoid doing the kneeling position of all techniques until
your separation has closed to at least a two-finger width. Kneeling can place intra-abdominal pressure on
your linea alba if you are extremely weak.
Go through part 1 of The Functional Core guide throughout this first week rereading and watching
content on the website to truly soak in the information. This will help clarify any confusion and it will
also really help you understand and apply the concepts. Anytime you think about your core or breathing
during these two weeks, practice. Let the awareness remind you of your posture and feel what your body
and core are doing. We want to start really hammering down on awareness. Be in tune with your body and
daily functions that require proper activation. You want to ease into these techniques slowly to avoid
confusion and frustration. In the calendar, the primary core activation technique is denoted “A” and the
secondary technique is “B.” Both will be accomplished during that day either at separate times or back to

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend


10 min after work 10 min after work 15 min after work Incorporate throughout Go for a 30 min walk Go for a 30 min walk
10 min before bed 10 min before bed work day and anytime integrating DB integrating DB
Kneeling/sitting you are driving
Laying down Laying down
*Incorporate at stop
lights when driving
Reps: 3x 10 Reps: 3x 10 Mindful practice of 10 min practice 20 min
daily functions:
Laying down Kneeling Laying down Kneeling
Apply to sneezing,
Incorporate DCA after Incorporate DCA after coughing, laughing, *feeling & practicing *Hold the activations
the 10 min of DB the 10 min of DB picking up heavier pelvic floor longer
objects, getting out of lengthening/contracting
bed. utilizing cues learned in
Part 1

Week 2
During the second week, you are increasing the time you are doing diaphragmatic breathing. If you feel
confident, apply deep core activations during all of your daily functions. If you have a two-finger gap or
greater and no transverse abdominis control, it is extremely important to be careful and monitor your core
during daily activities and exercise. The only way we can begin healing your linea alba connective tissue
is through mitigating the intra-abdominal pressure that happens daily and avoiding coning at all costs.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend


30 min before bed 30 min before bed Set alarm every 3 hrs to Set alarm every 3 hrs to Go for a 30 min walk Go for a 30 min walk
remind yourself to DB remind yourself to DB integrating DB integrating DB
Any position Any position

B *30 min of DB a day DCA: DCA: BP: BP: BP:

can be split up through Reps: 4x 10 Reps: 2x 1 min of 10-15 min practice 10-15 min practice 10-30 min
work day or all 1 repetitions
session this week. Laying Down *feeling & practicing *feeling & practicing Sitting on ball/chair
*Each exhale is a DCA pelvic floor pelvic floor
*Hold last rep for as focus on area of lengthening/contracting lengthening/contracting
long as you can greatest separation utilizing cues taught in utilizing cues taught in
Part 1 Part 1

Week 3
During the third week you will focus on belly pumps, active core breath, abdominal wraps, and deep core
activations with the goal of maintaining awareness of your core unit. Based on how your separation is
responding, dedicate at least 5-10 minutes focusing on belly pumps. During these belly pumps, choose the
amount of breaths you do in each set (for every exhale and inhale you have deliberate activation of your
core and lengthening of your pelvic floor for however many breaths you want or until your TVA is too
tired to properly activate). Whenever you stop your belly pump, rest using diaphragmatic breathing
between reps and continue for the 5-10 minutes. The belly pump can be integrated within your breathing
whenever, wherever. Pay attention to what you feel and the difference between the belly pump and a
diaphragmatic breath. As you get more awareness, you will be able to feel your pelvic floor and TVA
naturally activate in a diaphragmatic breath. Shoot for at least two minutes of continuous belly pumping
by the end of the week within your sets. When doing deep core activations with active core breaths,
perform as many deep core activations as you can before fatigue, take a few diaphragmatic breaths for
rest, and continue deep core activations for the rest of the minute with focus of your greatest areas of
separation. Refer to the Core Exercise Appendix for exercises that do not denote sets and repetitions.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend


Exercise: Exercise: Exercise: Exercise: Exercise: Exercise:
Glute Bridge Flower Petal Glute Bridges Elevated Table Top Hold Dead Bug Pulses Marching
Reps: 5x 1 min Reps: 5x 15 sec
Feet Crunches Adductions-Pelvic Stability Ball Push Sliding Glute bridge
Relief *Do as many DCA as Marching
Sit Ups you can, rest doing DB Stability Ball Pulses
for 3 breaths, then
*Pelvic floor awareness begin again until 1 min
is important this week is up
on all BP.
5min Reps: 3x 5 Finish with 2 minutes 10 min Exercise:
of each Table Top Hold
Laying down *Apply to your last rep Laying down Reps: 5x
of the glute bridge at
Last 5 min focus on the top. *Focus on feeling
area of greatest lower, middle & upper
separation TVA knit together

Week 4 and On
Going into week four, you should now have more awareness of your core and pelvic floor and you should
know how to activate each properly. Please continue practicing the core activation techniques as well as
integrating them into specific core exercises and in your own workouts. If you do not feel as confident
moving on to week 4, you are more than welcome to continue week 3 until you are comfortable moving
on! Remember, if you see any doming, please modify or stop doing the exercise. Find another core
exercise that does not cause you to dome or that has better activation. Some exercises will be better for
you than others. The goal is to strengthen your TVA, lessen the width and depth of the separation, and
prevent further damage to your linea alba.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend

AW Choose 3 core Exercise: 2 min 8 min AW
1-2 minutes of each exercises w/ 3x AW Pretzel 1-2 minutes of each
technique back to back within each exercise Choice of position Choose position that technique back to back
Side Lying Adduction you feel you get the
Exercise: Exercise: greatest activation
Choose 3 new exercises Alternating Dead Bug Choose 3 new core
from Appendix – be exercises from
aware of your core Appendix

B DB and DCA are BP: DB DCA:

applied throughout the 3 mins 3 min 5 minutes of DCA on
day and daily functions greatest separation
Laying down Laying down needs to be done.
(choose exercise or do
laying down)

After completion of week 4, you should see an improvement in both the depth and width of your
separation. If your separation is still present, continue to do the core exercises and place emphasis on deep
core activations, active core breath, and abdominal wraps. Consistency and repetition are key. You only
have one rule to follow: anytime you see doming/coning, stop the exercise and modify. If modification
still causes uncontrolled intra-abdominal pressure, then remove the exercise all together. Please do not
feel like you have to do more advanced work to heal your separation. Sometimes the most basic of
principles bring us the furthest. The more advanced core work will come with gradual strength of your
TVA by learning to be a professional at all four techniques. Everyone will be on their own timeline as far
as how quick your separation closes, how you progress through the core exercises, and how you establish
a strong connection with your core unit and gain strength. The important thing is that you are staying
persistent and keeping awareness of your core and breathing as much as possible. Repeat week 4 until you
have a one finger separation. As you repeat week 4, add in new core exercises and use the exercises that
give you greatest engagement. After repeating week 4, you then can progress to the second week of
fitness enthusiast calendar found in chapter 4. If you want to and you feel confident with your engagement
and techniques, you can go on your own path utilizing the tools you have learned.

Questions and Answers

How do you Determine the Severity of Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis Recti is completely determined by the integrity of the linea alba connective tissue and how much
damage has been done to that tissue. Every person is unique and can vary, but typically the deeper your
finger sinks into your stomach and the more fingers that fit into the gap can help determine the severity of
the damage.

Can you have Functional Diastasis Recit?

Yes, you can have functional diastasis! Having functional diastasis recti means there is a separation in
your abdominal muscles but upon activating your TVA, the separation closes and regulates intra-
abdominal pressure. When functional diastasis occurs, identifying why the tissue in the linea alba is weak
and not fully healing is extremely important. The weakening in the linea alba may be something as simple
as not controlling the intra-abdominal pressure in every day movements compared to the TVA activation
you are doing for five to ten minutes a day. That uncontrolled intra-abdominal pressure is preventing your
separation from closing completely or the collagen in the tissue just needs more time to heal and re-grow
(collagen supplements aid wonderfully in this healing). Sometimes an individual may have damaged their
linea so severely that functional diastasis is their only option besides surgery. If this is the case, you will
need to take great caution in regulating intra-abdominal pressure to not cause greater separation.

What do I do if my Separation does not close with Proper TVA activation?

If your separation does not close with proper TVA activation, that is okay! Continue to follow the four
core activation techniques taught in this guide and really utilize and focus on diaphragmatic breathing.
Find where in your lifestyle you are still allowing intra-abdominal pressure to push against your linea alba
as this is preventing your separation from truly healing.

Are there any Supplements I can take to help close my gap?

I highly suggest supplementing with collagen supplements. Collagen is the amino acid makeup of the
tissue within our bodies. It simply is a protein with so many added health benefits as it not only allows for
strong joints, muscles, and connective tissue but it also causes for healthier hair, skin, and nails as well as
digestive improvement with bloating, muscle recovery, sleep benefits, and athletic performance. I suggest
using Vital Proteins as it is the only collagen brand I trust in regard to quality ingredients while also
having ethical practices. Your selection of what type of collagen you want will just depend on what
flavors you like or the added benefits you may want:
1. Regular collagen peptides: Click Here
2. Bone broth
a. Chicken: Click Here
b. Beef: Click Here
3. Coffee Creamer
a. Vanilla: Click Here
b. Coconut: Click Here
c. Ginger Bread: Click Here
4. Beef Gelatin (can make gummy bears): Click Here

How do these Core Activation Techniques Heal Diastasis Recti?
Diaphragmatic breathing is going to be the first line of defense and your focus throughout a typical day.
The key to healing is to rewire you brain and reset your body so that diaphragmatic breathing becomes
natural and your core can begin functioning the way it is designed. Strengthening the TVA leads to a
healed diastasis as deep core activations with proper breath is what cinches the abdominal muscles back
together. When you are actively using these core activation techniques, you will want to specifically focus
on abdominal wraps with active core breath: especially in the areas that your separation is greatest. For
example, if your separation is greatest at your umbilical/mid-section, you will do 5-10 deep core
activations directly cinching in the midsection, deeper and deeper with every active core breath, and then
you will finish with a few abdominal wraps (cinching in lower, middle and upper TVA with each exhale).
You will start these laying down and then move onto other positions. When you have mastered this
technique, you can then go into integrating the abdominal wraps into glute slides, flower petals, or other
core exercises of your choice. Even when following the suggested guide, you will start by doing all four
techniques lying on the ground until the separation starts noticeably closing or you feel great activation.
When you have diastasis 3-4 months post-partum it is likely you have damaged that linea alba tissue, so
taking great caution in the exercises you are doing while trying to heal the separation is going to be
important. Even if you are a year post-partum and back into weight lifting and working out intensely, you
may want to remove all abdominal/core work or exercises that cause uncontrolled pressure so that your
healing process will be more effective. It’s like an athlete with a sprained ankle: if they continue working
out on it injured it will never heal even if they are doing all the rehab in the world. Sometimes rest and
rehab is the only way to heal to come back healthier.

Chapter 4
Fitness Enthusiast and 10+ Weeks Post-Partum with no Diastasis

Obtaining true core activation requires a lot of time, practice, and commitment. There is a ton of
information to sift through and I encourage you to take it slow, even if it seems extremely basic from what
is typically seen in the fitness world. When done properly, techniques and exercises with true core
activation is an intense workout and you will be surprised at the effectiveness and the intense “burn” that
comes. When you learn the techniques correctly and take your time integrating them properly, I promise
you will notice the strength gains and the difference when you start incorporating them into your exercise
regimen as well as abdominal and core workouts. If you are 10 weeks post-partum with no diastasis recti,
or have pelvic floor incontinence, your focus will emphasize more on pelvic floor awareness and belly
pumps. You will use the Core Exercise Appendix for repetitions and sets if the calendar does not specify
otherwise. Refer to videos on my website as much as needed.

Week 1
The first week is all about breathing while learning how to apply each core technique to your daily
life. We want to start really hammering down on core awareness by being in tune with your body and
daily functions that require proper activation. You will progress through the week from sitting, standing
and walking, to running while you diaphragmatically breathe. If you feel confident, you will be able to
apply deep core activations to your daily functions while maintaining awareness of your pelvic floor. You
want to ease into these techniques slowly to avoid confusion and frustration, so please do not move on
until you got a great grasp on performing that technique correctly. I promise you, it will pay off in the
long run! Go through part 1 of this guide a couple times throughout this week reading, watching content,
and soaking in the information. This will help you apply and better understand the techniques and
concepts. In the calendar, the primary core activation technique is denoted “A” and the secondary
technique is “B.” Both will be accomplished during that day either during separate times or back to back.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend


10 min after work 10 min during work Incorporate into work Reps: 5x 30 sec doing Go for a 30 min 5x 1 Full AW
10 min before bed 10 min before bed and driving repetitive DCA run/walk
Laying down
Laying down Sitting Down *Set alarm 3x to Lying on back
*Run and walk
remind yourself
*Complete a total AB
*Complete as many
within the ACB.
DCA within the ACB
(lower, middle and
until you lose
upper tva and back
engagement. Take 2-3
min DB rest & start
again until 30 sec is
Reps: 3x 10 Reps: 3x 10 Reps: 1x 3 min Reps: 5x 30 Reps: 1x 3 min

Laying down Kneeling Kneeling Laying down Kneeling

*Focus: feeling your *Incorporate *Focus: pelvic floor Complete as many

TVA wrap & pelvic throughout day: awareness during BP- DCA within the ACB
floor lift all week. Sneezing, laughing, and feeling and practicing until you lose
coughing lengthening. Refer to engagement. Take a 2-3
cues taught in the min DB rest & start
chapter 1 to feel pelvic again until 30 sec is
floor lengthen. complete

Week 2
You will begin to integrate the core activation techniques with a few core exercises during week 2. You
will not be reminded to diaphragmatically breathe, but it is extremely important to diaphragmatically
breathe whenever you become aware of your breathing and after any core exercise that is introduce for at
least 2 minutes. If you do not understand how to activate your pelvic floor and transverse abdominis
properly, or if you are still confused with the difference between each of the techniques, reread over the
material in part 1, watch the videos, and spend a little more time on the techniques you do not quite fully
grasp before integrating core exercises. You can also repeat week 1 until your feel comfortable integrating
the core techniques into exercises. Refer to the Core Exercise Appendix for exercises that do not denote
sets and repetitions.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend


Reps: 3x 10 Exercise: Exercise: 5x 30 sec doing Go for a 30 min run - Exercise:
Dead Bug Pulses Glute Bridges- repetitive DCA walk integrating DB Stability Ball pulses
Laying down Elevated
Kneeling Side Lying Adductions
Sliding Glute Bridge *Run and walk
Alternating Dead Bug


Exercise: Exercise: Reps: 3x10 Exercise: Reps: 10x 15 sec Exercise:
Table Top Hold Glute Bridges Adductions & Pelvic Elevated Glute Bridge
Kneeling Relief Laying down
Dead Bug Pulses Table Crunch
Pretzel *Perform 3x AW at end
of each 30 sec of DCA
Feet Crunch

Week 3
By week 3, diaphragmatic breathing should start to feel more natural. I encourage you to spend 2-3
minutes practicing diaphragmatic breathing whenever you think about your breath. The more you
practice, the quicker your body adjusts and rewires. The focus of week 3 will be learning to belly pump
while you are lifting weights. When doing belly pumps, you will choose the amount of breaths you do
within a set. This means for every exhale and inhale, you will have deliberate activation of your core and
deliberate lengthening of your pelvic floor for however many breaths you choose or until your TVA is too
tired to properly activate. Whenever you stop your belly pump, use diaphragmatic breathing between sets
as your rest, and continue belly pumping for the rest of the time allotted. Shoot for at least one to two
minutes of continuous belly pumping by the end of the week. When doing deep core activations with the
active core breath, perform as many deep core breaths as you can before fatigue, then take a few
diaphragmatic breaths, and continue for the rest of the allotted time of the exercise. Please watch the
videos on my website for further clarification and proper demonstrations! Refer to the Core Exercise
Appendix for exercises that do not denote sets and repetitions.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend


Reps: 3x 2 min Exercise: Exercise: Reps: 5x 30 sec doing Go for a 30 min run - Exercise:
Sit Up Mini Circuit - repetitive DCA walk integrating DB Stability Ball Shoulder
Kneeling 10x Dead lifts Taps
Dead Bug Pulses 1 min Squat Exercise:
*Should be able to do
Exercise: 1 Stability Ball Pulses Stability Ball Shoulder Bear Pop Ups
more running this
10x Squats Repeat 3x Taps
Sliding Glute Bridge week.
10x Lunges Each Leg
Repeat 3x


Exercise: Exercise: Exercise: Exercise: Reps: 10x 30 sec Reps: 3x 2 min
Alternating Dead Bug Super Set - Knee Plank Dead Bug
Pretzel 3x 1 min Bicep Curl Laying down Sitting
3x 1 min Triceps Alternating Dead Bugs Pretzel
Extension *Perform 3x AW at end Exercise:
Knee Plank- Hands of each 30 sec rep of Mini Circuit -
DCA 10x Rows
10x Squats
10x Shoulder press
Repeat 4x

Week 4 and On
Going into week 4, you should now have a full grasp of all the techniques by themselves as well as a
grasp on how to incorporate the techniques into core exercises and weight lifting. You should also have a
better understanding of what core exercises you get the best core unit engagement on and which
techniques feel best for you to implement. This week I want you to capitalize on those techniques and
core exercises that work best for you in order to build confidence in your abilities to be on your own and
progress without a guide. If you do not feel ready after this week, you can always repeat this week or
other weeks until you do feel confident and ready!

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend

A DB, DCA, ACB, BP, DCA & AW: DCA: BP & DCA Integrate techniques to Repeat yesterday or
AW Exercise: Exercise: Reps: 1-2 minutes of as many lifting pick your favorite
1-2 minutes of each Choose 1x Core Extended Table BP exercises as you can techniques and
technique back to back Exercise Marching (choose at least four integrate with your
Reps: 5-10 mins *Every 5x BP perform exercises) Take it slow favorite core exercises
Exercise: Alternating Dead Bug 5x DCA and have awareness.
Choose 3 new exercises Bear Plank
from Appendix – be
aware of your core
B DB and DCA are BP: DB, DCA, ACB, BP, Apply techniques to 4 Exercise: DCA
applied throughout the 3 minutes AW harder core exercises Mini Circuit - Exercise:
day and daily functions 1-2 minutes of each and strength training Pick 3 core exercises Plank or furthest plank
technique back to back exercises of choice and do them back to progression you can do
back with no breaks (1
Finish with DB for 2 set)

After completion of week 4, you should now have a better scope and understanding of what you like and
what works for you. Please continue practicing these techniques on top of incorporating them into your
core exercises and workouts. You only have one rule to follow: anytime you see doming/rounding, stop
the exercise and modify. If modification still causes uncontrolled intra-abdominal pressure, then remove
the exercise all together. Just remember, pushing yourself at the cost of coning to stay in shape and
“strong” will cause more damage. There are so many other ways to stay strong and healthy while
protecting your body. Let’s train smart and confidently.

Questions and Answers

How can I Tell if I Have a Weakening in my Linea Alba?

Diastasis Recti can happen to anyone at any time of your life as many people are not aware that they have
a weakening in their linea alba. A weakening in the linea alba is seen when you perform abdominal
exercises and this weakening appears as a skinny bulge going down the midline of your abdomen. This
skinny bulge is not normal and shows that true core activation is not present. Over time, that re-occurring
pressure will cause damage to that tissue which can lead to diastasis recti or other major complications
that can require surgery. If the linea alba line appears extremely deep or has a small gap close to one
finger width, it can be an indication of weakness or separation. By learning the techniques taught in this
guide and integrating them into your daily lifestyle/workout sessions, you not only are going to progress
your fitness journey, but you will also aid your body to be healthy and functional. Health is wealth!
Remember, a weakened linea alba does not mean you have diastasis recti. The weakening just means your
tissue is weaker in that area and you want to be mindful of how to protect and heal the weakening, so no

further damage is done. As a reminder, it can be extremely tough to diagnose or tell if there is diastasis or
weakening of the linea alba without evaluating the integrity of the linea alba or without someone with
knowledge of diastasis evaluate you and watch your exercises.

Are there any Supplements I can take to help Strengthen my Linea

Alba/Connective Tissue?
I highly suggest supplementing with collagen supplements as collagen is the amino acid makeup of the
tissue within our bodies. It simply is a protein with so many added health benefits: allows for strong
joints, muscles, and connective tissue, causes for healthier hair, skin, and nails as well as digestive
improvement with bloating, muscle recovery, sleep benefits, and athletic performance. I suggest using
Vital Proteins as it is the only collagen brand I trust in regard to using quality ingredients and having
ethical practices. It is safe to use any of their products post-partum and choosing a type of collagen will
just depend on what flavors you like or the added benefits you may want to achieve:
1. Regular collagen peptides: Click Here
2. Bone broth
a. Chicken: Click Here
b. Beef: Click Here
3. Coffee Creamer
a. Vanilla: Click Here
b. Coconut: Click Here
c. Ginger Bread: Click Here
4. Beef Gelatin (can make gummy bears): Click Here

The Videos just show the Pregnant Demonstrations, do they Still Apply to Me?
Yes! Even though most of the videos are of me with a baby bump, the application of the techniques is still
the same. True core activation and core functionality is the same whether you are pregnant or not
pregnant. There is also an example video of coning from a weakened linea alba that I show prior to
pregnancy to give you some visuals of what lack of true core activation looks like on a non-pregnant
body. Any prominent rounding of the belly is a key indicator that the TVA is not activated and the intra-
abdominal pressure is not controlled. The flat abdomen appearance is what you are striving for when
applying core activations.

Can I Advance Quicker Through the Calendar?

You are more than welcomed to advance through this guide and corresponding calendar at your own pace
as you are not pregnant or healing from diastasis recti. Advance as fast as you like or stay on specific days
or a week if you feel you need to slow down and soak up more of the information! I do suggest, however,
backing off all abdominal and core work not from this guide the first couple weeks while you are
learning. Once you grasp the core activation techniques, then you can apply the techniques to your
workouts a little quicker. Please just be mindful of your core during exercise and really watch your
abdomen like a hawk. There is no shame in modifying your exercises and/or workout even if your favorite
inspirations show amazing abdominal workouts or core workouts. Just be patient. Modify your regimen
until you are ready to begin harder workouts. As you learn these techniques and become more aware of
what to look for, you may notice that many people demonstrating exercises may not have proper core
activation and that is okay. True core activation is not commonly taught and takes some time to master.
Through this guide, you will be able to identify when the core activation is not correct, and you will be
able to further your journey and do what is correct!

Do I Need to Belly Pump during my Workouts/Exercises?
Yes! Belly pumping is a core workout in itself. Just by doing a belly pump during your workout, you will
simultaneously get a phenomenal core workout as you will be able to wrap your core even tighter! It is
extremely important that you control intra-abdominal pressure during squats, dead lifts, heavy lifting, and
abdominal/core work. The belly pump will also strengthen and balance your pelvic floor which is crucial
in your health. If you do not want to apply the belly pump to every exercise contraction or upper body
workout after this guide, that is okay and not necessary as long as you maintain core awareness in the
back of your mind.

Chapter 5
Balancing the Pelvic Floor

Maintaining a balanced tone for your pelvic floor is the key in obtaining and maintaining a functional
core. If you do not utilize your pelvic floor correctly either with proper transverse abdominis activation
during exercise or when intra-abdominal pressure is present in daily activities, you are furthering core
dysfunction by creating imbalances that can lead to issues and injuries. I highly recommend and
encourage you to set up an appointment with a pelvic floor therapist to properly evaluate the tone of your
pelvic floor and to help you properly lengthen and contract your pelvic floor as distinguishing the two can
be confusing if you are learning on your own and through this guide. The tone of your pelvic floor will
dictate the way you engage your core unit.

Hypertonic Pelvic Floor

If you have a hypertonic (tight) pelvic floor, you will avoid intentional activation of the pelvic
floor when belly pumping because your pelvic floor is already over active. There are many things you can
do to balance a hypertonic pelvic floor. The first is through diaphragmatic breathing. During the inhale
and exhale portion of your diaphragmatic breath, you will lengthen the pelvic floor for three to five
minutes a day. Another thing you can do to help balance a hypertonic pelvic floor is a perineal massage.
While sitting down in a slight recline, insert both thumbs to the first crease line of your vagina, and push
down on your perineum for one to two minutes. Then move your thumbs away from one another to the
sides of your vaginal opening and pull away from one another for one to two minutes. A third thing you
can do is to sit on a lacrosse ball and fit that ball right into the perineum of your vagina. You will do small
movements to massage the area and hold on tender spots until the discomfort releases. Lastly, you can
apply a foam roller on your glutes, groins, and hamstrings to loosen up those surrounding muscles.

Hypotonic Pelvic Floor

If you have a hypotonic (weak) pelvic floor, it is incredibly important to activate your pelvic floor
when needed during daily functions and exercising. During diaphragmatic breathing, you will hold your
pelvic floor activation (kegel) for a few breaths shooting for 10 to 20 second holds. You should aim to do
this five times a day for 20 or more activations. Doing belly pumps and active core breaths will be the
core activation techniques you need to utilize to strengthen your pelvic floor. When you are activating
your pelvic floor, make sure you are contracting all sides of the pelvic floor walls (refer to the clock
image in part 1). You can also invest in a pelvic floor trainer such as the Elvie. You should also avoid
jumping until your pelvic floor has strengthened and become balanced.


Thank you so much for expanding your knowledge your core by going through this guide. There is a ton
of information to absorb and truly comprehend so take your time and have grace toward learning
something entirely new. Everything will come with persistent practice! I hope that this information and
these techniques empower you during whatever journey you are taking. I also hope that this guide will
give you the confidence in your abilities and in your training as you are truly giving your body the best
care it can have. Please send me all of your progress victories and videos of doing the techniques either to
my email or via direct message on my Instagram @hannahbower2. I love to
know where you are at in your journey and how this information is helping you achieve a functional core!
It does not matter how minuscule your progress may seem to you, but everything you do to further your
health means the world to me and truly make my heart sing. Progress is always progress.


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