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hưởng của phản ứng kiềm cốt liệu đến an toàn của đập bê tông

Ts. Trần Văn Quân
Trường đại học Công nghệ Giao thông Vận tải

Tóm tắt: …………………………………..

Từ khóa: Mô hình nhiệt động lực học, xi măng, độ bền bê tông, thủy hóa, xử lý chất thải phóng xạ
Abstract: ………………………….;
Keywords: Thermodynamic modeling, cementitious materials, durability of concrete, cement hydration,
radioactive waste disposal.

1. Đặt vấn đề
Nêu Concrete is a basic structural component of almost all dams and many other water resources
facilities. Concrete structures for dams include the intake structures, outlet conduits, and outlet works for
most all dams; the service and emergency spillways for both embankment and concrete dams; and the
main body or in some cases an impermeable core for concrete and embankment dams, respectively.
Concrete deterioration encompasses physical processes that are constantly acting on the concrete with
time, or an internal condition that may affect the physical structure of the material itself. Examples of
concrete deterioration processes include sulfate attack, alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR), Hydraulic
infrastructures have a major economic influence in
the environment and the society given their ability to transform
the territory. Concrete dams are the greatest example of the repercussion in the territory of large
infrastructures. Despite concrete
dams are built to endure high external loads and be durable,
pathologies may arise during their service life. In some cases, the
pathology may compromise the safety of the structure, but often
it only affects the daily operations of the dam.
Expansive reactions are a common phenomenon in concrete
dams. The expansions usually generate internal stresses, cracking
and non-recoverable displacement that may alter the normal functioning. Identifying the causes and
determining the extent of the
damage is essential to conduct rehabilitation tasks and avoid further degradation of the dam. The most
common expansive reactions in concrete dams are alkali-aggregate (AAR) and, in
particular, the alkali-silica reaction (ASR) that has been extensively
studied and reported in the literature. The internal sulfate attack
(ISA) is another type of expansive reaction that is less frequent
Các trươngg
2. Định nghĩa phản ứng kiềm cốt liệu
2.1. Phản ứng kiềm silicat
2.2. Phản ứng kiềm carbonat
3. Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến phản ứng kiềm cốt liệu
4. Các hư hỏng của đập bê tông liên quan đến phản ứng kiềm cốt liệu

5. Kết luận
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