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Salman has a store in Kuala Lumpur. Customers come into the store and browse the catalog of
products. Once they have located the product they would like to purchase, they can take the
unique identification number each product has and enter it into the inventory devices on the
shop floor. By entering the number, the system will be able to show the customer the details of
the product, whether it required home delivery and how many are left in stock.

If the customer wants to purchase the product, they fill in a slip of paper with the identification
code and the desired quantity and queue for the check- out and give it to the sales assistant.

At the check-out, the sales assistant will take the slip and input the identification number into the
system via their keyboard. If it shows that there are still some of the product in stock, the
customer will be asked for payment (cash, laser or credit card). Once the transaction is
complete it is saved to the transaction file and the customer will be given a receipt which also
shows what counter they should collect the product at and an approximation of how long they
will be waiting.

In the stock room as transactions occur, a stock room clerk are notified of the product and
quantity and will search the stock room and bring the product to the counter for collection. They
will input into the system that the order has been filled and that the customer can collect it (the
product catalog will be amended for stock level); the overhead screen will indicate to the
customer that they may collect their order and at which counter.

The customer may then pick up the product and leave the store. Periodically, as products are
purchased the stock will run out (stock levels will be checked) and will have to be reordered
from the supplier. Stock room clerk uses a wide number of suppliers so they keep a list of their
contact details and the products they supply. Stock room clerk records all details relating to
orders in the product- order file, this can be used to verify incoming orders later. The supplier
receives a batch order for products periodically which they will fill and notify the stock room clerk
of the delivery time and cost.

a. Prepare Data Flow Diagram for the process above


Respond to inquiries 1.0 Sales Inventory
Orders Order Customer

Supplier 1.1 Take


1.2 Check
Inventory Inventory

Acknowledgement Picking Ticket

Invoices 1.3 Approve
Customer Warehouse

Picking Ticket
2.1 Pick & 2.0
Pack Shipping

b. Quick and easy, e-wallet is one of the best 21st century invention that allows
people to make payment in single click. However, under certain
circumstances, the users might have difficulties in using the application in
Malaysia. Discuss.


A digital wallet also known as "e-Wallet" refers to an electronic device, online

service, or software program that allows one party to make electronic transactions
with another party bartering digital currency units for goods and services. This can
include purchasing items online with a computer or using a smartphone to purchase
something at a store. Money can be deposited in the digital wallet prior to any
transactions or, in other cases, an individual's bank account can be linked to the
digital wallet. Users might also have their driver's license, health card, loyalty card
and other ID documents stored within the wallet.

However, under certain circumstances, the users might have difficulties in using the
application in Malaysia. For instance, there are limited number of retailers who
accepts payments from an electronic wallet in Malaysia. Although there’s a handful
number of people who prefers cashless payment yet there are many retailers that do
not provide payment through e-wallet. Instead, they prefer to use debit or credit
cards. These retailers include smaller retailers or street vendors. These are the
companies that need quick access to daily cash at hand, especially if they have to
pay their suppliers who only want cash.

Next, e-wallet requires your mobile device to have enough battery for it to operate.
To carry out a transaction, you’ll have to make sure there is enough battery life left
on your phone. Some people especially the elders might think that carrying a
traditional wallet is easier than depending on phone to pay for transaction by always
making sure that there’s enough battery life left on the phone.

Moreover, negative perception towards technology involving usage of money which

is also known as techno phobia is also one of the reasons that makes it difficult for
users in Malaysia to use e-wallet. Most people have the misconception that there are
security risks by using mobile phone to pay for purchases which makes them
reluctant to disclose financial information. The idea that their devices can be hacked
and the thief has potential access the funds in their bank accounts causes this
negative perception to engender.

Poor network coverage is one of the major reasons that makes the users have
difficulties in using e-wallet. Although Malaysia is a well-developed country, it cannot
be denied that there are a lot of parts in Malaysia that has poor internet coverage
especially in rural areas such as Kelantan and Terengganu. This could be a problem
as the usage of e-wallet is directly proportional to the usage of internet. Without a
stable internet connection, there will be difficulties in using e-wallet broadly in

Another major reason of why it is difficult to use e-wallet in Malaysia is the lack of
user’s knowledge on technology. Although the illiteracy level in Malaysia is relatively
low compared to other countries, yet many Malaysians especially the elderly finds it
difficult to use the technology to their benefit. In this case, users may find it difficult to
use e-wallet due to its complicated functions. The lack of technical knowledge to
customers could be a major hold back for Malaysia to fully utilize usage of e-wallet
broadly throughout the country.

Last but not least, there are multiple groups in society which rely on cash. For
vulnerable groups, like the elderly, visually handicapped, people who use cash for
budgeting purposes or even children, cash is important, or even essential, as they do
not have access to account-based means of payment. The only method of payment
that they can use is by cash. Therefore, it will be almost impossible for these groups
of people to use e-wallet.

In a nutshell, the reasons stated can be a major contributing factor that can hold
back the utilization of e-wallet broadly throughout Malaysia.

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