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Identifying Short-term, Long-term, and Lifelong Goals and Values

Short-term Goals. List 3-5 goals for the next year. What would you like to What values are connected to these goals?
accomplish, learn, and experience?
1. Determination
1. Publish my research paper 2. Authenticity, reflection
2. Experience a new part of the world 3. Reflection, compassion
3. Engage more with causes that are important to me (politics etc) 4. Determination
4. Attend a conference, present my research 5. Determination, strength
5. Apply to graduate school

Long-term Goals. List 3-5 goals for the next 3-5 years. What would you like to What values are connected to these goals?
accomplish, learn, and experience?

1. Live somewhere else - experience another place and a new life stage 1. Reflection, authenticity
2. Continue working on research / learn more 2. Determination
3. Grow in my sense of self and understand my needs and desires 3. Reflection
4. Have more experiences as an educator 4. Authenticity
5. Find communities to work on my passions with 5. Authenticity, compassion

Lifelong Goals. List 3-5 goals for the next 15-20 years. What would you like to What values are connected to these goals?
accomplish, learn, and experience?
1. Compassion, authenticity, determination
1. Build a successful career as a research professor based on 2. Compassion
relationships with colleagues and students 3. Determination
2. Using my experiences and expertise to enable minority students 4. Reflection
3. Find ways to continue to work with my passions such as sustainability
and human rights
4. Continue to experience new parts of the world, ideas and ways of

Questions to consider in writing your goals:

*What were your initial learning and/or life goals when you entered college? *What need do you see in your family, neighborhood, city, country, or the
*How have your goals evolved or changed since entering college? world that you care deeply about helping to meet or improve?
*What careers, jobs, and/or professional roles would you like to pursue? *How do you hope to make an impact on the world?
*If you had a magic wand and could change the world in any particular way, *What do you hope to list on your resume/CV that is not yet there?
what would you do?
*What would you imagine your role to be within the changes described above?

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