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Handle out-of-area
before traveling that they should will be wrong sometimes and make
patient calls with care
obtain sufficient medical insurance mistakes.

W hen patients call from out of

the state, province, or country
seeking medical advice, it can be
and find out if their insurer offers an
international help line to link them
with qualified providers in
• Evaluate yourself after meetings
or at the end of the day to consider
whether you are becoming more
difficult for providers and staff to the region. empathetic and less ego-driven.
know how best to respond. Many Jay G. Mercer, MD, CCFP, FCFP Source: Hess E. Learn or Die: Using Science
jurisdictions consider telephone Ottawa, Ontario to Build a Leading-Edge Learning Organiza-
consultations with patients to be tele- tion. New York, NY: Columbia Business School
Publishing; 2014.
medicine and require the physician
Set aside your
to be licensed where the care is being
ego as a leader
received. Also, staff and providers
Achieve more goals
may be unfamiliar with certain ill-
nesses patients contract while travel- M odern leaders, including
physician leaders, are increas-
by picking fewer of them
ing in remote parts of the world.
It is valuable to have a policy for
handling these calls. In my practice,
ingly recognizing the importance
of quieting their egos when making
decisions and managing their orga-
A ccomplishing big things doesn’t
require a long list of goals.
Instead, it requires focus on a few.
nizations. It turns out that humility Attempting to complete too many
can aid critical thinking, innovation, goals, especially ones that are not
and engagement with other people. vitally important to you or your
Here are some tips to help you organization, decreases your likeli-
keep your ego in check and become hood of completing any of them. In
more team-oriented: general, if a team has two or three
• Seek out information that con- key goals, they will accomplish
tradicts your opinions, and learn those. If they have four to 10 goals,
from those who disagree with you. they may accomplish one or two.
• Ask those close to you to give Groups trying to tackle 11 or more
honest feedback about your abil- goals often fail to achieve any of
ity to be open-minded, empathetic, them. It’s the law of diminishing
humble, and willing to listen. You returns.
can’t fix what you don’t know is Goals should not focus on “lag

© M OT H E R A N D C H I L D : TO R A N O S U K E / S H U T T E R S TO C K ; E I F F E L TO W E R : O WAT TA / S H U T T E R S TO C K
broken. measures,” which are based on a
if the number on the call display • Focus more on asking the right desired outcome such as “lose 20
looks odd, staff ask the patient their questions and evaluating answers pounds.” Instead, goals should focus
location. They encourage patients rather than relying strictly on your on the “lead measures” that will pro-
calling from another jurisdiction personal knowledge. duce that desired outcome, such as
to seek care from a local provider, • Consider the experiences of oth- “walk 30 minutes three times a week.”
if possible. If a call is transferred ers before formulating your response. Source: Covey S, McChesney C, Huling J. The
to a member of the patient’s care • Focus on the moment, and do Four Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your
team, staff alert the provider to the not dwell on things that happened Wildly Important Goals. New York, NY: Simon &
Schuster; 2012.
fact that the patient is calling from in the past or worry about the future.
another jurisdiction. The provider • Accept the reality that you
clearly explains the limited assistance
he or she can provide and encour-
ages the patient to seek care locally. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU
Finally, the provider encourages the Practice Pearls presents readers’ advice on practice operations and patient care,
patient to keep all records of the care along with tips drawn from the literature. Send us your best pearl (250 words or
received and to follow up with our less), and you’ll earn $25 if we publish it. We also welcome questions for our Q&A
office after returning home. section. Send pearls, questions, and comments to, or add
We try to be proactive when your comments to the article at
possible, encouraging all patients
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