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I. Hypothèse

Clear span length L = 11000 mm

Total width W = 14160 mm
Roadway Wr = 13400 mm
Wearing Surface dw = 75 mm
Width of barrier: B = 380 mm
b = 1000 mm


Density of wearing surface ρw = 2250 Kg/m3

Concrete density ρc = 2400 Kg/m3
Concrete strength fc' = 30 Mpa
Reinforcement strength fy = 400 Mpa
Modul elasticity of Conrete Ec = 27691 Mpa
Modul elasticity of steel Es = 200000 Mpa
n = 7.22

Charge Mobile
Norm d'ASHHTO Convoie (truck), Tandem (tandem), lane
II. Déterminer la section du pont
Check minmum recommended depth [Table A2.]

→ hmin = 560 mm
Use h = 580 mm

III. Calcul du hourdis

Il y a deux méthodes: méthode d'empérique et méthode basée sur analyse des structures.
Dans notre projet, on utilise la méthode basé sur analyse des structures.

IV. Choisir le facteur de résistance φ

Strength Limit State

Flexural and tension 0.9

Shear and torsion 0.9
Axial compression 0.75
Bearing on concrete 0.7
Compression in strut-and-tie models 0.7

V. Select load modifier η [A.]

Strength Service Fatigue

1.Ductility ηD 0.95 1 1 [A.1.3.3]
2. Redundancy ηR 1.05 1 1 [A.1.3.4]
3. Importance ηI 1.05 N/A N/A [A.1.3.5]
η = ηD.ηR. ηI 1.05 1 1

VI. Combinaison des charges

Strength I Limite State
Service I Limite State

Fatigue Limite State

Strength I Limite State Service Limite State Fatigue
γDC 1.25 1 _
γDW 1.5 1 _
γLL 1.75 1 0.75
IM 0.33 0.15

VII. Determine Live Load Strip Width [Table A.]

A. Calculer Interior strip
1. One-Lane Loaded Multiple presence factor included [C4.6.2.3]

E = equivalent width (mm)

Where L1 = modified span length

L1 = min(L,18m) = 11000 mm
W1 = modified edge-to-edge width
W1 = min(W,9m) = 9000 mm
Thus : = 4429 mm

2. Mutliple Lane Loaded

Where L1 = min(L,18m) = 11000 mm

W1 = min(W,18m) = 14160 mm
W = actual edge-to-edge width = 14160 mm

Where w = clear roadway width = 13400 mm

= 3
= 3598 mm
= 4720 mm
Thus : = 3598 mm
Final: = 3598 mm
B. Calculer Exterior strip [A4.6.2.14]
Longitudinal exterior strip width for a line of wheels = distance from edge to face of barrier +
300mm + 1/2 strip width ≤ full strip width or 1800mm

Eedge = 1800 mm

VIII. Applicability of Live Load for Decks and Deck Systems

Slab-type bridges shall be designed for all of the vehicular live loads specified in AASHTO
[A3.6.1.2], including the lane load [A3.

1. Maximum Shear Force - Axle Loads

ce of barrier +


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