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Practical manual

M.Sc. II Sem

Dr. Ranjana Shrivastava

Professor and Head Department of Botany

Aim: To study the effect of CO2 on photosynthesis.

Materials required: Wilmott’s bubbler, water, twigs of Hydrilla, NaHCO3,

stopwatch etc.

Principle: The process of photosynthesis is affected by many factors. Blackmans

law of limiting factor (1905) states that the rate of a process affected by a number
of factors is limited by the pace of the slowest factor. Thus if all the other factors
are kept constant, the factor affecting the rate is at minimum. The rate gradually
increases with the increase in the amount of this factor till the rate becomes
constant. The rate now does not increase even though the amount of this factor is
increased because another factor has now become factor in the minimum.

Atmosphere has 0.03% CO2 from where it is absorbed by the plants.

Photosynthesis tolerates considerable fluctuations with the decrease and increase of
CO2, however, with the increase or decrease in the CO2 concentration,
corresponding increase or decrease in photosynthesis takes place. Higher
concentration reduces the rate. Hydrilla being an aquatic submerged plant releases
CO2 in water which can be observed by evolution of bubbles in water. Rate of
photosynthesis can be estimated by rate of evolution of bubbles in water.


1. A wide mouthed bottle is completely filled with tap water, a cork is then fitted
at its mouth through which a glass tube wide at its open end is passed so as to dip
its lower end in pond water, and thus a Wilmott’s bubbler is prepared.

2. Another narrow glass tube open at both the ends is made into a bent jet and
introduced into the first glass tube. The twigs of Hydrilla are tied at the lower end
of this narrow glass tube inside the bottle.

3. The entire set up is kept under sunlight for photosynthesis to occur.

4. For studying the rate of photosynthesis different amount of sodium bicarbonate
are added to the pond water.

Observation table:

S. No. Concentration of NaHCO3 Time taken for 5 bubbles

1. 00g
2. 5.5g
3. 1.0g
4. 2.0g
5. 3.0g



The rate of evolution of oxygen bubbles is a measure of photosynthetic rate. When

no salt is added, bubbles are not evolved. This shows that photosynthesis is not
taking place. This is because tap water does not contain sufficient CO2, the rate of
photosynthesis increases with the addition of sodium bicarbonate because it
increases the supply of CO2. The increase in the rate continues till some other
factor becomes limiting.


1. The apparatus should be made air tight so as not to allow air bubbles to escape.

2. Evolution of bubbles should be observed carefully.

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