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Joyful Journaling Process

Reflection Questions

Joyful Journaling is a simple process of taking time for stillness, reflection & art-play.
Starting with a theme and stillness are the first steps then moving between visioning, art-play
and writing/journaling in any order that comes naturally for you!

This method has been used by writers, musicians, visual artists and photographers.
Make it your own ☺

Stillness and Contemplation: Taking some quiet, undisturbed time to connect to your
inner wisdom, your higher self, your intuition

Journaling | writing: Putting on paper the answers that come up! Even if this triggers
vulnerability. Being brave enough to be honest is where transformation happens.

Life Visioning: Mood: Setting intentions for how you want to feel on a particular day or in
general is a way to envision and consciously create our experiences. Also what do you want to
experience and become in your life?

Art-play: Starting with found images for inspiration or collage (images may have meaning,
resonance and/or beauty). Then moving into other media, colored pencils, paint, song writing,
Ok, dance can’t go in a journal, but the point here is to have fun and to play so if a dance is inspired!
Do it! But generally speaking *Adding any other visual media ☺

Lisette Chinn ©2020

The Mini-Retreat Themes & Questions

Day 1: Self-Reflection
• What do I need to know right now?
• What is needed now?
• What can be released?
• What should I focus on now?

Day 2: Self-Discovery
• What have I been blind to, that I am now ready to see?
• What brilliant qualities of mine have I not recognized?
• What blind spots have blocked good in my life?
• What is needed from me to let my brilliance shine?

Day 3: Self-Empowerment
• What areas of my life am I completely in my power?
• Are there limits to my perceived power that I am willing to release now?
• What desires have I believed were not accessible to me, but now I am ready
to claim?
• Who or what can I release from blame as I claim my full power over my life
and experience?

Day 4: Self-Realization
• How am I aware of my oneness with others, the planet or all that is?
• How am I being love in my life?
• How can I add more play into my life?

*This retreat was done over 4 weeks, but it can be done at your own pace (as an intensive or extended experience).

Lisette Chinn ©2020

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