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Document-Understanding Deconsolidation in SAP


Large distribution centers mostly receive products in pallet handling units (HU’s) and they may not need repacking or deconsolidation before
putaway in to a bin location unless if any product specific process requires. But a pallet HU with multiple products or batches may need
deconsolidation before putaway., How deconsolidation will be triggered in SAP EWM and what steps required for inbound process with a
deconsolidation? This blog post explains the basic concepts and example scenario how you can use this deconsolidation function.

SAP EWM consolidation concept in brief

SAP designed a consolidation concept while packing products in a pick HU/putaway HU with a consolidation group number assigned. When ever
you pack a handling unit while picking/putaway process in a warehouse, it looks certain matching characteristics to pack together. A Pick HU
while picking may certainly look at ship-to-party, route, delivery priority. A putaway HU may look at storage bins in certain area or number of
product warehouse task in a HU.

Deconsolidation in SAP EWM

Now, we can look at what is deconsolidation and when this will be triggered during putaway.
If you want to execute a direct putaway, you do not have to define anything in the process-oriented storage control and you may not need
deconslidation here.

If you want to define complex putaway processes, you have to use a combined process-oriented storage control. Extended Warehouse
Management (EWM) uses this during creation of a warehouse task to determine the intermediate storage types (for example, deconsolidation
station, counting station).

So first thing you need to define consolidation group and have storage control configured and then

EWM define a consolidation, one of the following cases must meet

With in a HU, multiple products going to multiple activity areas

With in a HU, products going to same activity area but consolidation group different

With in a HU, products going to same activity area and same consolidation group but maximum number of warehouse tasks for the HU has been

Now we will consider a business scenario, where the inbound process have steps unload, deconsolidation and putaway. When ever the putaway
HU contain mixed products/batches sent to deconsolidation center in case of 2 or more warehouse tasks are created with reference to same HU.

First we will look at Deconsolidation configurations assuming that we already have storage control reconfigured configured for inbound process.

SPRO>EWM>Goods Receipt process>Deconsolidation>Define Attributes for Deconsolidation

Assuming that Activity area and Activity was previously configured as part warehouse master data.

SPRO>EWM>Goods Receipt process>Deconsolidation>Specify Deconsolidation station

SPRO>EWM>Goods Receipt process>Deconsolidation>Assign number range intervals to Consolidation group

SPRO>EWM>Mater Data>Work Center>Define Work center

Master data related to deconsolidation = /N/SCWM/TWORKST
Configurations related to storage control Inbound completed before deconsolidation

SPRO>EWM>Cross-process Settings>Define process oriented Storage control

here we configured automatic WT creation for sub subsequent putaway WT. So that as soon as DECON PUTWAY WT created the final putway
WT”s are created and it will be waiting status until DECON HU’s completed.
Configurations related to Handling unit completed before deconsolidation

SPRO>EWM>Cross-process settings>Handling Units>Basics>Define HU types for each warehouse number and assign HU Type group

The HU type from packing material master data PKg data tab where you will see HU type along with pack mat type. During HU creation and
deconsolidation looks HU type group.

SAP EWM deconsolidation Business example Scenario

You receive a deconsolidation HU with 2 warehouse tasks (WTs), where the destination data is all assigned to the same activity area. You have
set the Maximum Number of WTs in the Deconsolidation HU to two, and the Maximum Number of WTs in the Putaway-HU to two. This means
that if you are using process-oriented storage control, EWM forwards the HU to a deconsolidation station DEKO , due to the HU exceeding the
permitted maximum number of WTs in the deconsolidation HU.

During deconsolidation at this location DECON, EWM creates putaway-HUs. After you have confirmed the repacking of five product-WTs into the
putaway-HU, EWM proposes this HU for closure, due to the parameter Maximum Number of WTs in the Putaway-HU. This means that it also
releases the HU for the following process step Putaway.

SAP Easy access>EWM>Execution>Deconsolidation in Goods Receipt – /N/SCWM/DCONS

see below work center where you can pack into possible number of HU’s and close the HU’s to complete deconsolidation

Once deconsolidation completed and putaway completed then you can see Wt’s as below

here we configured automatic WT creation for sub subsequent putaway WT. So once DECON PUTWAY WT created then immediately final
putway WT”s are created and it will be waiting status until DECON HU’s completed.

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