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[Topic: Time and Distance] – MA5

Test Mathematics
Test Code MA5
Topic Time and Distance
No. of Questions 20 Page | 1
Maximum Marks 20
Competitive score 16
Time allowed 15 minutes
Answers with explanations are provided in this file for

1. John covers 10 km per hour more than peter while driving. On doubling his speed
peter covers 15 km per hour more than john who is driving at his normal speed.
John’s speed is
a. 40
b. 25
c. 45
d. 35

2. What is the time taken by a train of length 360 m to cross a pole at a speed of 72
a. 18 sec
b. 24 sec
c. 12 sec
d. 30 sec

3. How long will a train of length 200 m traveling at a speed of 54 kmph take to
cross a platform of length 100m?
a. 15 sec
b. 20 sec
c. 25 sec
d. 40 sec

4. A worker reaches his workplace 20 minutes late by walking at 3km/hr. The next
day he increases his speed by 2 km/hr and reaches on time. Find the distance
from his house to his workplace?
a. 5km
b. 4km
c. 2km
d. 2.5km

5. A person traveling at 6 kmph reaches his office 15 minutes late. Had he traveled
at 8 kmph he would have been 25 minutes early. Find the distance between his
office and home?
a. 16 km
b. 14 km
c. 25 km
d. 20 km
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[Topic: Time and Distance] – MA5

6. A man rows a distance of 12 km in 1 hour in still water and in 80 minutes against

current. Find the time taken by him to row 45 km with the current and return to
the starting point.
a. 9 h
b. 8h
Page | 2
c. 10 h
d. 12h

7. In a given time, a boat can travel down the stream a distance, which is 2.5 times
that of the upstream travel. If the speed of the boat is still water is 14 kmph, find
the speed of the stream.
a. 5
b. 7
c. 8
d. 6

8. Ajay runs 5/3 times as fast as Arjun. In a race if Ajay beats arjun by 40 metres,
find the length of the race
a. 100 m
b. 150m
c. 200m
d. 175m

9. A cat on seeing a dog 10m away turns around and starts running away at 24
kmph. The dog spots him one minute later and starts chasing the cat at a speed
of 33 kmph. After how much time, from the start of the cat’s run, will the chase
a. 160s
b. 224s
c. 260s
d. 280s

10. The distance between two points P and Q is 84 km. Two persons start at the
same time but one traveling from P towards Q and the other traveling from Q
towards P. If their respective speeds are 36 kmph and 27 kmph, where do they
meet each other?
a. 48km from Q
b. 24 km from P
c. 36 km from P
d. 48 km from P

11. A train crosses two bridges 430m and 550m long in 30 seconds and 36 seconds
respectively. Find the speed of the train.
a. 36kmph
b. 72kmph
c. 27kmph
d. 45kmph

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[Topic: Time and Distance] – MA5

12. A boat travels 30 km upstream in 5 hours and 24km downstream in 3 hours. Find
the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the water current.
a. 7kmph, 2kmph
b. 14kmph, 1kmph
c. 7kmph, 1kmph
Page | 3
d. 8kmph, 2kmph

13. A Train covers a distance between two stations A and B in 45 minutes. If the
speed of the train is reduced by 5 km / hour, then it covers the distance in 48
minutes. The distance between the stations A and B is—
a. 55 km
b. 60 km
c. 64 km
d. 80 km

14. Two trains of 200 metres and 150 metre long are running on parallel rails in the
same direction at a speed of 40 km/hour and 45 km/hour respectively. Time
taken by the faster train to cross the slower train will be –
a. 72 second
b. 132 second
c. 192 second
d. 252 second

15. A train traveling with constant speed crosses 90 metre long platform in 12 second
and 120 metre long platform in 15 second. The length of the train and its speed
a. 30 metre, 36 km/hr
b. 45 metre, 36 km/hr
c. 45 metre, 54 km/hr
d. 60 metre, 54 km/hr

16. A man completed a certain journey by a car. if he covered 30% of the distance at
the speed of 20 km/hr, 60% of the distance at 40km/hr and the remaining
distance at 10 km/hr; his average speed for the whole journey was
a. 25 km/hr
b. 28 km/hr
c. 30 km/hr
d. 33 km/hr

17. A passenger train running at a speed of 90 km per hour leaves the station 6
hours after a goods train leaves and overtakes it in 4 hours. The speed of the
goods train is
a. 36 km per hour.
b. 38 km per hour.
c. 40 km per hour.
d. 34 km per hour

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
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[Topic: Time and Distance] – MA5

18. A train, with a uniform speed, crosses a platform, 162 metres long in 18 second
and another platform, 120 metres long, in 15 seconds. The speed of the train is
Page | 4
a. 14 km/hr
b. 42 km/hr
c. 50.4 km/hr
d. 67.2 km/hr

19. A jeep is chasing a car which is 5 km ahead. Their respective speeds are 90
km/hr and 75 km/hr. after how many minutes will the jeep catch the car?
a. 18
b. 20
c. 24
d. 25

20. A 320 metres long train takes 80 seconds more to cross a platform twice its
length than it takes to cross a pole at the same speed. What is the speed of the
train in metres/ second?
a. 16
b. 10
c. 6
d. None of these

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
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[Topic: Time and Distance] – MA5

Q.No Answer Hints / Explanations

1 d The quickest way is to substitute the answer options for John’s speed.
This will give the answer as “d”.
Let John’s speed be j and Peter’s speed be p. Therefore, we have Page | 5
j*1=10+p*1 -> j=10+p
2p*1=15+j*1 -> 2p = 15+j
Substituting for j=10+p we get p =25 and therefore j=35
2 a To convert km/h to m/s, multiply by 5/18. Time = Distance/Speed =
360/20 = 18 secs. Hence “a”
3 b Time = Distance/speed = 200+100/15 = 20 secs. Hence “b”
4 d Let the distance be x
x/3-x/5 = 1/3 -> x = 2.5 kms. Hence “d”
5 a Let the distance be x
x/6-x/8=40/60 ->x=24*2/3 = 16 kms. Hence “a”
6 b Speed of the boat = 12kmph
12/Sb – Sw = 4/3
Sb-Sw = 9; Sw=3
Time taken = 45/15 + 45/9 = 8h. Hence “b”

7 d 14+Sc = 2.5 (Sb-Sc) => 14+Sc = 35 – 2.5 Sc = > Sc = 21/3,5 = 6

kmph. Hence “d”

8 a Let speed of Arjun be x and that of Ajay be 5x/3.

5xt/3 – xt =40
2xt = 120
Xt = 60. Therefore length = 60+40 = 100m Hence ‘a’

9 b Relative speed = 9 kmph or 2.5m/s

Distance covered by cat in one minute = 20/3*60 = 400m
Existing lead = 410m
Time to catch = 410/(5/2) = 820/5 = 164s
Question asks from cat’s run. Therefore 164+60 = 224s. Answer
option “b”
10 d They will meet after 84/63 = 4/3 hrs. Hence “d” (48 kms from P
which is the distance P would have covered in 4/3 hrs)

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
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[Topic: Time and Distance] – MA5

Q.No Answer Hints / Explanations

11 b Let the length of the train be l and speed be s
L+430 = 30s
L+550 = 36s Page | 6
6s = 120 = > s = 20m/s or 72 kmph. Hence “b’

12 c 30/Sb – Sc = 5 and 24/Sb+Sc = 3

Sb-Sc = 6
Sb+Sc = 8 => Sb = 7 kmph and Sc= 1 kmph. Hence “c”

13 b Let the distance be d and speed be s

3s/4 = 4(s-5)/5
S=80 and d = 60km/h. Hence “b”

14 d Distance to be covered = 350m

Speed = 5km/hr = 25/18 m/s
Time = 350*18/25 = 14*18 = 252 s. Hence ‘d’

15 a Let the length of the train be l and speed be s

L+90/s = 12 and L+120/s=15
L+90 = 12S
L+120 = 15S
3S = 30; S =10 m/s or 36km/hr and L = 30. Hence “a”
16 a Let the distance be x. Average speed = Total distance / total time
Total time = 0.3x/20+0.6x/40+0.1x/10 => 0.6x+0.6x+0.4x =
Average speed = x/(1.6x/40) = 40/1.6 = 400/16 = 25 km/hr.
Hence ‘a’
Total time = 0.3x/20 + 0.6x/40 + 0.1x/10
Taking the LCM of 10,20 and 40 (LCM is 40), multiply the
denominators to get the denominator as 40.
First is 0.3x/20 => Denominator is 20 and has to be multiplied by 2.
Therefore numerator also has to be multiplied by 2. Therefore we get
0.3x * 2 = 0.6x
Similarly, 0.6x is multiplied by 1 as the denominator is already 40 and
0.1x is multiplied by 4 as denominator is 10.

From the above, we get 0.6x + 0.6x +0.4x = 1.6x/40

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
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[Topic: Time and Distance] – MA5

Q.No Answer Hints / Explanations

17 a Let the speed of the goods train be x
Distance covered by goods train in 6 hrs = 6x
6x/90-x = 4 -> x = 36 km/hr. Hence ‘a’
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18 c Speed = Distance/Time
Let the length of the train be x
X+162/18 = x+120/15
X=90m and speed = 210/15=14m/s or 50.4 km/h. Hence ‘c’
Speed = 1020/15 = 68 m/s
Step 2
(x+162)/18 = (x+120)/15
Simplifying the denominators on both sides (divide by 3), we get

(x+162)/6 = (x+120)/5
Cross multiplying, we get
5x +810 = 6x+720
19 b Distance to catch up =5km
Relative speed = 15km/hr (since they travel in the same direction)
Time = 1/3 = 20mts
Hence ‘b’
20 d Let the speed of the train be t
320+640/t – 320/t = 80
640 = 80t
T = 8. Hence ‘d’
Alternate method
Speed= distance/time
Let the speed be ‘x’
So, x= 320/y where y= time taken (1)
Also x= 960/y +80
( 320 metres is to cross the pole and 320+640 metres to cross the

320/y= 960/y+80
960y= 320y+(320x80)
y= 40 sec
Sub, x= 8 which is the speed in meters/sec
Hence the answer is ‘d”

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