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Cognitive Capabilities

Machine Learning 

ML data models can build and deploy as a part of RPA and IT automation workflows. For
example, AutomationEdge Process Studio. Process Studio has out of the box plugins that allow
you to easily integrate your existing machine learning scripts or add one to the workflow. You
can also use existing algorithms from AutomationEdge to build required data models.

AutomationEdge can be used for classification of tickets, classification of documents, sentiment

analysis and many other scenarios.
Chatbot and NLP 

AutomationEdge has built-in integration with many conversational platforms. One can get
seamless integration between enterprise chat applications and AutomationEdge for automated
fulfilment of requests from business operations and IT users. Chatbots can be used for various
purposes like Password Reset, FAQs, raising service requests & incidents, etc.

RPA as a Service & RPA on Premise

AutomationEdge is available on premise and on cloud – RPA as a service (RaaS) and RPA on
Premise. AutomationEdge server is hosted in the cloud. AutomationEdge is the first company in
the world to offer RPA as a service. This helps you automate your business operations and IT
automation workloads without worrying about setting up and maintaining RPA platform.
Process Studio

AutomationEdge process studio offers drag-and-drop capabilities that eliminates need to write
any manual program or script. The AutomationEdge process studio has a rich library of adaptors
to access, prepare, and blend data from disparate data sources and enterprise applications. This
helps in integrating different applications, manipulate data, and perform decisions and

A developer or a business analyst can use this process studio to create objects graphically
without any coding. The AutomationEdge Process Studio allows the developer or the user to
graphically define the process flow there by creating each step of the process without any need
for coding.
Robot Farm

AutomationEdge is an Enterprise grade robotic process automation solution, its robot farm
architecture helps you flexibly create, deploy, and manage thousands of software bots as per your
business needs.

AutomationEdge robotic process automation offers horizontal scaling and centralized control,
meaning each robot can work on multiple processes at a time.

Self Service Catalog

True self service with intuitive
interface for users of automation

 Self -Service catalog to request and initiate business process

 Self-Service catalog for employees, branch staff, partners
 Makes backend fulfillment automatic or semi-automatic
 True self-service to your internal and external customers
Cognitive Capabilities

Machine Learning 
One can build and deploy machine learning data models as a part of RPA and IT
automation workflows using AutomationEdge Process Studio. Process Studio
has out of the box plugins that allow you to easily integrate your existing
machine learning scripts or add one to the workflow. You can also use existing
algorithms from AutomationEdge to build required data models.

AutomationEdge can be used for classification of tickets, classification of

documents, sentiment analysis and many other scenarios.

Chatbot and NLP 

AutomationEdge has built-in integration with many conversational platforms.
One can get seamless integration between enterprise chat applications and
AutomationEdge for automated fulfilment of requests from business operations
and IT users. Chatbots can be used for various purposes like Password Reset,
FAQs, raising service requests & incidents, etc.
RPA as a Service & RPA on

AutomationEdge is available on premise and on cloud – RPA as a service (RaaS)

and RPA on Premise. AutomationEdge server is hosted in the cloud.
AutomationEdge is the first company in the world to offer RPA as a service. This
helps you automate your business operations and IT automation workloads
without worrying about setting up and maintaining RPA platform.

Process Studio
AutomationEdge process studio offers drag-and-drop capabilities that eliminates
need to write any manual program or script. The AutomationEdge process studio
has a rich library of adaptors to access, prepare, and blend data from disparate
data sources and enterprise applications. This helps in integrating different
applications, manipulate data, and perform decisions and calculations.
A developer or a business analyst can use this process studio to create objects
graphically without any coding. The AutomationEdge Process Studio allows the
developer or the user to graphically define the process flow there by creating
each step of the process without any need for coding.

Robot Farm
AutomationEdge is an Enterprise grade robotic process automation solution, its
robot farm architecture helps you flexibly create, deploy, and manage thousands
of software bots as per your business needs.
AutomationEdge robotic process automation offers horizontal scaling and
centralized control, meaning each robot can work on multiple processes at a

Self Service Catalog

True self service with intuitive
interface for users of automation
 Self -Service catalog to request and initiate business process
 Self-Service catalog for employees, branch staff, partners
 Makes backend fulfillment automatic or semi-automatic
 True self-service to your internal and external customers

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