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Problem.4 From the following reaction sequence Cl, + 2KOH—+ KCI + KCIO + H,0 3KCIO— »2KCI + KCIO 4KC10, —+ 3KCI0, + KCI Calculate the mass of chlorine needed to produce 100 g of KCIO,.. Problem.2 Calculate the weight of FeO produced from 2g VO and 5.75 g of Fe,03. Also report the limiting reagent. VO + Fe,0;—+ FeO + V;05 Problem.3 A polystyrene, having formula BrsCgHs (CyHa)y was prepared by heating styrene with tribramobenzoyl peroxide in the absence of ait. If it was found to contain 10.46% bromine be weight, find the value of n Problem.4 5 mL of a gaseous hydrocarbon was exposed to 30 mL of O,. The resultant gas, on cooling is found to measure 25 mL of which 10 mL are absorbed by NaOH and the remainder by pyrogallol. Determine molecular formula of hydrocarbon. All measurements are made at constant pressure and temperature. Problem.S A gaseous alkane is exploded with oxygen. The volume of 0; for complete combustion to CO; formed is in the ratio of7\: 44, Deduce molecular formula of alkane. Problem.6 A sample of gaseous hydrocarbon ‘occupying 1.12 litre at NTP, when completely burnt in air produced 2.2 9 CO, and 1.8 g H,0. Calculate the ‘weight of hydrocarbon taken and the volume of O, at NTP required for its combustion. Problem.7 16 mL of a gaseous aliphatic compound CyH5,Or, Was mixed with 60 mL O, and sparked. The {92s mixture on cooling occupied 44 mL. After treatment with KOH solution, the volume of gas remaining was 12 mL. Deduce the formula of compound. All measurements are made at constant pressure and room temperature. Problem.8 In what ratio should you mix 0.2M NaNO; and 01M Ca(MO3)2 solution so that in resulting ‘Solution, the concentration of ~ve ion is 50% greater than the concentration of +ve ton 7 ‘Problem.9 How much BaCl, would be needed to make 250 mL of a solution having same concentration of CI" as the one containing 3.78 g of NaCl per 100 mL? Problem.40 What Is the purity of conc. H)SO, solution (specific gravity 1.8 g/mL), If 5.0 mL of this solution is neutralized by 84.6 mL of 2.0 N NaH ? Problem.11 A sample of H;S0, (density 1.7879 mL") is labelled as 86% by weight. What is molarity of acid ? What volume of acid has to be used to make 1 litre of 0.2 MH50,? ym.12 Mole fraction of I, In CyHg is 0.2. Calculate molality of I; in CoH. Problem.13 A drop (0.05 mL) of 12 M HCl is spread over a thin sheet of aluminium foil (thickness 0.10 mm and density of Al = 2,70.g/mL)s/Assuming whole of ‘the HCl ts used to dissolve Al, what mill be the maximum ‘area of hole produced in foil 7 Problem, 14 What would be the molarity of solution ‘obtained by mixing equal volumes of 30% by weight H,SO, (d= 1.2189 mL!) and 70% by weight H,S0, (d= 116109 mi-!)? the resulting solution has density 1.425 g/mL, calculate its molality. Problem.15 A mixture of Al and Zn weighing 1.67 9 was completley dissolved in acid and evolved 1.69 Iitre of H, at NTP, What was the weight of Alin original mixture ? Problem.16 A mixture of FeO and Fe,0, when heated in air to constant weight, gains 5% in its weight. Find ‘out composition of mixture. Problem.17 25.4 9 of 1, and 14.2 g of Cl, are made to react completely to yield a mixture of IC1 and ICl3. Calculate mole of ICi and ICI formed. Problem.18 A mixture of HCOOH and H,C,0, is heated with conc. H,SO,. The gas produced is collected and on treating with KOH solution the volume ot te gs decreases by Zh, Calelte molar aio of we cds niin mitre. Problem.19 For the reaction, N,0.(9) = 2NO,(g) + 0,50,(9), calculate the mole fraction of N;0s(9) decomposed at a constant volume and temperature, ifthe initial pressure is 600 mm Hg and the pressure ‘at any time is 960mm Hg, Assume ideal gas behaviour. Problem.20 0.22 9 sample of volatile compound, containing C, H and Cl only on combustion in O, gave 0.195 g CO; and 0.0804 g H,0. If 0.120 g of the ‘compound occupied a volume of 37.24 ml at 105° and 768 mm of pressure, calculate molecular formula of compound. Problem.21 2.0 g sample containing Na,CO, and NaHCO, loses 0.248 g when heated to 300°C, the ‘temperature at which NaHCO, decomposes to Na,CO,, and H0. What Is % of Na,CO; in mixture ? Problem.22 10 mL of a solution of KCI containing NaCl gave on evaporation 0.93 g of the mixed salt which gave 1.865 g of AgCl by the reaction with ‘AQNO,. Calculate the quantity of NaCl in 10 mL of solution. Problem.23 A sample of CaCO, and MgCO, weighed 2.21 g is ignited to constant weight of 1.152 9. What is the composition of mixture ? Also'caleulale the volume of CO evolved at 0°C and of pressure. Problem.24 2.0 g of a mixture of carbonate, bicarbonate and chloride of sodium on heating produced 56 mL of CO, at NTP. 1.6 9 of the same mixture required 25 mL of N HCI solution for neutralization. Calculate percentage of each component present in mixture. Prablem.25 Igniting MnO; in air converts it quantitatively to Mn30,. A sample of pyrolusite has. MnO, 60%, SiO, 15% and rest having water. The sample \s heated In air to constant mass. What Is. the % of Mnin ignited sample 7 Problem.26 A solid mixture 5 9 consits of lead nitrate ‘and sodium nitrate was heated below 600°C until weight of residue was constant. If the loss in weight is 28%, find the amount of lead nitrate and sodium nitrate in mixture. Problem.27 Determine the formula of ammonia form the folloiwng data (1) Volume of ammonia = 25 mt. (li) Volume on adcition of O, after explosion = 71.2mL. (il) Volume after explosion and reaction with 0, on cooling = 14.95 mt. (iv) Volume after being absorbed by alkaline Dyrogallol = 12.5 mL. Problem.28 A mixture of ethane (C3H,) and ethene (CyH4) occupies 40 litre at 1.00 atm and at 400 K. The mixture reacts completely with 130 9 of 0; to Produce CO, and H,0. Assuming ideal gas behaviour, calculate the mole fractions of C,H, and CH in the micure, Problem. 29 0.509 of a mixture of K,CO; and .,CO; required 30 mL of 0.25 N HCI solution for neturalization. What 's % composition of mixture ? Problemi.30 Amixture in which the mole ratio of H, and 0, is 2: 1 Is used to prepare water by the reaction, 2H3(9) + O,(9) —+ 2H,0(9) ‘The total pressure in the container is 0.8 atm at 20°C before the reaction. Determine the final pressure {at 120°C after reaction assuming 80% yield of water. [ EXERCISE — I OBJECTIVE PROBLEMS (JEE MAIN) ] ‘Single correct 4. For the reaction 2x + 3y + 42-45 Initially if1 mole of x, 3 mole of y and 4 mole of zis taken. If 1.25 mole of w is obtained then % Yield of this reaction is (a) 50% (€)70% (2) 60% (0)40% 2. Assolution of A (MM = 20) and 8 (MM = 10), [Mole fraction x, = 0.6] having density 0.7 grm/ mi then molarity and molality of B inthis solution wall be and respectively. (A) 30M, 75m (8) 40M, 75m (€)30m,65m (0) 50M,55m 3.125 ml of 8% w/w NaOH solution (sp. grovity 1) is added to 125 ml of 10% w/v HCl solution. The nature of resultant solution would be (A)Adidic (8) Basic (C) Neutral (0) None 4. Ratio of masses of H,S0, and’Al, (SO,) grams each containing, 32 grams of S is (ayo.86 (90.43 (1.72 (0) 245 5. The vapour density of a mixture of gas A (Molecular mass = 40) and gas B (Molecular mass = 80) is 25. Then mole % of gas Bin the mixture would be (ay2s% (8) 50% (C)75% (0) 10% 6. Forthe reaction 2A+3845C + 3D Initially if2 mole of A, 4 mole of Band 6 mole of Cis taken, With 25% yield, moles of D which can be produced are % (A)0.75 (B)0.5 (E)0.25 (0) 0.6 7 1. “Two elements X (atomic mass=75) and ¥ (atomic. mass= 16) combine to give a compound having 75.8% of X. The formula of the compound is: XY, (8) XY (CX, (0x7 Equal volumes of 10% (v/v) of HCI is mixed with 10% (v/v) NaOH solution. If density of pure NaOH fs 1.5 times that of pure HCI then the resultant ‘solution be : (A) basic (C) acidic (8) neutral (D) cant be predicted. A definite amount of gaseous hydrocarbon was burnt with Just sufficient amount of O,. The volume of all reactants was 600 mi, after the ‘explosion the volume of the products [CO,(9) ‘and H,0(g)] was found to be 700 mi under the similar conditions, The molecblar formula of the ‘compound is; A GHy eon, (GH. OCH, ‘One gram of the silver salt of an organic dibasic ‘acid yields, on strong heating, 0.5934 g of silver. If the weight percentage of carbon in it 8 times the weight percentage of hydrogen and half the weight percentage of oxygen, determine the molecular formula of the acid. [Atomic weight of ‘Ag = 108] (A) CHO, (8)CH,O, (C)GH,0, (©) GH,,0, ‘One mole mixture of CH, & air (containing 80% 'N, 20% 0, by volume) of a composition such that when Underwent combustion gave maximum ‘heat (assume combustion of only CH,). Then which of the statements are correct, regarding ‘composition of initial mixture. (X presents mole fraction) A) Xo, BK, = Z 12, 13, 15. 16. 17. 1 1 (C) Kon, = § or = gi %, "5 (D) Data insufficient C,H,OH(9) + 0,(9)-+ CO,(9) + H,0(9 ‘Magnitude of volume change if 30 ml of C,H,0H (g) is burnt with excess amount of oxygen, is (A) 30m! (8) 60m! (C) 20m! (D) 10m! 10 mil of a compound containing "N’ and ‘O" is mixed with 30 ml of H, to produce H,0 (!) and 10 ml of N,(Q). Molecular formula of compound if both reactants reacts completely, is (A)NO (8) NO, (ONO, (0)N,0, Similar to the % labelling of oleum, a mixture of H,PO, and P,0,, [Is labelled as (100 + x) % where xis the maximum mass of water which can react with P,O,, present in 100 gm mixture of H,PO, and P,0,,. Ifsuch a mixture is labelled as 127% ‘Mass of P,0,, is 100 gm of mixture, Is. (A)71. 9m (8)479m (c) 839m (0) 35 gm Mass of sucrose C,,H,,0,, produced by mixing 84 gm of carbon, 12°9m of hydrogen and 56 lit. ©, at 1 atm & 273 K according to given reaction, is C(s) + 4309) + 0,(9) + C,,H,,0,,(8) (4) 138.5 (@) 155.5 (0172.5 (0) 199.5 If 50 gm oleum sample rated as 118% is mixed with 18 gm water, then the correct option is (A) The resulting solution contains 18 gm of water and 118 gmH,SO, (B) The resulting solution contains 9 gm of water and 59.9mH,SO, (C) The resulting solution contains only 118 gm pure H,SO, (0) The resulting solution contains 68 gm of pure 1,50, In the quantitative determination of nitrogen Using Duma’s method, N, gas liberated from 0.42 gm of 2 sample of organic compound was collected over water. If the volume of N, gas catected was 1% il at total pressure 860 mm 18, Hg at 250 K, % by mass of nitrogen in the organic ‘compound is Ag. tension at 250K is 24 mm Hg and R = 0.08 L atm mot K"] 1 wy Bx 5 t (¢ 2% (0) x 40 gm of 8 carbonate of an alkall metal or allcaline earth metal containing some inert impurities was made to react with excess HCI solution. The liberated CO, occupied 12.315 lit. ‘at 1 atm & 300 K. The correct option is (A) Mass of impurity is 1 gm and metal is Be (8) Mass of impurity is 3 gm and metal is Li (C) Mass of impurity is 5 gm and metal is Be (0) Mass of impurity is 2.9m andmetal is Mg ‘The percentage by mole of NO, in a mixture NO, (g) and'NO(g) having average molecular mass. 34is: (A) 25% (©) 40% (8)20% (0) 75% ‘The minimum mass of mixture of A, and B, required to produce at least 1 kg of each product is : (Given At. mass of A’ = 10; At mass of '8’= 120) SA, + 2B, + 2AB, + 40,8 (A)2120 gm (B) 1060 gm (©) 560. gm (0) 1660 gm ‘The mass of CO, produced from 620 gm mixture of C,H,0, & O,, prepared to produce maximum energy is (4)413.33 9m (C)440.g9m (8) 593.04 gm (0)320gm_ Assuming complete precipitation of AgCI, calculate the sum of the molar concentration of all the ions if 2 lit of 2M Ag, SO, Is mixed with 4 lit of 1 M NaCl solution is : (Ayam (8) 2M (c)3m (D)2.5™ 12.5 gm of furning H,SO, (labelled as 112%) is ‘mixed with 100 lit water. Molar concentration of Ht: In resultant solution is : [Note : Assume that H,SO, dissociate completely {and there is no change in volume on mixing) 30 ©) 355 3 © 335 ©) 5 74 gm of sample on complete combustion gives 132 gm CO, and 54 gm of H,0. The molecular formula ofthe compound may be AGH, (8)CH,,0 (C)C,4,0, (0) C,H,0, The % by volume of C,H,, in @ gaseous mixture of C.H,,, CH, and COis 40. When 200 ml of the mixture ts burnt in excess of O,. Find volume (in ml) of CO, produced. (a) 220 (8) 340 (c)4ao (0) 560 What volumes should you mix of 0.2 M NaCI and 0.1 M CaCI, solution so that in resulting solution the concentration of positive ion is 40% lesser than concentration of negative lon. Assuming total volume of solution 1000 mi. (4) 400 mi NaCl, 600 mi Cac, (8) 600 mi NaCl, 409 mi Cact, (C) 800 mi NaCl, 200 mi CaCl, (0) None‘of these ‘An iodized salt contains 0.5% of Nal. A person consumes of salt everyday. The number of iodide ions going into his body everyday is (A) 10+ (8) 6.02 x 10+ (C) 6.02 x 10" (0)6.02« 10" ‘The pair of species having same percentage (mass) of carbon is : (A) CH,COOH and C,H,,0, (B) CH,COOH and C,H,OH (C) HCOOCH, and C,,H,, O,, (0) CH,,0, and C,,H,,0,, 200 ml of a gaseous mixture containing CO, CO, ‘and N, on complete combustion in just sufficient ‘amount of 0, showed contraction of 40 ml. When the resulting gases were passed through KOH solution it reduces by 50% then calculate the volume ratio a 32, of Veo, ‘Veo Vn, in original mixture. (aries. (23:5 (rsass (0ya:3:5 Density of a gas relative to air is 1.17, Find the mol. mass of the gas. (M,, = 29 g/mol] (4) 33.9 (8) 24.7 (029 (0) 22.3 Weight of oxygen in Fe,03 and FeO is in the simple ratio for the same amount of iron is : (3:2 (81:2 (2:1 (0) 3:1 Two elements X (atomic mass 16) and ¥ (atomic mass 14) combine to form compounds A, 8 and C. The ratio of different masses of Y which combines with a fixed mass of Xin A, B and Cts 1:3:5. If 32 parts by,massiot Xicombines with 64 parts by mass/of ¥ in B, then in C, 16 parts by,mass of X will combine with__ parts by mass of ¥, a) ia (©, 70 (8) 42 (0) 84 In @ textile mill, 2 double-effect evaporator system concentrates weak liquor containing 4% (by weight) caustic soda to produce a dye containing 25% solids (by weight). Calculate the weight of the water evaporate per 100-kg feed in the evaporator. (A) 125.0 9 (8) 50.0 kg (C) 84.0 kg (0) 16.0 kg Zine ore (zinc sulphide) is treated with sulphuric ‘did, leaving a solution with some undissolved bits of material and releasing hydrogen sulphide 935. If 10.89 of zinc ore is treated with 50.0 ml of sulphuric acid (density 1.153 g/ml), 65.19 ‘of solution and undissolved material remains. In addition, hydrogen sulphide (density 1.393 g/ U) is evolved. What is the volume (in liters) of this gas? (a) 43 (©) 4.67 (8) 3.35 (0) 2.40, 35._A sample of an ethanol-water solution has a volume of 54,2 cm? and @ mass of 49.69. What is the percentage of ethanol (by mass) In the solution? (Assume that there is no change in volume when the pure compounds are mixed.) ‘The density of ethanol is 0.80 g/em3 and that of water Is 1.00 g/cm3. (A) 18.4% (8) 37.1% (C) 33.95% (0) 31.2% A student gently drops an object weighing 15.8 g into an open vessel that is full of ethanol, so that a volume of ethanol spills out equal to the volume of the object. The experimenter now finds that the vessel and its contents weigh 10.5 g more than the vessel full of ethanol only. The density of ethanol is 0.789 g/cm, What is the density of the object? (A) 6.717 gm/em? (C) 1.563 gm/em3 (8) 4.182 gm/em3 (0) 2.352 gm/em? A person needs on average of 2.0 mg of riboflavin (vitamin 8) per day. Hom many gm of butter should be taken. by'the person pér day if it is the only source of riboflavin? Butter containg $.5imlerogram iboftavin’ per gm. (A) 3636.9 (8) 2.75 mg (€) 11 gm (0) 19.8 gm A sample of clay contains 40% silica and 15% water. The sample is partially dried by which it loses 5 gm water. If the percentage of water in the partially dried clay is 8, calculate the percentage of silica in the partially dried clay. (A) 21.33% (8) 43.29% (©) 75% () 50% ‘The density of quartz mineral was determined by adding a weighed piece to a graduated cylinder containing $1.2ml water. After the quartz was submersed, the water level wi 65.7 ml, The quartz piece weighed 38.49. What was the density of quartz? (A) 1.71 gym (8) 1.33 gm/mi (©) 2.65 gm/mi (D) 1.65gm/mi a1 a. 47. Which has maximum number of atoms oF oxygen (A) 10 mi H,0(9 (B) 0.1 mole of V,0, (C) 12 9m 05(9) (D) 12.044 x 1022 molecules of CO, ‘Mass of one atom of the element A is 3.9854 x 10-23, How many atoms are contained in 1g of the element A? (A) 2,509 x 102 (B) 6.022 x 1023 (C) 12.044 x 1073 (D) None The number of atoms present in 0.5 g-atoms of nitrogen is same as the atoms in (a) 12 g of C (8) 32g of S (C) 8g of oxygen (D) 24g of Mg ‘A graph is plotted for an element, by putting its weight on X-axis ‘and the corresponding number of number of atoms on Y-axis. Determine the atomic weight of the element for which the graph is plotted, 1| ae) Zar won om (A) infinite (8) 40 (C) 0.025, (0) 20 The 018/016 ratio in some meteorites is greater than that used to calculate the average atomic mass of oxygen on earth. The average mass Of an atom of oxygen in these meteorites is —_ that of a terrestrial oxygen atom? TH) equal to (8) greater than (C) less than (0) None of these If tsotopic distribution of C!? and C!4 is 98.0% and 2.0% respectively, then the number of C# atoms in 12 gm of carbon is (A) 1.032 x10?) (B) 1.20 «1022 (C) 5.88 102? (D) 6.02 x10 ‘At one time there was a chemical atomic weight scale based on the assignment of the valve 16.0000 to naturally occurring oxygen. What would have been the atomic weight, on such a table, of silver, if current information had been available? The atomic weights of oxygen and silver on the present table are 15.9994 and 107.868. (A) 107.908 (8) 107.864 (C) 107.868 (0) 107.872 ‘Two isotopes of an element Q are Q°” (23.4% abundance) and Q™ (76.6% abundance). Q°” Is 8.082 times heavier than C!? and Q™ Is 7.833 times heavier than C!2, What is the average atomic weight of the element Q? (A) 94,702 (8) 78.913, (C) 96.298 (D) 94.695 48, The element silicon makes up 25.7% of the earth's crust by weight, and is the second ‘most abundant element, with oxygen being the first. Three isotopes of silicon occur in nature: Sigg (92.21%), which has an atomic mass of 27.97693 amu; Sizg (4.70%), with an atomic ‘mass of 28.97649 amu; and Sig (3.09%), with an atomic mass of 29.97379 amu, What is the atomic weight of silicon? (A) 28.0856 (8) 28.1088 (C) 28.8342 (0) 29.0012 EXERCISE — 49, The average atomic mass of a mixture containing 79 mol % of 24 Mg and remaining 21 mole % of 25 Mg and 26Mg, is 24.31. % mole of 26mg is ws (8) 20 (©) 10 (D) 15 The oxide of a metal contains 30% oxygen by ‘welght. If the atomic ratio of metal and oxygen is 2 : 3, determine the atomic weight of metal. (a) 12 (8) 56 (27 (0) 82 OBJECTIVE PROBLEMS (JEE ADVANCED) ‘The average mass of one gold atom ina sample of naturally occuring gold is 3.257 x 109. Use this to calculate the molar mass of gold. 2. A plant virus ts found to consist of uniform ‘Vlindrical particles of 150 Kin diameter and S000 Kiong. The specific volume of the virus is 0.75 cm’/g, If the virus is considered to be a single: particle, find its molecularweight. [V = x7] ‘MOLE 3. Calculate (2) Number of nitrogen atoms in 160 amu of NH.NO, (b) Number of gram-atoms of Sin 490 kg H,5O, (€) Grams of Al,(SO, ), containing 32 amu of S. 4. A chemical compound “dioxin” has been very much in the news in the past few years. (it is the by-product of herbicide manufacture and is through to be quite toxic.) Its formula is C,,H,C1,0,, If you have a sample of dirt (28.3 9) that ‘contains 8.78 x 10% moles of dioxin, calculate the percentage of dioxin in the dirt sample ? EMPIRICAL & MOLECULAR FORMULA Polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs, known to be {dangerous environmental pollutants, are a group ‘of compounds with the general empirical forrnula C,H.G,._, where m is an integer. What is the value of m, and hence the empirical formula of the PCB that contains 58.99% chlorine by mass ? 6. Given the following empirical formulae and molecular weights, compute the true molecular formulae Empirical Formula cH, CHO. HO MgCl HF Molecular weight @) (by © (@) ) am 4 150 Ey) an 80 ‘What is the empirical formula of 3 compound (0.2801 gm of which gave on complete combustion 0.9482 gm of carbon dioxide and 0.1939 gm of water? 8. _A5.Sgm sample of an organic compound gave ‘on quantitative analysis 1.4 gm of N and 3.6 gm ‘of C and 0.5 gm of H. If Molecular mass of the ‘compound is 55 then calculate E.F. and M.F. (PROBLEMS RELATED WITH MIXTURE ‘One gram of an alloy of aluminium and magnesium when heated with excess of dil. HCI forms magnesium chloride, aluminium chloride and hydrogen. The evolved hydrogen collected over mercury at 0°C has a volume of 1.12 liters at 1 atm pressure. Calculate the composition of the alloy. ‘A sample containing onty CaCO, and MgCO, Is ignited to CaO and MgO. The mixture of oxides produced weight exactly half as much as the original sample. Calculate the percentages of €aCO, and MgCO, in the sample. 10. TL. Determine the percentage composition of mixture of anhydrous sodium carbonate and ‘sodium bicarbonate from the following data : wt of the mixture taken = 2g Loss in weight on heating = 0.11. gm 12. ‘A.10 g sample of @ mixture of calcium chloride and sodium chloride Is treated with Na,CO, to precipitate calcium as calcium carbonate. This C¥CO, ig heated to convert all the calcium to ‘and the final mass of CaO is 1.129m. Catelate 8 by moss of NaCl in the argo ich is used to make air plane engines and frames, can be obtained from titanium tetrachloride, which in turn is obtained from titanium oxide by the following process : 30, o) + ACE) + 6, (@) THO) + ED) + (9) A vessel contains 4.32 g TiO, 5.76 9 C and; 6.82 g Cl,, suppose the reaction goes to completion as written, how many gram of TIC, and be produced ? (Ti = 48) ‘More than one correct : 14 Two gases A and B which react according to the equation Aig) * Big) —4CCigh + Diay to give'tWolgases Cand D aré'taken (amount ‘not known) in an Eudiometer tube (operating at 2 constant Pressure and temperature) to cause the above. If on causing the reaction there is no volume change observed then which of the following statement is/are correct. (A) (a+b) = (c +4) (8) average molecular mass may increase or decrease if either of A or B is present in limited amount. (C) Vapour Density of the mixture will remain ‘same throughout the course of reaction. (©) Total moles ofall the component of mixture will change. 15, A mixture of C,H, (9) 0, having total volume 100 mi in an Eudiometry tube is sparked & it is observed that a contraction of 45 ml is observed ‘what can be the composition of reacting mixture. (A) 1S MICH, & 85 mI O, (8) 25 miCH, & 75 ml, (C)4SmIGH, &S5mi0, (0) 55 mi CH, & 45 mi 0, 16. 17, ’An aqueous solution consisting of 5 M BaCl,, ‘58.8% w/v NaCI solution & 2m Na, X has a density of 1.949 gm/ml. Mark the option(s) which represent correct molarity (M) of the specified ion. [Assume 100% dissociation of each salt and molecular mass of X* is 96) (a) (cr) = 20m (®) [Nov] = 11m (C) [Total anions) = 20.5. (0) [Total cations] =15 M ‘A mixture of 100 mi of CO, CO, and 0, was sparked. When the resulting gaseous mixture was. assed through KOH solution, contraction in volume was found to be 80 mi, the composition of initial mixture may be (in the same order) (A) 30 mi, 60 mi, 10 mi (8) 30 mi, 50 mi, 20 mi (C) 50 ml, 30 ml, 20 mt (©) 30m, 40m), 30m ‘A sample of Hj0, lution labelled as 56 volume has density of S30 gm/L. Mark the correct option(s) representing concentration of same ‘solution in other units. (Solution contains only Ho andii.0,) A) Myo, <6 ()% *=17 (C) Mole fraction of H,0, = 0.25 (0) mo, - 92 Solution(s) containing 30 gm CH,COOH is/are {A} 50 gm of 70% (wiv) CH,COOH (6, = 1-4 ove (8) SO gmof 10M CH,COOH [4,, = 1 gm/mi) (C) of 60% (w/w) CH,COOH (0) 50. gm of 10m CH,COOH "2V' ml of 1 M Na,SO, is mixed with Ba(NO,), solution. (A) Molarity of Na* fon in final solution can be calculated as V is not known. mi of 2M, (8) larity 8350, nal sation is 2 (C) Motarity of NO; in final solution is 5) (0) Molarity of NO} in final solution is 2M atch the Column 24. One type of artifical diamond (commonly called YAG for yttrium aluminium garnet) can be represented by the formula V.A,0,, {Y= 89,Al Column Column 11 Element ‘Weight percentage wy (P) 22.73% @) A (Q) 32.32% (Co (R) 44.35% 22. The recommended daily dose is 17.6 milligrams. af vitamin C (ascorbic acid) having formula Hatine following. Given : Ny = 6 x 10" Column Column 1 O-atoms (P) 10 mole Moles of vitamin Cin tgm (Q) 5.68 x 107 of vitamin C Moles of vitamin Cin 1gm (R) 3.6 x 10” should be consumed daily ‘An evacuated glass vessel weighs 50 gm when 1,148.09 when completely filled with liquid ity 0.98 gm and 50.5 g when filled with ‘an ideal gas at 760 mm at 300 K. Determine the ‘molecular weight of the gas. [JEE'98,3] ‘At 100° C and 1 atmp, if the density of liquid water is 1.0 9 cm”? and that of water vapour is. 9.0006 9 cm®, then the volume occupied By w @) oO water molecules 1 Lot steam temperature (Dee: ‘soar ($e), 1), (a) scm (8) 60 cm? (C) 0.6 cm» D) 0.06 ame. Integer Type 25. If one mole of ethanol (C,H,OH) completely burns to form carbon dioxide and water, the weight of carbon dioxide formed is about - ‘The mass of CaCO, produced when carbon dioxide Is passed in excess through 500 mi of 0.5 M Ca(OH), will be- ‘The mass of oxygen that would be required to produce enough CO, which completely reduces 1.6 kg Fe,0, (at. mass Fe = 56) is- 1.5 gm of divalent metal displaced 4 gm of copper (at. wt. = 64) from a solution of copper sulphate. The atomic weight of the metal is- ‘Assuming that pétrol is iSo-octane (CyHy4) and has density 0.8 gm/mi, 1.425 litre of petrol on complete combustion will Consume oxygen = A'mixture containing 100 gm H, and 100 gm (0, /s ignited so that water is formed according to the reaction, 2H, + 0, + 2H,0; How much water will be formed - [ EXERCISE — I SUBJECTIVE PROBLEMS (JEE ADVANCED) ] 4. Ay428;— 9A, and 34; 128,48, ‘Two substance A, & B, react in the above manner when A, is limited it gives A,B,, when in excess Gives A,8,. A,B, can be converted to A,B, when reacted with A,. Using this information calculate the composition of the final mixture when ‘mentioned amount of A, & 8, are taken (1) If 4 moles of A, & 4 moles of B, is taken in reaction container (i) AFF motes of A, & 2 moles of B, is taken in reaction container (wit $ moles 82 males ota 2. How much minimum volume of 0.1 M aluminium sulphate solution should be added to excess calcium nitrate to obtain atleast 1 gm of each salt in the reaction. ‘A,(80,); - 3CaNO,), —+2AINO}), + 30880, 3. A sample of fuming sulphurie'@tid containing’ H,SO,, SO, and SO, weighing 1:00\g is found to require:23:47 ml of 1.00 M alkali (NaOH) for neutralisation. A separate sample shows the Presence of 1.50% SO,, Find the percentage of “free” §0,, H,S0, and “combined” SO, in the somple. CChioride samples are prepared for analysis by using NaCI, KCI and NH,CI separately or as mixture. What minimum volume of 5% by weight ‘AGNO, solution (sp gr. 1.04 g mt!) must be added toa sample of 0.39 in order to ensure complete precipitation of chloride in every possible case ? ‘One litre of milk weighs 1.035 kg. The butter fat is 10% (v/v) of milk has density of B75 kg/m’. ‘The density of fat free skimed milk is ? & Fora hypothetical chemical reaction represented by 3A(g)— »€1g) + D(g), the following informations, are known. Information (At = 0, only 1 mole of Ais present and the gashas\V.0. = 60. 2 10, (i) Att = 30 min, the gaseous mixture consist of all three gases and has a vapour density = 75. (il) Molecular Mass of C = 200 Calculate (2) Motecular weight of A and D. (b) Moles of each specie at t = 30 min. ‘A mixture of H,, N, & 0, occupying 100 mi underwent reaction 50 as'to from H,0,(/) and N,H,(q) as the only products, causing the volume to contract by 60 mi. The remaining mixture was passed through pyrogallol causing a contraction (Of 10ml. To the remaining mixture excess H, was ‘added and the above reaction was repeated, Causing a reduction in volume of 10 mi. Identity the composition of the initial mixture in mol %. (No other products are formed) ‘A mixture of three gases an alkane (general formula C, Hy, ;), an alkene (general formule C.H,,) and 0, Was subjected to sparking to cause combustion of both the hydrocarbon at 127°C. After the reaction three gases were present and none of the hydrocarbon remained. On passing the gases through KOH (absorb CO,), an increment in mass of KOH solution by 132 gm was observed. The remaining gases were passed over white anhydrous CuSO, and the weight of blue hydrated CuSO, crystals was found to be 72. gm more than that of white anhydrous CuSo,. Given that initially total 10 moles of the three gases were taken and moles of alkane and alkene were equal and if molecular mass of alkene molecular mass of alkane = 121.€. (Ma. = M,.,.. = 12), then answer the following questions. (Show calculations) (2) Which three gases are remained after the combustion reactions. (b) What are the number of moles of product, gases. (c) What is the molecular formula of the two hydrocarbon. (6) What is the number of moles of each of the two hydrocarbons and 0, gas taken initially. ‘A chemist wants to prepare diborane by the reaction 6LIH + 88F, + 6LIBF, + B.H, If he starts with 2.0 moles each of LH 8 BF, How many moles of B,H, can be prepared. Carbon reacts with chlorine to form CCl, 36 gm of carbon was mixed with 142g of Ci,. Calculate mass of CCI, produced and the remaining mass. of reactant. 44, P.S, + 80,+P.0,, + 350, Calculate minimum mass of PS, is required to produce atleast 1 gm of each product. 12, By the reaction of carbon and oxygen, a mixture ‘of CO and CO, is obtained. What is the ‘composition by mass of the mixture obtained when 20 grams of O, reacts with 12 grams of carbon ? The chief ore of Zn is the sulphide, ZnS. The ore is concentrated by froth floatation process and then heated in air to convert 2nS to ZnO. 22nS +30, —™* 42200 +280, 2n0 -H,50, —!%* 42nS0, +H,0 22080, 1 2H,0—"*422n 24,80, 12 (2) What mass of Zn will be obtained from a sample of ore containing 291 kg of ZnS. (b) Calculate the volume of ©, produced at 1 atm & 273 Kin part (a). ‘SONCENTRATION TERMS 14, Calculate the molarity of the following solutions, (2) 49 of caustic soda is dissolved in 200 mt of the solution. (b) 5.3 9 of anhydrous sodium carbonate is dissolved in 100 mt of solution’ (€) 0.365 9 of pure HCigasis dissolvedin SO mt. of solution. 15. Density of & solution containing 13% by mass of sulphuric acid Is 1.09 g/mL. Then molarity of solution will be. 16. The density of a solution containing 40% by mass. of HClis 1.2 g/mL. Calculate the molarity of the solution. 17, 15g of methyl alcohol is present in 100 mL of solution. If density of solution is 0.90 g mL". Calculate the mass percentage of methyl alcohol in solution. Units of parts per million (ppm) or per billion (ppb) are often used to describe the concentrations. of solutes in very dilute solutions. The units are defined as the number of grams of solute per ‘million or per bilion grams of solvent. Bay of Bengal ‘has 1.9 ppm of lithium ions. What is the molality of Lit in this water ? ‘46.90 M solution of KOH in water contains 30% by mass of KOH. What is density of solution in 18 19, A solution of specific gravity 1.6 is 67% by weight. What will be % by weight of the solution of same acid if it is diluted to specific gravity 1.27 Find out the volume of 98% w/w H,SO, (density = 1.8 gm/ml) must be diluted to prepare 12.5 litres of 2.5 M sulphuric acid solution. Determine the volume of diluted nitric acid (d = 1.11 gmL", 19% w/v HNO,) That can be prepared by diluting with water 50 mL of conc. HNO, (d = 1.42 g ML", 69.8 % w/v). (2) Find molarity of Ca? and NO,” in 2M Ca(NO, ), ‘aqueous solution of density 1.328 g/mL. (b) Also find mole fraction of solvent in solution. Calculate molality (m) of eachion present in the ‘Bqueous solution of 2M NH, Cl assuming 100% dissociation according to reaction. NH, Ci(oq) SNH; (aq) + Cr-(0q) Given : Density of solution = 3.107 gm/mi. 500ml of 2 M NaCl solution was mixed with 200 ‘mlof 2M NaC solution. Calculate the final volume and molarity of NaCl in final solution if final solution has density 1.5 g/ml. 26, What is the percentage of nitrogen in an organic ‘compound 0.14 gm of which gave by Dumas method 82.1 cc. of nitrogen collected over water at 27°C {and at a barometric pressure of 774.5 mm ? (aqueous tension of water at 279C is 14.5 mm) 0.20 gm af an organic compound was treated by Kjeldaht's method and the resulting ammonia was passed into 50 cc of M/4 H, SO,. The residual acid was then found to require 40 cc of M/2 NaOH for neutralisation. What is the percentage of nitrogen in the compound ? 0.252 gm of an organic compound gave on Complete combustion 0.22 gm of carbon dioxide and 0.135 gm of water. 0.252 gm of the same compound gave by Carius method 0.7175 gm of silver chloride. What Is the empirical formula of the compound ? 29. 0.6872 gm of an organic compound gave on complete combustion 1.466 gm of carbon dioxide ‘and 0.4283 gm of water. A given weight of the ‘compound when heated with nitric acid and sitver nitrate gave an equal weight of silver chloride. (0.3178 gm of the compound gave 26.0 cc of nitragen at 15°C and 765 mm pressure. Deduce the empirical formula of the compound ? 30. 0.80 g of the chloroplatinate of 2 mono acid base on ignition gave 0.262 g of Pt. Calculate the mol wt of the base. 31, The molecular mass of an organic acid was determined by the study of its barium salt. 2.562 g Of salt was quantitatively converted to free ‘cid by the reaction 30 mi of 0.2 MH, SO,, the barium salt was found to have two moles of water fof hydration per Ba? ion and the acid is mono basic. What is molecular weight of anhydrous: acid ? (At mass of Ba = 137) 32. Calculate composition of the final solution if 100 gm oleum labelled as 109% is added with (a) 9.9m water (b) 18.9 water (©) 120 gm water 33, For'44.8V'H,O, solution having d = 1.136 gm/ imi calculate (i) Molanty of #0, solution. (i) Mole fraction of H,0, solution. 34, Ancleum sample is labelled as 118%, Calculate (1) Mass of H,50, in 100 gm oleum sample. (it) Maximum mass of H,SO, that can be obtained if sample is taken. (ii) Composition of mixture (mass of components) if 40 gm water is added to 30 gm given oleum sample. 35. 10ml of a mixture of CO, CH, and N, exploded with excess of oxygen gave a contraction of 6.5 mi. There was a further contraction of 7 mi, when the residual gas treated with KOH. Volume of CO, CH, and N, respectively ts 36. When 100 mi of a 0, - 0, mixture was passed through turpentine, there was reduction of volume by 20 mi. If 100 mi of such a mixture is heated, what will be the increase in volume ? 60 mi of a mixture of nitrous oxide and nitric oxide was exploded with excess of hydrogen. If 38 mlof N, was formed, calculate the volume of teach gas in the mixture. When a certain quantity of oxygen was ozonised ‘im a suitable apparatus, the volume decreased by 4 ml. On addition of turpentine the volume further decreased by 8 ml. All volumes were measured at the same temperature and pressure. From these data, establish the formula of azone. 10m of ammonia were enclosed in an eudiometer and subjected to electric sparks. The sparks ‘were continued till there was no further increase in volume. The volume after sparking measured 20 ml, Now 30 ml of O, were’added and sparking was continued again. The new, volume then measured 27,5 mi. All volume were measured under identical conditions of temperature and pressuré. VD. of ammonia is 8.5. Calculate the molecular formula of ammonia, Nitrogen and Hydrogen are diatomic. 10 mL of gaseous organic compound contain C, H and O only was mixed with 100 mL of ©, and exploded under identical conditions and then ‘cooled. The volume left after cooling was 90 mL. On treatment with KOH a contraction of 20 M1 was observed. If vapour density of compound 1s 23, derive molecular formula of the compound. 2 3 2 “4 EXERcIsE - IV PREVIOUS YEARS JEE MAIN [ATEEE-2002) (A)9.39m (8) 7.29m (©)1.29m (39m (A) 0.001 M (8)0.01M (c) 0.024 (0)0.1 (Avogadro constant, Ny = 6.02 «107 mot?) How many moles of magnesium phosphate, In an organic compound of molar mass 108 gm innkes of magnesium “ Ing eraani sempound of moar mass 108 97 |" May, wl contain 0.25 mae of yaa bby weight. Molecular formula can be - (A) 3.125 10-2 (8) 1.25 x 10-2 [AIEEE-2002] (jaseio? (D002 (A) otal (8) CoH, (GAN (0) Catia 6 In the reaction, [Attee 2007] + 6HClyg)-22AI>* aq) # Cling) 3H3(9), Number of atoms in S60 gm of Fe (atomic mass: ‘eal oo 4 ‘, eee rence (a Hehe Is consumed for every 3L H3(g) (A) ts twice that of 70 9m N (8) 33.6 L Hyg) is produced regardless of (8) is half that of 20. gm H temperature anid pressure for every mole Al (C) both are correct (D) None Is correct that reacts 6.02 x102 molecules of urea are present in (0) 97,2 & Hatay SLT ae Daotees pr every 12 essai Tecra | CaaS routed fr every ‘solution is - [AIBEE-2004) mole, HCl gq) Consumed Leve. JEE ADVANCED 10%*/cm? and surface area is 1000 cm’, find out How many moles of e- weigh one Kg, the no. of surface sites occupied per molecule 1 Ne (A) 6.023% 10% (©) S08 * 20" oN, (et 2008) 6 _Dissolving 120.9 of urea (mol. wt. 60) in 1000 9 (©) £223.40" (0) et nto of water gave a solution of density 1.15 g/mL. 2.108 31086025 ‘The molarity ofthe solution is:[JEE 2011] [3882002 (Ser), 1) (A) 1.784 (8)2.00M (€) 2.054 (0)2.22M Calculate the molarity of pure water using its density to be 1000 kgm. [JEE’ 2003] 7. Reaction of Br, with Na,CO, in aqueous solution slves sodium bromide and Sodium bromate with ‘One gm of charcoal absorbs 100 mi 0.5 M ‘evolution of CO, gas. The number of sodium bro- CH, COOH to form a monolayer, and there by the mide molecules involved in the balanced chemni- molarity of CH,COOH reduces to 0.49. Calculate ‘cal equation is : (Dee 2011) ‘the surface area of the charcoal adsorbed by each molecule of acetic acid. Surface area of |g a decapeptide (Mol. wt. 796) on complete hy- charcoal = 3.01 x 10 m#/gm. [3EE 2003] Calculate the amount of Calcium oxide required when it reacts with 852 gm of P.0,,,{2EE 2005) 20% surface sites have adsorbed N,. On heating NN, gas evolved from sites and were collected at 0-001 atm and 298 K in a container or volume is. 2.46 crm’. Density of surface sites Is 6.023 x Grolysis gives glycine (Mol. Wt. 75), alanine and Phenylalanine. Glycine contributes 47.0% to the total weight tto the hydrolysed products. The number of glycine units present in the decapeptideis : (pee 2011) LA RA ak kk Rw oa ke ok eka ake aA ast mA me OIA mascot, Se ac acca Ac rn mo acme men mc se 2.196.1699m 2. 7.092 « 10% 3. (BY4 ; (b) 5000 moles; (c) 1.89 x 10-%gm_ 4.1.0 «104% | SyARI= 4) C,H,Cl,, 6. (2) CH,,, (d) GH,,0,, (€) H,0,, (d) Hg, Cl,, (e) HF, 7.04 BG HIN, GHN Al = 60%; Mg = 40%, seicaca,= hewitico, 2s, sa. oye adn, esas waswace 79% 1302 MAC IRA t8ABC 17.48 18.8,0 19.8,C 20.C 21. (A) R, (B) P, (C)Q 22. (A) R, (B) Q, (C)P 23. 123 g/mol 24.€ 25.88 25 (27.480 28.24 wus ei Answer Ex-t A.A, = 1,8, #25 (1) B, =1A,8,=1/2; (IN) AB, = O.5A8,=0.5 2.24.51 mi 3.H,S0, = 35.38%, Free SO, = 63.1%, combined SO, = 28.89% 4.18.38 mi 1 S.10s2gnvmd —6(9)m.=120,m,=160;(0)4-Zacetinye$ 7%.M,=30miH, = 40m and CH, are the H.C; (4) "0, = 8 (a) CO,, H,0 and ©, ; (b)°CO, = 3,°H,0 = 4; (CIC, 9.0.25 mole 10.w,= 24gm ;"CCl,=154gm 14.1.1458 12,21: 11 13. (a) 117 kg; (b) 20.16 x 10? lit. 14. (a) 0.5 M, (b) 0.5 M, (c) 0.2M 15. 1.445 16. 13.15 17. 16.66% 18.2.7 « 10% 19. 1.288 20.29.77 21. 1.736 litre (22. 183.68 mi 23. (2) [Ca] = 2 molar [NO,"} = 4 molar; (b) 0.965 24. 0.6667, 0.6667 25.2m 26. 66.67% 27.35% 2B.CH,Cl—29.C,H,,NC 30.92.70 31.128 132. (a) pure H,SO, (109 gm); (b) 109 9m H,SO,, 9 gm H,0; (c) 109. gm H,SO,,.111 gmM,0 33. (1) 4M; (11) 0.06 34. (1) 209m H,SO,; (i!) 35.4 gm H,SO,; (ll) H,50,#°35.4 gm, H,0 = 34.6 9m 35.5ml, 2m, 3m 36.10ml —37.NO= 44 mi; N,O.=16m1 38.0, 39.NH, 40.6,H,0 Answer Ex1V Co teve-1 T JEE MAIN ] LA 2A 3c as A 60 ( tever = I JEE ADVANCED ] 1.0 2. 55.5 mol L-* 3.5.x 10m 4.1008 gm 5.0002 6c 7.0005 8.0006 [ EXeRcise—1 | SINGLE CORRECT (OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS) SOLL 1 moles of xwill give = 5 = 2.5 mol But yield = x, Sol2 Molaity = yy x 1000 mg = 75m Mx1000 ™™ Gx1000-M>M, M=30 125m1- 1» 8 Sols nace = LT5TIT* 100. mole 125. 10 net = 125" 109 = 0.34mole 365 Ha > NaOH Aaidic ‘Sola #50, A150.) u u R 3x32 sototal molecular J mass = 98 3 Mat$00)) i 3x 342 34 114 $8 - 0.86 SoLS Let mole of B = x V.0 = 25 mole of A= 100x Mol. mass = 50 (= 80x + 40(100 - x = 2502 oe x= 10025 Sol.6 Limiting reactant is A Ideally with 2 moles of A, D formed = 3 moles| But yield = 25% So, moles of D formed =3%0.25= 0.75 mol ol.7 m= 0.0125 = SOE x 1000 Na,COy mole = = 0.339 0.0125 4 25/4 Sos UTS aD 1 ae 22.25 «104 O18 Both have equal volume = V 10 ne (¥*160!*40 mote 6s 40 NaOH mole >HC mole Basic Solution, ald CH, +(-Zjo, —» xco, + ¥4,0 (9) @ (193) 600 TH 700 5 a7 by option (A) 01.108 Wan = 29m Wag = 0.5934 gm Let wt. % of H= x Let wt. % of C= Bx Let wt. % of O = 16x Since its dibasic acid 1 mole salt = 2 moles Ag wate = 22834 moles of salt /acid = © Given wt of salt = 1 gm 1 So, Molecular wt. of salt = Sg55¢7108+2 = 364 g/mol Now x + 8x + 16x = 364 x= 14.5 9m wt. of H present = 14.5 gm Moles of H present = 14.5 wt. of C present = 8 x 14,5 8-145 2 wt. of O present = 16 x 14.5 16: Moles of C present = 97 Moles of O present = Seias 16 Hence H and 0 are present in same ratio. ‘These for option (B) satisfy this critaria. Solaa CH, + 20, +CO, + 2H,0 Max. Heat obtained when*reactants are| present in their stochiometric ratio. For 1 mole CH, required O, = 2moles Total nowof moles = ino, +m, +P, m24841 =u Mote racion 0, = 2 Mate tacton = & Mole fraction CH, = 35 Sol.12.C,H,OH + 70, —+ 6CO, + 3H,0(/) 30mi 6 x 30 = 180 ml of CO, is produced Volume used initialty = 30+210= 240 (for CgHsOH) (for 0,) change in volume = 240 - 180 = 60 mt L. JsoL.13N,0, + y H; ——+ yH,0 (0) + x/2N,(9) “2 Y 10 30 y JSoL14 P,Ojq + 6H,O > 4H PO, 284 gm 108gm 392gm 108 gm water reacts with P,O,9 = 284 gm 2 3 27 gn water will react with P.O, = 204 aaa =7igm |sol.15c = 84/12 = 7mole H, = 129 = 6 mole 0, = 56/22.4 = 5/2male 12C + L1H, + 11/2 0, 43H), LR.=0, 11/2 mole 07'Ptoduce 1 mole sucrose 5/2 mole ©, will for 5/11 mole sucrose ‘Mass of sucrose = 5/11 x (mol, mass) = 5/11 x 342 = 155.459 16118 % = 1009 sample uses 18 g water = 50g sample need 9.q water (50.9 + 18 g water) = 59g H,SO, + 99 water |Sol.47 Mole of N, = ® P= 860-24 = 636mmHg wi) 100 Mote o ty = ( 111000 = 5x 10 mole mass of N; = 0.0149 0.014 10 9.014 «100 = 10% %ofN = 19 188 M,(CO3)q + 2HCI + NCO, + 2MCI, + H,0 Balancing O atom 3n=2n+1 net Sola A ‘46x + 30(100-x) = 34 x 100 Let % by mole of NO, be x. NO, No x 100-x a EMM, + 96 MM, Mmax 7) 246 + (100 -x) «30 ad 100 x= 25% ‘SoL20A SA, + 2B, + 20B, + 4A,8 Sx 202x480 2x 250 4x 140 S00gm Here limiting product is AB, = 000 20 “4 ‘So, A, needed = 10 x 20 = 200 gm 8, needed = 480 x 4 = 1920gm Total mass of mixture = 2120 gm Mol. req. of AB, = $01.21 GH1,0, + 20, —+ 260, + 24,0 = 60ngram 64n gram > 60n+64n= 6205 n=5 produced CO, = 2n = 10 mole CO, mass produced = 10 x 44 = 440 gram Sol22B NaCI + Ag,S0, + 2AgCI + Na;S0, Intiaty No. of moles of Ag,SO, = 2x 2=4 No. of moles of NaCl = 4x 1 ‘AgC! formed = 4 moles No. of moles of Ag?* left = 4x 2-4=4 No. of moles of Ci left = 0 No, of moles of Na* = 4 No. of moles of SO,"? = 4 100 gm oleum gives H,S0, = 112 9m M2425 = 140m 12.5 gm will give H,S0, = Tz Wo, of moles o80, = “ea Conc, of H* ions = a = 2.85 109M 1240, = 1329 132 mole «3 mole 1,0 = 549= $4 mole = 3mde = Catoms = 3 mole Hatoms =6mole by option ¢ CaHj9 = 80 ml CH, = xmi CO=ymi x4+y= 120ml CiHig —+ 4.€03, 80m 320m, co + co, ymi ym cH, —+ Co, xml xml total CO, volume =320+x+ymi = 320+ 120 = 440 mi .26V, mi 0.2 M N2OH, V, mi 0.1 M CaCl, (+ve lon) = 0.2¥V, = 0.1 V, mole (-ve ion) = 0.2, + 0.1 x2V, = 0.2V, + 0.2V, mole by eauson (eve) = ove) = (ve) 3 fo ave 2 02Vv,+01¥,=02(y,+¥2)x & = WV, +V, = 1.2V,+12V, 3 08V,=0.2V, > 4V,=Vy V, = 200ml, V, = 800 mi Solz7c natmass= 2:25 = 0.015 gm 015, 150 fons = 10-* x 6.023 x 1023 = 6.023 x 1019 No. of moles of Nal = 1x 10-4 No. of ‘Sol.28 Same emprical formula = Same compostion by mass S0l.29CO = x mi ; CO, = y mi, Ny = zm x+y+2= 200 0) CO + 1/20, = Co, x (© Contraction = x/2 ° x €O, No reaction ; N, + 0, —+ no reaction ‘change in volume = x/2 = 40 x= 80m! = 200x 32 = x+y = 200% 2 =100 OD} y=20mi ; 2= 100m M, $0301.17 M, = Mow 1.17 = oe M gas = 29 x 1.17 = 33.9 SoL31A Aree sisss b = x: y= 32: 84 by mass = 1:3 by mole y=16:5 = 16:70 csx Isol.s3.c water inital = 96 kg water final 96-x = 75 x= B4kg lsol.340 ZnS + H,S0, —+ ZnSO, H,S = 10.8 + 50x 1.153 = 65.1 =3.359 Vol of HS = 2.4 ¢ isol3s8 0.8v + (5412 -¥) x1 = 49:6 x 100 = 37.1% 15.8 ~ 10.5 = 0.789 x V = 105. = 2.352 g/em? lSol.37 a 2x10 mount of butter = 2°10 7 ‘amount of 5.5106 = 3.63.6 9m Let initial = xg 5 04x x 100 = 43.29% ‘Sol40c 1x1 (n= SE = 0.55 yn aO1xS=0.5 (n= 2 «320.75 N (n= A 02x 2-04 solaiD 1079 3.9854 = 2.509 10°22 No. of atoms = ne at 8 i (n= Z =0s (one Zar # (n= 2 - «102 x 2 N= 6,023 x 108 x 55 = 1.20 x 1077 Sol46c xy xy Mavg (_ 8.082 » 12 » 0.234 + 7.833 «12 » 0.766 T 1S, = 0.9221 x 27.97693 + 0.047 x '28.47647 + 0.0309 x 29.97379 = 25.7975 + 1.361845 + 0.92619 = 28.0856 49 (0.79 x 24 + x +264 (21-x) x 25 = 24.31 x=0.1 % Mg? = 10% M,0, 0.30 x (2M +48 0.6M = 0.7.x 48 Me 7x B= 56 EXERCcI: Sol1 Molar mass = Nyx 3.257 x 10-2 gm MULTIPLE CORRECT (OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS) S(CH,O) = CHO (c) E.R = HO Mowe = 34 S0L.2 Volume of virus = (75 x 10740)2(5 x 10-7)m> fhe = Volume of virus, M,F. = 2(HO) = H,0, mass(ingm = 75.10 (A)E.F = Hoc molecular wt. = mass x Ny Mowt = 472 E.F.M, = 200.8 + 35.5 = 236 n=2 M. R= Hg,Cl, (QD E.R SHE M.wt = 80 E.RM.=1+19=20 n=4 MR HAF, = 5000 mole +5000 mole 5 atom 32 amu of S > 1 atom of S = $ molecule of Ai(50.)y N, molecules = 3429 7 CO, =¢ ‘44gm 129m O.9428gm 7 2 32d nse 3 NA 3 See «12 #0.25869m Sol4 C,,H,C1,0, + molecular wt. = 322 mae eee hivmasso c= 22888100 «92.32% weight = 8.70 10-8 x igh = 6.78 x 10-* x 322 fo- 2 2 16-2 8.7010" «322 Yon 878219 322 100 0:1939-7 Kos : = 0.02199m SAS CaM.Chom 3550-100 Se by Wel = FE xaz = tem 35 S1O=) mad Sol6 (a) EF = CH, M. wt = 84 ERM. 2+2=14 C=3.6gm H=0.5gm MoM 255 Cota % by mass of N= 144100 = 25.45% (by EF = CHO 55 M.wt = 150 36 E.F.M.©1242+16=30 Semassof C= 384100 = 65.45% ne Qs 0 mass of H= 25.100 = 9.09% 55 Sol9 x+y=1.. ‘Al + 3HC + AIC, + 3/2Hy x27 Mg + 2HCI-+ MgCl, + Hy yrs Total H, produced 1.12 yn 4 moll, molt, Total no. of H, y= 0.49m X'='60 % y= 60.% Sol10x + y= caCo,_4_, Cad + CO, Mgco, 4, MgO + CO; ax, eo? 588 x + S00y = S25w ~S88x + 588 y = - 588 w “Bay = v= Sw xv o7iswew xew-0.715 x = 0.284 y= 0.715 % wt of Caco, = 9284 +100 = 28.4% 100 % wt. of MgCO, = +100 = 71.5% [11 Na,CO, = xg N3HCO, = 2- x9 'Na,CO, shows not heating effect only NaHCO, wall decomposs on heating 2NaHCO,(s) —+ 'Na,CO,(5) + H,0(g) + CO,(a) wt. in loss is due to H,0 & CO, fSol.12.caci, - x om NaCl-yom = x+y=10 CaCl, + Na,CO, + CaCO, + 2Na Caco, _1_, C20 + CO, let a be wt of CaCO, CaO = 1.12 a 70 587 112 = 29m Fi 1100 = 25m x=2229m y=7.78 sey ot ornac = 778 10 -78% | an cr S79 ‘On comparing we clearly found out that Cl, is the limiting reagent. |so, 426 gm of Cl, gives 570 gm of TICI, 6.82 gm of Cl, will give 82,570 « 912 gmot Tc, [s01.14 No volume change satb=x+d GH) Total mole remain same (2) = Mgag remain same (3) > VO. remain same (8 (C) ‘S0l.15 Check each and every of option corfully ‘Sol.16 Let volume of solution = 1000 mi (Ba?*) = 5M; [Cr] = 10M (Nat) = 10 [or) = 10M 1000 mi solution = 19499 solution solute - BaCl,, NaCl A Na,X BaCl, = Smole = 1040g NaCl = $88.q; Na,X = mole of Na,X x 142 Solvent = 1949 - (1040 + 588 + 142n,,%) = 321 - 142 9 Na,X ep arin" =2 Nae OS ‘Sol.17 Check of all the option THO, = 72 FEF G6 = TOTO, WE mmole of Hy04 = 17510" « 10-4mole (4) 0 + 10 Ny x6 atoms {Meg vitamin —> Vote (21g vtaminc » ;e mole 23 148-50 = 98 gm of liquid ‘d= 0.98 grvmi 98 Volume of glass = 55 = 100m! v= nRT [SoL.24 Volume occupied by steam = 1000 mi [Mass of water molecules in steam = 1000%0,006 = 0.6 gm Volume occupied by water molecules = 9-5 = 0.6 em lsou2s 1 lsob26 moles = 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25 mass = 100 x.0.25 a fal. 18 Fst ot btonce enon adnan auiha FeO, + 302440 + 30, ‘the option Sol.19 Check all the option one by one Sol.20 BaS0, is insoluble in water = molarity of BaSO, can’t be calculated. syn Qvat)2 4 (Wel ew 3 -pu ev) Woy t= “ev 3 ‘Sol.21 A-R, B-P,C-Q mole wt. (89 x 3) + (27 x 5) + (16 x 12) = 504 893 287 =100 - 287 ye 100 = 44.95% = 2255 a 394 100 = 22.73% 16.12 0 = 16212.100 = 32.32% ‘Sol.22 A-R, B-Q, C-P c+ 40, 00 masse 15 = 32= 4809 mass of 0; = 10 23 x 32 = 4g = 125mctes |sol30 2H, + 0, —+ 24,0 100 100 100 Ho-e2tma *® = 6.2hnal 20 =113gm Sol. From reaction (1) & (2) AyBy + U2 A, —> AB, (3) solve question by reaction (1) and (3) SoL2 Al,(S0,), + 3Ca(NO,), + 2A(NO,), + 136, 36a80, 213 x2 = 426 /136%3 =408 Here limiting product is CaSO, 1 mole Ala(SO,)3 produces CaSO, = 408 For 1 gm CaSO, will need. Al,(SO,), moles ot 408 1 MM. = ay 1 Oxy = ae V, = 0.024511 = 24.5 ml ‘SoL3_H,SO, + 2NaOH -+Na,SO, + 2H,0 %/98 ‘80, + 2NaOH + Na,SO, + 1,0" 1/86 ‘SO, + 2NaOH -+ Na,SO, +Hj0 ‘According to problem Total miass balance x + y+ 2 =1 2347 Balancing N80H “To55 *7 Given 2 = 0.015 solving we get x= 35,36%y = 63.13 % 221.5% Free SO, = 63.13% ‘Combined 50; is SO, present in H,50, = (SS Ba) x 36 00} «1-100 = 20.58% Sold Let V £ volume of ANO, solution added 100 gm solution has Sg AgNO, 100 1.00, mi solution has 5g AgNO, \V x 1000 mi solution will be having s Teg * 1:04 x V x 1000.9 AgNO, SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS Viole AgNO, = 0.305 V mole AgNO, for precipitation Mole of AgNO, = Mole of CI- ion 170 xg Nact —+ gg molec yoke! —+ ag mole cr 2aNH,c1—+ 525 molec = firmax, mole of 7 —+ less mol. wt. of species eureNH,C > 2= 03 3 0.305 v= 03/525 > V«= 0.016301 wien. 11000 ml of Solution weights = 1035 gm 1100 ml is fat in this solution which weights = 0,875 100 87.5qm Density of fat free skimed milk 1035-675 S00 = 10527 grn/ima 6 3A(g) —+ C(g) + D(a) taol t=301-3 x x mol, wt. ofA =2 x V.0 = 2x 60= 120 Total mole of mixture = 1-3ktK 4K =1-x Dime, = 75 & M.w. Of C = 200 > Mit. 75 x 2= 150 = 150 (13x) +120 + +200 + x Ma, Tx = 150(1-x) = 120- 360% + 200% + M.w.px 30 = 10x + M.WigX=X(M.Wig = 10)..(1) ‘Mass conservation Initially 1 mole A= 120g 120 = (1 ~ 3x) 120 + 200 x + M.W.p x 120 = 120 - 360x + 200% + M.W.pX = x{-360 + 200 + M.w.p) = 0 = My = 160 = froea. (1) 30 = x(160- 10) > x= 1/5 = AE30 minutes Ny = 1 ~ 3x = 2/5, Ne = 1/5 BM = 1/5 ‘Sol.?" Let initial composition of H, =a mi Ny=b mi 0; =cmi initial composition Now, a+b += 100 ...... Hy + 0, + H,0, x x N, +H) +N,Hy yoyoy Since 0, was absorbed by pyragallal this| means Oy was in excess hence H, was LR. ‘Also, in second reaction more H, was added} to cary forward reaction this means, N; was} in excess and H, is LR. From both reactions Hydrogen balance x+y = (2) ‘Also, given in IB step volume contraction is} o. (2x + 2y)- (y) = 60 2K + Y = 60 sesseeve Residual oxygen was absorbed by 10 mi pyragaltal Cm 10 veressseen (4) ‘Since al the O; is observed by pyragalial later ‘no. more H,0, will be formed when more H, is added. So only 2™ reaction. will take place| now, Remaifing volume of Ny HatiNy > Nath by by by Now volume contraction = 10 mi = Xb-y)- (b-y) = 10 SD 10 serene (5) ‘Substituting values of a, b, c will get x+y=40 Also, from €9. (ii) 2x + y = 60 Solving bath and putting back values we get vy get 2 }O2-+ CO, + (n + 1) H,0 (9) ("js an a(n + 1) ox Git + (F) 0, -+xc0, + xH,0¢) ox In this question temp. is given as 127°C So, H,O willbe considered as gas. Let intially moles of GoHanes = 8 and “Or =C Given that H. C. react complety to form CO, a H,0 So, 0, is increases. KOH absorbs CO, : Moles of CO,absorbed ant bx=3 (1) ‘Anhydrous CuSO, absorbes H,0 vapour, so balancing moles of water. a(n+i) + bx= 4 see) Also, given initially total no. of moles are 10 so,a+b+e= 10 +.) ‘Aso given intially moles of both H.C. are equal so a=b sese4) ‘Also given molecularrmass data (124 2x) (Lan 2n + 2) = 12 xoned oof) 5 eq, with S variables after solving above equations a=1x=2 belc=88n=1 (2) CO,, H,0 & 0, (b) CO, = an + bx = 1+2=3moles H,0 = (n+ 1) + bx=2+2=4 moles (€) Molecular formula are CH,8 C,H, (6) Now = 1 mol Noy, = 1 mol No, = 8moles ISoL.9 Clearly the limiting rectantis BF, 201 foruit= 2 = ¢ 204 Forer, = 2= 1 Now, 8 moles of BF, gives B,H, = 1 moles So, 2 moles of BF, will give BH, > J x2= 025 moles of8,H, See cra, >cG, Req. wt. 12142 14 Given wt 36 142 154 (calculated) Let 240 - Thus wt. left of C is 24 gm and CCI, prodced Is| 1549m. Soli1 P,S, + 8.0; + P{Oig + 350 wat ft a Every mole of PS, (220 gm) produces 264] ‘9m PO, and 192'gm SO;. Sol.12 Let no. of moles of CO formed are a moles] ‘and no. of moles of CO, formed be b moles. we will balance moles of C and O separately} toform 2 equations and 2 variable Hence, a +b=1 (no. of moles of C = 1) 20 a+ 2b= 322 (no. of atoms) solving we get 2= 75%, b= 25% Now this is the ratio of no. of moles of CO and} CO, formed. To find out ratio we will multiply with thelr} molecular masses. So, 75x28 _ 25.44 Sol.13 22nS + 30, —75% , 22n0 + 250, 2n0 + H,S0, 10% , ZnSO, + H,0 22nSO, + 2H,0 _%% , 22n + 2H,S0, + 0,| _ 291e10? | Mole of ZnS a4 (2987.7 mole Ratio’ mass of CO: CO, = # Mole of Zn produced = 2987.7 x 775, x 0 ‘mass of Zn produced = 1792.62 x 65.49 1792.82 mole 10 ©; produce = 4140 Sol.24 (2) M = S100 = 0.5 53/108 700 (by M= 41000 = 0.5M 0.365/36.5, 0.365/36.5 , 4999 = SI3655 1000 = 0.2 (OM= 1.15 d = 1.09 gm/mi 13% by mass H,50, NHS0. oe ey 1000 13 . a 100/1.08 one =i 40/36. = 65 «1000 = 13.15 M L16M .17 Mass of 100 ml solution = 100 x 0,9 = 90 gm Mass of solvent = 90-15 =.75gm % by mass CHOH = $5 00 = 16.67% 1181.9 gm of U* lons Is present in 10 gm ‘water, Motatity my = $2 «1 =27% 104 Masscf soktion 190= eee 1 Lot solution contains KOH = 386.4 gm 1000 gm solution contains KOH = 300 gm Mass of solvent = 1000-300 = 700. 9m when 300 gm of solute is present solvent = 700 gm ‘So 386.4 gm of solute is present in (= 3884-700 eae = 10.6 Massol sokte + massol salvert ‘valume of soktion 386.4 9018 4 1000 = 20 Let 1009 solution = 222 en wt, solute = 679 Lets add xg or x ml H,0 In 100 g solution [OLEH V, + FV, = MV, + V5) (in ideal case) 2 x 500 + 2 x 200 = My (500 + 200) My=2 100+ 12 Vue of slution = 700 mi re |Sol.26 PV = nRT == AAS rl on325 ¢ Presure of Np = 774.5~ 14.5 = 770.5mmHg 70s , 621 Sol.21.No. of moles of H,SO, in 12.5Lof 25M] 760 * 1000 =" 0-084 x 300 H,SO, solution n= 0,00338 mol wie Se 25 231.25 moles mole or 98 or H,50, ts present inslution =! ap ory = 9=28 «100 » g7.6uy ioogre roo gmsoution= 2 sssem ——patazasee For 31.25 mote solution required = $5.56 x] %*98NIE Compound + H,S0, —+ (NH) SO, 135 = 1.7362 2 (NH) + 2 mol NaOH neutralizes by one mol H,SO, ‘Sol.22 100 mi of solution contains HNO, = 19 gm] 90. of moles of hc VacidMoate Vinee wt. of HNO, in SO-ml solution = HyS0,= Total volume of solution to be 19% w/v] = 0,0025 mot containing ‘m 010035. 28 | 19g os o2 29" 3 = 35% = 92 x 100 193.681 sou2acic Sol.23 cates 2m NO, =4M SOLIOW,;, = SEAT GMT MAT. Mua = 2MB + Mire, 595.42 = 2MB+ 410 My = 92.7 g/mol. ‘Sol.31 (RCOO),Ba salt ‘molecular wt. of salt = 2x +137 X_-+ for RCOO™ graph *ecosye oe m50, ecpecbori + Beso, 2.562 (RCO0),82. 24,0 = ( 737°53x 36] Mole 30 562 apg 02 = FoR = x= 127 Molecular wt. of acid (RCOOH) = x +1 = 128 Sol.32 (a) 100 gsample + 99H,0 = 1099 H,S0, (b)109 9 HS0, + 9 g water (€)109 9 H;S0, + 111 9 water “43. SoL33M = HS =4 10004 1136 -4.34 4000 * tooo = 4 m= (eaters * 1000 72 ** 5072 ‘Sol.34 (1) 20 gm H,S0,, (il) 35.4 gm HSO4, (ii) H,S0, = 38.4 9m, H,0 = 34.6 9m 1 Sol.35co + 5 0, -+C0, x we x CH, + 20, + CO, + 2H,0 (/) y Ywoy x N, + Ny zoo: xty+z=10. (1) Volume contraction = volume consumed - vot-| ‘ume product 6.5 = (x + 9/2) + (y + 2v)-(K FY) 6.5=x/2+ 2 1B=x+4y 2) ‘Aisa volume contraction after passing through with KOH will be due to CO, x+v=7 seen) solving we get x=Sml y=2ml z2=3mi ffols620, 2, 30, 20mt 30mi Let volume of ©, present be x and 0, be ym! Turpentine absorb 0, = Volume of O, present = 20 mt volume of O, present = 80 mi 20 mi of O, produces O; = 30 ml volume increase = valume formed - volume consend = 30-20=10mt fsot37N,0 +H, +N, +130 NO + Hy» 1/2N, +H,0 yoy yw ox x+y= 60 x4y/2=38 solving we get x= 16mi,y=44ml |sotsax.0, 4 20 x | de ‘Volume concefitration = 4 HB = 2 vevenevee() Turpentine absorbs O, 2a=8 (2) an4 Putting in (1) we get x= 3 Hence 0, = Oy U39N, Hy -+ x/2N2 + v/2 Hy 210ml “semi Sy mi Given after I* step final volume = 20 mt Sx + 5y = 20 xtye4 (1) Also Given V. 0. = 8.5 Molecular wt. = 8.5.x 2= 17 4X4 Y EAD soeeee(2) Solving we get x= Ly = 3Hence formal is MH Isol40C.H,Clio-m 35.5(10-m)~100 9 BY MCI ® 32592 6 1+ 35.10-m) mad [exencise—1v [__PREVIOUSYEARS——_—d Sol2 A CiM:N=9:1:35 tne 251,35 moleratios C:H:N= Ort: Te =3:401 (CHAN), > = 2 CyHgNy Sol3 Fe=10mole (A)N=5 mole (8)H = 20 mole (©) Both Sol4 B 6.02410 | (ures) 6.0210" ON 10 {urea} = 12> = 0.01m sais A n= 923 wc.03125mal 3.25 «102 Sol.6 B No relation between (aq) & (9) Hy = 33.6 / = 1.5 mole A= 1mole Aye 2:3 Sol. D wt, of Le" = 9.108 x 10°! kg ot "| TotalNo.of ses occpledby Nz molecule 1 9.108 «10 =2 1 kg will contain e°s No, of moles of e- s = 1 Isol.6 Mole of uren = 120 2 arene ena? eo 10810-6023 Meanie Sinea:10° total mass of solution = 1000 + 120 = 1120 ‘Tee ° . Volume = 4222 ml = 973.9 mi 1000 Motarty = 52g * 1000 sata me ag “406 neorty suis Hascioycontuaotasios-acons pe? 2+ 22H ges \ | enim ‘Surface area of 1 gm charcoal=3.10 x 10? m?| Surface area of charcoal absorbed by each! molecule of CH;COOH = —30«107 0.001~6.028%10 Sold 6 CO + P{Ojy + 2CHs (PO4)s 56 284 284 gm P,O4o requires C20 = 336. gm £852.9m P,O4q will require Total no. of sites occusied by N, molecules 4 ca = 6.023 x 10" x 1000 355 No, of sites /molecules of N

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