Signals and Systems Assignment

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1. Find the even and odd components of the following signals

(i) X(t) = cos(t) + sin(t) + sin(t) cos(t)
(ii) X(t) = 1+ t+ 3t2+5t3+9t4
(iii) X(t) = 1+ t cos(t) + t2 sin(t) + t3 sin(t) cos(t)

2. Determine whether the following signals are periodic. If they are periodic, find the
fundamental period.
(i) X(t) = (cos(2∏t))2
(ii) X(n) = cos(2n)
(iii) X(n) = cos(2∏n)

3. A triangular pulse signal x(t) is shown in below fig . Sketch each of the following
signals derived from x(t)
(i) X(3t+2)
(ii) X(3t) + x(3t+2)
(iii) X(-2t-1)
(iv) X(2(t+2))

4. Sketch the waveforms of the following signals:

(i) X(t) = u(t) – u(t-2)
(ii) X(t) = u(t+1) -2 u(t) + u(t-1)
5. Let x(t) and y(t) be given in below figs . carefully sketch the following signals
(i) X(t) y(t-1)
(ii) X(t+1) y(t-2)
(iii) X(t) y(2-t)
(iv) X(2t) y(0.5t+1)

6. The systems given below have input x(t) or x(n) and output y(t) or y(n) respectively,
determine whether each of them is (I) Memory less, (II) Stable (III) causal (IV) linear
(V) time invariant
(i) Y(n) = 2 x(n) u(n)
(ii) Y(t) = x(2 – t)
(iii) Y(t) = cos(x(t))

7. Evaluate the discrete-time convolution sums given below:

(i) y[n] = u[n] * u[n-3]
(ii) y[n] = 2n u[-n+2] * u[ n-3]
(iii) y[n] = βn u[n] * u[n-3] , β < 1

8. Evaluate the continuous-time convolution integrals given below:

(i) y(t) = u(t+1) * u(t-2)
(ii) y(t) = e−2 t u(t) * u(t+2)
(iii) y(t) = (u(t+2) – u(t-1)) * u(-t+2)

9. use the definition of the convolution sum to prove the following properties:
(i) Distributive: x(n)*[h(n) + g(n)] = x(n)*h(n) + x(n)*g(n)
(ii) Associative: x(n)*[h(n)*g(n)] = [x(n)*h(n)]*g(n)
(iii) Commutative: x(n)*h(n) = h(n)*x(n)

10. Determine whether the following system is (I) memoryless (II) causal (III) stable
(i) h(t) = e 2 t u(t-1)
(ii) h(t) = 3 δ(t)
(iii) h(t) = cos(∏t) u(t)
(iv) h(n) = 2n u(-n)
(v) h(n) = 2 u(n) – 2 u(n-1)
(vi) h(n) = e 2 n u(n-1)

11. Evaluate the step response for the LTI Systems represented by the following impulse
(i) h(n) = (0.5)n u(n)
(ii) h(n) = δ(n) – δ(n-1)
(iii) h(n) = u(n)
(iv) h(t) = t u(t)
(v) h(t) = u(t+1) – u(t-1)
(vi) h(t) = δ(t) – δ(t-1)

12. Determine the natural response for the systems described by the following differential
(i) 5 y ( t )+ 10 y ( t )=2 x ( t ) , y ( 0 )=3
d2 ( ) d d d
(ii) 2
y t +2 y ( t ) +2 y (t )= x (t ) , y ( 0 )=1 , y ( t ) t=0 =0
dt dt dt dt
d2 ( ) d d
(iii) 2
y t +4 y ( t )=3 x ( t ) , y ( 0 )=−1 , y ( t ) t=0 =1
dt dt dt

13. Determine the natural response for the systems described by the following difference
(i) Y(n) - y(n-2) = x(n-1) ; with Initial conditions y(-1) = 1; y(-2) = -1
(ii) Y[n] + y[n-1] + y[n-2] = x[n] + 2x[n-1], y[-1]=-1, y[-2]=1

14. Determine the forced response for the systems described by the following differential
equations for the given inputs:
a) 5 y(t)+10 y(t)=2x(t)
i) X(t)=2u(t)
ii) X(t)=e−t u(t)
iii) X(t)=cos 3(t)u(t)
d ( ) d d
b) 2
y t +5 y ( t ) +6 y ( t )=2 x ( t )+ x ( t )
dt dt dt
i) x(t)=-2u(t)
ii) x(t)=2e-t u(t)
iii) x(t)=sin 3(t) u(t)
iv) x(t)= 5e-2t u(t)
15. Determine the forced response for the systems described by the following differential
equations for the given inputs:
a) Y[n] - y [n-1]= 2x[n]
i) X[n]=2u[n]
ii) X[n]=-( )n u[n]
iii) X[n]= cos ( Πn¿ u[n]
b) Y[n]- - y [n-2]= x[n-1]
i) X[n]=u[n]
ii) X[n]=-( )n u[n]
iii) X[n]=( )n u[n]

16. Determine the output of the systems described by the following difference equations
with input and initial conditions as specified:
1 1
a) Y[n] - y[n-1]=2x[n], y[-1]=3, x[n]= 2(- )nu[n]
2 2
b) Y[n] - y[n-2]=x[n-1], y[-1]=1, y[-2]=0, x[n]=u[n]
1 1
c) Y[n] - y[n-1] - y[n-2]=x[n]+x[n-1], y[-1]=2, y[-2]=-1, x[n]=2nu[n]
4 8

17. Determine the output of the systems described by the following differential equations
with input and initial conditions as specified:
a) y ( t ) +10 y ( t )=2 x ( t ) , y ( 0 ) =1, x (t )=u (t)

d2 ( ) d d d
b) 2
y t +5 y ( t ) + 4 y ( t ) = x ( t ) , y ( 0 )=0 , y ( t ) t=0 =1, x(t) = e2tu(t)
dt dt dt dt

d2 ( ) d d
c) 2
y t +3 y ( t )+2 y ( t ) =2 x ( t ) , y ( 0 )=−1 , y (t ) t=0 =1, x(t)= cos(t)u(t)
dt dt dt

18. Prove the following properties of z-transform

(i) Differentiation in z-domain. (ii) Time reversal property.

19. Determine the z transform x (z), the ROC for the given signal below x[n]= - ( 12 ) u[-n-

−1 n
1] - ( ) u[-n-1]

20. Determine the z-transform, the ROC and the location of poles ad zeros of x(z) for
x(n)=(n-3)2 (1/3)n-3 u(n-3)

21. Using properties of z-transform, find convolution of x[n] = [1,2,-1,0,3] and y[n]=[1,2,-1].

22. Explain the properties of Region of Convergence. Determine the z transform x (z), the
ROC for the given signal below.

x[n]= - ( 34 ) u[-n-1] + ( −13 ) u[n]

n n

23. Determine the z-transform of the following sequences including ROC. (i) δ(n+5) (ii)
(1/2)n+1 u[n+3] (iii) (-1/3)n u[-n-2]

24. Solve the difference equation using unilateral Z-Transform method for y(n) - 3y(n-1) -
4y(n-2) = 0 ; n ≥ 0, with initial condition y(-1)=5, y(-2) = 0

25. Define X(Z), region of convergence(ROC) and list any five properties of ROC

26. State and explain these properties in z-transforms (a) initial value theorem (b) Time
reversal property (c) Convolution property

27. Solve the following difference equation using z transforms:

y(n) + 3 y(n-1) +2y(n-2) = 2 x(n) – x(n-1) ; y(-1) =0; y(-2) = 1; and input x(n) = u(n)

28. Find the z transforms for the following signals:

(i) x1(n) = u(n) – u( n-4)

(ii) x2(n) = (0.5)n u(n)

(iii) x3(n) = 2 ( 0.8)n u(n)

(iv) x4(n) = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 8, 2]

29. Find the inverse z transforms of the following signals:

( z−1 ) (z+ 0.8)

(i) X ( Z )=
( z−0.5 ) ( z+ 0.2)

z 3+ z +1
(ii) X ( Z )=
( z 2−0.5 z +0.25 ) ( z−1)

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