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Mid Term Examination
Name:__________________________ Score____________
Year and Section:________________ Parent Signature:____________

Read the following questions carefully and circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the most important thing to do if you think someone is having a heart attack?
A. Give aspirin and wait to see if it helps B. Help the person lie down C. Call the person’s doctor D. Call 911
2. How should you REACT to an emergency?
A. Assess the scene for safety. B. Estimate the number of victims, and call 911
C. Get the first aid kit and put on personal protective equipment before helping D. All of the above
3. For a responsive victim, get consent to help then assess the person by doing the following:
A. Ask questions to help find out what is wrong B. Watch and listen for difficulty breathing
C. Look head to toe for injuries, and check for medical alert jewelry D. All of the above
4. What is the best way to control bleeding?
A. Direct pressure B. Use of a tourniquet C. Elevation D. Pressure points
5. To treat a nosebleed, hold pressure on the bridge of the nose and have the person:
A. Lean slightly back B. Lean slightly forward C. Apply a heat pack to the nose D. Lie flat on the floor
6. Always suspect shock if a person:
A. Is mean, slurs his words, and smells of alcohol B. Is bleeding heavily
C. Stopped exercising from a leg cramp D. Stepped on a nail
7. If you suspect a head or neck injury:
A. Support the head and neck in the position found. B. Move the head until the neck is straight
C. Always place in the recovery position D. Have the victim sit up
8. To flush an eye that has been exposed to a chemical, have the injured eye______ the unaffected eye.
A. Higher than B. Lower than
9. If a permanent tooth is knocked out, put it in a container of milk and see a dentist within.
A. 15 minutes B. 30 minutes C. 2 hours D. 24 hours
10. To treat strains and sprains, use the acronym RICE, which means ______________:
A. Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate B .Run Inside, Call, EMS C .Rescue, Incline, Compress, Eliminate pain D.Rub,Ice,Crutches, Elevate
11. What should you do for a diabetic person who acts confused or irritable?
A. Call the doctor B. Give sugar to eat or drink C. Assist by giving a shot of insulin D. Wait to see if the person improves
12. An epinephrine auto-injector is used to treat:
A. Severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) B. Mild allergic reaction C. Chest pain D. Low testosterone
13. Difficulty breathing may be a sign of
A. Heart attack B. Asthma attack C. Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) D. All of the above
14. Signs of anaphylaxis (a severe allergic reaction) may include:
A. Swollen face, eyes, throat, tongue B. Difficulty breathing C. Symptoms start quickly D. All of the above
15. A poison can enter the body through eating, drinking, inhaling, absorption through the skin, and ___________.
A. Injection B. Intolerance C. Imbalance of electrolytes D. None of the above
16. What should you do for a person who shows signs of heat stroke?
A. Stretch and massage cramping muscles. B. Have the person put on a hat to protect from the sun
C. Help the person walk slowly to cool down D. Rapidly cool the person by immersing in water up to the neck.
17. What should you do if you get a chemical in your eye?
A. Cover both eyes and wait for EMS B. Flush with water immediately and continue for at least 20 minutes
C. Cover the injured eye and drive yourself to the hospital D. None of the above
18. What is the best way to remove a tick?
A. Smother it in butter B. Lift it out carefully with tweezers
C. Scrape it off with a hard, flat object like a credit card D. Burn it off with a hot match
19. What should you do if you think someone has a broken leg?
A. Splint in the position found with a heating pad on the injured area. B. Keep the person calm until EMS arrives
C. Place in the recovery position while waiting for EMS D. Place on a hard, firm, flat surface, and wait for EMS
20. What should you do for a person with an object, like a knife, stuck in their leg?
A. Rinse the wound with water, and apply antibiotic ointment and a sterile dressing
B. Quickly remove the object and apply direct pressure to stop the bleeding.
C. Always cut the object shorter to make it easier to transport the person. D. Call 911, control bleeding, and stabilize the object in place.
21. Why does the Philippine Red Cross teach this course?
A. To help people recognize and respond appropriately in an emergency
B. To help people make appropriate decisions when they see an emergency
C. To enable people to give immediate care to a suddenly injured or ill person until more advanced medical care takes over
D. All of the above
22. A woman burned her hand in the lunchroom. You should:
A. Cool the burn with large amounts of fresh running water. B. Cover the burn loosely with a dry, sterile dressing
C. Remove her from the source of the burn D. All of the above.
23. Which type of injury involves an open wound in which the bone has torn through the skin?
A. Dislocation B. Open fracture C. Sprain D. Strain
24. The general care for a muscle, bone or joint injury includes the following:
A. Reduce, Insulate, Compress and Evaluate B. Rest, Ibuprofen, Cool and Evacuate
C. Rest, Immobilize, Cold and Elevate D. None of the above
25. When caring for a person who is having a seizure, you should:
A. Place a spoon or wallet between the person’s teeth. B. Remove nearby objects that might cause injury.
C. Try to hold the person still D. All of the above.
26. What sudden illness is usually caused by a blockage of blood flow to the brain?
A. Diabetic emergency B. Heat-related illness C. Heart attack D. Stroke
27. This sudden illness results from too much or too little sugar in the person’s blood. What is it?
A. Allergic reaction B. Diabetic emergency C. Seizure D. Stroke
28. Care for a person with heat exhaustion includes the following:
A. Force the person to quickly drink a lot of water B. Get the person out of the heat and into a cooler place.
C. Put more layers of clothing on the person as protection against the heat d. All of the above.
29. Heat-related illnesses include the following:
A. Fainting and hyperglycemia B. Heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke
C. Heat cramps, stroke and insulin shock D. Hypoglycemia and sunstroke
30. How should you care for someone with minor frostbite on the fingers ?
A. Get the person to a warm environment and then re warm his or her hands using skin-to-skin contact
B. Have the person shake his or her hands vigorously until feeling is restored.
C. Immerse his or her hands in hot water D. Massage his or her hands vigorously.
31. What is the first step in caring for a wound with significant bleeding?
A. Add bulky dressings to reinforce blood-soaked bandages B. Apply direct pressure with a sterile or clean dressing
C. Apply pressure at a pressure point D. Care for shock.
32. If an open wound continues to bleed after applying direct pressure:
A. Add additional dressings and continue to apply direct pressure B. Do not remove any blood-soaked dressings
C. Ensure that 9-1-1 or the local emergency number has been called D. All of the above.
33. How do you care for a person with a possible head, neck or spinal injury?
C. Fever, anxiety, stress and taste D. Flexibility, asthma and sudden tightness in the chest.
35. A young woman is having trouble breathing and, based on your check of the person, you suspect that she is having a severe allergic
reaction to a bee sting. What should you do?
A. After about 15 minutes, call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number
B. Call 9-1-1 immediately and care for the person until EMS personnel take over
C. Give the person a cool drink D. Give the person abdominal thrusts.
36. What is a common signal of sudden illness?
A. Changes in level of consciousness B. Loss of vision or blurred vision
C. Signals of shock D. All of the above
37. In order to get the most benefits from exercise with the least amount of risk, you should:
A. Exercise at a high intensity such as sprinting or running B .Exercise at a moderate intensity such as brisk walking or swimming
C. Exercise at a low intensity. D. The intensity doesn't matter.
38. Which of the following is not a primary benefit of regular cardiovascular exercise?
A. Increased ability to take in and use oxygen B. Improved balance
C. Lower blood pressure D .Lower pulse rate
39. Controlled arm and leg swings, slow activity which warms and stretches muscles is called:
A. Static stretching B. Passive stretching
C. Dynamic stretching D. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
40. Fitness walking, jogging, and running are physical activities that can improve:
A. muscle endurance and flexibility B. cardiovascular fitness and flexibility
C. cardiovascular fitness and body composition D. muscle strength and endurance
41. Muscular strength is:
A. the ability for arm muscles to lift weights over your head B. the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to exert maximum force
C. the ability to run more than one mile D. the ability to jump over a car
42. Stretching by assuming a stretch position and holding it for 30 to 60 seconds is called:
A. Static stretching B. Passive stretching C. Dynamic stretching D. Procioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
43. What does FITT stand for?
A. Fitness, Interval, Time, Type B. Frequency, Interval, Time, Type
C .Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type D. Frequency, Intensity ,Trial, Type
44. Increasing muscular strength helps:
A. increase lean tissue B. decrease body fat C. improve fitness D. all of the above
46. The make-up of the body in terms of lean mass (muscle, bone, vital tissue and organs) and fat mass.
A. Cardiovascular Endurance B. Spot Reducing C .Flexibility D. Body Composition
47. The ability for a muscle to work against a resistance for an extended period of time is
A. Muscular strength B. Flexibility C. Cardiovascular endurance D. Muscular endurance
48. The principle of exercise which is how long one exercises to improve fitness is called:
A. Overload B. Frequency C. Time D. Progression
49. The ability to move joints and use muscles through their full range of motion.
A. Muscular Endurance B. Muscular Strength C. Flexibility D. Cardiovascular Endurance
50. Why is BMI sometimes very inaccurate and misleading?
A. It measures only body mass B. It doesn't account for muscle
C. It measures fat around the waist D. It does not take gender into account.

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