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Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 159e169

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Performance evaluation of cement-stabilized pond ash-rice husk ash-

clay mixture as a highway construction material
Deepak Gupta*, Arvind Kumar
Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Jalandhar, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper reports the results of an investigation carried out on clay soil stabilized with pond ash (PA),
Received 25 January 2016 rice husk ash (RHA) and cement. Modified Proctor compaction tests were performed in order to
Received in revised form investigate the compaction behavior of clay, and California bearing ratio (CBR) tests were performed to
20 May 2016
determine the strength characteristics of clay. For evaluation purpose, the specimens containing different
Accepted 22 May 2016
Available online 8 December 2016
amounts of admixtures were prepared. Clay was replaced with PA and RHA at a dosage of 30%e45% and
5%e20%, respectively. The influence of stabilizer types and dosages on mechanical properties of clay was
evaluated. In order to study the surface morphology and crystallization characteristics of the soil sam-
California bearing ratio (CBR)
ples, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses were carried out,
Pond ash (PA) respectively. The results obtained indicated a decrease in the maximum dry density (MDD) and a
Rice husk ash (RHA) simultaneous increase in the optimum moisture content (OMC) with the addition of PA and RHA.
Optimum moisture content (OMC) Multiple linear regression analysis (MLRA) showed that the predicted values of CBR tests are in good
Maximum dry density (MDD) agreement with the experimental values. Developed stabilized soil mixtures showed satisfactory
strength and can be used for construction of embankments and stabilization of sub-grade soil. The use of
locally available soils, PA, RHA, and cement in the production of stabilized soils for such applications can
provide sustainability for the local construction industry.
Ó 2017 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by
Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction A huge quantity of FA and PA as waste products is generated

from power plants at global level. In India, about 200 million m2 of
With rapid industrialization growth, the industrial activities are land area is covered up with million tonnes of PA deposits. The
producing a large quantity of waste materials. Such wastes are production of leachate compounds from the ash ponds leads to the
hazardous for health and environment. To minimize the impact of contamination of both the groundwater and surface water bodies
such waste materials, proper management is required. Utilization as well as soil, because of the presence of toxic elements and heavy
of the waste materials in different purposes is an effective way of metallic substances within them.
management. The waste materials such as fly ash (FA), pond ash The engineering properties of PA can be improved using various
(PA), scrap tire, and rice husk ash (RHA) are generated in bulk and techniques among which the incorporation of lime/cement in the
their utilization for general purposes becomes difficult and chal- PA by mechanical mixing has been found to be the most reliable
lenging. Such wastes can be used in large quantities for civil engi- approach. Kumar et al. (1999) presented the results of laboratory
neering construction. Utilization of such waste materials in the investigation carried on silty sand and PA reinforced with randomly
form of admixtures for the improvement of soil characteristics is distributed polyester fibers. They showed that incorporation of fi-
one of the key ground improvement techniques. This methodology bers results in the improvement of various characteristics of soil
can be used for the improvement of problematic soils like soft clay (e.g. peak compressive strength, California bearing ratio (CBR),
or swelling soil, which are unable to sustain load from the structure. ductility, and peak friction angle). Sarkar et al. (2012) reported that
the CBR of PA improves with addition of cement. Bera et al. (2007)
reported that the increase in compaction leads to an increase in
* Corresponding author. maximum dry density (MDD) and a decrease in optimum moisture
E-mail address: (D. Gupta). content (OMC). Kumar and Gupta (2016) concluded that the
Peer review under responsibility of Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, cement-stabilized and fiber-reinforced clay mixed with optimum
Chinese Academy of Sciences.
1674-7755 Ó 2017 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (
160 D. Gupta, A. Kumar / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 159e169

percentage of RHA and PA can be successfully used as fill material 2.1.1. Soil
for geotechnical applications. Ghosh (2010) studied the suitability The soil used in this investigation is kaolin clay. According to
of stabilized PA for road base and sub-base construction purposes unified soil classification system (USCS), the soil is classified as
by performing a series of laboratory tests. The test results revealed clay with low plasticity. The index properties of soil are listed in
that the utilization of Class F PA either individually or in combi- Table 1.
nation with different dosages of lime (i.e. 4%, 6% and 10%) and
phosphogypsum (0.5% and 1%) is suitable for construction of sub- 2.1.2. Pond ash
base and road base applications. Roy and Chattopadhyay (2008) Light grey colored Class F PA was used in the study. The PA is of
studied the effectiveness of RHA and PA in the improvement of nonplastic type possessing a specific gravity of 2.1. The ash may be
subgrade quality for the purpose of road construction. It was shown categorized as Class F type as per ASTM C618-12 (2012). The
that with the addition of PA or RHA, the compaction characteristics compositions and properties of PA are listed in Table 2.
of alluvial soil are influenced significantly. Chand and Subbarao
(2007) studied the suitability of lime-stabilized PA for base and 2.1.3. Rice husk ash
sub-base courses of pavement. RHA was collected from local rice mill. The RHA is of non-plastic
Rice husks are the shells produced during de-husking opera- type possessing a specific gravity of 1.95. Its properties also varied
tion of paddy, which varies from 20% (Mehta, 1986) to 23% (Della depending on its burning temperature. The physicochemical
et al., 2002) by the weight of paddy. The husk is a waste material properties of RHA are listed in Table 3.
and is disposed off either by dumping or burning in the boiler for
processing paddy. The burning process of rice husk produces ash 2.1.4. Ordinary Portland cement
which is about 20% of its weight (Mehta, 1986). This ash known as Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) of Grade-43, having initial
RHA contains silica as a major constituent whose quality (percent and final setting times of 30 min and 600 min, respectively, was
of amorphous and unburnt carbon) is influenced by the type of used in the study. Physical properties of cement are listed in
burning process (Nair et al., 2006). The RHA is pozzolanic in na- Table 4.
ture because of its high amorphous silica content (Mehta, 1986). It
has been reported that in India, the annual paddy production is
2.2. Experimental programs
about 100 million tonnes which generates more than 4 million
tonnes of RHA (Ramakrishna and Kumar, 2008). However, RHA
A comprehensive series of laboratory tests was performed on
cannot be used individually for the soil stabilization due to lack of
the clayey soil specimens stabilized with different dosages and
cementitious properties in it (Ali et al., 1992). Consequently, it is
combinations of the stabilizers, i.e. RHA, PA and cement. The tests
used along with a binder (e.g. cement, lime, lime sludge, and
performed include Proctor compaction test and CBR test. Table 5
calcium chloride) for the stabilization of soil (Ali et al., 1992;
lists a summary of mixed various stabilizer combinations with
Muntohar and Hantoro, 2000; Basha et al., 2005; Sharma et al.,
soil. The percentages used of RHA were 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%
2008; Brooks, 2009).
and of PA were 30%, 35%, 40% and 45% of total mass of the mixture
The utilization of RHA and PA for soil stabilization can help in
with different percentages of cement as 0%, 2% and 4%. Such con-
achieving a low-cost construction and also provide an environ-
tents are optimum contents for RHA and PA which are taken from
mental friendly ways of their disposal. Their use would also reduce
the literature. From the literature, it is found that the optimum
the consumption of cement, thereby saving the energy and
content in the case of RHA is 10%e15% (Basha et al., 2005) and in the
reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases.
case of PA, it is 30%e40% (Bera et al., 2007). An amount of soil was
It has been shown that PA and RHA have sufficient capability in
mixed with PA, RHA and cement to yield stabilized soil specimens.
the improvement of strength behavior of soil. In each case, there is
All the specimens were prepared to the MDD and OMC, and tested
an optimum dosage of PA or RHA to be used beyond which the
after 3 d of soaking.
improvement is insignificant. Therefore, it is expected that for
further improvement in strength, combination of different ad-
2.3. Testing procedures
mixtures can be significant. In the current investigation, the soil
behavior has been studied in detail using different combinations of
2.3.1. California bearing ratio test
PA, RHA and cement in it. This study aims to understand the
CBR test on stabilized and unstabilized soil specimens was
compaction behavior of soil which is very important for structures
conducted in accordance with ASTM D1883-99 (2000). The pro-
(such as pavement and embankment). CBR test is considered for
cedure adopted for the tests was the same as that used in previous
strength behavior.
investigation (Kumar and Gupta, 2016).
The geotechnical characteristics of clay mixed with PA, RHA and
cement were investigated. Cement was added to soil mix at dosage
of 0%e4%, whereas PA and RHA were added to the clay at 30%e45% 2.3.2. Analysis of surface morphology and elemental composition
and 5%e20% by dry weight of sample, respectively. Test specimens SEM was used to examine the surface morphology of the sam-
were subjected to compaction tests and CBR tests. Scanning elec- ples and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) was used to detect
tron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) tests were also the presence and composition of different elements in them. A
performed. Specimens were soaked for 3 d after which they were small portion of samples was kept in an oven at 105  C for 24 h for
tested for CBR tests. drying. The specimen was mounted on a specimen’s holder. A thin
conducting layer of silver about 200 Å in thickness was coated on
2. Experimental methods
Table 1
2.1. Experimental materials Properties of soil.

Specific Liquid Plastic Plasticity OMC (%) MDD (kN/m3)

The different materials (i.e. soil, PA, RHA and cement) used in gravity limit (%) limit (%) index
the study have same properties as reported in previous research
2.7 43 19 24 18.3 18.6
(Kumar and Gupta, 2016).
D. Gupta, A. Kumar / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 159e169 161

Table 2
Properties of pond ash.

Composition (%) Color Shape Specific Plasticity OMC (%) MDD (kN/m3)
gravity, G index
Silt þ clay Fine sand Medium sand Coarse sand
(<75 mm) (75e425 mm) (425 mme2 mm) (2e4.75 mm)

41.6 44.6 12.2 1.6 Light gray Rounded/sub-rounded 2.1 Nonplastic 26 12.35

Table 3
Physicochemical properties of rice husk ash.

Chemical composition (%) Physical properties

Calcium oxide Silica (SiO2) Alumina Iron oxide Magnesia (MgO) Sodium oxide Potassium oxide Specific gravity OMC (%) MDD (kN/m3)
(CaO) (Al2O3) (Fe2O3) (Na2O) (K2O)

2.4 91.3 1.4 0.6 2.1 0.3 1.9 1.98 60 8.79

Table 4
Physical properties of cement.

Fineness Specific gravity, G Standard consistency (%) Initial setting time (min) Final setting time (min) Soundness (cement expansion) (mm)

3 3.15 38 30 600 3

Table 5
Stabilizer combination scheme for soil.
dust over them. RHA particles were rather angular and irregular in
shape (Fig. 1b) and had rough, gritty surface textures. It shows very
Stabilizer Combination Designation fine particle size to the order of a millimeter or less and that there
Single 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 0RHA, 5RHA, 10RHA, 15RHA, 20RHA are pores of varying sizes within the particles.
20% RHA Fig. 2a and b shows the surface morphology of soil-PA speci-
0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 0PA, 10PA, 20PA, 30PA, 40PA, 50PA
mens after 7 d of curing. As indicated, the presence of plate-
50% PA
Mixed 0% RHA þ 0% PA 0RHA0PA shaped kaolin clay particles and spherical PA particles is
5% RHA þ 45% PA 5RHA45PA evident. Fig. 2c and d shows the EDS spectrum and the elemental
10% RHA þ 30% PA 10RHA30PA composition of soil-PA mixture, respectively. Fig. 3a and b shows
15% RHA þ 35% PA 15RHA35PA the SEM images of soil-RHA mixture after 7 d of curing, indicating
20% RHA þ 30% PA 20RHA30PA
the similar palatines (plate shaped) of kaolin clay particles as
observed in Fig. 3, with additional particles of RHA having irreg-
ular surface morphology. The EDS pattern of soil-RHA mixture is
the specimen surface with the aid of sputter coater Poloran E 5100. shown in Fig. 3c and its elemental composition is represented in
JEOL’s JSM 6510 series scanning electron microscope was used to Fig. 3d. Fig. 4a and b shows the SEM observations of soil-PA-RHA
examine the morphology of the mixes. mixture which reveals three different types of particles corre-
sponding to platy kaolin clay, spherical PA and irregular RHA.
2.3.3. XRD analysis for hydration behavior Fig. 4c and d respectively presents the EDS spectrum and
XRD analysis was carried out to determine the different phases elemental composition of soil-PA-RHA mixture. The effect of
presented in samples. A PANalytical X’PERT PRO diffract meter addition of cement as the stabilizing agent is shown in Fig. 5.
was used. The samples were scanned with the measuring angle of Fig. 5a and b shows the formation of CeSeH (calciumesilicatee
2q from 10 to 70 . The database of 2000 JCPDS-International hydrate) gel in a significant amount. The presence of some elon-
Center for Diffraction Data was used to identify the mineralog- gated crystalline structures can also be observed. The formation of
ical phases. CeSeH gel has been ascribed to the pozzolanic activity taking
place between cement as stabilizer and clay. Fig. 5c and d repre-
3. Results and discussion sents the EDS pattern and elemental composition of soil-PA-RHA-
cement mixture, respectively.
The influence of RHA, PA and cement on the geotechnical
characteristics of clayey soil was investigated by conducting 3.2. Results of XRD analysis
modified Proctor compaction tests and CBR tests. In addition, SEM
and XRD tests were carried out on certain samples in order to study The comparison of XRD pattern of soil-PA mixture and soil-PA-
the surface morphological characteristics and hydraulic com- cement mixture after 7 d of curing is shown in Fig. 6. The results
pounds formed. The detailed discussion and analysis of the results obtained have shown that stabilization of kaolin clay with cement
obtained are given in the following sections. leads to a noticeable reduction in the compositions of kaolinite
(represented as K) and quartz (represented as Q). This has been
3.1. Surface morphological characteristics evidenced by the disappearance of peaks for the particular crys-
talline phase in the diffractogram. The peak disappearance has been
Fig. 1a and b shows the SEM observations of PA and RHA, accompanied by a simultaneous appearance of new peaks in the
respectively. In terms of particle shape and surface features, PA was XRD patterns. These new peaks have appeared due to the formation
quite different from RHA. PA particles were spherical in shape as of crystalline phases (such as calcite, i.e. CaCO3) after the pozzolanic
evidenced by Fig. 1a. The particles had shiny surfaces without any reaction of cement with kaolin clay.
162 D. Gupta, A. Kumar / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 159e169

Fig. 1. SEM images of (a) pond ash and (b) rice husk ash.

Fig. 2. SEM images of soil-PA mixture at magnifications of (a) 3000 and (b) 4500 times. (c) EDS spectrum of soil-PA mixture and (d) its elemental composition after 7 d of curing.

Fig. 7 shows the comparative XRD spectra of soil-RHA mixture noticeable changes in terms of peak intensities corresponding to
and soil-RHA-cement mixture, after 7 d of curing. The stabilizing different crystalline phases. It has been observed that the
activities of both RHA and cement are indicated by the disappear- diffraction peaks corresponding to kaolinite and quartz have
ance of kaolinite and quartz in a similar manner as observed in the shown a reduction in the intensities. This variation in peak in-
case of PA. However, the pozzolanic action is rapid in the case of tensities has been possibly ascribed to the occurrence of pozzo-
RHA and cement as stabilizers as observed from high intensities of lanic reactions which take place between the crystalline phases
pozzolanic product CaCO3 and reduced intensities of quartz peaks. of clay and the reactive pozzolanic material. The peak intensities
The XRD patterns obtained for the untreated and treated clay have shown variation with the variation in the content of stabi-
samples are shown in Fig. 8. From the results obtained, it has lizing material used in clay. This behavior has been clearly
been noticed that the presence of kaolinite as the important depicted from the reduction in peak intensities of quartz with the
crystalline phase is evident from the diffraction peaks at posi- increasing content of stabilizing material. Apart from the
tions 2q ¼ 24.8 , 26.6 and 60.5 (d ¼ 3.58 Å, 3.34 Å and 1.52 Å, reduction or disappearance of quartz peaks, a simultaneous
respectively). Further, the presence of quartz has been confirmed appearance of calcite has been observed in the XRD patterns of
from the peaks obtained at 2q ¼ 20.8 and 50.1 (d ¼ 4.25 Å and treated samples at peak positions of 2q ¼ 27.1 and 39.4
1.8 Å, respectively) (Basha et al., 2005). However, when the clay (d ¼ 3.3 Å and 2.28 Å, respectively). The formation of calcite is an
is subjected to stabilization process, the XRD pattern shows evidence of the fact that pozzolanic or cementing material has
D. Gupta, A. Kumar / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 159e169 163

Fig. 3. SEM images of soil-RHA mixture after 7 d of curing at magnifications of (a) 3000 and (b) 2000 times. (c) EDS spectrum of soil-RHA mixture and (d) its elemental composition
after 7 d of curing.

Fig. 4. SEM images of soil-PA-RHA mixture after 7 d of curing at magnifications of (a) 3000 and (b) 2000 times. (c) EDS spectrum of soil-PA-RHA mixture and (d) its elemental
composition after 7 d of curing.
164 D. Gupta, A. Kumar / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 159e169

Fig. 5. SEM images of soil-PA-RHA-cement mixture after 7 d of curing at magnifications of (a) 3000 and (b) 2000 times. (c) EDS spectrum of soil-PA-RHA-cement mixture and (d) its
elemental composition after 7 d of curing.

taken part in chemical reactions with the clay minerals. This is cement mixtures proportions. The compaction tests were per-
strongly noticeable in the case of treated clay containing formed for various combinations of soil-RHA-PA-cement mix-
maximum amount of stabilizing material, which has shown a tures as mentioned in Table 5. Figs. 9 and 10 present the variation
significant disappearance of quartz and kaolinite, along with the of MDD and OMC with different contents of RHA and PA. The
appearance of calcite peaks. MDD and OMC have been found to increase with an increase in
RHA dosage from 0% to 20% and PA dosage from 0% to 50%.
3.3. Compaction test Similar trends for lime, RHA and FA stabilized clay mixtures have
been reported (Rahman, 1987; Ali, 1992; Kaniraj and Havanagi,
The compaction tests were performed as per ASTM D1557-09 1999; Al-Rawas et al., 2005; Kolias et al., 2005; Mir and Srid-
(2009) specifications outlined for modified Proctor compaction haran, 2013).
tests. Modified Proctor compaction tests were carried out on the It can be observed from Fig. 11 that OMC increases with the
soil-RHA-cement mixture, PA-cement mixture and soil-PA-RHA- increase in combined dosage of RHA and PA in mix mode stabili-
zation. The increase in OMC has been attributed to the increased
rate of pozzolanic reaction between RHA/PA and soil components
(Hossain, 2011). A higher increase in OMC in the case of cement-
stabilized soil specimens has been ascribed to the extra water
needed for higher fineness and subsequent enhanced hydration.
Soil + RHA + Cement Again from Fig. 11, with the combined dosage of PA and RHA
in mix mode stabilization, there is a further reduction in the
Q C Q MDD and enhancement in OMC. Relatively lower specific gravity
Intensity (count)

K values of RHA and PA might be the causes for the reduction in
MDD values (Ali et al., 1992; Jha and Gill, 2006; Alhassan, 2008).
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 It is also observed that with increase in cement dosage in the soil
samples, there is further decrease in MMD values. The fall in
Soil + RHA density is due to the quick reaction of cement with the soil which
Q Q alters the base exchange aggregation and flocculation, thereby
C Q resulting in increased void ratio of the mixture. This subse-
K K quently leads to a decrease in the density of the overall mixture.
Since PA and RHA are replacing the clay particles because of
which overall weight of mixture decreases and mixture becomes
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
a light weight mixture. Such types of light weight mixtures
2 Theta (degree)
are preferable in the construction of retaining wall types of
Fig. 6. XRD patterns of clay treated with pond ash (Gupta and Kumar, 2016). structures.
D. Gupta, A. Kumar / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 159e169 165

cement-stabilized clay. In both figures, CBR value increases with

increase in RHA content up to 10% and this after the increase in
Soil + RHA + Cement RHA from 10% to 15% does not improve the load carrying capacity
significantly. It shows that RHA content around 10% is optimum
C for the improvement of RHA-clay mixture. After 3 d of curing, the
Intensity (count)

K K CBR value of unstabilized clay is found to be 2.1%. With the

addition of 10% RHA and 4% cement to clay, the soaked CBR value
increases from 3.2% to 16.7% with the addition of 10% RHA and 4%
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 cement to clay.
Soil + RHA Figs. 14 and 15 represent the unsoaked and soaked CBR values
of unstabilized and PA/cement-stabilized clay. With the addition
Q Q of PA to clay, the CBR value increases. Clay has mainly cohesion
K K C component against the deformation, but the addition of PA fric-
tional component also contributes to the resistance against
deformation. Due to this, load-carrying capacity increases with
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 increase in PA content. Figs. 14 and 15 also show that, increase in
2 Theta (degree) PA content from 40% to 50% does not improve the load-carrying
capacity significantly. It shows that PA content around 40% is the
Fig. 7. XRD patterns of clay treated with rice husk ash.
optimum for the improvement in strength of PAeclay mixture.
The CBR values of clay with 4% cement in the case of soaked and
3.4. California bearing ratio tests unsoaked conditions are found to be 4.5% and 3.1%, respectively.
With further addition of PA to this mixture, the CBR values in the
The CBR value of subgrade is an important factor in designing case of soaked and unsoaked conditions are found to be 18.3% and
composition of pavement thickness. Its value is commonly used to 13.7%, respectively.
evaluate the quality of pavement materials. Figs. 12 and 13 show For the soaked condition, as can be observed from Figs. 13 and
the unsoaked and soaked CBR values of unstabilized and RHA/ 15, upon addition of RHA/PA and cement to clay, the CBR value of

Fig. 8. XRD patterns of untreated clay (A), treated clay with PA, RHA and 0% cement (B), treated clay with PA, RHA and 2% cement (C), and treated clay with PA, RHA and 4% cement
(D) (Kumar and Gupta, 2016).
166 D. Gupta, A. Kumar / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 159e169

20 24

19 22
MDD (kN/m3) or OMC (%)

MDD (kN/m3) or OMC (%)

18 20

17 18

16 16

15 14

14 12
0 5 10 15 20

Content of rice husk ash (%)

Cement=0%: MDD Cement=2%: MDD

Cement=0%: MDD Cement=2%: MDD
Cement=4%: MDD Cement=0%: OMC Cement=4%: MDD Cement=0%: OMC
Cement=2%: OMC Cement=4%: OMC Cement=2%: OMC Cement=4%: OMC

Fig. 9. Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content versus rice husk con- Fig. 11. Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content versus different mixture
tents for different percentages of cement. combinations for different percentages of cement.

20 14
MDD (kN/m3) or OMC (%)

19 cement=4%
CBR (%)

18 8


15 0
0 5 10 15 20
0 10 20 30 40 50
Content of rice husk ash (%)
Content of pond ash (%)
MDD 0% MDD 2% MDD 4% Fig. 12. Variations of unsoaked CBR with content of rice husk ash.

OMC 0% OMC 2% OMC 4%

Fig. 10. Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content versus pond ash con- 18
tents for different percentages of cement. cement=0%
the mixture increases. The soaked CBR of clay (alone) is less than cement=4%
that of unsoaked condition, since under soaked conditions, the
CBR (%)

surface tension forces (which were offering additional resistance to 10

penetration under the unsoaked condition) are destroyed (Pandian 8

and Krishna, 2003). The resulting improvement in soaked CBR
value with the addition of RHA/cement and PA/cement can be
attributed to the pozzolanic reaction between the clay and pozzo- 4
lanic material forming additional cementitous material that bounds 2
particles together and enhances the strength of the soil. The PA/
cement-stabilized clay has much higher CBR than RHA/cement- 0 5 10 15 20
stabilized clay.
Content of rice husk ash (%)
Figs. 16 and 17 show the unsoaked and soaked CBR values of
unstabilized and stabilized clay with the combination of PA, RHA Fig. 13. Variations of soaked CBR with content of rice husk ash.
D. Gupta, A. Kumar / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 159e169 167

16 30

cement=0% Cement=0%
Cement =4%
cement=4% 20

CBR (%)


6 10

0 10 20 30 40 50
Content of pond ash (%)
Fig. 17. Variations of soaked CBR with combination of rice husk ash and pond ash.
Fig. 14. Variations of unsoaked CBR with content of pond ash.

and cement. It can be observed that the combined effect of PA, RHA
and cement on load-carrying capacity is much greater than the PA/
Cement =0% cement and RHA/cement, when added to clay. Clay, PA and RHA
used in this study have sizes comparable to sizes of silt, sand and
16 Cement =2% fine particles, respectively. Mixture of these three materials has
better gradation and thus contributes to greater frictional resis-
14 Cement =4%
tance. Due to this reason, the combination has greater potential to
12 improve the strength of clay. Effects of different combinations of PA
CBR (%)

and RHA on CBR value of mixture are presented in Figs. 16 and 17. It
is observed from Figs. 16 and 17 that the CBR value increases with
8 the increase in contents of RHA and PA up to 10% and 40%,
respectively, and thereafter the CBR value decreases. It shows that
6 RHA content around 10% and PA content around 40% are the opti-
mum for the improvement of strength of the mixture.

2 4. Statistical analysis

0 The purpose of multiple linear regression analysis (MLRA) is

0 10 20 30 40 50
to discover two or more independent variables which explain the
Content of pond ash (%)
variations of a dependent variable. To perform the analysis, sta-
Fig. 15. Variations of soaked CBR with content of pond ash. tistical software SPSS 12.0 was used since it offers a choice of
regression methods. In this method, the independent variables
affecting the dependent variable are first determined. The
normal regression provides the alternative method for deter-
mining, in which independent variables are significant by iden-
Cement= 0% tifying good subset models that result in considerably less time
20 Cement =2% for computing.
A MLRA model can be formulated in the following form:
Cement= 4%

Y ¼ b0 þ b1 X1 þ . þ bn Xn þ 3 (1)
CBR (%)

where Y is the dependent variable, Xi (i ¼ 1, 2, ., n) is the inde-

10 pendent variable, bi is the predicted parameter, and 3 is the error.
In MLRA, the soaked and unsoaked CBR values have been
considered as the independent variable while remaining soil
5 properties have been taken as the dependent variables. MLRA can
be carried out using standard statistical software like data analysis
tool bar of Microsoft Excel in order to derive the relationship sta-
0 tistically. The soaked and unsoaked CBR values can be expressed as

CBRunsoaked ¼ 2:25 þ 0:162CPA þ 0:289CRHA

Fig. 16. Variations of unsoaked CBR with combination of rice husk ash and pond ash.
þ 0:625Ccement R2 ¼ 0:88 (2)
168 D. Gupta, A. Kumar / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9 (2017) 159e169

25 combinations, and curing period. RHA-stabilized soils

showed higher strength as compared to their PA counter-
parts. Stabilization by RHA can be attributed to the fact
that RHA satisfies the requirement for self-cementing
Predicted CBR (%)

characteristics that allows RHA to react with soil in a

15 manner similar to Portland cement. Addition of PA pro-
duces better mechanical properties.
(4) CBR value of the single mode stabilizer increases with in-
crease in RHA/PA content up to a certain limit of RHA ¼ 10%
and PA ¼ 40% known as optimum contents, after which
5 further improvement in the CBR is not significant.
(5) CBR value of the combination of different stabilizers is
greater as compared to the single stabilizer. It is due to the
improvement in the gradation of the mixture with the
0 5 10 15 20 25
addition of RHA and PA.
Observed CBR (%)
(6) MLRA was performed to find the predicted CBR, which is in
(a) close agreement with the experimental values.
30 (7) Test results showed that the best combination for maximum
gain in CBR value is 4% cement, 10% RHA and 40% PA mixed in
25 clay.

20 Conflict of interest
Predicted CBR (%)

15 We wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of interest

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