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Answer No (1)

Social media, a 21th century platform and a tool to help nation and its societies to create,
express, exchange their thoughts and ideas widely. People of all age group are
fascinated to use and make this tool as any other media, to connect it to the world with
lesser time and energy. Social media technology is wide enough to include blogging,
picture-sharing, wall-posting, music-sharing, blogs etc, which today people are enjoying
to utilize it to communicate with each other and also stimulate themselves to innovate
more ideas and expressions. Apart from serving as a networking medium, social media
has also played an important role in mobilizing people as activists and generating
citizen response to political activities.

Social media, emerging as a hottest promotion tool during elections by the political
parties to influence, connect and express their vision, objective to help them increase
their visibility, or to gain majority. Today people live on social media, where even
political parties want to reach out to hit them where they live.


Indians are rated as one of the most active social media users in the world.The
Internet’s socio-economic impact is becoming more and more visible in India. The
Internet is helping people in India in almost all aspects of life such as education, 
socialisation, healthcare, communication, entertainment and development. Now, after
transforming many facets of Indian life, the Internet has found new use and is emerging
as a tool for political strategists and leaders of political parties.

As India’s Internet penetration and its users are growing rapidly, people are entitled with
the Internet’s ability to help them connect and learn about politics, political parties, and
their leaders. The Internet has opened the door of politics in India for all.
Almost all major political  parties in India  have  their  presence over internet
through websites, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and blogs.
The ultimate goal of an election campaign is to receive votes. To reach this goal, a
campaign has to get the attention of potential voters, and these voters have to develop
a positive attitude toward the candidate. Young voters are usually regarded as not much
involved in politics .At the same time, young people are more likely than other age
groups to use the Internet for political purposes .Thus, politicians try to use the Internet
to engage young adults. Because checking social networking sites (SNS) has become a
daily routine for many young adults, using SNS is just the next step after campaign web
pages and campaign weblogs.

The major portion of the active users on social networking websites became heavily
reliant on social media for seeking updates regarding political leaders. Therefore social
media can be used to influence voter behavior.


The biggest decision the winning political party made was to move away from the
traditional approach to voters; which is to send just one broadcast message to the
whole country. Using Data Analytics Solutions, the winning candidate was able to get
closer to the target audience, improving engagement and talking about the exact things
that was important to the voter. A smarter approach is to send messages that is relevant
to people, not just banal updates that do nothing but just document the campaigns.
Data Analytics empowers the political parties to get to know their voters on a personal
level. Superior technology and sophisticated tools help find & understand their needs
and the different ways the voters can be approached.

Traditionally, political parties relied on that minority that supported them wholeheartedly
and depended on them to voice their love on social platforms to build more awareness.
Now, with Data Analytics, a significant number of voters who really don’t know can be
targeted. Machine-based learning can help with smarter targeting of such floating
voters. Therefore, converting floating voters can get in votes that otherwise were never
possible to get.

Data analytics tools can help understand which sections are more likely to choose and
support a party. Instead of using location as a parameter, Data Analytics can churn out
a lot of details such as newspaper preferences, age, and education background and
look up keywords in Facebook and Twitter feeds as well.
In this way data analytics is being used by India’s political parties to build their strategy,
effectively target voters, recruit volunteers and improve their different channels to reach
the voter at the doorstep to personalizing messages on social media accounts.

It is quite difficult to predict the extent of the impact of social media on Indian Election
system because it is still new to the Indian Politics. If it used as a mere campaign tool, it
might not be very effective in the long term. But if used effectively for active citizen
engagement and as a platform to share the latest decisions made by the Government,
social media will show positive results for future Indian elections.

Answer No (2)

Supply Chain Management:- Supply chain management (SCM) is an
important part of every organization, whether small or large. SCM is the active
management of supply chain activities to maximize customer value and achieve a
sustainable competitive advantage, it also deals with the movement and storing of
materials needed to create a product, as well as inventory management, and keeping
track of finished goods from where they were created to who they go to.

A company's production operation contains material input components, each of which

incurs a cost which is recovered in the price of the finished product. Much
of market competition is based on keeping the prices of finished products as low as
possible without sacrificing quality. For this reason, supply chain management (SCM)
attempts to bridge this gap effectively by closely monitoring the cost a company pays for
materials and from whom the materials are being procured. In addition, SCM monitors
the operational procedures from start to finish in order to identify costly and
unnecessary procedural steps.
Supply Chain Management Helps Organization In
Fallowing Ways:-

1) Inventory Management:-Whether you are a manufacturer

who regularly needs to stock and track inventory, or a trader who needs to keep track of
the items that are selling briskly, the Inventory Management module of SCM has the
tools that you need. The solution provides a set of pre-built components that automates
and streamlines all the inventory activities of your organization. Besides providing
planners with the real time visibility of inventory across the supply chain, the system
also equips you with the necessary planning tools to help you make quick and accurate

2) Item Administration:-SCM Inventory Management enables

you to perform Item Management in the most elaborate and thorough manner for easy
tagging, classification and analysis of each inventory item. You can classify items,
support multiple units-of-measure for an item, control the source or usage of an item,
set up a valuation method, identify standard supplier, define planning type, allocation,
costing and substitutes for an item, configure a kit item, and define prices for sales and
purchases separately.

3) Warehousing:-SCM Inventory Management assists your warehouse

manager in the perfect execution of supply chain activities within the organization. The
solution allows you to manage multi-level warehouse configurations with zone and bins
and appropriate access controls. It enables ease of use by allocating default zones and
bins in transactions, and account codes based on rules. This ensures usability without
compromising on the quality of information. The application helps you in executing
warehouse operations in a smooth manner by ensuring activities like stock status
conversion, stock transfers, creation of opening balances, stock inquiries at BU,
determining stocking point, warehouse levels, inquiry of attribute for item information
and safety stocks. The solution also helps in lot/serial management, expiry date and
retest of lots.

4) Shipment Operations:-SCM Shipping enables you to

accomplish the various tasks associated with outbound material, beginning with
planning for shipments and culminating in the delivery of goods at the customer
premises. You can have a centralized control of all shipping operations and prioritize
customer orders. The intuitively designed Pack slip interface allows you to carry out
multiple operations with ease.
Risks in Implementing SCM:-

 Customer Service :- Supply chain management is all about providing

the right product in the right quantity to the right place and the right time. Seems
simple, but can get complicated quickly.

 Cost Control :-Operating costs are under extreme pressure by rising

energy/fuel and freight costs, greater number of global customers, technology,
increasing labor rates and new regulations and rising commodity prices.

 Planning & Risk Management :-In order to stay as efficient

and effective as possible, periodic assessments and redesigns are needed.
These adjustments are in response to changes in the market - changes such as
new product launches, global sourcing, credit availability and the need to and
quantified in order to control and mitigate.

 Supplier/Partner Relationship Management :- It is

important to create, understand and follow mutually agreed upon standards to
better understand current performance and opportunities for improvement.
Having two different methods for measuring and communicating performance
and results wastes time and effort. Trust the system that was put in place for
consistent results and better supplier/partner relationships.

 Talent :-It is becoming increasingly more difficult to find qualified and

interested talent. Supply chain leaders need an extensive understanding of the
key competencies and duties needed for supply chain management roles and the
ability to efficiently source specific skill sets and methods for developing future

Supply chain network complexity is growing as further technological advancements are
underway such as 3D printing, uberization, IOT, and Mobility. But with effective supply
chain management in place which consists of strategies and best practices for
integrating and coordinating all the functions, activities, transactions, and people in the
entire value chain companies will be able to address and adapt to ever-increasing

Answer No (3)

Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) :~
ERP system is used by organizations to manage day-to-day business activities such
as accounting, procurement, project management and manufacturing. ERP systems tie
together and define a plethora of business processes and enable the flow of data
between them. By collecting an organization’s shared transactional data from multiple
sources, ERP systems eliminate data duplication and provide data integrity with a
“single source of truth.”

ERP Software is a set of business software tools that integrate information from all the
departments and functions across a company onto a single system that can serve the
unique and varied needs of different departments. It caters to the needs of HR, finance,
warehouse, supply and any other department and process a business has. Though
every department in any company has a software optimised and fulfilling the demands
of that particular department, what ERP does is, it fills in the gap and provides
information which a particular department’s system might not provide. This ERP bridge
providing information and integrating processes improves the efficiency and
effectiveness of all the operations. ERP implementation is a huge change for most
organizations. However, when it’s being done and when it has lived in the organization,
there’s a huge payback.


a)Steps For Implementation of ERP System:-
1) Pre-Evaluation Screening :- In Pre-Evaluation Screening
phase the search for perfect and suitable erp packages starts. It is very time
consuming process to select few where all claims to be the best, it is just
superficial study of all packages. In this phase a deep analysis of all erp
packages will be performed and those which are able to meet organization’s
requirements are shortlisted.

2) Package Evaluation:- Package Evaluation process is one of the

most important phase of the ERP implementation because the package I have
selected will decide failure or success of project. While making the analysis the
most suitable system is selected from all the shortlisted erp systems.

3) Project Planning Phase:-This is the phase which plans that

designs the implementation process. In this phase details of how to go about
implementation , schedules and deadlines etc are decided. Roles and
responsibilities are identified and assigned, this is phase which will decide when to
begin, how to do it and when the project is supposed to be completed and what to
do in contingencies.

4)Gap Analysis:-Gap analysis is a phase in the ERP implementation,

where I will try to find out the gaps between the company’s existing business
practices & those supported by the ERP package. This is the process which
helps to create a complete model of where the company is now & where it want
to head in the future.

5) Re-Engineering :- It is in this phase that human factors are taken

into consideration. While every implementation is going to involve a significant
change in number of employees and their job responsibilities, as the process
becomes more automated and efficient, it is best to treat ERP as an investment
as well as cost cutting measure.

6) Configuration :- This is the main functional area of the ERP

implementation. Business processes have to be understood & mapped in such a
way that the arrived solution matches with the overall goals of the company .

7)Implementation Team Training:- Synchronously when

the configuration is taking place, the implementation team is being trained. This is
the phase where the company trains its employees to implement and later, run the
system. For the company to be self-sufficient in running the ERP system, it should
have a good in-house team that can handle the various solutions. Thus the
company must realise the importance of this phase and selects right employees
with good attitude.
8) Testing:- This is the phase where I will try to break the system. Here I
reach a point where I am testing real case scenarios. The system is configured
& extreme case scenarios- system overloads, multiple users logging on at the
same time with the same query, users entering invalid data, hackers trying to
access restricted areas & so on are looked upon. The test case must be
designed specifically to find the weak links in the system & these bugs should be
fixed before going live.

9) Going Live:- On the technical side, the work is almost complete, data
conversions is done, databases are up & running, & on the functional side, the
prototype is fully configured & tested & ready to go operational. The system is
officially proclaimed operational, even though the implementation team must
have been testing it & running successfully for some time. But once the system is
‘live’, the old system is removed & the new system is used for doing business.

10)End User Training:- The success or failure of an ERP system

depends on how the actual users use the system. The most successful
implemented ERP packages fail due to lack of end user training. People are
divided into groups ERP system changes the job descriptions of the people, so it
is important to identify the people who are going to use the system. The current
skills of the people are identified & they are divided into groups. Every group is
provided training on the new system.

11)Post Implementation:- Once the implementation is over the

vendors & the hired consultants will go. There should be people within the
company who have the technical processes to make the necessary enhancements
to the system as & when required. The system must be upgraded as & when new
versions or technologies are introduced.

b)Critical Issues Faced While Implementing

ERP System:-

1)Employee Resistance:- If the employees are not educated and

informed about the benefits of the ERP system and assured about the security of their
jobs by the top management, they will start believing in the rumors that float around and
will either resist or sabotage the ERP implementation.

2) Lack of Top Management Commitment :- There have

been countless times an ERP Implementation goes smoothly but fails because those on
the leadership level weren’t onboard. At the end of the day, an ERP implementation is
going to affect the majority of the organization’s core business processes. Change is
going to happen and change starts at the top. Business leaders must be committed to
the training and optimistic for the integration. If they express any sort of disdain or
opposition others may follow in their footsteps.

 3) Inadequate Training And Education :-When the employees

do not understand what the new system is and what it is supposed to do and how to
operate it, they will not use it or use it incorrectly. This can lead to failure of the system.
It is important that the Users take the training exercise extremely seriously and
thoroughly understand each and every process that they have to work on.

4) Inadequate Resources :-ERP implementation is a complex, costly

and lengthy project. The initial budgets are very often exceeded and there are still many
hidden costs in an ERP implementation. So, while preparing the budget and allocating
resources for the ERP implementation care should be taken to consider all the factors
that could affect the costs.

5)Lack Of Change Management:-ERP software doesn’t always

have a smooth implementation, especially if the company fails to pay sufficient attention
to change management. Not being able to manage the change is perhaps one of the
major reasons for ERP implementation failure. Please ensure that the right sets of
people who are receptive to change are involved in the Core ERP teams. Incentivize
people who show a positive attitude towards the Change.

Successful ERP implementation projects are less about technology and more about
people and processes. In fact, resistance to change can take many forms and many
causes of resistance are listed in enterprise resource planning research. Top
management should, therefore, proactively deal with this problem instead of reactively
confronting it. Prior research has recommended that the preparation for the
implementation of ERP system must start much ahead of time and a pro-active
strategy must be adopted to educate and train the employees and to minimize the
causes of resistance that will be a part of the system due to the change management.
Living with ERP system will be totally different from installing them. However, an
organization can only get the maximum value of these inputs if it successfully adopts &
effectively uses the system.

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