Intro To SAP Terminologies

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1. Series of instructions that process data.


2. Background software
System Software

3. End-user software
Application Software

4. Translation devices that interface the computer with humans.

I/O Devices

5. A device that is connected to a host computer, but not part of it. It expands the
host's capabilities but does not form part of the core computer architecture.

6. A collection of hardware, software, data, people and procedures designed to

support data-intensive applications and generate information that supports the day-
to-day, short-range, and long-range activities of users in an organization.
Information System

7. System that generates accurate, timely and organized information so managers

and other users can make decisions, solve problems, supervise activities, and track
Management Information System
8. System that enhances workflow and facilitate communications among
Office Information System

9. A system that captures and processes data generated during an organization’s

day to-day transactions.
Transaction Processing System

10. A model that constitutes the physical events, resources, and personnel that
characterize many business processes.
Manual Process

11. It describes an environment in which individual data files are not related to
other files. End users in this environment own their data files rather than share
them with other users.
Flat File

12. An accounting framework for modeling an organization’s critical Resources,

Events and Agents and the relationship between them.
REA - Resources, Events and Agents

13. An information system model that enables an organization to automate and

integrate its key business processes.
ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning

14. An information system designed to help users reach a decision when a

decision-making situation arises.
Decision Support System
15. A special software system that is programmed to know which data elements
each user is authorized to access.
DBMS - Database Management System

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