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Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155

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Research Paper

A study on how to couple thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of

unsaturated soils: Physical equations, numerical implementation and
Ayman A. Abed ⇑, Wojciech T. Sołowski
Aalto University, Department of Civil Engineering, P.O. Box 12100, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper describes a thermo-hydro-mechanical framework suitable for modelling the behaviour of
Received 30 December 2016 unsaturated soils. In particular, this paper focuses on bentonite clay subjected to a thermo-hydro-
Received in revised form 29 June 2017 mechanical load, as in the case of nuclear waste engineering barriers. The paper gives a theoretical
Accepted 26 July 2017
derivation of the full set of coupled balance equations governing the material behaviour as well as an
Available online 11 August 2017
extended physical interpretation. Finally, a finite element discretisation of the equations and number
of simulations verifying their implementation into a custom finite element code is provided. Some
aspects of the formulation are also validated against experimental data.
Finite element method
Multiphase flow
Ó 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Bentonite (
THM behaviour
Nuclear waste repositories

1. Introduction radioactivity and chemical reactions, though these factors are not
included in this study.
In some engineering applications the understanding of unsatu- A significant body of research accumulated for these sealing
rated soil behaviour becomes inevitably important and necessary materials (e.g. [3,4]), which generally agree that the modelling
for an effective design. A pronounced example is the case of ben- should consider the fully coupled (chemo)-thermo-hydro-
tonite which is the material of choice for engineering barriers mechanical behaviour of bentonite. This paper presents a physical
due to its very low permeability, relative resistance to chemicals framework which can be extended to include chemical effects and
and swelling behaviour upon wetting. For instance, bentonite is radioactivity effects. The framework is general and suitable for
used as barriers for nuclear waste disposal sites where safety spec- unsaturated soils and geomaterials. It can also be used for porous
ifications are especially strict [1,2]. Ideally, barriers should be materials, as each constitutive equation can be easily replaced by
nearly impermeable, self-healing (so the influence of cracks and another formulation more suitable for given application.
initial imperfections is minimised) and possess properties such Experience gained in different scientific disciplines [3,5–8] sug-
that the surrounding environment remains unaffected by radioac- gests that the finite element method is one of the best methods to
tive waste materials for a very long time, typically tens of thou- numerically solve such a coupled system of equations. This study
sands of years. A suitable barrier material design requires presents in details the coupled physical formulation, finite element
prediction of complex behaviour under high temperature gradient, discretisation and implementation of the thermo-hydro-
hydraulic processes and development of gas pressure. The design mechanical equations governing the behaviour of porous geomate-
also requires prediction of the self-healing properties obtained rials. This paper also discusses Barcelona Basic Model (BBM) [9]
due to swelling upon wetting and high pressure state in the and its thermo-mechanical extension [10].
material. Nonetheless, the developed swelling pressure should Finally, this paper provides verification and validation against
not be too high, as that could adversely affect the containers for analytical solutions, well-established THM code (CODE_BRIGHT
the nuclear material. Finally, the material is also affected by [11]) results, and experimental data. The numerical results are sat-
isfactory from the point of view of matching theoretical solutions
and approaching real physical behaviour.
Despite focusing on bentonite behaviour, the described physical
⇑ Corresponding author.
framework is general and may be used for simulation of THM
E-mail address: (A.A. Abed).
0266-352X/Ó 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155 133


Roman poi saturated isotropic preconsolidation at the beginning of

A auxiliary term loading step i, M L1 T2
Ao amplitude, H poT saturated isotropic preconsolidation pressure at tem-
A Jacobian matrix perature T, M L1 T2
B auxiliary term pc reference pressure in BBM
b body force vector, M L-2 T2 pw water pressure, M L1 T2
c volumetric heat capacity, M L1 T2 H1 pwo reference water pressure, M L1 T2
cik specific heat capacity of component k in phase i, L2 T2 Q plastic potential function
H1 Q ik sink/source term of component k, M L3 T1
C auxiliary term q Darcy velocity, L T1
D auxiliary term b
q boundary flux vector
Datm molecular diffusivity of water vapour in air, L2 T1 q deviatoric stress, M L1 T2
De elastic stiffness matrix qh total heat flux, M T3
Dv T molecular diffusivity due to temperature, M L1 T1 H1 qinf infiltration rate, L T1
Dv w molecular diffusivity due to moisture, M L2 T1 qT conductive heat flux, M T3
E Young’s modulus, M L1 T2 R residuals matrix
EiTk thermodynamic state function of component k in phase R universal gas constant, M L2 T2 H1 mol

i RH relative humidity
e Euler’s number or Napier’s constant r BBM parameter
F yield function S degree of saturation
f Tv thermal enhancement factor g
Sdry gas degree of saturation at completely dry system
fu external forces vector, M L1 T2 g
Sres gas degree of saturation at the residual state
G shear modulus, M L1 T2
Slabs absorbed portion of degree of saturation
g earth gravity acceleration, L T2
Slres degree of saturation at the residual state
ga ; gn ; gm van Genuchten curve fitting parameters
H Henry’s volumetric coefficient of solubility Slsat degree of saturation at full saturation
Hc Henry’s constant, M L1 T2 s suction, M L1 T2
hg gas pressure head, L T absolute temperature, H
bg To reference absolute temperature, H
h nodal gas pressure head, L
T ref temperature equals to 273.16 K, H
hw water pressure head, L
bw b
T Nodal temperature, H
h Nodal water pressure head, L
jik non-advective flux of component k, M L2 T1 T average temperature, H
K material bulk modulus, M L1 T2 t boundary traction vector, M L2 T2
k BBM parameter t time, T
Kg gas phase hydraulic conductivity, L T1 trðÞ trace operator
K dry gas phase dry hydraulic conductivity, L T1 b
u Nodal displacements, L
u solid matrix displacement vector, L
gas phase dry intrinsic permeability, L2
t specific volume
K l
liquid phase hydraulic conductivity, L T1 vi velocity of phase i, L T1
K lsat liquid phase saturated hydraulic conductivity, L T1 vv Mass flow factor
kref liquid phase reference permeability, L2 X storage for system unknowns
z vertical position, L
liquid phase saturated intrinsic permeability, L2
l length, L
L latent heat of water vaporization, L2 T2 Greek
M ij ; K ij ; f i terms being defined in Appendix B a BBM non-associate plasticity coefficient
M material stiffness matrix ao ; a2 elastic thermal strain parameters
M slope of critical state line a1 ; a3 parameters control thermal effects on preconsolidation
1 pressure
Ma molar mass of dry air, M mol
1 aj parameter controls j value
Mw molar mass of vapour, M mol
m auxiliary vector, {1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0} ajs1 ; ajs2 parameters control js value
Na basis function aswell material hydraulic parameter
Nb shape function bsp coefficient of solid particles compressibility, M1 L T2
n normal vector bsT coefficient of volumetric thermal expansion of solid par-
n porosity ticles, H1
nref reference porosity bwp coefficient of water compressibility, M1 L T2
Patm atmospheric pressure, M L1 T2 bwT coefficient of volumetric thermal expansion of water,
Pg total gas pressure, M L1 T2 H1
Pl liquid pressure, M L1 T2 b BBM parameter, M1 L T2
Pv vapour partial pressure, M L1 T2 D increment
po isotropic preconsolidation pressure, M L1 T2 e strain vector
p mean net pressure, M L1 T2 e_ e total elastic strain rate vector
poref reference mean pressure, M L1 T2 e_ se elastic strain rate due to suction
po saturated isotropic preconsolidation pressure at refer- e_ re elastic strain rate due to net stress vector
ence temperature, M L1 T2 e_ Te elastic strain rate due to temperature
e_ p plastic strain rate vector
134 A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155

e_ vp plastic volumetric strain rate nTw curve fitting parameter, H1

ev infinitesimal volumetric strain w matric suction head, L
d increment X domain
cT material constant  derivation with respect to time
Uh soil heat capacity, M L1 T2 @ partial differentiation operator
/i volume fraction of phase i $ gradient operator
C boundary of the domain X $ divergence operator
j isotropic swelling index
jo reference isotropic swelling index Superscripts
js swelling index due to suction e elastic
jso reference swelling index due to suction g gas phase
K plastic multiplier i phase (i ¼ l; g; sÞ
k isotropic compression index at full saturation j iteration level
kdry thermal conductivity of dry material, M L T3 H1 l liquid phase
ks isotropic compression index at a constant suction m component summation indicator
ksat thermal conductivity saturated material, M L T3 H1 s solid phase
kT thermal conductivity, M L T3 H1 tot total
m Poisson’s ratio v volumetric
lg gas phase dynamic viscosity, M L1 T1 n relative permeability curve fitting parameters, L1
ll liquid phase dynamic viscosity, M L1 T1
qa dry air density, M L3
qb bulk density, M L3 a dry air component
qi density of phase i, M L3 e elastic
qik density of component k in phase i, M L3 g gas phase
qwg water vapour density, M L3
k component (k ¼ a; w; sÞ
qwo saturated water vapour density, M L3 p plastic
qlwo reference water density, M L3 s solids component
qs solid particles density, M L3 T temperature
qso reference solid particles density, M L3
u refers to mechanical effect
qT thermal BBM parameter v water vapour
r net stress vector, M L1 T2 w water component
rt surface tension of water, M T2
rto reference surface tension, M T2
rtot total stress tensor, M L1 T2 Abbreviations
1D one dimensional
s tortuosity
x radial frequency, T1 BBM Barcelona basic model
xik mass fraction of component k in phase i FE finite element
nTn curve fitting parameter, H1 THM thermo-hydro-mechanical

coupled behaviour of a variety of geomaterials. Therefore, in what 2. Governing equations

follows the terms bentonite, soil, or geomaterial are used inter-
changeably. The scope of application of the code can be easily This section gathers all the constitutive models, physical
extended to include other fields such as geothermal energy extrac- assumptions and mathematical equations used in the framework.
tion [12,13] or freezing and thawing behaviour of soils [14,15]. The These include mass and energy balance and associated constitutive
framework is also suitable for saturated and unsaturated soils due equations.
to the fact that unnecessary physical couplings can be easily
removed. 2.1. Mass balance equations
The presented physical framework is complete from the point of
view of taking into account thermal, hydraulic and mechanical The framework uses an assumption that a porous geomaterial is
effects in unsaturated material. The framework does not only continuous with three phases: liquid (l), gas (g) and solid (s) each
gather different components which were not necessarily used sharing a unified point of the studied domain. The gas phase con-
together beforehand, but also contains a number of extensions sists of dry air and water vapour, the liquid phase consists of liquid
which were previously omitted or disregarded. Those include: (1) water and dissolved dry air, and the solid phase is composed of soil
more accurate dry air and thermal energy balance equations; (2) grains, see Fig. 1(a) and (b). It is assumed that the solid phase does
a derivation of an explicit formula for the plastic multiplier in case not dissolve or sublimate, and as such is only subjected to thermal
of thermo-mechanical BBM; (3) new implementation of the effect and mechanical effects (Section 2.1.1). However, liquid water may
of temperature on the water retention curve with its consequences evaporate and water vapour may condensate (Section 2.1.2). Sim-
on the governing balance equations and (4) a full presentation of ilarly, it is taken into account that air is soluble in water
the finite element discretisation of the balance equations. In the (Section 2.1.3).
latter point lies the main significance of this contribution as it also This idealization separates the geomaterial into three distinct
compiles a number of physical equations in a single paper, creating components: (1) water (w) being in liquid and vapour states; (2)
a useful reference. In addition, the paper shows verification and dry air (a) being distributed in the voids and dissolved in the liquid
validation of the finite element method implementation, giving phase and (3) solids (s), see Fig. 1(c). For a reference unit volume,
unique solutions to benchmark problems. the gas and liquid phases together occupy voids represented by
A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155 135

Fig. 1. Phases and components in unsaturated soil.

the soil porosity n whereas the solid phase occupies the remaining 2.1.1. Mass balance of solid component
volume fraction / ¼ ð1  nÞ. The liquid degree of saturation S l Similarly to the derivation of Eq. (2), the mass balance equation
measures the void volume fraction occupied by the liquid phase for solid component is:
/l ¼ nSl whereas the gas degree of saturation S g measures the void @ ð/s qs Þ
volume fraction occupied by the gas phase / g ¼ nS g with con- þ $  ð/s qs v s Þ ¼ 0; ð3Þ
l g
straint S þ S ¼ 1. This paper adopts the compositional approach
where the solid particle density qs is commonly taken as a function
of [16,17] for developing the balance equations, while the mass
of the mean net pressure p and the absolute temperature T [18]:
conservation is considered for each component instead of each  
phase. As a consequence, the mass balance during phase transition bsp pporef bsT ðTT o Þ
is implicitly taken into account without the need for special q ¼q e
s so
; ð4Þ
treatment. so
where q is a reference solid particle density at a reference mean
The general mass balance equation for the component k in net pressure poref and a reference absolute temperature T o . The solid
phase i is expressed as [7,16,18]:
particle compressibility is taken into account through the coeffi-
  cient bsp , while the soil density variation with temperature is con-
@ /i qi xik  
þ $  /i qi xik v i þ trolled by the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient bsT . In
$j ¼ Q ik ð1Þ
{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |ffl{zffl}k |{z} general, the solid density increases with pressure and decreases
nonadv ection sink=source
storage adv ection with increasing temperature. The evolution of solid density in time
can be described using the chain rule,
where the symbols /i and qi denote volume fraction and density of
the phase i (i ¼ s; l; g). The mass fraction of component k in the i- @ qs @ qs @p @ qs @T @p @T
¼ þ ¼ bsp qs  bsT qs ð5Þ
phase is expressed by xik ¼ qik =qi . The phase-velocity vector is rep- @t @p @t @T @t @t @t
resented by v i whereas jk is the non-advective flux vector of the
On expanding the time derivative and divergence operator in
component k. The gradient is denoted by $ and the inner product Eq. (3) and noting that /s ¼ ð1  nÞ,
is denoted by the dot. The combined symbol ‘‘ $ ” is the divergence @ qs @n
operator. ð1  nÞ  qs þ ð1  nÞqs $  v s þ ð1  nÞv s  $qs
@t @t
Eq. (1) describes mass transport carried out by advection (nor-
þ qs v s  $ð1  nÞ ¼ 0 ð6Þ
mal fluid flow) and non-advective mechanisms (e.g., diffusion or
dispersion). Additionally, the soil can store or lose fluid mass over Assuming slow deformation velocity of the solid matrix, that is
time (e.g., due to mechanical deformations). It also shows through v s  0 and employing Eq. (5), porosity variation over time reads:
the term Q ik that a component may gain or lose mass directly by  
@n @p @T
the existence of sources or sinks in the studied domain, e.g., due ¼ ð1  nÞ $  v s þ bsp  bsT ð7Þ
@t @t @t
to chemical reactions.
For a reference unit volume, the sum of volume fractions over Furthermore, by employing the definitions of solid matrix
the three phases equals unity, that is, 3i /i ¼ 1. Furthermore, the velocity v s and the infinitesimal volumetric strain ev , the diver-
sum of the mass fraction over m components in a certain phase gence of solid matrix velocity $  v s can be linked to the rate of vol-
P umetric strains as follows:
equals one, i.e., m k xk ¼ 1, where m ¼ 2 for gas and liquid phase
and m ¼ 1 for solid phase. In order to ensure mass balance, the @u @u @ ð$  uÞ @ ev
vs ¼ ev ¼ $  u ! $  v s ¼ $ 
sum of the non-advective terms within one phase vanishes such ; ¼ ¼ ð8Þ
P i @t @t @t @t
that m k j k ¼ 0 and in the absence of any external sink or source
P where u is the solid matrix displacements vector. Hence, the evolu-
in the domain, the sum 3i Q ik for the component k over all three
tion of soil porosity in time is:
phases also vanishes. The equation of mass conservation for one  
phase may be constructed by the summation of the equations of @n @ ev @p @T
¼ ð1  nÞ þ bsp  bsT ð9Þ
each component in the corresponding phase. As a consequence of @t @t @t @t
Eq. (1) and the aforementioned discussion, the mass balance equa-
This expression implies that soil porosity is affected by varia-
tion for the i-phase becomes:
tions in soil temperature, mechanical pressure on solid grains,
and mechanical deformations of the soil matrix. This is especially
@ /i qi  
þ $  /i qi v i ¼ 0 ð2Þ important, as this is the main source of mechanical coupling in
@t the governing balance equations. However, due to the negligible
136 A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155

effect of the compressibility of soil solid grains in comparison to @ qlw @ qlw @T @ qlw @pw @hw @T 2 @hw
¼ þ ¼ bwT qlw þ bwp g qlw ; ð17Þ
the contributions of other terms in Eq. (9), the simplification @t @T @t @pw @hw @t @t @t
bsp ¼ 0 is adopted subsequently.
where g denotes the earth gravity acceleration.
2.1.2. Mass balance of water component
Writing the mass balance equation (1) for the water component Degree of saturation and hydraulic conductivity. In the case
ðk ¼ wÞ in the three phases i ¼ l; g; s yields the following global of a partially saturated soil, the water degree of saturation depends
water mass balance equation: on suction and other factors including temperature and soil dry
  density [20,21]. For the scope of this paper, only the influence of
@ /l ql xlw   suction and temperature on the degree of saturation is considered,
þ $  /l ql xlw v l þ $  jw þ
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} i.e. Sl is a function of w and T only. The matric suction head w is
water in liquid phase defined as the difference between the gas pressure head hg and
@ ð/ g q g xwg Þ   the pore-water pressure head hw ,
þ $  / g q g xwg v g þ $  jw þ
|{z} ¼0 ð10Þ
water in gas phase
water in solid phase w ¼ hg  hw ð18Þ

where If variations of suction head and temperature are known over

  time, the variation of the degree of saturation in time is given by
/l ql xlw ¼ nSl ql ¼ nSl qlw ð11Þ @Sl @Sl @w @hg @Sl @w @hw @Sl @T
ql ¼ þ þ
@t @w @hg @t @w @hw @t @T @t
represents the water component mass in the liquid phase and l
  @S @hg @hw @S @T
qwg   ¼  þ ð19Þ
/ g q g xwg ¼ nS g q g ¼ n 1  S l
qwg ð12Þ @w @t @t @T @t
Hence a constitutive assumption connecting the soil saturation
represents the water component mass in the gas phase. The liquid to suction head and temperature is necessary in order to evaluate
phase velocity vector v l and the gas phase velocity vector v g are the derivatives in Eq. (19). Although many expressions are avail-
given as the sum of the solid phase velocity v s and the average fluid able in the literature [22], the van Genuchten [23] model is used
phase velocity [19]: in this study:
ql qg Sl ¼ Slsat  Slres 1 þ ðg a jwjÞgn m þ Slres ð20Þ
vl ¼ þ v s; vg ¼ þ v s; ð13Þ
nS l
nS g
where q is the specific discharge (Darcy velocity) of the fluid phase. The symbols Slres and Slsat stand for degree of saturation at the
As the liquid phase includes liquid water with a small amount residual state and at full saturation, respectively. Usually
of dissolved dry air, the non-advective mass transfer mechanisms Slsat ¼ 1:0 and Slres is considered as a fitting parameter in the
are negligible within this phase i.e. $  jw ¼ 0. In other words, that
l absence of any laboratory measurements. The formula has three
means that we neglect any movement of water in the liquid phase fitting parameters: g a , g n and g m , all of which are temperature
due to differences in dissolved air concentration. Employing for- dependent as proposed in [20]. To find the parameters, a linear
mulas (11)–(13), Eq. (10) can be rewritten as: relationship is assumed between surface tension of water rt and
  the absolute temperature T [20]:
@ nSl qlw @ nS g qwg  
þ $  nSl qlw v l þ $  nS g qwg v g þ $  jw ¼ 0
rt ¼ 0:118  1:54  104 T ð21Þ
ð14Þ Eq. (21) yields a value of r ¼ 0:07285 N=m for the surface ten-
sion of water at the reference absolute temperature T o = 293.16 K
On expanding Eq. (14) and taking into account the assumption
(20 °C). The fitting parameters of van Genuchten model g a , g n
of a slowly deforming soil with v s  0, this becomes:
and g m at temperature T relate to the reference values g ao , g no mea-
  @T   @e
v sured at the reference temperature T o as follows,
 ð1  nÞ Sl qlw þ S g qwg bsT þ Sl qlw þ S g qwg
@t @t   g no 1
  @Sl @ ql @ qwg   ga ¼ rto =rt g ao ; g n ¼ ; gm ¼ 1 ð22Þ
þ n qlw  qwg þ nSl w þ nS g þ $  qlw ql 1  nTn g no ðT  T o Þ gn
  @t g @t @t
þ $  qwg q g þ $  jw ¼ 0 ð15Þ Furthermore, the degree of saturation at zero suction Slso is con-
sidered temperature dependent according to the following
The terms of this equation are discussed separately in the fol-
lowing subsections.
Slso ¼ Slsat þ nTw ðT  T o Þ ð23Þ Liquid water density. Similarly to the solid particle density,
the liquid water density qlw depends on the pore-water pressure pw In the above formulas nTn and nTw are material parameters to be
and the temperature T according to the formula [18] determined experimentally. They describe the sensitivity of the
soil water characteristic curve to the temperature variations. Upon
qlw ¼ qlwo ebwp ðpw pwo ÞbwT ðTT o Þ ð16Þ considering the temperature effect on van Genuchten parameters
in Eq. (20), the variation in degree of saturation with temperature
where qlwo is the reference water density at reference pore-water
variation can be evaluated,
pressure pwo , and T o is a reference temperature. The symbols bwp
and bwT denote the water compressibility coefficient and the water @Sl @Sl @Slso @Sl @g a @Sl @g n
volumetric thermal expansion coefficient, respectively. It follows ¼ l þ þ ; ð24Þ
@T @Sso @T @g a @T @g n @T
from Eq. (16) that the liquid water density varies over time accord-
ing to where the terms of Eq. (24) are derived and given in Appendix A.
A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155 137

The hydraulic conductivity coefficient K l (see Section, is In the above equations T is estimated in Kelvin,
also a function of temperature and saturation. Great many empir- R ¼ 8:3144 J=mol=K is the universal gas constant and
ical expressions can describe this relationship [24]. However, [25– Mw ¼ 0:018016 kg=mol is the molar mass of vapour. Other equally
27] suggest that the following formula provides an acceptable fit- valid empirical formulas are available in literature [4], all of these
ting of the physical measurements for bentonite: correlations provide excellent fit to the experimental data.
!3 Employing Eqs. (33), (34) in (32) yields the following formula for
Sl  Slres the variation of water vapour density over time:
K l ¼ K lsat ð25Þ
Slsat  Slres @ qwg @ qwg @T @ qwg @w @hw @ qwg @w @hg
¼ þ þ
@t @T @t @w @hw @t @w @hg @t
where K lsat is the hydraulic conductivity at full saturation in terms of g   
l qw gM w w @T qwg gM w @hw @hg
saturated intrinsic permeability ksat as follows: ¼ 2 4974:0 þ þ  ; ð35Þ
T R @t RT @t @t
l l
gq w ksat
K lsat ¼ ð26Þ showing that the vapour density is affected by the temperature and
ll suction variations in the soil.
where ll is the liquid dynamic viscosity. In case of water, the viscos-
ity is considered to be temperature dependent according to the fol- Advective liquid and gas flow. The advective fluid flux obeys
lowing empirical formula [28]: Darcy’s phenomenological law, where the fluid mass flows propor-
tionally to the fluid total potential gradient. For liquid phase, the
ll ¼ 243:18  107 10T140 ð27Þ flux is:

The dependency of saturated intrinsic permeability on soil ql ¼ K l ð$hw þ 1Þ; ð36Þ

porosity is introduced using the Carmen-Kozeny relation [29,30]:
and the advective gas flux is given as:
l l n3 1  nref qg
ksat ¼ kref 2
ð28Þ q g ¼ K g $hg þ l ; ð37Þ
ð1  nÞ n3ref qw
where kref is a reference saturated intrinsic permeability at a refer- where hg is the gas pressure head being equal to the equivalent
ence porosity nref . Similar hydraulic conductivity function to that in water pressure head. The gas pressure at any time is calculated as
Eq. (20) may be used for gas [11]: Pg ¼ qlw ghg . For an ideal gas, the total gas pressure Pg is the sum
!3 of the partial pressures of its components:
g g S g  Sres
Pg ¼ Pv þ Pa ; ð38Þ
K ¼ K dry g g ; ð29Þ
Sdry  Sres
where Pv and Pa are the partial pressure of water vapour and dry air
where K dry is the gas hydraulic conductivity at completely dry state. respectively. The density of dry air qag is
g g
The symbols Sdry and Sres stand for gas degree of saturation of a fully Ma Pa
dry system and at the residual state (near full water saturation), qag ¼ ; ð39Þ
g g
respectively. Usually Sdry ¼ 1:0 and Sres is considered as a fitting
with molar mass of dry air Ma ¼ 0:0288 kg=mol. The partial vapour
parameter in the absence of any laboratory measurements. The pressure is calculated as:
gas hydraulic conductivity for fully dry system K dry is given in terms
g qwg RT
of intrinsic gas permeability kdry , Pv ¼ ; ð40Þ
l g
g gq w kdry Using Eqs. (38)–(40), the dry air density is therefore
K dry ¼ ð30Þ
lg  g 
  qw RT
Ma Pg  Pv M a qlw ghg Ma Mw
The gas viscosity lg is assumed to be temperature dependent q ¼
a ¼ 
according to the following formula [31]:
pffiffiffi Ma qlw ghg M a qwg
¼  ð41Þ
lg ¼ 1:48  106 ð31Þ
1 þ 119
T Finally, the total gas density q g can be determined as the sum of
The above equation estimates the gas viscosity in ½kg=m=s. the densities of water vapour and dry air:
q g ¼ qwg þ qag ð42Þ Water vapour density. The density of water vapour in the
gas phase qwg is taken as [7] Non-advective water flux. Following Philip and De Vries
qwg ¼ RHqwo
; ð32Þ model [33], for non-isothermal conditions the temperature varia-
tion leads to noticeable variation in vapour pressure and moisture
where RH is the relative humidity movement. According to their theory, the water mass flux in
gM w w vapour state jw can be attributed to moisture variation (suction
RH ¼ e RT ð33Þ g g

gradient) in the system jvw and temperature variation jvT ,
and q kg=m3 is the empirically estimated saturated water
wo g g g
jw ¼ jvw þ jvT ¼ Dv w $hw þ Dv w $hg  Dv T $T ; ð43Þ
vapour density, a function of temperature [32] |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflffl{zfflfflffl}
moisture term temperature term

¼ 103 e19:891
qwo T ð34Þ where
138 A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155

gMw 2.1.3. Mass balance of dry air component

Dv w ¼ Datm v v / g sqwg ð44Þ
RT The mass balance equation for dry air is derived by the summa-
tion of Eq. (1) for the dry air component ðk ¼ aÞ over all the three
and phases ði ¼ l; g; sÞ,

4974:0 gMw w  
Dv T ¼ f T v Datm v v / g sqwg þ ð45Þ @ /l ql xla  
T2 RT 2
þ $  /l ql xla v l þ $  ja
The mass-flow factor v v is taken as unity in this study and s is |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
dissolv ed dry air in liquid phase
the tortuosity. The volumetric air content of soil is represented by
/ g ¼ nS g and the thermal enhancement factor by f T v . The coeffi- @ ð/ g q g xag Þ  
þ $  / g q g xag v g þ $  ja þ
þ 0
|{z} ¼ 0 ð50Þ
cient Datm is the molecular diffusivity of water vapour in air, shown @t
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} dry air in solid phase
to depend on temperature and gas pressure by [33], dry air in soil v oids
T 2:3 where
Datm ¼ 5:89  106 ; ð46Þ
Pg   q g   
/ g q g xag ¼ nS g q g xag ¼ n 1  Sl q g ¼ n 1  Sl qag ð51Þ
g q
where Datm is estimated in ‘‘m2 =s”, T in ‘‘K” and Pg in ‘‘pa”. In a later
publication, De Vries [34] argued that Eq. (46) gives high values for represents the dry air mass in the gas phase. The volumetric mass of
Datm and proposed a modified version: the dissolved dry air in liquid phase is obtained via Henry’s volu-
metric coefficient of solubility H:
T qla
Datm ¼ 2:16  105 ð47Þ /l ql xla ¼ nHSl ql xla ¼ nHSl ql ¼ nHSl qla ; ð52Þ
T ref ql
with T ref ¼ 273:16 K. Based on the experimental findings of [35,36], providing the mass of dry air dissolved in the liquid phase. It is
the product v v / g in Eqs. (44) and (45) can be replaced by soil assumed that no diffusion of dry air could happen in the liquid
l Pm i
porosity n and phase, and so ja ¼ 0. Noticing the constraint k jk ¼ 0 allows for
the derivation of the non-advective part of dry air mass flux in
  1:75 g
Patm T gas phase ja :
Datm ¼ 2:2  105 ð48Þ
Pg To g g
ja ¼ jw ; ð53Þ
where P atm is the atmospheric pressure. These three formulations meaning that within one phase, the components can mix due to dif-
for estimating the vapour flow are implemented into the code. fusion or other non-advective process but without gain or loss in
The calibration against experimental data usually dictates which that phase mass. The non-advective water flux in gas phase jw is

formula to use. fully determined and discussed in details in Section For
As an alternative, Fick’s law can be used to model the vapour the sake of simplicity, the density of dissolved dry air in water qla
diffusion process [37]. The advantage of Fick’s law is that it
is assumed to be equal to the density of the pore-dry air qag [38].
requires fewer parameters. However, it does not explicitly separate
Both will be indicated as qa in the remainder of this paper. For a
the effects of temperature and moisture concentration on vapour
slowly deforming soil with v s  0 and taking into account Eq.
diffusion. Therefore the model of Philip and De Vries has been
(13), Eq. (45) takes the form
implemented as it allows for physically meaningful separation of
temperature and moisture concentration effects which leads to a  
@ nS g qa @ nHSl qa  
better fit of experimental data. þ þ $  ðqa q g Þ þ $  qa Hql
@t h @t
þ qa S g þ HSl $  v s  $  jw ¼ 0
ð54Þ Adopted mass balance equation of water component. By
introducing the information in Sections– and
Upon expanding and re-arranging, into Eq. (15) and rearranging terms, the mass balance equa-
tion of water component finally reads: h i
h @T q a
iS g þ HSl @n h i @q
" nqa S g þ HSl bsT þ þ n S g þ HSl a
  @Sl   @t 1n @t @t
n qlw  qwg  ð1  nÞ Sl qlw þ S g qwg bsT  nSl bwT qlw
@T @Sl @H @T
þ nqa ½H  1 þ nqa Sl þ $  ðqa q g Þ
g   @t @T @t
qw gM w w @T  
þnS g 2 4974 þ g
þ $  qa Hql  $  jw ¼ 0 ð55Þ
T R @t
" #
l 2 q
g w
gM w
 l  l
g @S @hw
þ nS bwp g qw þ nS
 n qw  qw The most important terms in the above equation will be dis-
RT @w @t
" # cussed in more details in the following sections.
  @S l
qw gMw @hg  l l
g  @e
þ n qlw  qwg  nS g þ S qw þ S g qwg Henry’s volumetric coefficient of solubility. Based on the
@w RT @t @t
law of ideal gas, the Henry’s volumetric coefficient of solubility is
þ $  qlw ql þ $  qwg q g þ $  jw ¼ 0 ð49Þ [39]
Therefore, soil water content is affected by temperature, pore- qlw RT
water pressure, pore-gas pressure, mechanical deformation of the H¼ ; ð56Þ
Hc M w
solid matrix, and advection and diffusion processes.
A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155 139

where Hc ¼ 1010 pa is the Henry’s constant [40]. The value of H var- convection. The rate of water vapour production Q wg can be deter-
ies over time in response to the variation in water pressure head hw mined depending on Eq. (1) as:
and temperature T according to the following formula:  
@ nS g qwg  
þ $  nS g qwg v g þ $  jw
@H @H @ q @pw @hw @H @T
l Q wg ¼ ð63Þ
¼ l þ w
; ð57Þ @t
@t @ qw @pw @hw @t @T @t
after substituting the terms with the corresponding formulas and
yielding doing the derivation, Eq. (63) reads:
@H @hw 1 @T @T @ ev @Sl @ qwg
¼ g qlw bwp H þ  bwT H ; ð58Þ Q wg ¼ ð1  nÞS g qwg bsT þ S g qwg  nqwg þ nS g
@t @t T @t @t @t @t @t
showing that the ratio of dry air dissolution in liquid phase is not þ $  qwg q g þ $  jw ð64Þ
constant but varies over time. By considering Eq. (58), the The important terms in the enthalpy balance equation are
current formulation of dry air mass balance equation and energy explained in more detail in the following subsections.
balance equation in Section 2.2 is more accurate compared to
previous formulations which tend to assign a constant value for 2.2.1. Soil heat capacity
H. The general form of the soil heat capacity is [28] Density of dry air. The density of dry air derived in Sec- Uh ¼ /i qi xik EiTk ð65Þ
tion assumes that dry air behaves as an ideal gas. To inves-
tigate further the effects of the variation of dry air density over The thermodynamic state function EaTk for internal energy of
time, differentiation of Eq. (41) yields: component k in phase i is given as [18]:
›qa ›qa ›hg ›qa ›qgw  
¼ þ g ; ð59Þ EiTk ¼ cik T ik  T iko ð66Þ
›t ›hg ›t ›qw ›t
which after mathematical manipulation gives where cik is the specific heat capacity of component k in phase i. It is
  assumed that the different components in the soil are in thermal
@ qa M a qlw g M a qwg gM w @hg Ma qwg gMw @hw
¼ þ  equilibrium which yields T ik ¼ T and T iko ¼ T o . By expanding Eq.
@t RT M w RT @t Mw RT @t
  (65) with the assumption that dissolved air in water has similar
M a qwg gM w w @T
 4974 þ ð60Þ specific heat capacity to the dry pore-air, the soil heat capacity is
Mw T 2 R @t
expressed as:
This shows that the evolution of dry air density in time is a
h   i
function of the changes in gas pressure head, liquid pressure head Uh ¼ ð1  nÞqs cs þ n HSl þ S g qa ca þ nSl qlw clw þ nS g qwg cwg ðT  T o Þ
and temperature.
ð67Þ Adopted dry air mass balance equation. After introducing the
information in Sections and into Eq. (55) and rear- 2.2.2. Heat flux
ranging the terms, the dry air component mass balance equation The total heat flux includes: (i) part coming from the direct con-
reads duction of heat by soil particles, (ii) part related to the convection
of heat by liquid water flow and (iii) part due to the contribution of
@Sl @H
nqa ½H  1 þ nqa Sl gas phase in the convection of heat. The total heat flux can be writ-
@T @T
ten as:
h i h i M qg  
gM w w @T
a w
ð1  nÞqa S g þ HSl bsT  n S g þ HSl 4974 þ
Mw T 2 R @t qh ¼ qT þ qi xik EiTk qi þ
EiTk jw ð68Þ
" # |{z} |fflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflffl} |ffl{zffl}
h i M q g gM @S l
@H @hw
a w conduction conv ection by liquid phase conv ection by gas phase
 n S g þ HSl w
þ nqa ½H  1  nqa Sl
Mw RT @w @hw @t
" #
h iM ql g M q g gM  @Sl @hg
where qT is the conductive heat flux:
a w a w
þ n S g þ HSl þ w
þ nqa ½H  1
RT M w RT @w @t qT ¼ kT $T ð69Þ
h i @e  
v g
þ qa S g þ HSl þ $  ðqa q g Þ þ $  qa Hql  $  jw ¼ 0 ð61Þ The soil conductivity kT is assumed to be a function of the soil
degree of saturation. The second and third terms in Eq. (68)
account for the heat convection by the liquid water advection, as
2.2. Energy balance equation well as the air and water vapour diffusion. Finally, Eq. (68) yields
an expression for the total heat flux:
The enthalpy balance equation is given as [4,7,41,42]

@ Uh qh ¼ kT $T þ qa ca þ qwg cwg qg þ qlw clw þ qa ca H ql ðT  T o Þ

þ LQ wg þ $  qh ¼0 g
|{z} |ffl{zffl} |fflffl{zfflffl} þ c w  c a j w ðT  T o Þ ð70Þ
latent heat of v aporization heat due to conduction and conv ection
Heat storage

2.2.3. Adopted energy balance equation
where Uh is the soil heat capacity, L is the latent heat of water Assuming that each component has a constant specific heat
vaporization, and qh is the heat flux including conduction and capacity, the final form of the energy balance equation is:
140 A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155

  @ ev with m ¼ f1; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0g, e is the strain vector and

Að1  nÞ þ LS g qwg
@t Z Z
l @H   @Sl
df u ¼ dudbdX þ dudtdC ð76Þ
þ nS qa ca ðT  T o Þ þ nC  Lnqwg  A þ B þ ð1  nÞLS g qwg bsT
@T @T X C
 h i  M qg  gM w w

The force vector df u describes the increment in body forces db
a w
þD  n HSl ca þ S g ca ðT  T o Þ 4974 þ
Mw T 2 R and the traction forces dt being applied on the domain boundaries
 g g
g  qw gM w w C. The symbol du represents the vector of increment displacement
þ nS cw ðT  T o Þ þ LnS 4974 þ
T2 R which can be linked to the displacements at the finite element
h i  i @T nodes ub using the shape functions N b as du ¼ N b d u
b . By employing
l l
 nS cw ðT  T o Þ bwT qlw
@t a suitable stress-strain relationship dr ¼ Mde and correlating the
  l  h l
g @S
i  M q g gM
a w strain to the nodal displacements through the kinematic relation-
þ  nC  Lnqw  n HS ca þ S g ca ðT  T o Þ w
@w M w RT ship de ¼ $N b d u
b , the discretised finite element form of Eq. (75)
h i  2 
 qwg gM w reads:
þ nSl clw ðT  T o Þ bwp g qlw þ nS g cwg ðT  T o Þ þ LnS g Z Z
b dX
b dX þ ðN b ÞT qlw gmT $N b d h
@H @hw ð$N b ÞT M $N b d u i
þnSl qa ca ðT  T o Þ X X
@hw @t Z Z
  l  h l i M ql g M q g gM  ¼ N b dbdX þ N b dtdC ð77Þ
g @S a w a w
þ nC  Lnqw þ n HS ca þ S g ca ðT  T o Þ þ w
@w RT Mw RT
b is the fluid

 qwg gM w @hg   g where M denotes the material stiffness matrix and h
 nS g cwg ðT  T o Þ þ LnS g þ $  qh þ L$  qwg q g þ L$  jw ¼ 0 ð71Þ i
RT @t pressure head at the finite element nodes. Eq. (77) shows that any
change in the applied external tractions, the soil self-weight, the
applied suction, the temperature or the applied fluid pressure will
$  qh ¼ kT $  $T þ qa ca þ qwg cwg ðT  T o Þ$  q g affect the balance and leads to a displacement increment. While
the external tractions are prescribed values, an independent proce-
þ qa ca þ qwg cwg qg  $T
 l l 
dure is required to evaluate the suction, fluid pressure and temper-
þ qw cw þ qa ca H ðT  T o Þ$  ql ature variation over time. That is achieved by the coupled solution
 l l 

þ qw cw þ qa ca H ql þ cwg  ca jw  $T of Eqs. (49), (61), (71) and (73). The soil response to the applied

g force represented by the material stiffness matrix M is heavily
þ cwg  ca ðT  T o Þ$  jw ð72Þ
dependent on the applied stress-strain relationship, due to:
and Z Z
h i b dX ¼
M $N b d u drdX ð78Þ
A ¼ qs cs þ HSl qa ca þ S g qa ca þ Sl qlw clw þ S g qwg cwg ðT  T o Þ X X

which also shows that a stress integration over a load step should
B ¼ ½ð1  nÞqs cs ðT  T o Þ be performed during mechanical balance calculations by employing
a suitable constitutive model and numerical stress integration tech-

C ¼ Hqa ca  qa ca þ qlw clw  qwg cwg ðT  T o Þ nique. In this paper, a slightly modified version of the well-known
Barcelona Basic Model (BBM) is adopted [45–47]. The modification
h i is introduced to account for the thermal effects and the dependency
D ¼ n HSl qa ca þ S g qa ca þ Sl qlw clw þ S g qwg cwg þ ð1  nÞqs cs
of the elastic parameters on suction and net stress. Both implicit
Note that the adopted energy balance equation does not take [48–50] and explicit scheme with error control [51–55] could be
into account e.g. plastic work in the material which is normally used to integrate the constitutive stresses. In what follows, only
transferred into heat, or energy loss related to water flux. Those the mathematical formulation of the constitutive model is pre-
terms are normally negligible compared to the mentioned sented whereas the numerical integration details are omitted due
components. to space limitations.

2.3. Static balance of linear momentum 2.3.1. BBM with thermal effects
The elastoplastic Barcelona Basic Model [9] is based on the
The local static mechanical balance equation is given as: Modified Cam Clay model [56], and can be viewed as its extension
which accounts for unsaturated soil behaviour. BBM uses net stress
$  rtot þ b ¼ 0 ð73Þ r ¼ rtot  mT Pg and suction s ¼ qlw gw as the independent stress
where r and b stand for the total stresses and the body forces at a
tot variables. At full saturation, the net stresses are replaced by the
certain point of the domain, respectively. The body forces are usu- effective stress definition r ¼ rtot  mT P l with s ¼ 0 and P l is the
ally due to the self-weight which is related to the density. For unsat- pore-water pressure. Potential numerical difficulties upon transi-
urated soil, the bulk density can be estimated as: tion from unsaturated soil state to the full saturation are reported
in literature [39,57]. Wheeler et al. [58] showed that for a certain
qb ¼ nS g q g þ nSl ql þ ð1  nÞqs ð74Þ combination of parameters, BBM yield surface might suffer non-
By defining the net stress r as the difference between total convexity and consequently higher possibility for numerical com-
stress rtot and the fluid pressure P i , where i ¼ g in unsaturated plication near saturation. However, we have not encountered any
state and i ¼ l at full saturation with suction = 0 (here, the net problems thus far related to transition between saturated and
stress becomes equal to the Terzaghi’s effective stress), Eq. (73) unsaturated regimes, possibly due to the choice of time-stepping
is exploited to derived the following incremental virtual work scheme. Should any numerical problems related to the transition
equilibrium equation over domain X [43,44]: between saturated and unsaturated regimes be observed, algorith-
Z Z mic solutions are available [39,57].
deT drdX þ dPi mT dedX ¼ df u ð75Þ The presented formulation currently uses total stresses and suc-
X X tion, as opposed to the effective stresses. As indicated in [59,60],
A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155 141

j ¼ jo ð1 þ aj sÞ
" !#
p ð85Þ
js ¼ jso 1 þ ajs1 ln eajs2 s

where jo and jso are reference values of j and js , respectively. The

value of js is assumed to be equal to jso as long as p < pcref , other-
wise Eq. (85) applies. At very high suction, the value of j may show
unrealistic negative values depending on aj value. To avoid this
possibility, a minimum value of j ¼ 0:001jo is assumed. Finally,
theses parameters are only used during elastic calculations while
Eqs. (92) and (101) utilize the reference value j ¼ jo . The temper-
ature variation introduces elastic strain [61,10,62]

ðao þ a2 ðT  T o ÞÞT_
e_ Te ¼ ð86Þ
In Eqs. (85) and (86), the parameters aj , ajs1 , ajs2 , pcref , ao and a2
are material constants. They are responsible for the elastic
Fig. 2. 3D representation of the yield surface in BBM at a constant temperature.
response of the material to any change in suction, net stress, or
formulations based on the effective stress or the total stress are
equivalent. As such the use of total stress may be viewed as a mat- BBM in plasticity. As depicted by Fig. 2, a 3D representation
ter of preference. Furthermore, the presented framework may of the yield surface of BBM is
easily accommodate constitutive models formulated in terms of F ¼ q2  M2 ðp þ ps Þðpo  pÞ ¼ 0 ð87Þ
effective stress using the transition technique given by [59,60].
where M is the slope of critical state line and q stands for the devi- BBM in elasticity. The rate of total strain e_ in BBM is decom- atoric stress:
posed into the elastic e_ e and the plastic part e_ p : qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
q ¼ pffiffiffi ðr1  r2 Þ2 þ ðr2  r3 Þ2 þ ðr3  r1 Þ2 ; ð88Þ
e_ ¼ e_ e þ e_ p ð79Þ 2

The rate of the elastic strain e_ e is decomposed further into the where r1 , r2 and r3 are the principal stresses. The trace of the yield
elastic strain rate due to the net stress, e_ re , the elastic strain rate surface in the plane q ¼ 0 is the Loading Collapse (LC) curve. The
related to the suction change e_ se and the elastic strain rate due to plastic strain direction is determined using a plastic potential
thermal effects e_ Te . It is assumed that suction and temperature
introduce only volumetric deformations: Q ¼ aq2  M2 ðp þ ps Þðpo  pÞ ¼ 0 ð89Þ
e_ e ¼ e_ re þ mT e_ se þ mT e_ Te ð80Þ The factor a which allows for the recovery of the Jaky’s approx-
imation [63] of coefficient of at rest soil pressure K 0 in 1D compres-
Thus, the elastic net stress rate can be calculated as:
sion, is defined as
r_ ¼ De e_ re ¼ De e_  mT e_ se  mT e_ Te ð81Þ M ðM  9ÞðM  3Þ k
a¼ ; ð90Þ
where D is the elastic stiffness matrix 9ð6  M Þ kj
2 3 where k is the slope of normal consolidation line.
K þ 4=3G K  2=3G K  2=3G 0 0 0
6 K þ 4=3G K  2=3G 0 07
Extended BBM assumes, see Fig. 3, that the soil shear strength is
6 7
6 7 affected by suction and temperature as follows [10]
6 K þ 4=3G 0 0 0 7
D ¼6
7 ð82Þ
6 G 0 077
6 7
4 sym G 05
tp 3K ð1  2mÞ
K¼ ; G¼ ð83Þ
j 2ð1 þ mÞ
In the above formulation K and G are the bulk and the shear
modulus respectively, t stands for the soil specific volume, j for
the soil swelling index, m is the Poisson’s ratio and p ¼ trðrÞ=3 is
the mean (isotropic) net pressure. The strain rate is related to the
suction change via
js s_
e_ se ¼ ; ð84Þ
3v ðs þ Patm Þ
where P atm is the atmospheric pressure and js is the soil swelling
index with respect to the suction variation. In order to account for
the swelling nature of some soils, the elastic stiffness is made pres- Fig. 3. 3D representation of the yield surface in BBM at a constant suction and
sure dependent as follows [27]: varying temperature.
142 A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155

ps ¼ kse ; ð91Þ 3. Numerical implementation

where qT and k are material constants. The soil preconsolidation The previously described balance equations (49), (61), (71) and
pressure po is also considered to be suction and temperature depen- (73) are discretised using the finite element method
dent through the equation [10] [3,4,7,8,28,41,65–70], transforming them into an equivalent sys-
  kkjj tem of first-order ordinary differential equations:
poT s
po ¼ pc ð92Þ 2 32 d ub
3 2 32 u
pc M uu M wu M gu 0 0 0 0 0
6M 6 7
bw 7 6 0 K 7 b 7
6 uw M ww M gw M Tw 7
76 dh ww K gw K Tw 76 h w 7
with 6 76 7þ6
6 76 7
4 M ug M wg M gg M Tg 56 b 7 6b 7
4 d h g 5 4 0 K wg K gg K Tg 54 h g 5

ks ¼ k ð1  r Þebs þ r ð93Þ M uT M wT M gT M TT dTb 0 K wT K gT K TT b

2 3
and df u
6f 7
6 w7
poT ¼ po þ 2ða1 DT þ a3 DTjDTjÞ; ð94Þ ¼6 7 ð102Þ
4 fg 5
where the preconsolidation pressure at full saturation and a refer- fT
ence temperature To = 20 °C is indicated by po . Eqs. (92)–(94) intro-
duce pc , b, r, a1 and a3 as new BBM parameters. These parameters where the terms M ij , K ij and f j are given in the Appendix B. The
are used to define the effect of suction and temperature on the pre- symbols T bw; h
b; h b g and u
b represent the nodal values of the unknown
consolidation pressure and the post-yielding stiffness. Alternatively, temperature, water pressure head, gas pressure head, and displace-
[64] proposes the following equation to describe the temperature ments, respectively. Assuming that these unknowns are stored in
n o
effect on saturated preconsolidation pressure: X¼ u bw; h
b; h bg; T
b , the above system of equations is
T  T ref
poT ¼ po 1  cT log ð95Þ M X_ þ KX ¼ F ð103Þ
T o  T ref
This equation may be discretised over time using finite differ-
where cT is a material constant. The above equation is more practi- ences, yielding a system of nonlinear algebraic equations which
cal compared to Eq. (94), as it reduces the number of required may be solved, for example, by using Newton-Raphson iterations.
parameters by one. However, Eq. (94) has slightly more flexibility
Knowing the initial conditions at time step i, the residual Riþ1 at
in fitting the experimental data. Both equations are implemented
the time step i þ 1 is
in the current code.
The theoretical frameworks proposed by [10,64] are employed X iþ1  X i
in order to include thermal effects. The net stress rate is Riþ1 ¼ M iþ1 þ K iþ1 X iþ1  F iþ1 ð104Þ
r_ ¼ De e_ re ¼ De e_  mT e_ es  mT e_ eT  e_ p ð96Þ The solution is considered to be converged once the Euclidean
norm of the residual is reduced below a desired tolerable error
The plastic strain rate e_ p is determined by the flow rule, kRk < Tol: This is accomplished by iterative improvement of the
@Q solution,
e_ p ¼ K_ ð97Þ
@r X iþ1 iþ1
 Aiþ1 iþ1
jþ1 ¼ X j jþ1  Rjþ1 ; ð105Þ
_ is derived based on plasticity theory,
The plastic multiplier K
where Aiþ1
jþ1 is the Jacobian of the system at time step i þ 1 and iter-

a D e_ þ c1  a D b1 s_ þ c2  a D b2 T_
T e T e T e
ation j þ 1
K_ ¼ ; ð98Þ
aT De g  d iþ1
jþ1 ¼ ð106Þ
where @X iþ1
@F js
a¼ ; b1 ¼ m ; b2 The global error tolerance of Tol ¼ 104 which applies for every
@r 3v ðs þ Patm Þ residual in the solved system, is used for the purposes of this study.
ðao þ a2 DT Þ @F @F This formulation is implemented into a FE code using NUMERRIN
¼m ; c1 ¼ ; c2 ¼ ; d
3 @s @T numerical solver [68]. The implementation includes special logical
@F @Q @Q switches coded which allows to choose the balance equations to be
¼ v mT  ; g¼ ð99Þ
@ ep @r @r coupled in Eq. (102) and used in the subsequent formation of resid-
uals in Eq. (104). For example, if the problem is isothermal, energy
Substituting Eqs. (84), (86) and (97) into Eq. (96) yields the net balance Eq. (71) is not solved and no corresponding residual is
stress rate: formed. In such a case the temperature has a constant value in
the whole solution domain equal to the initial temperature. In
js ðao þ a2 DT Þ _
r_ ¼ De e_  De mT s_ þ De mT T the remainder of this paper, the implemented code is referred to
3v ðs þ Patm Þ 3
as ‘‘Aalto Code”. The following sections illustrate numerical results
_ @Q
 De K ð100Þ that are generated using Aalto Code and compared to known ana-
@r lytical solutions and experimental data.
Finally, the preconsolidation pressure is updated like:
v e_ vp
4. Verification and validation of the implemented code
po ¼ poi ekj ; ð101Þ
  As a general rule, the finite element mesh in each example is
where poi is the initial preconsolidation pressure and e_ vp ¼ tr e_ p is first subjected to a convergence study and refined accordingly to
the plastic volumetric strain rate. avoid any visible dependency of the numerical results on the num-
A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155 143

Fig. 4. One dimensional infiltration problem: (a) FE model; (b) hydraulic boundary conditions.

Sl ¼ Slsat  Slres enw þ Slres ð108Þ

where n is a soil parameter. Based on [71], a soil layer with a total

height of l and an initial hydrostatic suction profile exposed at the
top to an infiltration rate qinf , has suction head w at an elevation z
and time t equal to:

wðz; t Þ ¼ lnðBÞ ð109Þ
qinf qinf 
B¼   1 ez
K lsat K lsat
4qinf ðl z Þ t
X1  2 
sinðki z Þsinðki l Þeki t
 e 2 e 4 l   ; ð110Þ
K lsat i¼1 1 þ 2 þ 2k2i l

Fig. 5. Numerical results versus analytical solution for 1D infiltration. nK lsat t 

t ¼  ; z ¼ nz; l ¼ nl ð111Þ
n Slsat  Slres

ber of elements or the time step size. The results shown here th
In the above solution ki represents the i root of the character-
mainly concentrate on the validation of coupled phenomena. Extra
istic equation:
verifications related e.g. to the mechanical model can be found in

[55]. tan ðkl Þ þ 2k ¼ 0 ð112Þ

4.1. Verification: uncoupled one dimensional infiltration A soil with a saturated permeability of K lsat ¼ 0:1 m=day and
n ¼ 5:0 ½1=m is used to generate the numerical results. The resid-
Srivastava and Yeh [71] derived an uncoupled analytical solu- ual and saturated degrees of saturation are Slres ¼ 0:23 and
tion for Eq. (49) for the case of one dimensional infiltration into a Slsat ¼ 1:0, respectively. For the purposes of this example, only the
soil with particular relative permeability and water retention mass balance equation of water component is used in Eq. (102)
curves of the forms: and the subsequent formation of residuals in Eq. (104). The tem-
perature is kept constant at 20 °C throughout the solution time
K l ¼ K lsat enw ð107Þ
with atmospheric gas pressure, minimal initial stress of 1.0 kPa
144 A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155

Fig. 6. One dimensional heat flow problem: (a) FE model; (b) thermal boundary conditions.

Table 1
Used parameters in the 1D heat flow example.

kT ½W=m=K cs ½J=kg=K cw ½J=kg=K n qs ½kg=m3  qlw ½kg=m3  T ½ C Ao ½ C x ½1=s

1.0 1000.0 4180.0 0.4 2650.0 1000.0 20.0 10.0 0.00012

Fig. 7. Numerical results versus analytical solution for 1D heat flow.

and a constant porosity n ¼ 0:4. On top of that, for this particular impermeable, to represent 1D conditions. An infiltration rate of
case of 1D infiltration test, Eqs. (107) and (108) are used instead qinf ¼ 0:005 m=day is applied at the top boundary of the domain
of Eqs. (25) and (20) to represent the relative permeability curve while a ground water table is located at 1:0 m below ground sur-
and soil water retention curve of the soil. face, modelled by imposing a zero water head at the bottom bound-
Fig. 4 describes the mesh and boundary conditions used in this ary. Fig. 5 shows an excellent agreement between the numerical
verification example. The vertical hydraulic boundaries are results and the analytical solution for this particular problem.
A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155 145

pffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
z xc xc
T ðz; tÞ ¼ T þ Ao e 2kT
sin xt  z ; ð114Þ

where T ðz; tÞ is the soil temperature at depth z and time t. This solu-
tion is valid only for the boundary conditions with a sinusoidally
varying temperature at the soil surface:

TðtÞ ¼ T þ Ao sinðxtÞ ð115Þ

The initial temperature can be easily derived from Eq. (114) by
assuming t ¼ 0. In the above equations T represents the average
temperature over time while Ao and x are the amplitude and the
radial frequency, respectively. The used numerical model to solve
this problem is shown in Fig. 6. It represents a soil layer of thick-
ness 0.5 m being subjected to a temperature variation at its sur-
face. Closed thermal boundary conditions are assumed to recover
the one dimensional conditions as it is clear in Fig. 6(b). The soil
properties and thermal load parameters employed in this verifica-
tion example are listed in Table 1. The analysis in this example is
Fig. 8. CIEMAT infiltration cells [73]. uncoupled, in the sense that only the energy balance equation is
solved. The numerical results for temperature profile at different
time steps are in excellent agreement with the analytical solution
4.2. Verification: uncoupled one dimensional heat flow as it is shown in Fig. 7.

On neglecting coupling effects and vapour flow, the energy bal- 4.3. Validation of coupled THM behaviour: infiltration tests using
ance Eq. (71) reduces to the following form in one dimensional FEBEX bentonite
Villar et al. [73] performed two hydration tests on FEBEX ben-
c  $  qT ¼ 0 ð113Þ tonite using cylindrical cells with an inner diameter of 0:07 m
and a useful height of 0:4 m. The cells are made of Teflon PTFE in
with the volumetric soil heat capacity c ¼ ð1  nÞqs cs þ nqlw cw for order to ensure maximum lateral thermal insulation. Additionally,
saturated soil. By assuming a constant soil thermal conductivity the cells are externally surrounded by semi-cylindrical steel pieces
kT and a constant volumetric soil heat capacity, Van Wijk and De to prevent the developed swelling pressure of the bentonite from
Vries [72] gave the following analytical solution for one dimen- causing any deformation of the cells (see Fig. 8). The bentonite in
sional heat flow: the cells had been statically compacted with an average com-

Fig. 9. Finite element model for isothermal infiltration test: (a) dimensions and control points locations; (b) hydraulic boundary conditions; (c) mechanical boundary
146 A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155

Table 2 [78]. The modelled domain is initially considered to be stress free

Teflon, steel and foam properties.
with a minimal principal net stress of 1:0 kPa. The hydraulic and
Material E [kPa] m kT ½W=m=K mechanical boundary conditions are illustrated in Fig. 9
Teflon 5.0E+5 0.46 0.25 (b) and (c). Note that the sample boundaries are not allowed to
Steel 2.0E+8 0.3 12.0 move, and thus the volume is constant. A similar configuration is
Foam 1.0E+4 0.3 0.17 used to model the non-isothermal infiltration test; however, more
details must be included in the finite element model to better cap-
ture the thermal effects. In addition to the Teflon, the supporting
paction pressure of 30 MPa with an initial gravimetric water con- steel and isolation foam are explicitly modelled, in this case assum-
tent of around 0.13–0.14 and initial nominal dry density of ing a non-porous linear elastic behaviour but with different
1650 kg=m3 . In the first test (I40), bentonite was hydrated from mechanical and thermal properties (see Table 2).
the upper end of the cell under isothermal conditions. Similarly, The used thermal properties of these materials are calibrated
the bentonite in the second test (GT40) was hydrated but under based on the measured temperature. Care is taken to ensure these
a thermal gradient with bottom of the specimen subjected to a values remain within acceptable physical ranges, and is achieved
maximum constant temperature of 100 °C. for steel and Teflon. However, the foam layer is assigned a slightly
For the non-isothermal test, the hydration was performed after out-of-range value in order to correctly capture the thermal loss at
65 h of heating at which point the temperature of the column the outer boundary of the sample. In Fig. 10 the FE model and
became stable. A cooling system was used in order to ensure con- boundary conditions utilized in the non-isothermal conditions
stant temperature at the upper end. The measurements are pro- are illustrated. In this case, the finite element mesh consists of
vided in form of temperature and relative humidity distribution 250 quadrilateral 4-noded elements. The initial temperature is pre-
in time at specific positions along the sample height (Point A at scribed at 22.0 °C and remains constant at the boundaries other
z ¼ 0:3 m, Point B at z ¼ 0:2 m and Point C at z ¼ 0:1 m) (see than the bottom of the bentonite sample which is subjected to
Fig. 10(a)). No measurements of deformations or stresses are 100.0 °C throughout the test. The thermal boundary conditions
recorded for these tests. In both cases hydration is performed using are illustrated in Fig. 10(c). The soil water retention data given
low salinity water at a pressure of 1:2 MPa. These tests have been by [74] are fitted using the van Genuchten formula [23] with the
modelled previously [75–77], and as such an excellent references parameters g ao ¼ 12:0E  4½1=m, g no ¼ 1:22, Slres ¼ 0:01 and
for the expected numerical performance and potential modelling
Slsat ¼ 1:0, leading to an acceptable match of the experimental data
problems exist.
(see Fig. 11). The fitting also yields parameters nTn ¼ 1:0E  4½1=K

4.3.1. Finite element model and material parameters and nTw ¼ 1:5E  3½1=K, taking into account the effect of temper-
Regarding the isothermal case, the finite element mesh consists ature on the soil water characteristic curve as explained in Sec-
of 175 quadrilateral 4-noded elements with four stress integration tion The initial gravimetric water content of 0.14
points per element as depicted in Fig. 9(a). The bentonite is mod- corresponds to an initial degree of saturation of
elled as a BBM material accounting for thermal effects (see Sec- Slw ¼ xeGs ¼ 0:142:7
 0:56 which correlates to the initial suction
tion 2.3.1), whereas the Teflon surrounding the sample is head of w ¼ 12000:0 m, see Fig. 11. The initial gas pressure is
modelled as a non-porous and linear-elastic material with an elas- assumed to be atmospheric. The top boundary is kept open to
ticity modulus of E ¼ 500:0 MPa and Poisson’s ratio of m ¼ 0:46 atmospheric pressure throughout the simulation, while all other

Fig. 10. Finite element model for non-isothermal infiltration test: (a) dimensions and control points locations; (b) hydraulic boundary conditions; (c) thermal boundary
A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155 147

results is sought by comparing the numerical results to that pro-

duced by CODE_BRIGHT [11], a well-established fully coupled
THM code. The almost perfect agreement between Aalto Code
and CODE_BRIGHT results as it clear in Fig. 12 gives more confi-
dence about the correctness of the implementation in case of HM
coupling. To illustrate the effect of mechanical coupling on the flow
field, the numerical test is repeated with free-swelling conditions,
whereby the top mechanical constraint is removed. Fig. 13 indi-
cates relatively faster hydration in the case of the constant volume
conditions. That can be related to the progressive reduction in soil
porosity due to the mechanical constraint at the top boundary. Non-isothermal infiltration. Using exactly the same materi-

als properties, the numerical non-isothermal infiltration test pro-
duces results shown in Fig. 14 for variations in relative humidity
Fig. 11. Used soil water retention curve, fitted at different temperatures. Experi- and Fig. 15 for variations in temperature. The figures indicate good
mental data are after [74]. qualitative agreement between the experimental data and the
numerical simulations. However, quantitatively the code seems
boundaries are treated as closed flow-boundaries for gas. The other to predict better temperature distribution if compared to the pre-
parameters used in the analyses were taken from literature [27,61] diction of relative humidity over time. Fig. 14 also illustrates the
and are given in Table 3. In the simulations, the relative permeabil- noticeable impact of thermal effects on water retention, especially
ity curve is described by Eq. (25). The thermal conductivity of ben- when the temperature gradient is high. Note that it is not possible
tonite is averaged according to the following empirical correlation for this example to use CODE_BRIGHT for verification purposes, as
[79] it uses a different approach and assumptions; vapour flow in
CODE_BRIGHT is based on Fick’s law for diffusion [31,80], which
l g
kT ¼ kSsat kSdry ð116Þ is simpler compared to the implemented model by Philip and De
Vries [33].
The temperature variations have substantial effect on the devel- Similarly to experiences of other researchers [76,77,81], the
opment of gas pressure. Due to the fact that no temperature changes numerical predictions of relative humidity degrades by deviating
are involved in the isothermal test, the gas pressure remains con- progressively from the measurements with the development of
stant at its applied initial atmospheric value, without solving its cor- the test time, see Fig. 14. Among other unsolved problems, this fas-
responding balance equation (61). However, the dry air mass ter numerical hydration triggers the need for a deeper revision of
balance equation is solved for the case of the non-isothermal infil- the assumptions used, both in terms of the mechanical behaviour
tration test. Unfortunately, no measurements have been recorded and multiphase flow formulations. For example, taking into
for gas pressure values throughout the test, and as such the model account a decrease in the hydraulic conductivity in swelling soil
predictions for gas pressure cannot be easily validated. due to the absorbed water in pore space [76,82,83], the hydraulic
conductivity formula (25) can be extended to:
4.3.2. Discussion of numerical results !3
Sl  Slres Isothermal infiltration. The measured relative humidity at l
K ¼ K lsat 1  Slabs ð117Þ
points A, B and C is depicted in Fig. 12. The figure also shows the Slsat  Slres
calculated relative humidity values using the fully-coupled HM
option in Aalto Code. The quantitative agreement between mea- where Slabs is the absorbed portion of degree of saturation being
sured and calculated results validates the implementation against related to the degree of saturation Sl through a factor aswell following
a well-documented experimental data. A further verification of the [76]:

Table 3
FEBEX bentonite properties as used in the CIEMAT infiltration tests.

(a) Mechanical properties

m jo jso n ao ½1=K a1 a2 a3 ak aks1 aks2
0.4 0.05 0.3 0.4 1.5E4 25.0 0.0 0.15 3.0E6 0.147 0.0

M k pcref ½kPa k b ½1=kPa r pc ½kPa qT po ½kPa

1.5 0.1 13.0 0.15 5.0E5 0.75 100.0 0.2 1.4E+4

(b) Hydraulic properties

g ao ½1=m g no Slres Slsat nTn ½1=K nTw ½1=K K lsat ½m=s
K sat ½m=s

12.0E04 1.22 0.01 1.0 1.0E4 1.5E3 1.9E14 0.2885

(c) Thermal properties

ksat ½W=m=K kdry ½W=m=K s f Tv cs ½J=kg=K clw ½J=kg=K cwg ½J=kg=K ca ½J=kg=K

1.15 0.47 0.8 1.0 1000.0 4180.0 1900.0 1000.0

(d) Phases properties

qlwo kg=m3 bwp ½1=pa qso kg=m3 bsT ½1=K bwT ½1=K

998.2 4.58E10 2700.0 7.80E6 2.10E4

148 A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155

Fig. 12. Measured and calculated relative humidity in the case of isothermal infiltration.

Fig. 13. A comparison showing the effect of mechanical boundary conditions on the calculated relative humidity.

Fig. 14. Measured and calculated relative humidity in the case of non-isothermal infiltration. Both with and without considering the effect of temperature on the soil water
retention curve.

@Slabs at point A is shown in Fig. 17. The slower hydration in case of

¼ aswell Sl ð118Þ the modified permeability resulted in a lower value for the pre-
dicted swelling pressure (considered equal to the vertical stress).
In such a case, the results indicate noticeable improvement
Note that the calculated gas, vapour and dry air pressures are
when adopting the previous formula for hydraulic conductivity
shown in Fig. 18 only for the first 1400 h of the test. This is due
with aswell ¼ 5:0  109 (Fig. 16). The developed swelling pressure to the fact that these variables reach a steady state afterwards.
A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155 149

Fig. 15. The evolution of measured and calculated temperature in the case of non-isothermal infiltration.

Fig. 16. Measured and calculated relative humidity evolution for the case of non-isothermal infiltration. Both with and without considering the effect of swelling on the water
hydraulic conductivity.

Fig. 17. Estimated swelling pressure at point A in the case of non-isothermal infiltration.

Fig. 18 shows that the total gas pressure remains around its initial the experiment specifications are available in [84]. That test
atmospheric values for this particular test. This behaviour is attrib- recorded the evolution of swelling pressure at different points of
uted to the open gas flow boundary at the top of the sample and to the sample over time providing excellent data to validate the
the relatively high gas permeability used in this analysis. numerical predictions, in particular with respect to hydro-
mechanical coupling. The experiment employs an infiltration col-
4.4. Validation of coupled HM behaviour: infiltration test using MX80 umn of useful diameter and height of 0.05 m and 0.25 m, respec-
bentonite tively. The MX80 bentonite in the column is compacted with
39 MPa compaction stress. The initial dry density is 1700 kg=m3
Marcial et al. [84] performed an infiltration test using MX80 at the initial gravimetric water content of 0.082 which corresponds
bentonite under constant volume conditions. Full details about to the initial suction of 103 MPa. The test is performed under
150 A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155

Fig. 18. Gas, water vapour, and dry air pressures at the lower end of the sample in the case of non-isothermal infiltration.

Fig. 19. Finite element model for MX80 infiltration test: (a) dimensions and control points locations; (b) hydraulic boundary conditions; (c) mechanical boundary conditions.

isothermal conditions with a constant temperature of 20 °C. In the 4.4.1. Finite element model and material parameters
experiment, the water, under pressure of 10 kPa, infiltrates the col- The finite element mesh consists of 300 quadrilateral 4-noded
umn from the base. Marcial et al. [84] recorded the evolution of elements with four stress integration points per element as
swelling pressure (vertical stress) versus suction at several points depicted in Fig. 19(a). The applied hydraulic and mechanical
along the column height (Point A at z ¼ 0:045 m, Point A1 at boundary conditions are shown in Fig. 19(b) and (c), respectively.
z ¼ 0:03 m and Point A2 at z ¼ 0:02 m) (see Fig. 19(a)). The study A free initial stress state is assigned to the column model (mini-
also provided the relative humidity at specific locations (Point A mum of 1:0 kPa). The bentonite is modelled as a BBM material
at z ¼ 0:045 m, Point B at z ¼ 0:095 m, Point C at z ¼ 0:145 m, Point (see Section 2.3.1) with the calibrated mechanical properties given
D at z ¼ 0:195 m and Point E at z ¼ 0:25 m (see Fig. 19(a)). The in Table 4. The parameters of MX80 are kept in the same range to
total test duration is about 7.0 months (208 days). that provided in literature [55,85,86]. Eq. (92) estimates a value of
A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155 151

Table 4 Fig. 20. The bentonite relative permeability in the simulation fol-
MX80 bentonite properties as used in the infiltration test.
lows Eq. (117) with K lsat ¼ 1:0  1013 m=s and calibrated
(a) Mechanical properties 8
aswell ¼ 3:0  10 . The saturated liquid water hydraulic conductiv-
m jo jso n ak aks1 aks2 ity is estimated based on the data provided by [84] and the exper-
0.3 0.03 0.3 0.4 9.0E6 0.28 0.0 imental data by [26].

M k pcref ½kPa k b ½1=kPa r pc ½kPa po ½kPa

4.4.2. Discussion of numerical results
1.07 0.001 167.0 0.15 2.0E5 0.8 100.0 10.6E+3
Fig. 21 shows reasonable agreement between the measured and
(b) Hydraulic properties calculated relative humidity at different locations of the column.
g ao ½1=m g no g mo Slres Slsat K lsat ½m=s aswell This agreement again confirms the acceptable validity of the code
for predicting the evolution of relative humidity. More interest-
3.9E04 1.65 0.5 0.0 1.0 1.0E13 3.0E8
ingly, the relatively good agreement (at least qualitatively)
(c) Phases properties between the calculated swelling pressure and the measurements

as depicted in Fig. 22 gives more confidence about the potential
qlwo kg=m3 bwp ½1=pa qso kg=m3
behind the used approach. It is worth mentioning that predicting
998.2 4.58E10 2650.0
the evolution of swelling pressure is still one of the most challeng-
ing issues to model numerically. Even though it seems that the glo-
bal behaviour can be captured satisfactorily qualitatively, the
about 10:6 MPa for the saturated preconsolidation pressure that calibrated values are still considerably inaccurate and more
matches the compaction pressure of 39 MPa at 103 MPa of suction. research is still to be done for that aspect to be improved beside
The extra BBM parameters that account for the expansive nature of other issues. For example some further developments could incor-
MX80 bentonite are calibrated based on the provided experimental porate thermal-osmotic flow, variations of the double-structure
data and also listed in Table 4. The soil water retention data as microstructure in both the mechanical and hydraulic behaviour
given by [84,87,88] are fitted using the van Genuchten formula of bentonite [76,82,88–92] and inclusion of simple chemical
[23] with the parameters g ao ¼ 3:9E  4½1=m, g no ¼ 1:65, effects. The Aalto Code has been written in such a way that these
g mo ¼ 0:5, Slres ¼ 0:0 and Slsat ¼ 1:0 being graphically shown in extensions may be easily implemented.

Fig. 20. Fitted soil water retention curve for MX80 bentonite.

Fig. 21. Measured and calculated relative humidity at different points of the column.
152 A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155

Fig. 22. Measured and calculated swelling pressure at different points of the column.

5. Conclusions @Sl
¼ 1 þ ðg a jwjÞgn m ðA:1Þ
This paper presents a new finite element implementation of a
newly proposed fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical frame- @Slso
work. The detailed mathematical formulations of the governing ¼ nTw ðA:2Þ
equations for bentonite are discussed with an in-depth illustration
of underlying assumptions. An extended version of the Barcelona @Sl  
1 2
¼ g m g n jwj Slso  Slres ðg a jwjÞgn 1 1 þ ðg a jwjÞgn gn ðA:3Þ
Basic Model which incorporates thermal effects is reviewed along @g a
with a derivation of an explicit formula for the plastic multiplier.
All information used for the finite element discretisation and @g a 1:54  104
implementation are explained and discussed in detail. The code ¼ ga ðA:4Þ
@T rt
performance has been verified by comparing its results to known  
@Sl   g g Lnðg a jwjÞðg a jwjÞgn Ln 1 þ ðg a jwjÞgn
analytical solutions for water infiltration and heat flow. The ¼ Slso  Slres 1 þ ðg a jwjÞgn m m 
hydro-mechanical coupling has also been verified with results pro- @g n 1 þ ðg a jwjÞ g 2n
duced by the well-established CODE_BRIGHT thermo-hydro-mec ðA:5Þ
hanically-coupled code. Finally, the code has been validated
@g n
against experimental results for isothermal and non-isothermal ¼ nTn g 2n ðA:6Þ
infiltration. The verification and validation indicate that the code @T
has been implemented correctly and may be used as a cornerstone
for further developments. This may be in the form of additional Appendix B
chemical coupling, as well as an extension of the formulation via
an improved hydraulic and mechanical constitutive model taking After transferring the strong formulation of the balance equa-
into account the microstructure effects, based on physically sound tions (49), (61), (71) and (73) into a weak integral formulation
assumptions. and then applying Galerkin’s weighted residuals method [93–95]
This paper clearly indicates the physical assumptions in the one gets the discretised form in the shape of system of coupled
THM framework and is intended as a single ‘how-to’ reference algebraic equations as shown in Eq. (102) where the equations
for THM coupling in bentonite as well as unsaturated soils or por- coefficients are determined as follows:
ous materials in general. Z
M uu ¼ ð$N b ÞT M $N b dX ðB:1Þ

0:0; w>0
M wu ¼ R ðB:2Þ
X ðN b Þ qw gm $N b dX; w ¼ 0
The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge that the pre- T l T

sented research has been funded by KYT2018 Finnish Research

Programme on Nuclear Waste Management via THEBES project. (R
X ðN b ÞT qlw gmT $N b dX; w > 0
Special thanks are due to Professor Antonio Gens from the M gu ¼ ðB:3Þ
Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Spain for providing the data 0:0; w¼0
for the CIEMAT infiltration tests and to Dr. Mika Laitinen from
Numerola Oy in Finland for his support during the numerical M Tu ¼ 0:0 ðB:4Þ
implementation of the code. The authors would also like to thank Z h i
the anonymous reviewers of the paper for their very constructive M uw ¼ ðN a ÞT Sl qlw þ S g qwg $N b dX ðB:5Þ
comments. X

Z " #
T l2 qwg gMw  l  l
g @S
Appendix A M ww ¼ ðN a Þ l
nS bwp g q þ nS g
 n qw  qw N b dX
RT @w

The derivatives in formula (24) are given as follows: ðB:6Þ

A.A. Abed, W.T. Sołowski / Computers and Geotechnics 92 (2017) 132–155 153

Z " # Z Z
  @Sl qwg gMw K gg ¼ ð$N a ÞT qa K g $N b dX þ ð$N a ÞT Dv w $N b dX ðB:23Þ
M gw ¼ ðN a ÞT n qlw  qwg  nS g N b dX ðB:7Þ
X @w RT X X

Z "
  @Sl   K Tg ¼  ð$N a ÞT Dv T $N b dX ðB:24Þ
M Tw ¼ ðN a ÞT n qlw  qwg  ð1  nÞ Sl qlw þ S g qwg bsT X
X @T
  K uT ¼ 0:0 ðB:25Þ
qwg gM w w
nSl bwT qlw þ nS g 2 4974 þ N b dX ðB:8Þ Z
T R  

K wT ¼ qlw clw þ qa ca H ðT  T o Þ ð$N a ÞT K w $N b dX

Z h i X
M ug ¼ ðN a ÞT qa S g þ HSl $N b dX ðB:9Þ  

X þ ca  cwg ðT  T o Þ þ L ð$N a ÞT Dv w $N b dX ðB:26Þ

Z " #
h i M q g gM @Sl @H Z
M wg ¼  ðN a ÞT n S g þ HSl
a w w
þ nqa ½H  1  n q a Sl N b dX  

X M w RT @w @hw K gT ¼ qa ca þ qwg cwg ðT  T o Þ þ Lqwg ð$N a ÞT K g $N b dX

ðB:10Þ Z

 ca  cwg ðT  T o Þ þ L ð$N a ÞT Dv w $N b dX ðB:27Þ

" #
Z h iM ql g M q g gM  @Sl
a w a w
M gg ¼ ðN a Þ T
n S g þ HSl þ w
þ nqa ½H  1 N b dX Z
X RT M w RT @w  

K TT ¼ ð$N a ÞT kT $N b dX  ca  cwg ðT  T o Þ þ L
ðB:11Þ X
Z h i ð$N a ÞT Dv T $N b dX  ðN a ÞT qa ca þ qwg cwg q g þ qlw clw þ qa ca H ql
@Sl @H X
M Tg ¼ ðN a ÞT nqa ½H  1
þ nqa Sl  ð1  nÞqa S g þ HSl bsT Z
X @T @T   g

þ ca  cwg jw $N b dX ðB:28Þ
h i M qg  gM w w
a w
n S g þ HSl 2
4974 þ N b dX ðB:12Þ Z Z
Mw T R
df u ¼ dbN b dX þ dtN b dC ðB:29Þ
T  X C
M uT ¼ ðN a Þ Að1  nÞ þ LS q g g
w $N b dX ðB:13Þ Z Z Z
fw ¼  qlw K w $N a dX þ b ww dC  qwg K g $N a
ðN a ÞT q
Z " X C X
  @Sl  h l i M
a qwg gMw Z Z
M wT ¼ ðN a ÞT n C  Lqwg  n HS ca þ S g ca ðT  T o Þ qg
X @w Mw RT  l dX þ ðN a Þ q T
b wg dC þ ðN a Þ q T
b v w dC
h i  q C C
þ nSl clw ðT  T o Þ bwp g qlw
Zw Z
b v g dC þ ðN a ÞT q
 ðN a ÞT q b v T dC ðB:30Þ
  qwg gM w @H
þnS g cwg ðT  T o Þ þ L þ nSl qa ca ðT  T o Þ N b dX ðB:14Þ C C
RT @hw
" qg b gg dC
  @S  h l l i  fg ¼  qa K g $N a dX þ ðN a ÞT q
M gT ¼ ðN a ÞT n C  Lqwg þ n HS ca þ S g ca ðT  T o Þ X qlw C
X @w Z Z
   qa HK w $N a dX þ b gw dC
ðN a ÞT q
M a qlw g M a qwg gM w   qwg gM w
þ  nS g cwg ðT  T o Þ þ L N b dX ðB:15Þ Z X
 b v w dC þ
ðN a ÞT q b v g dC 
ðN a ÞT q b v T dC
ðN a ÞT q ðB:31Þ
Z " C C C
M TT ¼ ðN a ÞT nSl qa ca ðT  T o Þ þ n C  Lqwg
X @T @T fT

 h i  M qg
a w R
 A þ B þ ð1  nÞLS g qwg bsT þ D  n HSl ca þ S g ca ðT  T o Þ = b T dC  ½ðqa ca þ qwg cwg ÞðT  T o Þ þ Lqwg 
ðN a ÞT q
Mw T 2 C
  g  Z Z 
gM w w   qw gM w w qg
4974 þ þ nS g cwg ðT  T o Þ þ L 4974:0 þ K g $N a b Tg dC
ðN a ÞT q
R T2 R
h i  X C
 nSl clw ðT  T o Þ bwT qlw Z Z 
 l l 

 q w c w þ q a c a H ðT  T o Þ K w $N a dX  ðN a Þ q
b Tw dC
K uw ¼ 0:0 ðB:17Þ Z Z

þ ca  cw ðT  T o Þ þ L
g T
ðN a Þ qb v w dC  ðN a ÞT q
b v g dC
K ww ¼ ð$N a ÞT qlw K w $N b dX þ ð$N a ÞT Dv w $N b dX ðB:18Þ Z
X X þ ðN a ÞT qb v T dCÞ

K gw ¼ ð$N a ÞT qwg K g $N b dX  ð$N a ÞT Dv w $N b dX ðB:19Þ ðB:32Þ

Z h i
K Tw ¼ ð$N a ÞT Dv T $N b dX ðB:20Þ A ¼ qs cs þ HSl qa ca þ S g qa ca þ Sl qlw clw þ S g qwg cwg ðT  T o Þ

K ug ¼ 0:0 ðB:21Þ B ¼ ½ð1  nÞqs cs ðT  T o Þ


C ¼ Hqa ca  qa ca þ qlw clw  qwg cwg ðT  T o Þ

K wg ¼ ð$N a ÞT qa HK w $N b dX  ð$N a ÞT Dv w $N b dX ðB:22Þ
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