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171- Thanh Niên- Ngọc Xuyên- Đồ Sơn –Hải Phòng


Chương trình lớp Kids gồm:
Một khóa gồm:
32 buổi : 32 lessons
Mỗi buổi 1 tiếng 30 phút
Course 1/Khóa 1
Lesson 1: Greeting
- Hello!
- What is your name? My name is…………..
- Goodbye!
Lesson 2: Greeting ( p2)
- Review lesson 1
- How are you? I am fine. Thank you! And you?
- Stand up- sit down
Lesson 3: Numbers
- Count 1- 10
Lesson 4: Colors (p1)
- Pink, red, yellow, black, white
- What color is it? It’s ....................
Lesson 5 : Colors (p2)
- Review lesson 5
- Brown, gray, green, blue, purple, orange
- Is it..............? Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t
Lesson 6: Animals ( p1)
- Dog, cat, cow, chicken
- What animal is it ? It is a.................
Lesson 7: Animals (p2)
- Review lesson 6
- Elephant, bird, rabbit, turtle, fish

- What animal is it? It is a....................
Lesson 8: fruit (p1)
- Watermelon, pine apple, orange, apple, banana
- What fruit do you like? I like………….
Lesson 9: fruit (p2)
- Review lesson 8
- Grapes, mango, strawberry, kiwi, lemon
- Do you like …..? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t
Lesson 10 : review
- Review lesson 1- 9
Lesson 11: family(p1)
- Dad, mom, brother, sister, baby, me
Who is this? This is my………..
Lesson 12: family ( p2)
- Review lesson 11
- Grandpa, grandma, aunt, uncle
Lesson 13: Toys
- Train, teddy bear, kite, boat, ball, robot
- What is this? It is a……………
Lesson 14: School things
- Book, pen, pencil, rubber, ruler, pencil case
- What’s this? It’s a…………
Lesson 15: School things (p2)
- Review lesson 14
- Table, chair, board, bag, crayon
Lesson 16: My house
- Living room, bed room, bath room, kitchen, dining room
Lesson 17: My house (p2)
- Review lesson 16
- On , in , under
- Where is …(the dog)…….? It’s in/on/under …….(the living room)…
Lesson 18 : My house (p3)
- Review lesson 16, 17
Lesson 19 : Food
- Bread, rice, chicken, fish, salad, vegetables
What is your favorite food? My favorite food is………..
Lesson 20: Drink
- milk, soda, water, coffee, juice
- What is your favorite drink? My favorite drink is……….
Lesson 21 Review
- Review food and drink
- Do you like ……..chicken..? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t
Lesson 22 Review
- Review food and drink
- I like …………… I don’t like………
Lesson 23: jobs
- A vet, a pilot, a teacher, a doctor, a cook
She is a………… He is a………..
Lesson 24: Jobs(p2)
- A farmer, a dentist, a nurse, a policeman, a pupil
- I want to be a……………………
Lesson 25: Jobs (p3)
- Review jobs
Lesson 26: My body
- body, eyes, ears, nose, chin, face
- I have two eyes
Lesson 27 : My body (p2)
- Review
- Shouders, knee, head, toes, fingers
Lesson 28: My body (p3)
- Review
mouth, hand, hair, arm, legs
Lesson 29: My body (p4)
- Review lesson 4, 5, 6
Lesson 30: Review
Lesson 31: Review
Lesson 32 : Oral test

Course 2/ Khóa 2
Lesson 1:Feeling
- Hot, cold, warm, hungry,thirsty
- I feel…hot………
Lesson 2: Feeling (p2)
- Review lesson 8
- Tired, happy, sad,scared, angry
Lesson 3: Weather
- Sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy
- What the weather like today? It’s…………..
Lesson 4: seasons
- Summer, sping, winter, autumn
It’s …… in….summer
Lesson 5: Review
- Review lesson 10, and 11
Lesson 6: Letter Aa
- Aa /a/ : ant, apple, aligator
- How to write the letter A a
Lesson 7: Letter Bb
- Bb /b/ : ball, butterfly, bee, bird, boat
- How to write the letter Bb
Lesson 8: Letter Cc
- Cc /c/ : cat, coat, cup, cow
- How to write the letter Cc
Lesson 9: Review letter A,B,C
Lesson 10: Letter Dd
- Dd/ d/: dog, doctor, dance, duck
- How to write the letter Dd
Lesson 11: letter Ee
- Ee /e/ : egg, elephant, eagle, elbow, evening
- How to write the letter Ee
Lesson 12: review letter Dd, Ee
Lesson 13: How many ….?
One dog Two , three, four ….dogs
Lesson 14: I can….
- Throw, kick, catch
Lesson 15:I can……….
- Review lesson 14
- Sing, run, jump
- I can……………
Lesson 16: I can……….
- I can.. jump….
- I can’t… jump…
Lesson 17: review lesson 14,15,16
Lesson 18: Letter Ff
- Ff /f/ Fish, fan, frog, flower
- How to write the letter Ff
Lesson 19:Letter Gg
- Gg /g/ Goat, giraffe, guitar
- How to write the letter Gg
Lesson 20: review letter Ff, Gg
Lesson 21 : Letter Hh
- Hh /h/ hat, hand, horse
- How to write the letter Hh
Lesson 22: Letter Ii
- Ii /i/ : ink , internet, igloo
- How to write the letter Ii
Lesson 23: review letter Hh, Ii
Lesson 24: review Ff,Gg,Hh,Ii
Lesson 25: Shapes
- Circle, square, triangle, rectangle,
- It’s a red circle
Lesson 26: Shapes (P2)
- Review lesson 8
- Heart, diamond,star, oval
Lesson 27 : Shapes (p3)
- Review lesson 8,9
Lesson 28: Letter Jj
- Jj /j/ : jam, juice, jump
- How to write the letter Jj
Lesson 29: Letter Kk
- Kk /k/ : Key, kite, kangaroo
How to write letter Kk
Lesson 30 : Review letter Jj,Kk
Lesson 31: Review
Lesson 32: Oral test

Couse 3 /Khóa 3
Lesson 1: Letter Ll
- Ll /l/ : Lamp, leaf, lion
How to write the letter Ll
Lesson 2: Letter Mm
- Mm /m/: Money, milk, music
- How to write the letter Mm
Lesson 3: Review Letter Ll ,Mm
Lesson 4 :Review letter Jj,Kk,Ll,Mm
Lesson 5 :Letter Nn
- Nn /n/ : nurse, nest, nose
- How to write letter Nn
Lesson 6: Letter Oo
- Oo /o/ : Octopus, Ostrick, Otter
- How to write the letter Oo
Lesson 7: Review letter Nn,Oo
Lesson 8: Adjective
- Long >< short, young >< old
- It is …long…and……young….
Lesson 9: Adjective (p2)
- Fat >< thin tall >< short
- She is …..thin and…. tall
Lesson 10: Adjective (p3)
- Review lesson 8,9
- Small >< big
Lesson 11: Letter Pp
- Pp /p/ : pig, pen, popcorn
- How to write the letter Pp

Lesson 12: Letter Qq

Qq /q/ : queen, question , quiet
How to write the letter Qq
Lesson 13: Review letter Pp, Qq
Lesson 14: Letter Rr
- Rr /r/: Ring, rose, rainbow
- How to write the letter Rr
Lesson 15: Letter Ss
- Ss /s/ : Sun, sock, swing
- How to write the letter Ss
Lesson 16 : Review letter Rr, Ss
Lesson 17: Review Pp,Qq,Rr,Ss
Lesson 18: Verbs
- Speak, listen, read, write
Lesson 19:Verbs
- Listen to music/ Read books/ play games
Lesson 20: Letter Tt
- Tt /t/ : Truck, tennis, thumb
- How to write the letter Tt
Lesson 21 : Letter Uu
- Uu /u/ :Umbrella, under, uniform
- How to write the letter Uu
Lesson 22: Review letter Tt, Uu
Lesson 23: Letter Vv
- Vv /v/ : Vet, van, violin,
- How to write the letter Vv
Lesson 24:Letter Ww
- Ww /w/ : watch, wet, window
- How to write the letter Ww
Lesson 25: Review letter Vv, Ww
Lesson 26: Review Tt,Uu,Vv,Ww
Lesson 25 : Letter Xx
- Xx /x/ : box, fox, ox
- How to write the letter Xx
Lesson 27 Letter Yy
- Yy /y/ : yellow yard, yummy
- How to write the letter Yy
Lesson 28: Review letter Xx, Yy
Lesson 29: Review letter Aa- Mm
Lesson 30 : Review letter Ll – Yy
Lesson 31 :Review
Lesson 32: Oral test


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