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Schools Division Office

School District VII

2nd District Quezon City. Metro Manila

Classroom Observation
July 10, 2019

1. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures:
Tenses of the verbs ( ENG6G-Ic-3.2)
2. Show tactfulness when communicating with others

TOPIC: Composing Clear and Coherent Sentences Using Appropriate Grammatical Structures:
Tenses of the Verb
Reference: Essential English 6 pp. 26-27, Across Borders Through Language pp. 116-117
Materials: flashcards, word cards, video clips, charts

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill: Read the words properly.

Run Buy Laugh Sing

Ran Bought Laughed Sang

2. Review:
As I flash the cards read the words then give its plural form.
mouse child sheep brush
cactus man fly picture

3. Motivation:
What household chores do you do? How do the members of your family divide your chores?
How do you feel after doing the household chores?

B. Developmental Activities:
Read the following paragraph and pick out the action word in every sentence.
Peter and Paul help their parents at home. Every morning they feed the ducks and chickens.
Paul washes the dishes after breakfast. On Saturday they clean the house. Paul scrubs the floor.
Peter dusts the tables and chairs. On Sundays, they go to church. In the afternoon, Peter usually
goes with his friends to play basketball.
Read the following sentences.
1. Sam sweeps the floor every morning.
2. Chloe waters the plant in the afternoon.
3. I cried bitterly when my dog died three years ago.
4. Mother brought me to my Aunt’s house a year after.
5. In June, Melissa will be in High School.
6. We shall visit in an agricultural collage four years from now.
Say: From the sentences given, pick out the action words/verbs. Group them into three tenses.
Read each of the following sentences and write present, past or future on the line. Explain your

1. Betsy saw a black snake. _______

2. Gwenn will go to school. _______
3. Mike eats ice cream. _______
4. Cindy will play basketball. _______
5. Ashley feeds her three cats. _______
There are basically three tenses of verbs: past, present and future. Verb tenses refer to the
exact time the action happened.
The present tense is formed by is, am or the base form of the verb. S or es is added to the base
form of the verb when the subject is singular.

Examples: “This is your English lesson. I want you to be very attentive. The villagers need an
explanation”, Mr. Cruz begins his talk.

The past tense is formed by adding d or ed to the base form of the verb.
Was or were are the past tense of the verb be.

Examples: Everyday looked sad. He failed English because he did not study hard.

The future tense is formed by using shall or will with the base form of the verb.
Examples: Don’t go so fast Roy, you will get to your school ahead of time.

C. Group Activities:
Group I. Encircle the verb in each sentence. Write Pr if the verb is in the present tense, Pa if it is in
the past tense and Fu if it is in the future tense.
_________ 1. They established an eagle conservation program.
_________ 2. The Philippine eagle lives in the forest of Luzon, Samar, Leyte and Mindanao.
_________ 3. Gina will go to Cebu tomorrow.
_________ 4. The boy kicked the ball.
_________ 5. When Ana was in grade school, she loved playing Barbie dolls.

Group II: Know Me

Write the proper tense of the given verb in the sentences.
Our school (open) ________ at 6:30 A.M. every day. Yesterday, the principal (talk) _______ to us
in the auditorium. She (say) _______ our supervisor (visit) ______ next week. Tomorrow, our class
(go) ________ to the library. We (look) ________ at the new books and (use) _______ the computer
for research. The librarian (acquire) ________with the library rules and regulations. School (be)
________ really exciting.

Group III. Write shop

Write the sentences using the given phrase with the tense of the verbs asked.
1. announce a meeting with the parents
(past) ____________________________________________________
(present) _________________________________________________
(future) __________________________________________________

2. write a plan
(past) ____________________________________________________
(present) _________________________________________________
(future) __________________________________________________

3. exhibit the students’ works

(past) ____________________________________________________
(present) _________________________________________________
(future) __________________________________________________
Group IV:
Rewrite the following sentences using the required tense of the verb. You may need to change, add,
or delete some words.

1. The class presidents will be launching a “Clean and Green Campaign”

(past tense) _______________________________________________________
( future tense) _____________________________________________________

2. The canteen serves nutritious and affordable food.

(past tense) _______________________________________________________
(future tense) _____________________________________________________
Group V:
Study the sentences in the paragraph. Correct the wrong verb forms.

It is Clean-up Day at Poblacion, Marbel. The people started early in the morning. The men cleared
the canals and the dirty places. Young boys and girls sweep the streets. As usual, the little children
played as they amuse the tired folks.
3. Generalization:
1. How many tenses of the verbs do we have? What is the present tense? Past tense? Future
tense? How do we form the present tense? Past tense? Future Tense?
Write a sentence using an action word or verb in the correct tense.
1.past tense _________
2.present tense________
3. future tense_________
4. past tense__________
5. present tense_______
Choose the correct verb in each sentence to match the tenses in the parenthesis.
1. Marion ________ at Jacob to stop running. (past tense)
a. yelled b. yells c. will yell
2. Cathy ______cookies every week. (present tense)
a. baked b. bakes c. will bake
3. Charles _____ the ball to Claudia. (future tense)
a. throws b. threw c. will throw
4. Glen _____ a picture of a dog. (past tense)
a. painted b. paints c. will paint
5. Mike _______ the baby to the car. (future)
a. carried b. carries c. will carry

Write a sentence using a verb in the correct tense.
1.past tense _________ 2.present tense________
3. future tense_________ 4. past tense__________ 5. present tense________



Master Teacher I Master Teacher II

Head Teacher I

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